🎵 Monthly Song Challenge 🎵

Only this particular week of the year 🤣
I stand corrected!
Day 20: A song from the ‘80s

Ah, the 1980s. That era of bad hair, worse fashion and an explosion of musical genres. 😁
To the eternal horror of my parents, the first album I ever bought as a teenager was Run DMC’s Tougher than Leather. Which I then proceeded to play at full volume on the turntable in the family living room.
To the eternal embarrassment of my children, I still play it in the car occasionally and rap along with the guys at the top of my voice.
Run DMC were in so many ways the godfathers of modern hip hop and R&B. While their early work was crude and simplistic by today’s standards, they’d really started to hit their straps with Raising Hell. And then Tougher than Leather which, in my opinion, they absolutely nailed.

Run’s House - Run DMC