007 Challenge

Digging the Daveyard

According to Wikipedia, David is the second most popular name in the United States, with around 1 in 28 males bearing this given name. The Dave wave peaked in popularity in the 1950’s and 60’s. As a male with that name and of that generation I can recall a French class of 12 where 4 of us were David and even today 2 of my French class bear this name. This was partially resolved by designating one of us as David, another as Dav-iid a, the third as Dave and I forget what we called the fourth who was frequently absent anyway. But we could never remember who was which. And of course there is the classic Cheech and Chong “Dave’s not here” routine

I feel the use of the diminutive Dave instead of David seems to have some class distinction. My partner’s upper-class English cousin is definitely a David not a Dave, just as his brother is Andrew not Andy. I feel the distinction is less pronounced on this side of the pond but in a casual Google search, I was unable to substantiate a difference on either side of the pond. My mother, born and raised in Illinois, always calls me David so there may be a generational aspect to it too. But I’m pretty sure neither David not Dave want to be referred to as Davey, especially if they’re in the Navy.

Regardless, in the year of the plague, a lot more Davids and Daves will be popping up in a cemetery near you. I just hope I’m not among them.
Digging the Daveyard
I've had several friends named David, some of whom prefer to be called "Dave" and some who prefer to be called "David." I usually call them all "David" but might call any of them "Dave" occasionally, just to mess with them.

I also have a friend named "Andrew." "Andy" definitely does not fit him, and calling him "Drew" would be simply be disingenuously cruel.

I myself went through this kind of thing in fourth grade, when we were, in 1950s fashion (it was actually 1963, but the ethos was a holdover from the Eisenhower years) seated alphabetically by surname. I ended up in the rear of the class, which was unusual, since I always opted to sit up front. My position in class had two clear consequences: For one, I realized I couldn't read what was written on the blackboard (yes, millennials, actual slate that the instructor wrote on with chalk) and which led to me being prescribed glasses and, two, losing the positional lottery on who got to be called by their preferred name. "Bill" went to a guy with a "G" surname, "Billy" (which I would not have liked much, but which turned out better than the third option) for a kid with an "R" surname, and the overly formal "William" for me.

Curiously, I am having the same problem now. I am taking an online college course which refuses to let me select "Bill" as my preferred screen name.

At least now I can see the screen. (Sort of. Sometimes I need to lift my glasses and squint.)
I've had several friends named David, some of whom prefer to be called "Dave" and some who prefer to be called "David." I usually call them all "David" but might call any of them "Dave" occasionally, just to mess with them.

I also have a friend named "Andrew." "Andy" definitely does not fit him, and calling him "Drew" would be simply be disingenuously cruel.

I myself went through this kind of thing in fourth grade, when we were, in 1950s fashion (it was actually 1963, but the ethos was a holdover from the Eisenhower years) seated alphabetically by surname. I ended up in the rear of the class, which was unusual, since I always opted to sit up front. My position in class had two clear consequences: For one, I realized I couldn't read what was written on the blackboard (yes, millennials, actual slate that the instructor wrote on with chalk) and which led to me being prescribed glasses and, two, losing the positional lottery on who got to be called by their preferred name. "Bill" went to a guy with a "G" surname, "Billy" (which I would not have liked much, but which turned out better than the third option) for a kid with an "R" surname, and the overly formal "William" for me.

Curiously, I am having the same problem now. I am taking an online college course which refuses to let me select "Bill" as my preferred screen name.

At least now I can see the screen. (Sort of. Sometimes I need to lift my glasses and squint.)

What about "Will?"
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is seven poems in seven days. You see, sometimes five just isn't satisfying and I seem perpetually to wind up three poems short of thirty. Thus, the double-o-seven: a challenge to post seven poems within seven days. Just like a martini, it can be dirty or clean. You can, in other words, write all seven poems on the same day, once a day, or however it works for you so long as you wind up with seven poems within a week from when you first posted.

Now get your Bond (or Bond Girl) on and write a week of poems! It's dangerous work, but someone has to do it and why not you? :cattail:
No(,) Pleiades

No Bond(')s(,) budget too small for
Not travelling space and
None too soon to be the first
Nonsense, James, you may kill
None less than a spectre of
Not practicing doctors
No arm's length away, Honey


Pleiades, derived from the astronomical structure of 'middle-aged hot B-type stars' (oh, these stargazers!) - a best fit in more than one way to praise the first Connery Bond movie in which 007 stops Dr. No from messing up a rocket launch.

