
Years ago I was looking something up in a dictionary and noticed a word that means "a person able to remove the peel of an orange in a single piece."

I laughed with delighted disbelief that such a word should exist at all, and hurried on to find whatever I was looking for.

For years now like some lexical ancient mariner I've been trying to find that damn word again - without success.

This all sounds disturbingly like a metaphor for life I know, but has anyone any knowledge of this obscure word?

I like the words

which seem to blow the theory there's some underlying sound/meaning link at the roots of language.
I am sorry to say I don't know the word

floater :(, but my grandmother could do that--remove an entire peel from an orange in one neat spiral.

I like these words:



They both connote a lovely kind of softness, murmur with sound, luminous with light.

and twilight, that's a beautiful word, I think.

On the other hand, I also like the word cacophonus, which I think means chaos in sounds--and always makes me think of an orchestra tuning up.
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orange peel person

You may find your answer at Los Alamos National Laboratory, of all places.
I tried several times with no luck. It may work for you.

or maybe we should invent our own to head off my obsessive compulsive behavior.


My word for the day is 'militant'. I think that this word has become a victim of modern usage. 'Modern' usage meaning 'lazy' usage.

It's true that if you look this word up, there will be definitions that use words such as 'belligerent', 'combative', or 'aggressive'. Under that definition, a phrase like 'the militant group, Hamas' would be acceptable.

But the root of the word, I find, is the present participle of the Latin word 'militare', to serve as a soldier. In that case, the word is clearly inappropriate. It denigrates soldiers to lump them with people who strap a bomb to their body and blow up a busload of children.

I suggest that the proper word would be 'heinous'. Grossly reprehensible or wicked; abominable. These words carry the appropriate overtones of sin, deadly sin. In addition, the root of the word is 'hair'--Frankish for 'to hate'.

Thus, the phrase, 'heinous group, Hamas'.

When looking for the correct word to describe a particular situation, it is often helpful to look at the roots of a word. It is definitely not enough to look in a thesaurus.

Mainly because I tend to think in holistic perspectives.

"relating to or concerned with intrgrated wholes or complete systems rather than with the analysis or treatment of seperae parts"

Holistically Speaking

Holy Holistic!
Gehenna gestalt!

Give me
some goddamn closure!



Dig that organic
jazz over

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my word for to day ,, patience ,,

Main Entry: pa·tience
Pronunciation: 'pA-sh&n(t)s
Function: noun
Date: 13th century
1 : the capacity, habit, or fact of being patient...

Main Entry: 1pa·tient
Pronunciation: 'pA-sh&nt
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English pacient, from Middle French, from Latin patient-, patiens, from present participle of pati to suffer; perhaps akin to Greek pEma suffering
Date: 14th century
1 : bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint
2 : manifesting forbearance under provocation or strain

3 : not hasty or impetuous
4 : steadfast despite opposition, difficulty, or adversity
5 a : able or willing to bear --
this is a word , i find my self muttering over and over , under my breath ,,, notice how the word patient is almost like parent ,.. what does that tell you .,??

i need to find some more ,
lifes worse than before
then i say , oh fuck it
can i buy it by the bucket ,

patience by the pound
before iam trod into the ground
before i tear my hair all out
scream , stamp and shout .
Re: Holistically Speaking

Angeline said:
Holy Holistic!
Gehenna gestalt!

Give me
some goddamn closure!



Dig that organic
jazz over


That really has a jazz soundtrack playing behind it... or at least the sound of a smokey basement bar and glasses clinking, voices semi-heard near the bar...


LOL. Thank you, HP! If you knew how much i love jazz, you would know that's a major compliment for me.

I may be reaching the point of no return, where it's the only way
I can write anymore. Maybe it's time to listen to a little Mozart.
Re: Jazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Angeline said:
LOL. Thank you, HP! If you knew how much i love jazz, you would know that's a major compliment for me.

I may be reaching the point of no return, where it's the only way
I can write anymore. Maybe it's time to listen to a little Mozart.

What? whyfore and huh?

Keep the jazz - it aint broken.

Ok I lied

I'll never give up jazz. It's just too good. But I do like Mozart. But I like Prez much, much more.
Another thread, in GB, asked for a one word self-description... not wanting to be too hasty I started flipping through my dikshunairee... I finially picked one:


Today, one word in particular has been hauting me. I mean it in the most positive way possible. A pure, sinless, mind-boggling, intelectually stimulating way. Although I am aware that some teeth will grind. The word is dildo.

I know, the name Ted leaps to mind. That's not why I thought about it, though. And no, it's not about that either, you perverts.

I was reading this book, The Fermata by Nicholson Baker. It's a really wonderful book, written as an autobiography. And this character/narrator, somewhere along his chronos disrupting adventures, becomes a literoti. In his words, if my memory serves me, a writer of fucking erotica or rot as he prefers to call it. In his first stories, he talks about them a lot. About dildos. Dilda. Dildi. Dildae. Dildoes. He's not sure what to call them. Vibrators seems like a good choice, but it's not the same thing, is it? So, I got interested in dildos, or whatever the plural word for these battery operated tickets to heaven is (dildos and dildoes seems the be the accepted norm). I also don't know a thing about its etymology but I found it remotes to circa 1593. Am I the only one that find this surprising? Does anyone know the story behind this? I'm dying to know! I also found out about Dildo, Newfoundland, CAN and can garantee the story about its name being of Portuguese origin is false, although I'm intrigued by what it would suggest about my people...

