“There is No Climate Emergency”

Only because in today's toxic atmosphere against free speech, nobody wants to be doxed, canceled, or fired for holding an alternative view than that of the power elite.

The fact is, there is "zero" evidence we, the human race, can do a thing about the ever-changing evolutionary processes of the planet that are as old as time itself that define the weather conditions in the various eras of its history. Wake up, you're being played.
lol, what a doofus.

Don't ever change, klanwad. :)
Only because in today's toxic atmosphere against free speech, nobody wants to be doxed, canceled, or fired for holding an alternative view than that of the power elite.

The fact is, there is "zero" evidence we, the human race, can do a thing about the ever-changing evolutionary processes of the planet that are as old as time itself that define the weather conditions in the various eras of its history. Wake up, you're being played.
Is it your belief that Mother Earth is as good of shape today as she was 7 BILLION humans ago? Do you just let turds pile up in your toilet without ever flushing?
We have experienced 451 consecutive months of warmer than average global temperatures. That’s over thirty seven and a half years with zero cooler than average months.

Today is the wrong time to do something about it. The right time was four decades ago.
In an emergency, the very best and brightest lead the way in sacrifice instead of calling for everyone else to sacrifice. I hear what is being said and I see what is being done and we are most certainly not in an emergency because no one is panicking. They are still taking their private jets to all their action-calling conferences in a myriad of vacation playground destinations instead of telecommuting against a dystopian climate backdrop of red skies and acid rain showers.

From one John to another: anecdotal stories about the weather you remember in neither the stuff of climate or science; it is mindless babbling that says: I am the center of the universe and everything revolves around me and my recalled experiences. Remember, when the climate alarmists began to try and dominate our thinking, we were in the grasp of a runaway feedback loop of heat, destruction and destitution and they quietly had to morph that into weather extremes, the really neat trick to that being is that every year, one place or another experiences some sort of an extreme. Extreme weather events seem to have a rather flexible definition that can change every bit as quickly as the weather in the plains states.
This thread is just another rightguide rant. They are all the same, every thread he starts. They never look at fundamental problems, or suggest any policy initiatives. Essentially RG's politics are the same as a teenager trying to get onto the cheer leading team. Yell and shout, jump up and down, scream loudly and non stop, "my team good, your team bad."

It's pathetic - but that's RG. If you are not convinced, ask yourself this: when did RG ever come up with a soundly explained problem to which he had any sort of original solution. Just one.
Well DAMN! That's disappointing to hear. I was so looking forward to the brave new world. Amber waves of grain growing in the Northwest Territories, tropical fruits and vegetables flourishing on the Great Plains. The coastal shit holes of civilization washed clean by Hydrohydroxic acid.
When the outcome of an investigation or hearing is stated BEFORE it takes place...

Ice Ball Earth didn't take off so Something had to be done.

And then there is those people that think Mankind is all powerful and can totally fuck up and fix anything.

God did say we would fuck up the earth and without his intervention all life would be exterminated.
Or something very close to that.
We the outcome of an investigation or hearing is stated BEFORE it takes place...

Ice Ball Earth didn't take off so Something had to be done.

And then there is those people that think Mankind is all powerful and can totally fuck up and fix anything.

God did say we would fuck up the earth and without his intervention all life would be exterminated.
Or something very close to that.
We did fuck up the balance. That's why there's a vertical line of CO2 on the graph of the history of the earth.
I doubt that is true, but I hope it is true, because it is obvious that if it is not true, significant changes are not being made to head off climate disaster. Last summer was the hottest summer I remember. So far this summer is even worse. Last winter there was hardly any snow where I live.
The hottest temperature in the history of recorded temperatures was recorded on July 10, 1913 in Death Valley, it was 134 degrees. Over a century ago. Bad or strange weather isn't climate change:

1815: The Great September Gale
1816: The Year Without a Summer
1868-1869: Great Lakes Storms
1873-1877: Locust Plagues
1888: Fierce Blizzards
1900: Galveston Hurricane
1925: Tri-State Tornado
1927: Mississippi River Flood
1933-1939: Dust Bowl
1937: Ohio River Flood

This thread is just another rightguide rant. They are all the same, every thread he starts. They never look at fundamental problems, or suggest any policy initiatives. Essentially RG's politics are the same as a teenager trying to get onto the cheer leading team. Yell and shout, jump up and down, scream loudly and non stop, "my team good, your team bad."

It's pathetic - but that's RG. If you are not convinced, ask yourself this: when did RG ever come up with a soundly explained problem to which he had any sort of original solution. Just one.
Hey stupid, show me the "fundamental problems" at the root of a tornado, hurricane, hot, cold, stormy, windy, day, or season. Aside from your long winded bullshit.
Rightguide is a twat.

If you can’t refute it. Shut the fuck up.

