World of Warcraft


I play mainly on Dragonsblight a lvl 60 Tauren Druid, 45 Undead Rogue, 42 Tauren Hunter, 32 Undead Warrior

I have a few other toons on a few different servers.
I don't know about roleplay in WoW as i never found any so i can't have an oppinion about that. It is quite fun in uo as the community is so big. With intrigue, wars and love :) I don't diss non roleplayers and all i ask for in return is that non rolepleyers don't diss us.
Level 65 Night Elf Rogue on Feathermoon. Working on a seriously twisted RP currently in the realms. If you are alliance and interested send me a PM here and I will give you details. Roleplay is not dead and you just have to have an open mind.
I'm on Earthen Ring

Rothgar: 69 Troll Hunter
Gorta: 60 Troll Priest

various other baaby toons that my 5 year old plays more than I do
My game always seems to freeze when I'm in an instance and I have to reboot my comp.
Anybody else get this or know anything about it?
I'm on Silver Hand, not by choice. I didn't know what RP was when I started.

I have a 66 Hunter

46 pally
47 Shaman
42 Mage
37 Warlock
30 Druid
26 Priest
68 Rogue
54 Mage ( Undead )
60 Pally
61 Priest
60 Hunter

An many others on diff servers.

My main server though is Silver Hand