Wolf of Milan closed for Zach55

"Ok, you've given us a lot to think about!!!"

"We obviously have to reinforce the cage we're having made in the basement"

"Jake can you ask your brother to do that or should we find another way?"

"Dinner and a flight home, tonight I think???"

"Nancy are you coming back with us, or staying with Mike?"

"I'm going to stay here, there is a lot I need to learn about this too evidently"

"I think time to move on with my life, and it looks like it will be with this wolfman"

"I like wolfman better then werewolf"

"I do too"

By then we are back at Mike's place and his cook has already prepared a scrumptious dinner

I eat far more then normal, but no where close to what Jake and Mike consume

We say goodbye to Nancy and Mike.

Nancy has arranged for a car to pick us up at the hotel, so we had there to pack up and go home

Our new life is starting tonight.
"Jake can you ask your brother to do that or should we find another way?"

"I think I can take what he is doing, and beef it up, otherwise I think he would really start to ask questions."

"I do too"

"Labels, I'm not sure I'm good with them, but if you must you must!" I grin just to be sure you both know I'm kidding.

By then we are back at Mike's place and his cook has already prepared a scrumptious dinner

"My compliments to your chef, he is amazing! And I want to take this time to thank you and Nancy for everything you are doing for us, Thanks Mike!"

My appetite has has gotten a little smaller, but not as much as I thought it would by now.

We get back to the hotel and pack up and are waiting for the car, you look over at me, a combination of worry and love on your face.

"It's going to be okay, our love will get us through anything!"

I lean in and hug you and then kiss you as the car pulls up!

"I promise!"
The whole time we're packing I'm thinking

We know a lot more since we got here, but still so much Mike doesn't know. Makes sense since he's only been one himself for a while. But still.

I guess it's helpful to see that as far he knows the only time a wife or husband if the wife is the wolf can become one is if they interact on the full moon.
So more making love under a moon.

I can live with that, as long as I have the new Jake with me

"Strange how something that could very well end us or end us as humans can also bring us closer together?"

"It's going to be okay, our love will get us through anything!"

I lean in and hug you and then kiss you as the car pulls up!

"I promise!"

"I hope so honey , with all my heart!!!"

The car pulls up and we are whisked off to the airport and then the flight home

We get dropped off at our house after midnight.

"Honey I'm exhausted, I'm sorry but not up making love tonight"
"Strange how something that could very well end us or end us as humans can also bring us closer together?"

"It is strange, but I feel so much closer to you now, I can't think it terms of anything ending us"

"Honey I'm exhausted, I'm sorry but not up making love tonight"

"Whew! I was going to say the same thing, but didn't want to spoil it for you if you wanted to! I just want to snuggle up with my honey in our bed and fall asleep with you in my arms!"

It's only two weeks until the full moon, so much to do, and so much uncertainty, I'm trying to keep up a brave façade but it's starting to wear me down. I can only imagine what it's been like for you, so there is no way in hell I'm going to let you see me stress!
We decide to unpack in the morning. Take off our clothes and slip into bed.

Nude I snuggle up to you, your arms go around me and we spoon while we fall asleep

A dream full of dreams, strange images of you and Mike being wolfmen Nancy and I being ravaged by you. But sexually not by you two eating us

Then another of you laying at my feet, with a bullet wound in your head as a hunter goes in to capture his prey

Another one of me giving birth unfortunately during a full moon, and seeing a baby wolfman coming out of me
I feel you tossing and turning in your sleep, I can sense that you are dreaming and your body is warm, sweating even as I'm not sure whether to wake you up or not. I just hold you and hope that they are good dreams. You settle down, and then start again, I can only imagine what you're dreaming of and I so want to comfort you and help you. Finally you scream and sit straight up in bed, pulling out of my arms.

"Baby, it's just a dream, shhhhhhhhhh it's just a dream, everything is okay shhhhhhhhhh"
staring around wildly
the imagine of my babies wolf like mouth fastening onto my breast clear in my mind

I grab them, feeling them for bite marks

"There ok??? Oh god it was a dream???"

Laying down against you.

"Nightmares, thank god!!!!"

"Are you ok? You human?"
"Their ok??? Oh god it was a dream???"

I see you clutch your breasts and can't even guess what that is about.

"Are you ok? You human?"

"I'm not sure what your nightmares were, but unfortunately the one about me being a wolfman is still true, I hope none of the others ever come to fruition!"

I just hold you, rocking you gently stroking your hair and whispering

"I love you so much, I don't know how to take away these fears and nightmares! Maybe I should go live in a village somewhere and you start over?"

I'm not sure if I should have added that last part, I don't want you to think I want to run away from you or this, I just don't want you to go through this, it's not like I have a choice, but you do!"
Calming down as he holds me, his hand stroking my hair. The nightmares fading as they do, replaced by daylight and my husbands love washing over me.

