😈✨🍺MrTenant's Tavern and Dungeon

I know you're always interested in science. This is Mount Washington New Hampshire USA, the tallest mountain in North America
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Mount Washington (NH) is the tallest mountain in the North Eastern states of the US. (6288 ft)

Mount Rainier (WA) is the tallest mountain in the lower 48. (14,410 ft)

Mount Denali (AK) is the tallest mountain in North America (20,310 ft)

I'm kinda a nerd about these things.
Also, my husband has climbed to the summit of all of them. (Mt Washington in January. In summer months you can just drive to the top)
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Mount Washington (NH) is the tallest mountain in the North Eastern states of the US. (6288 ft)

Mount Rainier (WA) is the tallest mountain in the lower 48. (14,410 ft)

Mount Denali (AK) is the tallest mountain in North America (20,310 ft)

I'm kinda a nerd about these things.
Also, my husband has climbed to the summit of all of them. (Mt Washington in January. In summer months you can just drive to the top)
Wow! Thank you. It must have been neat to be on 'top of the world'
Morning! Somebody has forgotten to change the battery to the smoke alarm in the hallway...

Finds the totally cooled down drink on the table
Rj, when i mean it's too late, it's too late. I passed out before you even started making that drink.
I'm sorry, I tried...
Puts blanket around Strix’s shoulders, walks her to the bondage bed and settles her in. Nice comfy blankets and pillows, kisses her forehead and turns out the light.