🔮 What are you doing right now? 🔮

Getting ready for bed-still-but now looking for someone that is a Skype expert. I have some questions on deleting conversations and contacts.
Sanding my bathtub to refinish it… and drinking a white claw taking a break and trying to decide if I should shower now or keep going.
Sitting on a bus with a shoulder so sore I would like to remove it from my body.
I am having the same issues for quite while now, so I can relate. Last night I was out and my arm and my shoulder got so sore like someone bloody broke it.

Hope you feel better soon. 🌹 *HUGGS
I am having the same issues for quite while now, so I can relate. Last night I was out and my arm and my shoulder got so sore like someone bloody broke it.

Hope you feel better soon. 🌹 *HUGGS

Thank you. You too!

My physio/pain specialist is sending me to a pain psychologist. My Master/sadist thinks this a very good idea. 3 men in my life focused on my pain 🙄😂
Shivering outside on my deck drinking a powder mix cappuccino. Soon I'll have to wear a parka out here so I'm going to enjoy as many days outside as I have left.