"Yes, one never knows. And we will leave to forest someday. Maybe some day soon and it doesn't do to be soft and weak on that day."
*ogles the wardrobe*
"I want a change of dress and a bath now. Come have a look and pick something nice. I have a lot of accessories too. The first two doors are, well I suppose you would call the clothes I wore in my youth antiques. Almost all dresses there need to be worn with a crinoline and a corset underneath. Those you will find in the drawers behind the third door. Shoes are behind the fourth door, hats and other assures behind the fifth and more modern clothing behind all the other doors."
*watches Celeste while she looks at the dresses she wore when she was young*
"You know, I would still fit in these."
*pulls two voluminous dresses out. Searches the matching under skirts, crinolines and corsets. Looks at the apple green dress with white embroideries.*
"This one I wore to my first ever ball. It is too bright, too youthful too for me now though. The same in avocado green and silver would be nice ..."
Moments later the desired dress hangs on a hanger over the wardrobe.
"Thank you, forest!"
*gathers the new dress, the old under skirts, the matching corset, selects a tiny hat, parasol, dark green ball shoes and heads to the baths*
"Now I could will the corset to lace itself in an hour, but I wouldn't say no if strong hands would lace it for me ..."
"Dutch, I have never laced a corset in my life but if you provide instructions I will most happily assist you. I have certainly seen them removed but never put on. I believe even my old hands are still considered strong."
*smiles and chooses a red slinky dress that shows body in a tasteful way, grabs the appropriate underthings, and selects a few accessories before joining Dutchie in the baths*
*turns around, smiles at Merry* "Merry, it isn't difficult to lace a corset, you just pull at the laces until the lady almost faints and then you tie them in a neat knot and bow."
*continues her way to the baths. Selects a nice one, hangs clothes on the stander beside it, adds rose petals to the water, steps in, soaks herself*
"Isn't it wonderful, Celeste? To just enjoy and not just bath because you are dirty?"
"Well in my travels it has been streams, mostly, occasionally a bath house, and; well let me just say that brothels offer such services. Dutch just let me know when you need 'tightened up' and I'll come to your aid. For now, I'll be resting my eyes."
*pull hat down to cover eyes and dozes off in the shade*
*soaks a tad bit longer, but eventually hauls myself out of the tub, taking my time to dry off. Rubs ginger scented oil into my skin and begins dressing*
*feels the corset tightening around her chest and stomach*
"Your hands did a fine job, Merry! Thank you very much. Now just tie a knot and make a nice bow before you go, please."
*takes a careful breath, sighs softly*
"This is going to limit my calorie intake for a while. I now remember why I was pleased like a bumblebee finding a new flower when the fashion changed."
*turns around in front of a mirror*
"It does enhance my fine figure though."
*sits down on a Louis XV chair, with silk stockings in her hands, starts to put them on, struggles with the task*
"I also remember why I used to put my stockings on before the corset was laced!"
*gets up, binds the ends of the bands sewn onto the top ends of the stockings just above her knees, takes frilly garters, binds them just below the knees, rightens underdress, slips into shoes, sits down again, binds the laces, makes nice, even bows, gets up, puts crinoline on, puts under skirt on, puts second embroidered at the frilly seam under skirt on, lowers the dress over her head, looks at Celeste, grins, pulls up the lace of the underdress from beneath corset, allowing it to just peep out from beneath the low neckline of the dress, closes laces on the front of the bodice, drapes skirts over a chair in front of vanity table and sits down.*
"Now, do I keep to the make-up of then and there, or will I allow myself to use modern stuff?"
*pinces cheeks a few times, presses lips together, rolls them over each other, looks at image, reaches for reddish brown rouge and lipstick, brown mascara, green eyeliner and eyeshadow hums a tune, applies make-up, reaches for brush and starts brushing hair*
"A hundred strokes, morning and evening. It took quite a while to get ready for the day."
*stops brushing after twenty strokes, piles hair on top of her head, pins it down, puts hat on, adjusts veil. Gets up, takes parasol and walks over to the big mirror*
*watches Celeste applying make-up, wanders around the bath, gasps*
"There is a big hot tub in the back! Big enough for three or four, there is even a board crossing it where you could put a book, candles, wine, cheese and crackers!"
*wanders back to Celeste*
"You look magnificent, Celeste. Now lets go and see what Merry is doing and where the others are?"
"you ladies looking amazing" catching sight of Dutch and Celeste as they approach. "Let me say that it is my pleasure to in the coming of such beautiful lasses as you!"
"My, thank you very much, Merry. I have to say though, you look swell yourself. So relaxed and at ease. Who'll accompany me for a little walk? Just around the camp?"
"I would love to walk with you for a while. Celeste please come also as I have a new card trick that I'd like to try with both of you. Are you up for it?"
*gets out deck of playing cards and shuffles them several times while waiting for Celeste to answer*
-Bliss catches sight of Merry and them and watches as he shuffles the cards, with a flick of her hand the cards scatter to the winds and she looks up at her Love as if nothing had happened, pulling him closer and kissing him deeply, her hands moving gently up and down his back. She focuses her thoughts to the forest around them and a sudden downpour begins to fall on Merry's head alone. then she resumes her thoughts back to just her mate, letting him see into her image filled mind-