007 Challenge

My dirty little secret is that I love
hating John Voigt in all the roles he had past 40.
I cheer aloud to the crowd of one cat when Danny
fucking DiVito kicks him in the balls.
What the fuck? It's just fiction, right?

or when Ray punches him out

2: Newspeak

Now we consume
a bellyfeel of blackwhite--
our daily doublethink
of the president's rectification
of misprints, the malquotations
of the fake news

that portray oldthink garbage,
the gossip of joycampers,
those doubleplusungood

who ownlives bear facecrimes,
their inability to comprehend the beauty,
the rightness of duckspeak.

Quack quack. Quack.
3: Ode to the Accomplishments of the Trump Administration

4: Megalomania on Parade

"As I have stated strongly before, and just to reiterate,
if Turkey does anything that I, in my great and unmatched wisdom,
consider to be off limits, I will totally destroy and obliterate
the Economy of Turkey (I've done before!)."
--@realDonaldTrump, 8:38 AM - 7 Oct 2019

What does crazy
sound like? The yammer
of jays on a tin roof?
The sound of generals
biting their nails,
stomachs clenched
with anxiety? Or merely
the silence of thumb-typed
screeds that scroll out
over the Internet, reading
like a paranoiac's
egomanical closeted view
of a reality only he sees?

I do not believe in God,
yet I am learning to pray
for my beleagured country.

The poor Kurds are left
to dig their own graves.

The awful thing is that Oz,
the small and frightened man
behind the curtain is, while
not great, insanely powerful.
5: Prefrontal Leucotomy

To Antonio Caetano de Abreu Freire Egas Moniz for his discovery
of the therapeutic value of leucotomy in certain psychoses.
--1949 Nobel Prize citation

It is a simple procedure, requiring only
local anaesthetic or a series
of light electrical shocks to stun
the patient. The physician

raises the eyelid and positions
the surgical tool (which resembles
a stainless steel ice pick) slightly
above the tear duct and taps
gently but firmly to penetrate
the brain case and drive

the point of the instrument
two inches into the frontal lobe.
The tool is rotated in an arc to just
the point that avoids further fracture
of the skull, then withdraws
to the other eye: rinse, repeat.

Total time for the procedure,
ten minutes or less. Post-procedure,
violent or disruptive behavior
is usually calmed, though

in some instances, the best
that can be done
for the family is to return. . .
the patient to them
in an innocuous state,

a veritable household pet.

Most patients | Most victims
were women.

You figure it out.
6: Марионетка

Old man with odd hair.
Pale circles surround his eyes.
Should we believe him?
To Antonio Caetano de Abreu Freire Egas Moniz for his discovery
of the therapeutic value of leucotomy in certain psychoses.
--1949 Nobel Prize citation

It is a simple procedure, requiring only
local anaesthetic or a series
of light electrical shocks to stun
the patient. The physician

raises the eyelid and positions
the surgical tool (which resembles
a stainless steel ice pick) slightly
above the tear duct and taps
gently but firmly to penetrate
the brain case and drive

the point of the instrument
two inches into the frontal lobe.
The tool is rotated in an arc to just
the point that avoids further fracture
of the skull, then withdraws
to the other eye: rinse, repeat.

Total time for the procedure,
ten minutes or less. Post-procedure,
violent or disruptive behavior
is usually calmed, though

in some instances, the best
that can be done
for the family is to return. . .
the patient to them
in an innocuous state,

a veritable household pet.

Most patients | Most victims
were women.

You figure it out.

Very interesting and sent me down a whole world of crazy and i don't mean the patients. Well in the name of progress you've got to try crazy things..... i guess that's why doctors practice medicine.
7: Quinn, Bathing

For me, it begins
when she pins up her hair,

how a few loose strands
lie along her long neck,
drape over the collar
of her white terrycloth robe.

The steam rising off the heated water
has already left her neck damp.

Can I help but imagine
her soft breasts, firm thighs
filmed with sweat or condensation?

Her back to me, she drops her robe,
steps into the tub. I glimpse
the violin of her body, her shoulders,
her hips, and turn away to fetch

a glass of chilled wine
for her to sip.

Later, I will find her cleansed, warm.
A naiad quite open in the comfort of our bed.

One prescient bud thrusts
impossibly perpendicular,
arrives straight,
overnighted freight, Amazoned up
from flat leaf one
arrow bare of quiver, one tender
green stalk shot
silently from water

a love letter to the moon
written in chlorophyll
translations of the sun.
Now we consume
a bellyfeel of blackwhite--
our daily doublethink
of the president's rectification
of misprints, the malquotations
of the fake news

that portray oldthink garbage,
the gossip of joycampers,
those doubleplusungood

who ownlives bear facecrimes,
their inability to comprehend the beauty,
the rightness of duckspeak.

Quack quack. Quack.

Ursula K. Leguin's novel Telling is really hitting home with me now.

5:06 on Wednesday blares the same jaunty
phone alarm faux jazz
as did 5:06 on Tuesday. The same
song wears different socks on yesterday's feet.
Wednesday's ears drum back a different
beat, changing out threes for fours. Eights
even. However walked, the notes
inevitably rise to variously dark or light
broken skies. The same lungs breathe
in what is left until they won't.