He whispers calming words, then words that enrage me

"I love you so much, I don't know how to take away these fears and nightmares! Maybe I should go live in a village somewhere and you start over?"

I turn catching him by surprise push back onto the bed, then straddle him sitting on his chest

"If you ever do that I will track you down, Catch you and drag you back!!!!!"
"You're Mine!!!! We are in this together. If the villagers can get through it so can we!!!"
"Do NOT chicken out on me, be the wolf you are!!!! Be the Man you are!!!!!!"

I sit on you my chest heaving as I catch my breath
"If you ever do that I will track you down, Catch you and drag you back!!!!!"
"You're Mine!!!! We are in this together. If the villagers can get through it so can we!!!"
"Do NOT chicken out on me, be the wolf you are!!!! Be the Man you are!!!!!!"

I'm somewhere between wanting to cry with the love you're showing, and laughing at how tough you are"

"Are you sure you didn't get bit? Wow baby, I can't love you any more then I do right now!"

I sit up causing you to slide down my chest and wrap my arms around you pulling you close! I kiss you passionately, never wanting to let you go!

"You're the best!"
"Are you sure you didn't get bit? Wow baby, I can't love you any more then I do right now!"

"Well you have pumped a good amount of your bodily fluids in to me, and we know that's how it spreads. I hope Dr. Mike is right about the safe times."

"Gives a whole new meaning to that time of the month though"

Kissing you back as you hold and kiss me

"You're the best!"

"I'd better be, I'm all you're going to have!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"I am serous though, we will get through it. Our love is stronger then ever crazy it's because you're what you are, but that's how life works"

"Still not sure I buy that it was a totally random thing, you've been hunting in the woods for ever, and while I know that werewolves have been around since who knows when and could very likely be in this area. Just seems hmmmm strange that Nancy's sisters husband is bitten, but not killed"
"Gives a whole new meaning to that time of the month though"

"I've been thinking about that too!!! Could be dangerous if we are both".......I stop and think a second...."Maybe we can turn your time of the month into a positive for me!?"

"Still not sure I buy that it was a totally random thing, you've been hunting in the woods for ever, and while I know that werewolves have been around since who knows when and could very likely be in this area. Just seems hmmmm strange that Nancy's sisters husband is bitten, but not killed"

"Whoa! Are you saying what I think you're saying? That would be so fucked up, and it's probably a good thing you waited until we got home if you are saying what I think you're saying!"
."Maybe we can turn your time of the month into a positive for me!?"

"Turn it into a positive for you?????? Are you thinking tasting me then????????"
"Not sure I can do that honey"
"Are you starting to want blood all the time?"

"Whoa! Are you saying what I think you're saying? That would be so fucked up, and it's probably a good thing you waited until we got home if you are saying what I think you're saying!"

"I was more thinking out loud really. It just seems Oh god I don't know and I hope I'm totally off base with the thought"

"And yes I waited until we were home before voicing it"
"I want to talk to Nancy about it, when she gets back, just me and her ok????"
"Are you starting to want blood all the time?"

"No not at all, it just popped into my head as I thought your time of the month, my time of the month, I mean, it kind of makes sense! But yeah, maybe not!"

"I was more thinking out loud really. It just seems Oh god I don't know and I hope I'm totally off base with the thought"

"That seems to far out there, even if Mike seems a little weird that would cross so many lines, and like why would anyone do something like that!"

"And yes I waited until we were home before voicing it"
"I want to talk to Nancy about it, when she gets back, just me and her ok????"

"I don't know babe, that can't really end well, whatever she says is going to be a huge red flag, maybe we should just let that one stay between us!"

I'm saying all the right things, but I'm also burning up inside, if I find out that son of a bitch did this to me, there isn't a reason on earth to keep me from killing him!
"No not at all, it just popped into my head as I thought your time of the month, my time of the month, I mean, it kind of makes sense! But yeah, maybe not!"

"Let's wait until it is that time, I mean I guess it's a natural part of me, I should be able to share, although in the past you wouldn't even get me a tampon for it"
"But that was the old you"

"I want to talk to Nancy about it, when she gets back, just me and her ok????"
"I don't know babe, that can't really end well, whatever she says is going to be a huge red flag, maybe we should just let that one stay between us!"

"Don't want to keep things a secret between her and I, but I can see that this is very very private"

"Let's talk about something more positive ok?"
"Well maybe not positive, but productive"

"We have to look at what your brother did for the cage, and see what we think we will need to do to strengthen it for you"
"One thing that surprised me was how sturdy the ones we saw are"
"Kind of worried about time too, the full moon is just in a few days now, and I hear it's a blood moon"

"Although Mike said he didn't know if it made a difference or not"