What triggered a fantasy for you today? pt2

Looking at naughty pictures and videos. Original, huh?
I had a nice, completely appropriate Facebook conversation with an ex-boyfriend I haven't seen in about ten years. He is married now, but the chat was innocent enough that the wife could read it and not even know I was a woman, let alone an ex. As soon as the chat ended, though, I couldn't help but think back to yesteryear when we'd fuck all weekend.
I have the best friends.

A tribute picture that makes me weak in the knees and blushing like crazy. :eek:
Careful posting that or your box will be full of creeps demonstrating their penises work occasionally...
I saw a photo of some young guy online, and I thought for sure that I had seen him before. It took a minute or two to figure out that person I was remembering looked like that twenty years ago. Nowadays, not so much. I thought back to the first sexual contact I had with him. It was odd but sexy as hell.
A note I saw from an old high school girl friend she left on the reunion sight
Giving a commuter parking lot blowjob in broad daylight.

A semi secluded spot on my walk. I am looking for a spot to masturbate on the beach this week and that might work.