World Wrestling Federation

HHH 'The Game'

Who does that Foley think he is bossing me around? Oh well I got my hands on Eddy next event.

Chyna lets blow this popstand and get to our dinner.
The Dragon

OOC: Yeah baby Yeaaaah.


Stunned at seeing her in my locker room, never the less she kisses me on the cheeck after a coment that from her seemed so sexy....then next thing i knew she slid down her mini skirt, the only thing i could think is, a:dream, or b:heaven....well i chose c:real life, and said slowly....."sure...why not...." i look down at the beauty of her still wondering what she ment by it, several things ran through my mind, but i shook my head waiting to see what would happen...

"In that case lover..."

~I pause as I put my arms around Dragon's warm neck and kiss his lips lightly, just enough for a taste~

"meet me in the middle of the ring after the next couple of matches, where I will have a surprise that will entice your every sense."

~I release him to his thoughts as I walk out causally, some of the WWF officials glance at me as if they were thinking I have something really special for the "real" world's most dangerous man, The Dragon.~
Beast Broady

As me and the Rock get seperated I headed down the hallways. I continue to silently fume about my jack ass cousin when I turn a corner at the corridor and bump right smack into Sunny. I give her a hand and lift her off the floor

OCC: I know it is short but I am just starting to establish this character
IC: After talking with RAKISHI I left the room and in the hall way was waiting CHRIS SAVAGE. I said what's up to him and he ask me to make a deal with him. After listening to his deal I told him I would accept it and we started to make some plans. But on the other hand I still had to think of a way to get at AUSTIN since I haven't heard from him after send him that challenge tape, I knew he would not accept. So since AUSTIN was to scared to face me I guess I now have another wuss to go after and that's THE DRAGON. Yeah that's right im calling you out boy. See what you don't understand is that unlike KANE I can't be so easily beaten. There's one mistake you have made and that's underestimating me. I am stronger then KANE, more fast then KANE, and last im a way better wrestle then most of the people in this company. So get this straight I can’t be stop and when I get my hands on you DRAGON I will show no mercy for you. So when you want to wrestle I'll bring the pain. But the question is can you take it.

Finally The Boss lets us in. The Rock holds the door for me like a gentleman; I smile wickedly at him before turning away, swaying my ass as I entered.

From the look on The Boss's face, he wasn't impressed with what I was throwing at him; I would make him. It was a matter of time before he would give in, like the rest. Oh yeah, and The Rock too. It would be fun to be Mrs WWF champion for a while.
Craven Morehead

After the scuffle between Rock and Beast was broken up and Beast was escorted back to his dressing room, I made my way back to behind my desk and awaited Rock's request and the proposal I had for Trish. I knew my plan can go two ways one it can make us a shit load of money and media coverage or it could drive us out of the buisness.

I stared at Trish and tried to read her. It was obvious from the getgo she was trying to take over the situation maybe she wants to be a step of from just T & A maybe she wants bigger things and maybe this time we agree it was time for big thing for Ms. Stratus.

OCC: We decide on who wins what by emails to Renegade. Like it was voted Austin is gonna win the battle royal however how he wins and who puts him over and who he ends up at the PPV well that is forth coming. But like I said the winners are decided by voting
The Rock

I walk into the office after holding the door for Trish, damn she looked great, as she walked through i watched as she put on a little show for me shaking her ass. God who wouldn't want to get into that skirt...i slowly shake my head trying to get my mind on tonight. I walk up to the boss, "heres how it is, if anything goes wrong tonight as in me loosing my title, i want a rematch the next episode...a.....last man standing match!" I look at him and i see Trish over at the side a bit surprised..."but if i keep my title i want a match with....the pansy little bitch known as the beast in it!" I stand there waiting for his reply to my 'request' shall we put it.
Eddy G. 'Latino Heat'

IC: Damn that Foley, now I have to fight that idiot Triple H next. Once I get on my tights, I stand up to the walkway behind the Titan Tron to await my music.

When it starts I head out to a round of boos and a couple of cheers from the crowd. Trying to ignore them, I move through the ropes and sit against the ropes to await The Game.

OOC: Bobtoad, I've decided that you can win this match. I'd prefer Hunter wins after that great match he had against Benoit last night.:)
Triple H vs. Latino Heat

Momacita blares across the PA. system. Eddy G. in a low rider flashes across the TitanTron as he makes to the ring looking tot he crowd as if he hasn't done anything wrong.

One Chance hits the speakers. The Old DX music and video playes across the TitanTron. Chyna Stand by Hunters side as the music plays both thier heads down as the lights flood up at them from below. As the music ends HHH Dumps his water over his head and runs down to the ring.

Before HH even gets in Latino Heat starts to lay the boots to HH back ribs and head. HHH eventually gets to his feet and fends of Latino Heat with a few stiff back hand slaps to the chest of Latino Heat.

