Ask ME Anything...BADAMY Style!

I don't know that I'd ever heard your voice before this thread. Rainshine is right about you being Speed - you sound like you have a ton of frenetic energy, in the best possible way.

Also, Russian is a fun language to sing if you ever get the chance. I know a handful of Russian folk songs and they're wonderfully bombastic. You'd probably have a good time with them.
I don't know that I'd ever heard your voice before this thread. Rainshine is right about you being Speed - you sound like you have a ton of frenetic energy, in the best possible way.

Also, Russian is a fun language to sing if you ever get the chance. I know a handful of Russian folk songs and they're wonderfully bombastic. You'd probably have a good time with them.

ooooooooh...I request a Russian Tribute!

sing us a song?? :heart:
What's the farthest you've gone to meet a Litster?
If you could spend the day with anyone (not just a litster.) who would it be?
If you could have one super power. What would it be? Invisibility? reading minds? walk through walls? Anything.
ok that is it. the white lines that lead to the Badamy are now officially closed.


the next AMA litster has been notified and will (hopefully!) appear to take over!

Keep it going mmmmkay?
Wait, so instead of keeping it going here there’s just going to be a new AMA thread with a new person every day?

I don't think I explained it right. Or was misunderstood. I suppose the next person can bring it back here if they wanted to:)