Writing Exercise 2 Responses

I'll try to take some stabs at guessing, but for many of these writers it will be more or less random, based more on forum presence than on previous works. I wish I had time to pore over the latter, but the day is short and I'm not a fast reader.

Even without a prayer at a correct guess, though, this is a fun exercise. I'm enjoying seeing the different takes on the prompt, and I think the anonymity only adds to it.
How many of you put a wrong guess on your own story in order to throw everybody off?

Wait, don't answer that.

Anyway, #5 is clearly @StillStunned
Okay I'm just gonna throw out a slew of guesses here, like taking off a bandaid. I'd be equally proud if I manage to get one right as if I managed to somehow guess on all 18 without hitting a single one.

I have one in the mix too, and if I'm going to take a stab at all of them I can't leave mine out. So I'll leave it to up to anyone reading this to decide: am I revealing one, or did I pull a switch?

01. samhasstories
02. joy_of_cooking
03. Erozetta
04. Rob_Royale
05. SimonDoom
06. yowser
07. TarnishedPenny
08. TheLobster
09. Tlan
10. pink_silk_glove
11. THBGato
12. VallesMarineris
13. Bodington
14. TheRedChamber
15. gunhilltrain
16. Jackie.Hikaru
17. StillStunned
18. intim8
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@samhasstories The best way to hide the answers is using "inline spoilers". It's the little mask in the left-hand set of icons above the text box (you might have to click the three little dots to show "More options".

ETA: My first thought for story 1 was you, but I thought it was a little too on-the-head.
@samhasstories The best way to hide the answers is using "inline spoilers". It's the little mask in the left-hand set of icons above the text box (you might have to click the three little dots to show "More options".

ETA: My first thought for story 1 was you, but I thought it was a little too on-the-head.
Thanks. I guess I was using the wrong spoiler option in the wrong options menu.
You can't be. I submitted 17 scenes to @nice90sguy. Guess which one isn't mine :)
So far I've been guessed as the author of five snippets, if I've counted correctly. Apparently I'm associated with being writerly, making puns and writing about demons, voyeurism and pineapple pizza (or maybe that's another demonic association).
For this little game I probably wouldn't have named my character Sam, but you never know...
Since most of us barely know each other, I would think the point of the game is to be recognized, not to fool everybody.
Apparently I'm associated with being writerly, making puns and writing about demons, voyeurism and pineapple pizza (or maybe that's another demonic association).
You really get around. Isn't it time you settled down with that one special style?
Since most of us barely know each other, I would think the point of the game is to be recognized, not to fool everybody.
Within reason, sure. I didn't see any characters named intim8.
When should I post the answers?
I’ve been reading them, but to compare each with known authors’ works will take a while.

My suggestion would be to post them now, but shaded (whatever it’s called) and that the rest of us will be careful not to toss out I knew #28 was @trashdigger! spoilers.

Edit. I pulled a ‘for instance’ name out of thin air. Apologies to the real, unsuspected Trashdigger.
When should I post the answers?

I'd recommend waiting until at least Wednesday. It will give people plenty of opportunities to read more stories and post their guesses. By that time most who are interested probably will be done with their reading feedback and engagement and the thread will be moving on to stupid bear comments and Bamagan GIFs.
Why don't we just PM our answers to 90s? That way we don't reveal our own pieces. We can still discuss and guess here, but our official answer lists stay in PM.

Or, instead of making it competitive, we could try to figure them out 1 and 2 at a time collaboratively here until we reach some sort of consesnsus on each one. That would take longer of course.
Thanks for organising this. I think the third one (the one with the lead) might be @Jackie.Hikaru

Since most of us barely know each other, I would think the point of the game is to be recognized, not to fool everybody.
Mine is pretty recognisable. I mean, you don't even have to read any of my stories, just look at what type of stories I've written and you should be able to narrow down the options considerably. Actually, just look at my signature!
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Thanks for organising this. I think the fourth one (the one with the lead) might be @Jackie.Hikaru

Mine is pretty recognisable. I mean, you don't even have to read any of my stories, just look at what type of stories I've written and you should be able to narrow down the options considerably. Actually, just look at my signature!
I'll take a stab at no. 2 being @THBGato