It goes to a collar and elbow tie up, HHH counters out with an arm bar into a drop toe in to a slight arm bar submission. Eddy beat the hold by reaching the rope,and the ref breask it up.

Both men get to thier feet, Eddy with a lo groin kick to HHH, into a massive tornado DDT. Eddy Picks up HHH for a blely to back Atomic drop on the top turnbuckle. Eddy climbs up tot he top and delivers a huge super belly to back suplex to HHH. He doesn't cover HHH immediately. Eddy goes to the top rope and goes for the Frog splash.

Ouch that has to hurt just as he was about to hit it HHH lifted he knees intot the chest of Eddy. HH gets up picks up eddy bends Eddy over locks on the Pedigree, hits its. Everybody knows its all acedemic now as the ref counts 1, 2, 3. your winner HHH.

Once Chance hits the P.A. System once more as Cnyna enters the ring kicks Eddy out of the ring and lifts HHH's hand in victory.
Chris Savage plus...

OOC: I'm sorry to inform you that due to reality pressures, that I won't be able to continue this game with you guys, even though I had some major plans for Unstoppable, Steve Austin, and The Dragon. If you are still in this game when I have more free time, expect the character of Chris Savage to appear again, but unfortunately, not until then...

IC: Chris Savage

::looking for a fight prior to my scheduled match with Road-Dogg, I find The Dragon in his locker room, attack him from behind, so in self defense, or so he calls it, he shatters my legs just like Kane's. WWF officials help me into an ambulance, not to be seen by the WWF for some time to come::
Craven Morehead aka the Boss


As I manage to some how take my eyes off of Trish's chest and into the eyes of the Rock ( Trust me a superhuman effort in it's own right mind you). I begin to think then I take off my glasses and smile. Hehe with my first PPV " Fatal Attractions" coming up I need to make a big impact to prove to Vince I can book this company over the roof. Thanks to the Rock I have an idea that will do that just for me. Rock how about I meet you half way "At the PPV Fatal Attractions, there will be a three way dance you, your cousin Beast Broady and whoever wins the Royal Rumble. As a gift of faith I decided to change the stips of the Royal Rumble. The winner now gets the number one contender spot and the spot in the World title match. However I like to make things interesting how about we make the three dance. A never seen before on PPV an extreme three way ladder match. Now Rock are you with that or do I have to make the match then have sercurity throw your punk ass out."
Eddy G. 'Latino Heat'

OOC: Since Rock and his buddys are beating up everyone on the thread it's time for Eddy to get some of this.;)

IC: After losing my big match to Triple H, I began to go on a rampage in the locker room. Grabbing a bat, I started beating the hell out of everyone that got in my way. One quick hit to the knees took down Kurt Angle as I made my way to Craven Moreheads office.

I kick open the door and yell "No more mister nice guy!!!"

Swinging the bat in the air, I break it in half over the Rocks head then grab Craven by the suit and yanked the boss out of his chair. Looking him in the eyes, I yell at him "I WANT CHYNA AND HUNTER IN A MIXED TAG MATCH AND I WANT IT NOW!!!"

This time it was personal...
OK now this was a surprise however me being the man I am. I quickly had an answer. "Guerrero get your damn hands off before I fire your ass and screw your career over so bad that you will have problems getting a job that requires you wearing a hair net and trying to stuff taco shells. Now get your damn hands off of me and gordida your ass out of my office. Before I have my boys (his obsessively large personal sercurity/cliq) take you outside and shove a nice steamy chalupa up your ass."

As Eddy releases Morehead expensive suit he comes back to senses and mutters what resembles an apology on his way out the room. While for most men that would be enough but for a man who is as twisted as Craven Morehead it is only the beginning.

Before Eddy gets out of the door, Craven yells "Hey Eddie I got an idea for you. How bout this you get your handicap match but I choose your partner at the PPV. There now get the hell out and choke on that I got serious buisness to deal with, with real stars not some disgruntled Taco Bell employee

OCC: Do not take that too harsh. I was just staying in character. Actually I liked Eddy since he was in Dubbya C Dubbya, when he was running from his crazy nephew Chavo (One angle that was wasted by good ole Billion Ted and the boys). Plus how can you hate any man who got a threesome from two of the Godfathers hoes while he is engaged to Chyna ( I know it is an angle but a guy can imagine can't he. And graphically at that na mean.

OCC# 2: lata Chris. Too bad you did not stick around. I was thinking of including you in my stable "The Dynasty."
Eddy G. 'Latino Heat'

OOC: "Here eddy, eddy, eddy..." I loved that story with Chavo and his horse.:D

IC: SHIT!!! Now I had totaly fucked up my chances at Triple H and Chyna! But on the bright side I got in a good shot at Rock. Damn, now I was definatly going to be screwed.

