“Mystery Woman” sub-challenge within 750 words

Lol, there are a few exceptions when we are Brits. That's not one of them, bad girl!

Unless anyone has strong objections, I will create an Illustrated Story with the image and then a précis of each 750er with links to it and to the author’s profile page here.

Anyone hate this idea?

I think that would be very thoughtful. All in all, I think the sub-challenge was a very successful idea. I'll be looking forward to seeing what you come up with next Feb.
I think that would be very thoughtful. All in all, I think the sub-challenge was a very successful idea. I'll be looking forward to seeing what you come up with next Feb.
Thank you - I’d love to say it was my excellent judgement, but dumb luck really 😊

Unless anyone has strong objections, I will create an Illustrated Story with the image and then a précis of each 750er with links to it and to the author’s profile page here.

Anyone hate this idea?

Oh, and when I say précis, I probably mean teaser. Won’t give away the plot.

Oh, and when I say précis, I probably mean teaser. Won’t give away the plot.

A teaser for a 750 word story? That's like a three minute trailer for a five minute film. Is there a point?

I had trouble writing a 60 character description that didn't spoil my 750 words. :p
A teaser for a 750 word story? That's like a three minute trailer for a five minute film. Is there a point?

I had trouble writing a 60 character description that didn't spoil my 750 words. :p
I think I’m up to the task of writing a sentence, or maybe two.
Unless anyone has strong objections, I will create an Illustrated Story with the image and then a précis of each 750er with links to it and to the author’s profile page here.

Anyone hate this idea?

Not I! Good idea, Em.
Unless anyone has strong objections, I will create an Illustrated Story with the image and then a précis of each 750er with links to it and to the author’s profile page here.

Anyone hate this idea?

Just occurred to me 👱‍♀️👱‍♀️👱‍♀️ that I probably can’t use the actual image unless I get special permission. Might be bothering @djrip for a line drawing 😬

Also gonna ask Laurel

Ask Laurel. The positive product of that particular inspiration should count for something.
My story finally got posted here.

I accepted the 750 word challenge. Did a follow up to my previous story “Two Girls, One Zipless Fuck” with “Invite Accepted” ( https://classic.literotica.com/s/invite-accepted ). A lucky guy joins the girls from the previous story. Getting the word count right was rough, but a fun experience. Glad I did it once.