Why do you post?

Re: Re: Why do you post?

rexfelis said:

I spent almost my whole life hating the freckles all over me, but recently I have come to see them as making me special and rare, and they proclaim my Irishness, which makes me proud even though I'm German, supposedly.

Freckles are far from a flaw. Freckles are very, very sexy - at least to me. But I would have to say that there are doubtless others out there who see their freckles as a curse, the curse of differentness. They are not. Rather, they are a gift of uniqueness.

maybe becaus of the centerfold in the very first playboy i laid eyes on or maybe something deeper but i think freckles on womans chest is bout he sexiest thing in the world.

Good question well expressed, Sexy Amber. To have that articulacy and honesty as well as those looks.....

Mystical: Also I hate the way I look

Can't see why - you look lovely, in yourself as well as in your AV, though the two are quite different, as why should they not be - you can have more than one facet to your personality, which is one of the things that makes your posts interesting.

As for myself, why post?

Because I can say things right out here I would not express to anyone I know

Because I like the sexy girls and I like saying I like them. To me its different from the masses of girls on the internet because they come across more as people, and they like being looked at or they wouldn't bother to post. It's more of an exchange.

Because in a weird odd way that's new for me it's a community. I'm not an isolated or unsociable person, but I find I come home at night after being out and log on and get the feel of what's going on - quite addictive - look forward to meeting everyone in so far as one does meet them here.