🐈*⬛ Ask Me Anything: The PLP Chronicles 😳

Since we're both in South Eastern locations frequently affected by severe weather and power outages what are your preparedness plans?

In the next five years, where do you see yourself?

And yes, PG Q's you'll get enough of the blushers from this crew here.

I do all the normal preparing - food, water, charging, tying down projectiles. But I also clean my house top to bottom. I told a Litster yesterday that if it doesn't look like a tornado went through my house maybe a tornado won't go through my house!!

Five years? God who knows. I'm terrible at predicting that but O hope significantly less stressed! I'll pop back in 2027 and let you know. :)

Thanks Tn!

Requested pics received and I can confirm that you have a perfectly smackable ass! I especially liked the yoga pose! :D
What phrase do you like when having sex that is "dirty talk" ? The one thing you wouldn't say accept when in the heat of the moment. Kinky, dirty, filthy Whatever lol

Hmm... I like name calling. If we are talking kink, I'm a particular fan of emotional sadism so name calling, degradation, humiliation etc.

The general structure the works for me is: possessive word + positive/negative adjective + the opposite positive/negative noun.

As an example:

My beautiful cocksucker

Sir's desperate princess

Or you can compound them!

Who's my sexy little, cum covered whore?

That's the general version anyway.
  • What is your favorite movie?

  • If you had to trade lives with someone, who would it be and why?

  • When do you feel most in control?
The plp chronicles...what a trilogy that could be.

No questions. Just giggling
I like the concept of these threads. It reminds me of a certain thread where folks asked me questions except I never did them with audio. I did the audio thing later on.

And since PLP was one of those "audiophiles" I know she'll be answer this one.

What was the most difficult question anyone ever asked you?
I laughed out loud. Laser tag. I’d look at you like you needed to be committed and then drag you to the nearest wine bar to talk that decision over. 🤣😂

I have no idea why my brain chose museum or laser tag. Like??? Wha? I need coffee.
Hey you two, laser tag can be SO much fun!!! We did that two years in a row for our company Christmas party before Covid shut the world down and I loved it!

But also...a wine bar sounds amazing so maybe I'll let it slide :rolleyes:

Okay, my questions...lets see

1)What two radio stations do you listen to in the car the most?

2) Do you like or dislike surprises? Why or why not?

Wine Bar + Laser tag does sound like a winning idea...and also a lawsuit in the making but still so fun!

And you were just ahead of your times for music tastes ;)

Okay more questions!

1) What’s your favorite zoo animal?

2) What song would you pick to sing at Karaoke night?

3)How many pillows do you sleep with?

Bonus filth question

When you are all hot and bothered and doing naughty things to yourself, do you enjoy dirty talk (i.e. "pound my tight cunt and make me cum all over your big cock") or are you more of a noises kind of gal (i.e. lots of moaning and panting and gasping and incoherent jumbles of words) ?
