You know you're a real writer of smut when...

Yeah. Those comments are somehow flattering yet uncomfortable, like, "um, okay, thanks, but TMI." 😆

Still, for many of our stories, getting someone off is the whole point so... affirmation.

It's a bit weird, but I don't mind it. I think it's honest and I'm glad to hear someone say it. We all know, or should know, that this is a big part of what's going on here.
It's a bit weird, but I don't mind it. I think it's honest and I'm glad to hear someone say it. We all know, or should know, that this is a big part of what's going on here.

oh I agree. It just took a little getting used to. Especially since those comments usually are coming from other guys lol.
When you visit a strip club and have private dances to get it off your bucket list plus blow off steam, nothing more, and you end up thinking “Hey, this experience would make a great story!” And then you turn it into one, adding a fantasy girlfriend who motivates the main character to make the trip and gives him some actual love afterwards. Rather than just write the club a nice yelp review and call it a day.
When you visit a strip club and have private dances to get it off your bucket list plus blow off steam, nothing more, and you end up thinking “Hey, this experience would make a great story!” And then you turn it into one, adding a fantasy girlfriend who motivates the main character to make the trip and gives him some actual love afterwards. Rather than just write the club a nice yelp review and call it a day.
I'm sure the club would greatly appreciate if you also left them that Yelp review saying how divinely inspiring their lap dances are ;)
When you look at a nude photos site ( is my favorite), and you start making up back stories to some of the pictures.

I have several of those pics saved, tagged with the name of the story they're in and the character name.
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This is why I don't worry about trying to be innovative, at least on that front. They may be fake humans, but they're still humans. I've read scenes before that only seem possible if PlasticMan and Elastigirl were having an affair.
My biggest problem for anything more than a one-off story is trying to have the timelines make sense.

Pretty much all of the serials I've come up with so far feature pregnancy, and it just feels like the progression is always happening either too fast or too slow for the other elements I intend to schedule. I can wing it to an extent, (do you really need to know precisely how much time passed between the scene at her first prenatal appointment, her sword-fight with the sky pirates, and the start of quickening?), but then I always wonder if the readers are going to notice.
When you look at a nude photos site ( is my favorite), and you start making up back stories to some of the pictures.

I have several of those pics saved, tagged with the name of the story they're in and the character name.
For me, it’s unrelated media like audiobooks or podcasts. Like, I’m listening to a series of cozy mysteries in the vein of Miss Marple, this one with a young inspector and a women probably in her mid-50s, and I’m like, “there’s a really solid Mature story in here.” “Miss Pritchard and the Case of the Crowing Cock.” :D

Finish the stories you’re already writing, NTH. Don’t add another to the pile.
Finish the stories you’re already writing, NTH. Don’t add another to the pile.
My pile grows exponentially, while my submissions grow linearly.

But then, my last published story was pulled off the pile after more than a year of it rotting away. I figure if something strikes me as interesting, get a few thousand words down while it is hot, and decide its fate later.
You have to open an incognito tab to find out if dildos were a thing in the regency era. Apparently the answer is yes.