Why place your pic on the internet?

Re: :)

ZoeKat said:
hey no problems Dynamite, great thread question:)

**blowing kisses** OTV you have a pm, dearie :p

PM-Pre menstrual, no I do not have one of those, but I do have PMS (post male syndrom from time to time). Bad joke>>>smacks my head and takes another swig of gin! Zoe, your a little slow on the posts, maybe you need some ass lickin?
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give me a break..i'm hungover..dammit!LOL..

err i don't really like that pic..but as your drinking gin, it's kinda funny in a sweet way:)..picturing you sloshed and getting into position to take the pic..lol
why gin? i like vodka cos it's almost tasteless in fizzy, looks clean, and makes me giggle..gin makes me cry:(

I asked this question to basically provoke thought. i wanted to know. I guess I should have asked at the general board. Beings so many people post pictures in comparison to the other boards I thought it appropriate to ask this group.

Post a pic of myself? DO YOU REALLY WANT TO GO BLIND????!!!!
I don't have the body of a Goddess and I don't really think anyone would want to see it. So, I guess I would have to say no. If I lose half of me, I'll think about it.

Awww..Dynamite are you saying that cos you really think you're ugly..i hope not:) i hope that's just societial skinny is good bullshit talking:) not what you really think?
i bet you've got a lovely soft curving jawbone and cheek..bigger women always have softer, curvier faces..it's pretty:)

ohh and, btw..as far as i know..the venus of willendorf(sp?)..is the oldest known human fertility goddess carving, the oldest expression of what men beleive a goddes of physical love looks like..by today's dress shop standards she's about a size 28-30..

ohh my aching head..i think i'll go lie down..
Zoe go to bed!

Dynamite, I have to agree with Zoe and not because she is all ears. Society leads us to believe in what is considered perfection. You open up the pages of a fashion magazine or see porn and erotica of young. slender and vivacious women and men...so what? Ideal porportions to me is about a 135-140 pounds and that is my body preference. But, the mind moves me and pushes me into more planes and desires over it all. Dynamite, you can never please them all, but if you can please the few who matter, that's what should brighten your day and fuel your sensuality. We all want this and that, like what and what not, but if we focus on what is the inner strength inside, we will carry much more and offer it to the very ones that can appreciate and deserve what is on the plate.

If you wanted to lose the half of you, there would be much to miss. You never ever have to please anyone, but yourself. I don't have the face and body of a "God." but I have learned to know that I am sexy, smart, warm, loving and a great fuck to the right people. I can be put on top of a mountain and be paramount...to the right person(s). I am me and hear me roar! I love life and I cannot have all I want and love all I desire, but I do know the very few...a smile graces my face and we have the love WE want. It's all nebulous and more or less what others may percieve and feel. YOU are the one that can be all you want to radiate, just don't allow anyone to be out of candor and respect. People who put others down only do it to elevate an artificial presence they could not have themselves. Note to self: Stop drinking gin!
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Sorry if I offended you by my comment. I just know that most men like the skinny women.

When you go dateless for decades like I have, you'd truly understand.

:D :)
Re: Zoe go to bed!..ok:)

on_the_verge said:
Dynamite, I have to agree with Zoe and not because she is all ears. Society leads us to believe in what is considered perfection. You open up the pages of a fashion magazine or see porn and erotica of young. slender and vivacious women and men...so what? Ideal porportions to me is about a 135-140 pounds and that is my body preference. But, the mind moves me and pushes me into more planes and desires over it all. Dynamite, you can never please them all, but if you can please the few who matter, that's what should brighten your day and fuel your sensuality. We all want this and that, like what and what not, but if we focus on what is the inner strength inside, we will carry much more and offer it to the very ones that can appreciate and deserve what is on the plate.

If you wanted to lose the half of you, there would be much to miss. You never ever have to please anyone, but yourself. I don't have the face and body of a "God." but I have learned to know that I am sexy, smart, warm, loving and a great fuck to the right people. I can be put on top of a mountain and be paramount...to the right person(s). I am me and hear me roar! I love life and I cannot have all I want and love all I desire, but I do know the very few...a smile graces my face and we have the love WE want. It's all nebulous and more or less what others may percieve and feel. YOU are the one that can be all you want to radiate, just don't allow anyone to be out of candor and respect. People who put others down only do it to elevate an artificial presence they could not have themselves. Note to self: Stop drinking gin!

Dynamite:) you didn't offend me sweety:) you reminded me of my best friend, she's big and down on herself even though guys really like her, she's sexy but can't see it :(..
decades? is this because you hide away? i'm just guessing..cos my weight is very variable..and men seem to like me bigger, are you sure you're giving them the chance?
i'm gonna lie down..:)
Re: Re: Zoe go to bed!..ok:)

ZoeKat said:

Dynamite:) you didn't offend me sweety:) you reminded me of my best friend, she's big and down on herself even though guys really like her, she's sexy but can't see it :(..
decades? is this because you hide away? i'm just guessing..cos my weight is very variable..and men seem to like me bigger, are you sure you're giving them the chance?
i'm gonna lie down..:)

On the otherside, I am considered slim. You think I don't get my share of disappointments? I am not some big burly guy or what most would idealize as a man or a sexual heart throb. But, you know what, I deal and I have pleased many people and my friends support and care for me...they even flirt with me. Zoe! Go to bed or I will affix you to the posts. Dynamite, you be you and that is what matters. Be open and upfront and a world will grace your heart and soul...if it does not, screw them, you know yourself better and you have you!
Re: ZoeKat

Dynamite said:
I just know that most men like the skinny women.

When you go dateless for decades like I have, you'd truly understand.

:D :) [/B]

Why does this belief/rumour/myth seem to be spread by women, talked about by women and BELIEVED by women???? Women seem to be their own worst enemies.
Take a look at Lit. Which pics get the largest amount of positive feedback? The ones where the subject is confident and proud of his or her body, not the pics of the women with the slimmest bodies.
It's time to wisen up ladies. Love yourself cos a lifetime is a freaking long time to hate something!