When all the sleep is slept and breath
stolen off in the night,
owing rent, perhaps its measure, depth,
worth or debt will be counted
by the same hand that held the saw
cutting clean through all the mornings
and Wednesdays and droughts and floods,
through the end to the early,
tender stem. If I am fortunate, counted by
fives or tens. But if I am really lucky,
by then someone will have learned how to read
corrigate, one fluent in the speech of rings.

Between this hour and 5:06 a.m.,
we are off the record. Words are merely
harmless dreams of remembered seeds.
Last edited:

Define the disease.

Aristotle taught that female
anatomy was merely
a mutilation of the male.

97.5 percent of research
into cardiovascular disease
over 31 landmark trials
between 1987 and 2012
recorded the experiences
of males.

The female heart is a mutilated heart.

Women continue to ingest
80 percent of pharmaceutical drugs
sold in the United states.

The female body is a mutilated body.

Up to three quarters of girls with ADHD
are likely to go undiagnosed due to data

The female child is a mutilated child.

Daina Taimina may crochet
hyperbolic space. Crochet
is fine for women.

The female mind is a mutilated mind.

75% of all unpaid work
elder care
child care
home care
basically giving a fuck
is done by women.

The female labour is a necessary labour.

But what about me about me about me about mine about that one time
I put my socks my own socks in the hamper and me me me why not
why isn't this poem about me? Isn't my penis mutilated enough?
Isn't my unpaid work just as important because I'm born important
75% more important?

The female poem is a mutilated poem.
Define the disease.

Aristotle taught that female
anatomy was merely
a mutilation of the male.

97.5 percent of research
into cardiovascular disease
over 31 landmark trials
between 1987 and 2012
recorded the experiences
of males.

The female heart is a mutilated heart.

Women continue to ingest
80 percent of pharmaceutical drugs
sold in the United states.

The female body is a mutilated body.

Up to three quarters of girls with ADHD
are likely to go undiagnosed due to data

The female child is a mutilated child.

Daina Taimina may crochet
hyperbolic space. Crochet
is fine for women.

The female mind is a mutilated mind.

75% of all unpaid work
elder care
child care
home care
basically giving a fuck
is done by women.

The female labour is a necessary labour.

But what about me about me about me about mine about that one time
I put my socks my own socks in the hamper and me me me why not
why isn't this poem about me? Isn't my penis mutilated enough?
Isn't my unpaid work just as important because I'm born important
75% more important?

The female poem is a mutilated poem.

I woul rest easier if you were poet laureate

and I will

"The same song
wears different socks on yesterday's feet.

think the line break got mutilated

when sampling fine wines how does one know which is best

don't give up handwriting, altogether - it's as necessary as prayer
Hand Maid

Dairy maid starry said
red wax the gouda

firm voiced. Resonant.
So it was done.

Dairy maid saved
mold for other mysteries

days and years ahead.
What need had we

beyond wine and bread?
Still we asked and she melted

red wax into rose petals
around a wick kissed aflame.
I woul rest easier if you were poet laureate

and I will

"The same song
wears different socks on yesterday's feet.

think the line break got mutilated

when sampling fine wines how does one know which is best

don't give up handwriting, altogether - it's as necessary as prayer

I fucking love this guy. Lines get broken like wedding shower teapots, I admit. Sometimes it's careening. Sometimes it's the hitch that lets inhale catch up to pulse or vice versa. The aspirated dance.

A. Aaa. Apple. Unless it is long.
Unless before r. Unless dipthonged. Alpha
bet is assertion
posterized and simplified.

Neither of us are letters. Neither
Alpha nor omega.

Here is a woman swimming dizzy with words.
There is a woman swimming dizzy with words.

Both and neither

Both and neither
I fucking love this guy. Lines get broken like wedding shower teapots, I admit. Sometimes it's careening. Sometimes it's the hitch that lets inhale catch up to pulse or vice versa. The aspirated dance.

no no - I couldn't remember if I had YOUR line breaks right when I tried to quote

is all
he wrote

YOUR line breaks are gooder than gouda (which is pretty good)
all red waxed cheeses are

I woul rest easier if you were poet laureate

and I will

"The same song
wears different socks on yesterday's feet.

think the line break got mutilated

when sampling fine wines how does one know which is best

don't give up handwriting, altogether - it's as necessary as prayer

worth a peek
of course

impulse won't consult compass.
Metaphors wrestle. Mix.

Misalign. All raw audacity.

But I'd take a thousand bloodied
truths over a single

studied falsehood.

Truth lives long enough to fill
every possible container.
Old bruises may petition
for pressing. Haunts

beg revival howls. So
fine. Lance the boil.

Leave pain a memento.
A bank holiday, even.

Occasionally. Then
shrug off passage.

This map is invented
trespass by trespass.

The patient cartographer
knows the time it takes

new skin.
Proletarian blues

and there ain’t
no resuscitation
nothing changes
for the better here
in the lower 99%
and even 69 is hard
without that blue pill
yet we keep on
keeping on
until it ends​