Why do you spend time in the Lit forums?

Once in a while I find a thread that's interesting but even then I rarely post.

I don't fine the forums to be as informative as in the past so I mostly lurk.
Once in a while I find a thread that's interesting but even then I rarely post.

I don't fine the forums to be as informative as in the past so I mostly lurk.
Informative about what? What categories mean? Reasonable expectations for readership? How other authors go about their craft? Etc.
Informative about what? What categories mean? Reasonable expectations for readership? How other authors go about their craft? Etc.
1. Writing.
2. I know what the categories I write in mean.
3. Readership hasn't ever been something I worry about.
4. Nope. Their way isn't my way, just as mine isn't theirs.

I've been here a long time. The forum has changed.
I like message boards a lot, I started on some sports and politics boards in the early 2000s, I just like the format and the anonymity. I don’t participate in any social media outside of boards, especially with my real name/ identity.

I’ve always been sexually supercharged since puberty. I like porn and all that, but I have found over time that I want to connect with people and not just cum. I mean, I like to cum and I’m quite a prolific cummer lol, but I really like women nonsexually too and want to connect with them and do (I’m the guy at the cocktail party who hates when the women end up together in one room and the men in the other and end up in the middle talking to women and men), but also as sexual beings in their own right not just as my sexual partner.

So….this board combines my affinity for the message board format and my affinity for women and my affinity for sexual openness and enjoyment

Sorry for the rambling screed

Why do you spend time in the Lit forums?​

for the same reason I would sit down at a table with friends or co-workers, to listen to and join the conversation. Am I looking for something in particular? Not really. But after a long time here I can say, like a lunch-time round table conversation, you never know where a thread is going to go and what one will learn. I'm a firm believer in the concept that I can learn something from almost anyone. I don't have to like them, or respect them, but when someone utters a nugget of information I have never been privy to, and I can verify it is true, it really doesn't matter from where it comes.

That's why I spend time in the Lit forums.

In no specific order:
Pick up tips to help me become a better writer
All my life, I have heard men talk about sex, cocks, pussies, and cum. But to hear women talk about it openly is something new for me....I guess I get a cheap thrill from it. LOL
I spend time here cuz I'm bored and horny and what better place to spend my time with other bored horny ppl.... and I also like the intelligence found here... I know it's not obvious by my spelling and grammar..but I do find intelligence attractive
So I won't chain myself to subways for the endless ride from Battery to holy Bronx on benzedrine until the noise of wheels and children brought me down shuddering mouth-wracked and battered bleak of brain all drained of brilliance in the drear light of Zoo.
Other reasons? Maybe something none of us would have guessed at?
I came to ask about AI and posting stories and stayed for the smiling faces and open discussions.

I find that despite all the trash being tossed around the forums at times, most of the time, the discussions are friendly and positive in tone. I've seen many interesting topics, some of which I participated in, adding how little I could. Some I just enjoyed reading, either not having anything meaningful to add, or just not being brave enough to open up myself that way, even in an anonymous venue like this. :) Either way, I find the boards to be a positive influence on my state of mind. (though given the messed up state of it, that's not a high bar to pass :p)

Basically, I'm here to learn. To learn to conquer my inhibitions (one small, anonymous step at a time), to learn to be a (better) writer and to learn to appreciate all the various facets of erotica and sexuality more. :)

Over the past few weeks, I already had the pleasure of "working together" with some awesome, supportive people on these boards, from whom I've learned a lot. That alone would have been worth the time spent here.

Plus it's a great excuse on why I'm not progressing with my story, when I look back at my post history and realize I've written more words of forum posts a day on average, than words of story the entire week. :)
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AG31 seems to be the only one so far to get my reference (quote actually) of Allen Ginsberg's "Howl." The Zoo station he mentions really existed on a spur off the 2 and 5 trains until it was demolished in 1952.

I thought of this question when I woke up this morning and got so excited composing it in my head that I wanted to leap out of bed. Couldn't, though, as hubby was bringing me breakfast in bed. :) I couldn't really concentrate on my book. Glad to dig in!

So, to repeat, why do you spend time in the Lit forums?

I'll go first.

1. Very clearly for me, the main reason I visit forums such as this (and this one is far and away my favorite) is that I'm hoping to find like minded people with regards to erotica. Why do I want to find like minded people? Well, there's the simple human fact that people perk up when they meet a like minded person regarding some issue. I don't think that needs further analysis. But the other reason is that I'm hoping to get recommendations for erotic stories that exactly address my sensibilities. I long to hear from someone, "I loved your story xxxxxxxxx. It was perfect!! Have you read xxxxxxxxxxx or xxxxxxxxxxx??

Over the last three years I haven't found any totally like minded people. And I've only encountered two totally satisfying stories, both by the same author. That is, other than my own, of course. I don't find my apparent uniqueness in the world of erotic sensibility distressing, although the lack of other stories is frustrating, and I do continue to find it all a bit odd. My own sensibilities seem quite natural to me, of course.

But I keep frequenting the forums in hopes. And for other reasons too. See below.

2. Analysis. I'm an analysis junky. I'm a clarity junky. I just love putting words to ambiguous or vague or elusive phenomena. And the forums seem to be loaded with people that share my predilection. One rarely submits a post that doesn't get replies.

3. Intimacy. This is an amazing place. People (including me) will talk about the most intimate aspects of their lives. I've talked about stuff like personal physical arousal that I didn't even talk to myself about until I discovered this online world. It's very freeing. Closely related is kindness. Very early on I was struck by the kindness of so many readers and writers of erotica. Even those who aren't kind are usually entertaining. :)

4. Curiosity. I've always appreciated it when people are willing to talk about how they feel. And when visual artists are willing to talk about their work. This may have something to do with my not having much, if any,ability to visualize. I'm not good at it when people want me to intuit their feelings. Anyway, I take delight in discovering the wide variety of people.

5. Enjoyment in well written stories. I've found a number that do push some of my buttons, and those are treasured. But I've also found a surprising number that are just plain good literature, to be enjoyed the same way one would enjoy a story picked up off the shelf of Barnes & Noble. (Do they still have stores? I use the library, myself.)

So what are your reasons? I'm sure a lot of you come here for reasons related to your craft as an author - to get feedback, whether positive or suggestions for improvement. I don't expect to write any more stories, so I don't consider myself a craftsperson. But I certainly can appreciate the experience of people who are at the business of being authors.

Other reasons? Maybe something none of us would have guessed at?
I came because something was missing from my life and I think in many ways, it needed to be rediscovered (thats ongoing and I hope that journey will remain for the rest of my life). I think (?) I am starting to feel comfortable here and I might be coming here to find a little voice that I never knew I had
Just found this thread. So many posts that say what I could better. So I will just say, to become a better writer, to get help, which is always generously given, and for the entertainment.