I Dont Mined When Some One Tells me if I misspelled a word How Els will I lern How To Spell it As Long As they Dont use it aginst me And Ferther More I think We need A Ccorener To Declair this Thred Dead.
OOC: as long as I'm mispelling "Rogue" (and that WAS me!) I'm not criticizing anyone...lol
Okay, people, what's the verdict? Are we tossing the dirt on, or trying to bring this back? I'm thinking it's gone now...seems like a lot of people aren't posting at all though, or maybe I'm just not paying enough attention...I dunno.
It was a good attempt, but I think the thread is dead. Maybe it's because of the enormous amount of characters or writers or maybe it's that this is extraordinarily confusing. I must say though, that in my opine, this thread has been brutally slaughtered.
I agree Morgoth But Hopfully It Comes Back in Four weeks And Suceed But For those Who STill Want A Mutant Thred The Bord Has two "The New X-Force" ANd "Black Ops Project-X" Thank You
Since the general consensus is the thread is done with, as of now my character is officially out, I'll be retooling him a bit and bringing him to special ops.
It seems like a lot of people aren't posting anywhere, nonetheless here...maybe the BB has hit a slowl point for some of the regulars, and that's why we're having trouble with some of the threads...A couple of the other threads I write in are slow, if moving at all, as well.
Oh, well...we'll have to wait and see. Let's keep are characters in mind, and if this one doesn't pick up, we can start another thread and bring them back...I know some of mine are coming back...