Who do you secretly wish you would run into on lit?

A certain local news personality. Who always looks so damn good in those dresses and strappy heels. Add some naughty to the evening news.
That's a plus for you sir, you are still in contact with her. If you two want to meet up, you will make it happen. I'm looking forward to updates...
Thank You, that sounds like a vote of confidence, I have heard expect the worst but hope for the best. But either way it will always be locked into my fantasies. And in my fantasies it always cums out the way I hoped it would. You bet, if there are updates I sure will he happy to share.
Betty White. I'm still waiting for the fox to PM me.
No one. I often worry that it might happen. The idea is a bit terrifying for me. :eek:

How do you know you haven't? I know of lots of moms on our teams who I can see being on lit. I was at a conference recently and went out to dinner with some attorneys and found out one of them is on a style board that I go to. He had a nice different watch on each time I saw him so at dinner we were talking and we found out we both post to that website. Now it's about clothes and watches and all things manly so not a bit issue at all. But that was pretty random. And the fucker has a lot of nice watches. Nicer than mine.
How do you know you haven't? I know of lots of moms on our teams who I can see being on lit. I was at a conference recently and went out to dinner with some attorneys and found out one of them is on a style board that I go to. He had a nice different watch on each time I saw him so at dinner we were talking and we found out we both post to that website. Now it's about clothes and watches and all things manly so not a bit issue at all. But that was pretty random. And the fucker has a lot of nice watches. Nicer than mine.


I ... I can't even think about it. Just ... :eek:
That's a plus for you sir, you are still in contact with her. If you two want to meet up, you will make it happen. I'm looking forward to updates...
She is laying low, but heard from her yesterday, with just enough nudge, that she is still got an eye on me. I am in the process of getting into a new relationship, so the whole plot changes here, not sure how. Gotta wait and see.
She is laying low, but heard from her yesterday, with just enough nudge, that she is still got an eye on me. I am in the process of getting into a new relationship, so the whole plot changes here, not sure how. Gotta wait and see.

That's unfortunate for the borh of you. That's fantastic a new relationship has blossomed, I'm happy for you man. 👄 Now mention it to her and she'll start talking to you more. Unless you've told.
A couple of friends from here would be a blast to encounter.

The people that I know that I'd like to find out we had a connection here too? Well one of those would be appropriate for the taboo board...
A couple of friends from here would be a blast to encounter.

The people that I know that I'd like to find out we had a connection here too? Well one of those would be appropriate for the taboo board...

I am always hoping to run into Man of Safety! And there he is! Hi ya stranger!
Not surprising I chat with a lot of guys here about my wife. Not only about what she's doing with her boyfriend but also love talking with them about them having sex with her. On ocassion I'll meet a guy here who has had plenty of sex with married women. So I'd love it if one of those guys turned out to be one of the guys my wife as had sex with throughout our marriage. As he gives me details about "this time I fucked a married woman" it starts to sounds like one of my wife's trysts. Then he tells me where he's located. Oh my god! It's So and So!! Then he begins to give me a detailed account of how (for one example) he took this married woman to a hotel and fucked her brains out !
i also love talking with other guys about my wife and telling them about stuff she has done or hearing about stuff they would like to do with her