🔮 What are you doing right now? 🔮

It'd only be polite to answer the edit;

To steal a quote "I choose death before dishonor"

(Was it that type of thing you were thinking of?)
Death by snu snu apparently.
I’m glad to know your stance on things. 😂🤣
Death it is then 😏💋
See now all other guys can be thankful I saved them from death, really I offered for them (and if you read and believed that, I have a bridge you may wish to purchase)
Shane believes in taking one for the team. I’m not sure if I’m offended or amused
Shane believes in taking one for the team. I’m not sure if I’m offended or amused
Shane might be secretly trying to take all of your attention and attempt to play it off as altruism

If I amused you it worked,
If I offended you I made a tits of it