“Mystery Woman” sub-challenge within 750 words

I'm behind on a few. Actually trying to write, sorry. And today was a shit day.

But I'll catch up soon, promise. 😀
Read / rated / commented (which I belive I’ve done with all of them - please shout if I missed you).

Emily is such a common name 😉

You skipped me, but my story isn’t fully published yet. Get part 1 now or later as you like, I guess. I’ll alert you when part 2 is up.
I need to expand Mystery Woman into a long form story. Honeoye lake is such a beautiful place, I could write about it all day long.
Mine is 3.8. I didn't expect it to be high... but better than that. At least a low four.

When I posted that it was the lowest it was indeed the lowest at 3.78. Soon after it lifted to 3.82 from 11 votes. This morning it is even 4 from 11 votes so either something was swept out or someone changed their vote. I figured that it would be around 3.5 but having no real feel for this category (L&T) thought there might be a chance that it could go higher as it's certainly not non-erotic. The comments that range from 'meh' to 'shitty' however show that the audience is looking for nice likable characters and/or altruistic faptastic unicorns (at least so far). When you give them the opposite, it doesn't matter how interesting your bad character might be or how much style or flair you use in presenting her. They'll let you know that you didn't follow the rules even if they admit that it is well-crafted and of generally high quality.

If my piece was posted to a standard literary site (a non-porn site) it would probably get significantly more praise, or if the character presented as such was done as one decadent side character within a novel, she'd be viewed quite positively as more fun and vibrant, but in a short vignette all she does is ruin the stroke experience.

Maybe the feedback will become more positive, we'll see. But what I do know is that of all seven of my submissions, this one has drawn the most reaction (despite being in an invisible category), which says that it's working very well. Also despite the generally negative reaction, it has also sparked some new decent positive reactions in the rest of my stories. It has been good advertising.
When I posted that it was the lowest it was indeed the lowest at 3.78. Soon after it lifted to 3.82 from 11 votes. This morning it is even 4 from 11 votes so either something was swept out or someone changed their vote. I figured that it would be around 3.5 but having no real feel for this category (L&T) thought there might be a chance that it could go higher as it's certainly not non-erotic. The comments that range from 'meh' to 'shitty' however show that the audience is looking for nice likable characters and/or altruistic faptastic unicorns (at least so far). When you give them the opposite, it doesn't matter how interesting your bad character might be or how much style or flair you use in presenting her. They'll let you know that you didn't follow the rules even if they admit that it is well-crafted and of generally high quality.

If my piece was posted to a standard literary site (a non-porn site) it would probably get significantly more praise, or if the character presented as such was done as one decadent side character within a novel, she'd be viewed quite positively as more fun and vibrant, but in a short vignette all she does is ruin the stroke experience.

Maybe the feedback will become more positive, we'll see. But what I do know is that of all seven of my submissions, this one has drawn the most reaction (despite being in an invisible category), which says that it's working very well. Also despite the generally negative reaction, it has also sparked some new decent positive reactions in the rest of my stories. It has been good advertising.
My "ouch!" was meant as praise for the sting the piece produced, if there was any question.
I know you you feel @pink_silk_glove My 750-0 Mystery Woman really got beaten up. She's clawed her way up to 4.44 from 3.2 and poor 750-08 John and Macy clawed their way up to 4.35 from 3. Is there an H in their futures? I really don't know. We'll see after Laurel cleans house on Valentines Day. This is why I tally my 750 words separately from the full size stories.