Why do you write erotica?

Why did I begin to write erotica??? That is a very interesting question. Years ago when I was young I always wanted to write a story but my hand would begin to throb from holding a pen or pencil for too long. I stumbled upon Lit and I was amazed at how many people wrote erotica. Let alone how many people had similar fantasies. As I read stories posted here I knew that I could write better. So I wrote my first piece. I was always fascinated by porn movies but hated them at the same time because they had no plot. When I started writing I figured I could take my time to develope characters and scenarios. I wanted to create a piece that was equally as stimulating as a porn movie but yet had an entire plot. My goal and objective was simple. When someone read my work I wanted them to feel as if they are the main character in the story. It was unbelievable how many positive feedback messages I received from that first story. I get 99 percent positive feedback which means I must be giving the readers what they want. I also put my own fantasies in the stories. I make them lifelike but yet cutting edge. Most people don't want to read about the same old hum drum sex that they have at home. I began to use cutting edge scenes in my stories in order to get the reader to say to him or herself "No way, he's not going there". That seems to take the reader over the edge and keep them hooked. Hopefully I answered your question!!
Simply stated, I write what comes flailing out of my mind... more often than not, it's erotica.

Well...I write them because I love writing. Not just erotica, but for some reason, erotica is a style of writing that I can always seem to finish.

A lot of my other writings I can get bored with easily. But never with the erotic stuff.

I have to be excited about what I'm writing in order for the readers to get excited. If I'm not turned on by the idea, they're not going to be turned on either.

I'm always wondering 'what's going to happen next' as I write it. This way, it's always more of a pleasure to finish. I have a motive for finishing now.

I only wish that I could get aroused by some of my non-erotic stories so I could finish them.

Oh well.

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i apologise for taking so long to reply. have been offline all weekend.

i write anything i feel like writing and anything anyone feels like challenging me with. lol does that answer your question?
I started writing as self-therapy.

I was exceptionally precocious and had female domination fantasies as far back as I can remember (that puts it about age 5). I had the workings of my first erotica story when I was 12.

I have no desires to live out my fantasies in actuality, but I still felt like I missed out on something. For a while I wrote a genre of "Young Femdom" -- yes female domination where all the participants are under age. Although nudity, spanking and masturbation were featured, actual sex was not. Humiliation of boys by girls was the key element. Most of the stories, in fact, had a slightly romantic twist to them.

I hadn't a clue how to live out this fantasy as I was going though those ages myself, and even if you put legalities and moralities aside, there is no way I'm going to be able to reverse time and be a young teenager again myself.

So I invented alter egos to play these parts in a fantasy world. I lived out my fantasies through my characters and even got to play the ultimate in role reversal; that is, I got to play the part of the dominant girl in some of the stories. It was interesting to explore that part of my personality. Some men cross-dress; I cross-think.

Which leads to an interesting question, "Do writers suffer from multiple personality disorders?" That's for another posting at another time.

At any rate, I "got it out of my system." At least I no longer feel compelled to write about the topic.

I;ve since pulled my stories of Young Femdom from my site after a brush with the law. No, I had done nothing wrong. However someone else did; and he was a reader of my stories. The authorities found some of my stories on his computer.

My pulling the stories is totally voluntary, and not based on fear of prosecution. I will not be charged with contributing to the delinquency of a so-called adult.
I wrote my first story initially as a response to a challenge by a male friend of mine. I am married, he is not, and we have a lot of sexual tension between us although we have never had intercourse. He asked me to write a story about what it would be like if we ever decided to be intimate. So I did. I was pretty pleased with it, being an amateur and all that, so I posted it here. My sister told me about Lit, I had never heard of it but it seemed like a fun site. I have since written and posted a few more, always for him, always as a "what if" scenario that he has given me. It is a huge turn-on to write it, and even more of one to know that he (and everybody here) is going to see it.
I had a friend of mine in a similar situation. I jokingly propositioned her 104 times and got turned down 104 times in some very interesting and mock-humilitating ways.

Some of these ways eventually found their way into my stories.

I would call her up and say, "This is a collect obscene phone call, will you accept the charges?" Her ususal respose was, "Hang on a minute while I get my cigarettes."
I write erotica mostly to while away the hours.

It can be very absorbing to write a story for a few hours, and sex provides a convenient motivation and template for a story. My stories tend to meander away from the sex, though.

I love it when people have sent me feedback praising my story. I've even got praise for one of my crappy stories. It's kind of nice, and gratifying to see that several thousand people may have read my story.
Why write erotica

This thread brought some interesting comments. It is nice to see some newcomers to Lit. and this BB. Please, come back often and toss in your two cents.