But there was one chance I had. A grin appears on my face as I head off to my locker room to make up my plans for Hunter and Mamacita.

I stood behind the Rock, sizing up The Boss and the WWF champion. I had to get a piece of both of them.

I wasn't about to interrupt as yet, but I did give The Boss my *I'm a dumb blonde so you gotta tell me what to do next* look.
The Rock

OOC: ....thats it eddy, im comen after you now booooy

IC: I finally came back to my sinces, i stood up...."what tha hell just happened" i look around Trish had this cute little inocent look on her face then i turned to the Boss, who said "a disgruntaled taco bell worker" i figured out who it was and told him "ok well you get that disgruntaled taco bell worker out to the ring in 10 min. i'm gonna shuve that stupid dog up his ass and count the 1 2 3!" I turn around seeing trish yet again surprised at my actions, i noded my head to her as i walked out. I went to my locker room to get ready.

The Dragon

OOC: ok i broke his leg...infront of sunny......but oh well whatever, lets just say i meet up with you somewhere, you attacked me and i broke your leg....sounds good....even though you can't awnser to that yet....

I saw the Rock nodding his head at me; an idea instantly came up as I watched him head towards his locker room.

I turned back to look at the Boss, wondering if he had anything for me, at least for the night.

'So, is it possible you could fix something for me; not with Test and Albert of course...' I leaned forward into his ear as I badmouthed T&A, and at the same time giving him a great view down the front of my top.

Backing from him, I put both hands on my hips. 'Any suggestions? I'm all ears...'
Craven Morehead aka your Boss and personal God

Looking at Trish I smile as she says something in my ear, but I am not listening. Why because she giving me a very very generous view of her uh hmmm T&A and I dinna mean the tag team.

However when she says "Any suggestions? I'm all ears." my wood damn near jumps out of my very expensive pants before I regain my composure and say " Yes as a matter of fact I do have a few suggestions Trish. A couple I can not say without sued for sexual harrassment. However as for buisness wise yes I have a suggestion. To build up hype for the Rock-Beast Brody - winner of the battle royal match ladder match at Fatal Attractions, tonight they will be a part of a mixed six person tag match. Rock, Beast and you will take on Triple H, Chyna and or little friend with the Chalupa up his ass Eddy Goneria. Damn I love stirring up trouble oh yeah for extra fun I will make a special 0 Tolerance rules. Which mean no competittor can stike their teamate during and before the match. After the match I want you to come back here for a proposal of mine. By the way Trish remember you take care of me and I will take care of you. Capieche."

OCC: laughing my ass off at that angle WCW wasted. I also loved when Chavo set up that Bugs Bunny rabbit trap in the ring trying to catch Eddy. Ah I love that damn psycho.

'Sure,' I said in my sexiest voice, 'I'll take care of you,' I paused, 'if you take care of me.'

I turned around and headed out. I decided that I could stop by the Rock's locker room before heading back to mine.

Once outside, I knocked. 'It's me Trish...'
Triple H, 'The Game'

Beast I do not have a clue to who in the hell you are but it doesn't matter cause once your in the ring with me your ass is graas and I am the damn lawnmower. You are merely a stepping stone for me to get back my World Wrestling Federation Championship tile back around my waist. And With chyna back by my side, there ain't no stopping us cause we are just THAT DAMN GOOD.
The Dragon

Hearing Triple H talking, i come up and do a sneek attack on him, i slam into his back, and start beating his head in, i was going to make an impression on these guys, and they wouldn't like it too much. I then started slaming his head into the cement, i got him up and put him into the 'Pyro Suplex' slaming him down onto the concret, as i walked off i told him "you ain't that damn good budy, cause you just got your ass burned" I walked off to leave him bleeding and hurt.

The Rock: Hearing the knock on my door, i say "come on in" i was prepared for anybody, but it was a female voice, i was just about to change, so i only had my mesh shorts on from before, i looked to see Trish walk in...what a wonderful predicament i thought and watched her swaaaay her way in...

'Hello...Rock' I said as I entered. As I approached him, I noticed his lack of clothing. My eyes inevitably trail to the front of his shorts and I was pleasantly surprised.

Trailing a finger down his firm chest, I inform him about our new partnership for tonight.

'I just want you to know, that we should really take good care of one another,' my finger trails to his navel, and then finally to the waistband of his shorts. 'You know what I mean don't you,'

Smiling, I turned away, starting to leave...
The Rock

As she turned around, i was glade, i was getting a rock hard-on so fast, i then looked down at her swaying butt, god it was perfect....i wanted to just take her then, but i didn't, i controled my urges, she looked back before she left seeing what she had done smiles evily, and waves as she walks out...damn i thought to myself, does she have a perfect body...