X-Men: A Bright New World (OOC)


Swiggity swooty!
Finally got some Russian narrative up, for the 'core' group. Any questions on the 'dark' scene, let me know you guys....

Rogue scenario up next! :)
Just chucking in. So the barracks I'm in, its WiFi doesn't like Lit so I can't access it. I can only access it in the field. I will be back on the 28th. For now just do whatever with my characters.
"HotCider" -- Gotcha. Was wondering about you, at least on the Iceman front. (as I'm sure the *WORLD* might be wondering about HIM, in the comic book front -- re: he made CNN news with the newest announcement -- *growlll*). Thanks for checking in again.

...unless I get to write again -- doubtful -- next Tuesday, I'll look to 'attack' either-or-(and?) the moving Gambit + Jamie vehicle, with your bloodied, unconscious character in the backseat(and "KattDclaw's" f'ed up gal, 'locked'...lovingly in the trunk!); the other of course being her brand new character with your Bobby in Russia!

Being that NEXT Tuesday is the magical day that you return, perhaps we'll get a chance to see a Bobby response from you before I post. Which of course would be ideal! (and of course, reinforce our gal-pal Nori/"KattDclaw" with the lot of her introductory efforts....to...*CONNECT* with your character, specifically.....) ;)

I'm sure you'll let me know when you get closer!
....and...heh. Betcha gals -- Miss "ChasNicollette" and Miss "tight_n_ready" -- *WISHED* you would have, had a lil'. Back-and-forth exchange...BEFORE awaiting my 'post', now huh??

Cue: *"The heat is on!"*

My bad. Sorry. Had to.

That's all I got....for now!

Sorry guys, I'm right in the middle of my dissertation so my post might be a little late. I promise I'll post one in the next couple of days though
Take your time Miss "tight_n_ready"! No rush from our end -- that is more important...and good luck on that! :)
Welcome back "HotCider"! :)

...as to my posting(s), well here's the thing. I could probably post for Gambit + Jamie yet...I'd rather wait until after we get something from Miss "ChasNicollette" on Storm's behalf. (no rush by the way) Because I may or may not be bringing the duo(plus unconscious two-some) up to that location with my next post!

..and I'd also like to get an Iceman post before doing something for him and Nori(after you get settled in of course!)...

So I'll probably wait in the meantime...

..and keep catching up on the Agents of Shield show in anticipation of the new Avengers movie this week!! *grin*
Welcome back "HotCider"! :)

...as to my posting(s), well here's the thing. I could probably post for Gambit + Jamie yet...I'd rather wait until after we get something from Miss "ChasNicollette" on Storm's behalf. (no rush by the way) Because I may or may not be bringing the duo(plus unconscious two-some) up to that location with my next post!

..and I'd also like to get an Iceman post before doing something for him and Nori(after you get settled in of course!)...

So I'll probably wait in the meantime...

..and keep catching up on the Agents of Shield show in anticipation of the new Avengers movie this week!! *grin*

I'll be honest, I've read my tags and I'm not sure what to do with my characters at this point, but I'll keep thinking on it and try to get posts up on Saturday.

Sorry for any hold-up.
Yeah, I'm back in town and still getting settled in. I'll try to get back into the swing of things. :)
I'll be honest, I've read my tags and I'm not sure what to do with my characters at this point, but I'll keep thinking on it and try to get posts up on Saturday.

Sorry for any hold-up.

Yeah, I'm back in town and still getting settled in. I'll try to get back into the swing of things. :)
Sounds like a plan -- both of you guys!

I'm available if anyone has any questions...

I was trying to leave it open enough for Storm to enter, but I accept that there wasn't a lot available there, I'm a little shaky on it myself because someone has just tried to shoot Rogue, and they've realised she is now bullet proof, so there is potential chaos coming up depending on how the SHIELD Agents react.

Chaos would definitely be fun though...
Okay. I think at long last my molasses brain has an inkling of what to do in NYC.

Hey, Tight?

Would I have your permission to move Rogue with a wind-gust?

I think, since Ororo doesn't know who's the bad guy and who's the victim here-- I think she wants to pull Rogue out through the hole in the window using aerokinesis and then suspend her in the air behind Storm, thinking that would prevent a) Rogue from hurting any of the SHIELDies and getting away, and b) the SHIELDies from hurting her if they're just over-zealous authority figures bent on brutality. Of course, she doesn't realize Rogue can fly at this point, but Rogue might not either.

What do you think?
Please, do feel free, although Rogue might panic ;). And who knows what the SHIELD agents might do?
Please, do feel free, although Rogue might panic ;). And who knows what the SHIELD agents might do?

Yeah, I realize it might have some sucky outcomes, but it's the best way I can think of for Storm to actually act without knowing any intel, rather than just hovering in the window for another go 'round of posts.

In fact, Rogue's getting upset might lead to some pretty cool character interaction, whether talking or fisticuffs or both.

As for the SHIELDies, well, if they react poorly we can both fly and Storm can taze 'em or blind 'em with a fog-bank or both.
All that I can think of to post for Bobby is him trying to send one of those poorly-timed text messages to Sam lol. Or if Not I was so desperate in her chase that she orders her driver to ram the other cab. Bobby doesn't really know where he's supposed to go in Russia. I last wrote him relying on his mobile phone for guidance.

As for Wolverine lol, I can only imagine writing him waking up , holding his guts in while his body mends itself, and asking if the knuckleheads managed to finally detain DP.
Of the two, I'd maybe be more 'concerned'(aka turn your attention to Bobby) more so. Because he is up and running and conscious *grin*

-- by the way "KattDclaw", your Nori post rocked, chicka! Belatedly I say this of course. Love this line: ``What she really did was look like she was passing a bad burrito and thought really hard.`` So good! --

Anyhow, yeah. I'll give s'more narrative after I get something from you on his perspective. Especially now that he's been met up by Nori.

And technically.....*NO-ONE* 'knew' where they were supposed to go, in Russia. So I feel you. I feel EVERYone.....and the 'blank slate' that I've ambiguously set up for people. But....it may be part of the plan. Right? :)

Your character can certainly try and reach out to one of the others -- whom, as far as he knows -- that are all ready present. SOMEwhere.

...and we'll roll with it, in my narrative post!