Source: LitLogic by and for Dummies
The level of darkness that exists in your operating range requires a higher ISO than 36. Take my word for it.;)
Non sequitur. Show me the human action that caused it and how humans are going to bring the temperature of those oceans up or down.
You are a dedicated non-believer. The science is unrefutable. All the oceans of the world have heated up significantly over the last 100 years. Glaciers are melting and retreating. The arctic is warming. But you believe shit from people who do not understand science at all. Idiot!
You are a dedicated non-believer. The science is unrefutable. All the oceans of the world have heated up significantly over the last 100 years. Glaciers are melting and retreating. The arctic is warming. But you believe shit from people who do not understand science at all. Idiot!
What science? Here's a typical article about rising ocean temperatures:

Oceans Are Getting Hotter and Ice Sheets Are Melting Faster, Says New Report​

Sea level rise is accelerating and marine heatwaves are becoming more common​

RONALD BAILEY | 9.25.2019 5:45 PM

The oceans are warming, becoming more acidic, and rising faster as a result of man-made climate change, according to a new special report, The Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC). The report is a compilation of the latest research by climate scientists assembled under the auspices of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Its authors write that the extent of Arctic sea ice is steadily declining, mountain glaciers are melting, the area of snow cover on land is decreasing, and permafrost is warming.

As these trends advance, low-lying coastal areas will experience increased flooding, marine life will shift further polewards, coral bleaching events will become more common, weather patterns may shift in response to more open warmer water in the Arctic Ocean, and melting permafrost may exacerbate warming by gushing trapped carbon into the atmosphere.

Some of the topline findings in the SROCC are that "it is virtually certain that the global ocean has warmed unabated since 1970 and has taken up more than 90% of the excess heat in the climate system." In addition, it is likely that the rate of ocean warming has more than doubled since 1993. Researchers have very high confidence that marine heatwaves—defined as when the daily sea surface temperature exceeds the local 99th percentile over the period 1982 to 2016—have very likely doubled in frequency since 1982 and are increasing in intensity. It is virtually certain that by absorbing more carbon dioxide, the ocean has undergone increasing surface acidification.

Total global mean sea level rose by about 0.16 meters between 1902 and 2015 (a little over 6 inches). The rate of average sea level rise between 2006 and 2015 was about 3.6 millimeters per year, which is about 2.5 times the 1901–1990 rate of 1.4 millimeters per year. The rise in sea level is accelerating as water from melting ice sheets and mountain glaciers run into the oceans, and thermal expansion, as the oceans warm up.

In trying to see into the future, the SROCC chiefly focuses on two scenarios: one in which efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions keep future global average warming to around 1.6 degrees Celsius by 2100, and another scenario in which no efforts to limit emissions results in an increase of 4.3 degrees Celsius by that same year.

Read the full report here:

So when we hear about ocean temperatures being at "historic highs" we must recall the minutely short amount of real history such "measurement" really is when projected against the real history of the earth that's billions of years old and therefore unknowable. This "history" of ocean temperature measurement is at best only 100 years old and probably only 30-50 years old if measured by the 1988 congressional testimony of James Hansen that manmade emissions of greenhouse gases were warming the Earth’s atmosphere, thus setting off the alarmist notion of global warming. Steve Milloy thoroughly debunked this notion in 2005:

World’s First Global Thermometer by Steven Milloy​

You are a dedicated non-believer. The science is unrefutable. All the oceans of the world have heated up significantly over the last 100 years. Glaciers are melting and retreating. The arctic is warming. But you believe shit from people who do not understand science at all. Idiot!
Yes. I understand the hysteria but tell me, how extensive was the ocean temperature measuring technology and its application 100 years ago? Take note that when somebody tells us about the ocean temperatures being the "highest in history," that "history" is only an immeasurable minute speck of time in the real history of the world which we can only offer guesses about.
I just hope he hasn't got to drive away from his property destroyed by fire, flood, hurricane or tornado. or because his county has run out of water, while shouting 'There is no such thing as a climate emergency!'.
Yes. I understand the hysteria but tell me, how extensive was the ocean temperature measuring technology and its application 100 years ago? Take note that when somebody tells us about the ocean temperatures being the "highest in history," that "history" is only an immeasurable minute speck of time in the real history of the world which we can only offer guesses about.
IT was very extensive. Royal Navy survey ships have been taking ocean temperatures for over 250 years. as have other maritime nations such as the French and Dutch. You just deny the evidence because you are STUPID!

Archaeological data from ocean floor sediments can calculate ocean temperatures from the deposits for thousands if not ten thousand of years and they have NEVER been so hot since the Jurassic.
You are a dedicated non-believer. The science is unrefutable. All the oceans of the world have heated up significantly over the last 100 years. Glaciers are melting and retreating. The arctic is warming. But you believe shit from people who do not understand science at all. Idiot!
Nothing has been more idiotic and wrong than the climate doomsayers of the past 50 years and that probably includes you:

Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions​

Modern doomsayers have been predicting climate and environmental disaster since the 1960s. They continue to do so today.

None of the apocalyptic predictions with due dates as of today have come true.

What follows is a collection of notably wild predictions from notable people in government and science.

More than merely spotlighting the failed predictions, this collection shows that the makers of failed apocalyptic predictions often are individuals holding respected positions in government and science.

While such predictions have been and continue to be enthusiastically reported by a media eager for sensational headlines, the failures are typically not revisited.

You can view the list here: https://cei.org/blog/wrong-again-50-years-of-failed-eco-pocalyptic-predictions/

They include:

  • 1967 — Stanford University expert Paul Erlich predicted “time of famines” in 1975.
  • 1971 — A top NASA expert predicted an “ice age” by 2021.
  • 1988 — It was predicted that the Maldives would be under water by last year.
  • 2008 — Gore said the Arctic would be free of ice by 2013.
  • 2009 — Charles said there was just 96 months left to save the world.
Oh, and Ogg you can view real climate science here: https://realclimatescience.com/