So... can anyone come to my rescue with some hard facts or intersting little stories about dildos (THE WORD!!!)?
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Origin - Hindi (if you believe this you will believe anything)

Dil == Heart Do == Give
interesting fact #2

\Dil"do\, n. (Bot.) A columnar cactaceous plant of the West Indies

Perhaps this plant was used as a sex aid. Or maybe a woman was caught with an artificial penis and her husband asked her what it was and she said, Oh no, honey, it's just something I grew in the greenhouse. Strictly for my botanical studies.
Re: interesting fact #2

karmadog said:
\Dil"do\, n. (Bot.) A columnar cactaceous plant of the West Indies

Perhaps this plant was used as a sex aid. Or maybe a woman was caught with an artificial penis and her husband asked her what it was and she said, Oh no, honey, it's just something I grew in the greenhouse. Strictly for my botanical studies.
Did you find any Etymological note with that? Maybe something we can relate directly with that circa 1593 reference?
Nope, but since the plant is native to the West Indies and the name is clearly not latin, I suspect that it is an Indian word. Unfortunately, my knowledge of West Indian tribes is exactly zero.

It could also be an African word brought by slaves. Now that would be interesting if it could be traced. What if African slaves named the plant for an African sex toy? I think there might be a very entertaining story there.
Why do you say 'clearly not latin'?

I've also entertained the notion it could have something to do with the verb 'to diddle', somehow, but I don't think that's it either. At least the dates are all wrong:

Etymology: origin unknown
Date: 1786
transitive senses
1 chiefly dialect : to move with short rapid motions
4 often vulgar : to copulate with
intransitive senses
2 : FIDDLE, TOY -- usually used with with*

Like in 'diddled with the machine until it broke'. ;)
I just meant that it was not the latin name of the plant (which wasn't given in the entry), so it seems logical that it might be an indigenous name. Also, I searched a latin dictionary and didn't come up with any results.

Interesting fact #3

Burthens of dildos and fadings, 'jump her and thump

The Winter's Tale: IV, iv
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Lauren.Hynde said:
So, I got interested in dildos, or whatever the plural word for these battery operated tickets to heaven is

Battery-Operated Ticket to Heaven
-------- inspired by Lauren, the dildo hunter --------

Finally home, with my sexy purchase in hand,
I disrobe, fantasizing about our trip soon ahead.
My candles are lit. The soft silk covers gleam
On my bed, the big pedestal of sleep and dream.

From the bag, I pull out the little silk box --
Its price tag in place, I finger the top.
Excited and goose-pimply, I stretch and bend
To make certain, its contents will meet with my end.

A first time should be special away from the norm
Where fingers and tongues have tickled and worn.
I open the box to reveal my new prize
Shining gold in the light and… Oh, just the right size.

The dial on the bottom I turn to the left
But no sound does it make. It's quiet and deft.
I read the instructions and feel quite deluded
'Cause it says on the side, "Two batteries, not included."

I shriek and run in my kitchen to search
The drawers 'round the room with an air of urge.
And finally, there at the back of the phone
A flashlight's revealed, lying quite prone.

It lights! I jump in my childish glee.
Two Ds it delivers, so easily.
On the bed, I pray as I stuff them in place,
"Please make this work, God, or save me with grace."

Belly trembles, nipples hard, knees parted in flight,
I raise the golden spire and smile at the sight
Of my body so ready for this new sensation.
I gasp as it sinks in my womb of creation.

Angel wings flutter soft against my thighs
As I drift so weightless toward heavenly skies.
The blue envelopes me while the world falls away
And I warm to the nearness of the dazzling Sun play.

Clouds tickle as I float like a lazy tourist
On the path between mountains of sculpted cumulus.
Cum-ulus? Obviousl,y God knew about such
As mist shrouds my body, growing wetter at their touch.

Over a hill, Golden gates on a gleaming cloud bed
Swing open not to hasten my wings thus spread
And I wave at smiling St. Peter as I should.
St. Peter? Coincidence? Oh, this is too good.

As I ride the golden stallion along the plains of Heaven,
A glow begins to lurch within my hips like a blessin'.
It shifts my mind to a higher plane of reality,
Exploding the vibrations with a thuderclap's totality!

An angel's chorus cries out to the infinite
As the clouds shatter 'round me like a fun-house circus tent.
My shout echoes loud with a force so mighty
That I split the sky as the spire splits me.

Four walls and a roof are revealed to my eyes
And my body, quite covered with sweat and sighs,
Lies still on the covers whence I began my trek
With a prayer, a stretch and a two-battery check.

This journey departs each evening at nine
And some mornings before work, but… every time
St. Peter is there with his welcome salute
For me and my knight in his gleaming, gold suit.
Search:_ dildo
Found 1 document.

1. Online Etymology Dictionary
ETYMOLOGY Deu-Dir deuce - c.1475 as a roll of 2 in dice, from M.Fr. deus, from L. duos (nom. duo ) "two." ...
... (see defer ). dildo - 1593, perhaps a corruption of it. deletto ...
http://www.geocities.com/etymonline/d3etym.htm •_ Wednesday, 11 September 2002, 1:57am GMT •_ 32.1k

This from a website on eytomology dictionary entries:

Hope it helped :D

JUDO said:
Battery-Operated Ticket to Heaven
-------- inspired by Lauren, the dildo hunter --------
That's fantastic, Judo. I love it. :D
I guess we can safely establish you know your dildos and how to get what you want out of them...