🎧 Parlay with PG-an audio thread for the aural

I don't know whether to cry or laugh with this posting. A little of both I think. Ergo, the neutral liking. Emojis don't do nuance. This is why I love this thread. Oh the stories people have!
That's what happens with audios and me. Sort of stream of consciousness, especially which a topic I haven't thought completely out, sorry.
Margaritas mmmm!
I also have a quite a collection but only some that I really enjoy.
And the usb charged ones are great-no more running through batteries.
A wand is something I do not have…I am very tempted but I don’t know if I’d ever get out of bed🤣🤣🤣

Talking and sharing is perfect! You totally answered the question.
Twice a day-nice way to start and end the day! Thanks for sharing. 💕
I am super aural too. I love the self exploration that you have done! The way you seek to support people on only fans is fantastic as well! Many people don’t put their money where their beliefs are.
As for the realness of it all. I can get it. I don’t really watch porn-there is one woman on woman video that I love but other than that I am not really interested. I love seeing real people show off and share and I love, love, love listening and watching when their pleasure is because of me. (And sharing is mutually agreed upon before it happens)
A short good morning ramble.
Welcome and your ramble is appreciated!
The stories at lit fueled many of my night time play sessions for years before I joined the boards. I also love when folks share the stories they have written it is nice to get some insight into how people’s minds and fantasies work.
I was trying to remember if I thought about anyone particular in the stories or if they were faceless strangers…hmmm