😈✨🍺MrTenant's Tavern and Dungeon

The bondage bed recently was reupholstered with fresh leather and the blankets are warm and soft.

Oh wow. 2nd consecutive 10h night in a row. And 2nd consecutive full energy level upon waking up 👀

I'm not gonna ask, there's nobody else awake anyway at this hour... Hops behind the bar

I've had it happen too. My work around is to copy the full text, close the conversation window, open it again (usually part of my message is still there), copy over all and then send.
My trick has been to copy the text, refresh the page, also then there's usually part of my message left, and then paste what I've copied.

But Brenda's method seems easier.
Whee are you headed? Make any new toys?
Going off charter for a couple of days, until they get the rig moved to a new location.... I should post pics from the crazy shit we did last night at the "stacked fleet."
The rigs love us, because we'll do the things that other boats won't. Lol

New toys? Just some "disappearing buttplugs"... aka, ice missiles. There's one pictured a page or two back.
We were "nosed into" a cluster of stacked rigs, with rigs on 3 sides of us and a cantilevered derrick hanging over the stern for about 12 hours of crane ops... the "pucker factor" was somewhere between moderate and high.