This here, while pretty tight on structure, very undecided whether to follow the schools of six or seven syllables.
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Russian Rondelet

With love from James
playing the marionette
With love from James
the majesty of bed time games
victoriously riding threat
barrel deep in Russian Roulette
With love from James


Unfortunately the structure of a Rondelet doesn't allow that much to tell...
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Sicilian Fingerjob

an honour, Miss Blackman, femme heart core
not kissing the hi-karat digit snob
counting all precious up to twenty-four
who would want to be entrapped by this blob?
James, under superb models necks get sore
but who would tell this fucking prudish mob
they won't see the Flying Circus no more


It took some willpower to not use any of Oddjob, golden, finger and Pussy Galore.
But anyway, background check revealed some interesting fact character and actress of Ms. Galore. For example, Honor Blackman had lots of fun correcting especially US interviewers about the fact that it's not 'Miss Galore' but always addressed together with the first name. And since she was also a modern, self-assured woman in real life, it was a pleasure to work a little harder on this one; may you rest in peace (+ 5 April 2020).

Fun fact: The model used in the movie scene to explain the 'Grand Slam' can be found in the Patton Musuem at Fort Knox close to the local airfield.
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Thunderstorm Saraband

Who pays the nuclear nightmare?
Kings or presidents afraid of
double death delivered by air?
Now, agents all across the land
have come to see the deep blue sea
disco volcano is right hand
from shallow waters rescue me.

In the distant West Pacific
made of steel, so hard and hollow
standing stiff to come and swallow
oh, oh, seven, no ride for you
but deep inside volcanic heat
you and Kissy the Tiger's meet
right on time to be blown away.


Oh, boys
and their toys
so out of joy
when they break
Septilla forever

Secret agents are girls' bed's friends
no matter what the villain sends,
a diamond, Case, Plenty even.
Running hot like Austin Powers
they come to steal one's sleeping hours,
tired then of all this thievin'.
Now, this is how the story ends.
Never again, Sevenling

We've seen it all before
just with different names, but one
never changing James Bond.

Who can't be killed will live on,
forever reanimating agents,
expect to see this name again.

At last, retired, King of Jameses.

If only I could hate you
let anger take me
to a more comfortable place
where I haven't lost
every song we shared
along the way*
when secrets and hearts
were still safe
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He sang next to me
forgetting I was there
in the best way

Self-conscious hesitation
left behind somewhere on the road
to comfortable companionship

Undisturbed from his reverie
when I softly joined
in carefree harmony
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Heard a song yesterday
that plays with metaphors
of hurricanes, oceans, and waves

It was okay
but got me wondering

Who was whose storm
with you and me?

Who whipped the winds
and caused the tides to rise
and surge?

Now, I'm almost certain
we were tempests
to the other's turbulent sea

Doesn't feel quite there, or finished. Not sure where it wants to go, but it wanted attention paid to it, and I needed to put something here.

Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGzTxWrj7yE
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No surprise I loved you
familiar as you are
with female affection
probably assumed
before I knew it
to be true myself

So, it wasn't that I did
but how
that got past the guard
slipped behind the walls
took the all of you
protected by surface charm

Disarmed by my desire
to go deeper than
broad shoulders
and a cheeky grin
taking in pain
that matched passion
you entertained
my curious attention

Oh, no, it was nothing new
when I confessed
the depth of what I felt
for you

What really surprised you
was realizing
that you love me, too
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The cichlids patrol their 48”x18”x18” tank and
though this country has been officially metric since
April Fool’s day, 1975, I still measure fish and tanks
in inches, feet, ounces, pounds and gallons.
A mix of African cichlids, from lakes Victoria and
Tanganyika, but tanks are the only world they’ve known.
They’re of interest to me as a fishiologist, because of
their diversity, the piscine equivalent of Galapagos finches,
but I really keep them because their bright colours and
constant motion especially at feeding time which
provides a brief respite from the humdrum.

Each species more or less keeps to themselves,
establishing ever shifting territories in the
nooks and crannies of the rock wall I built,
that runs through the middle of the tank.
There is a balance of density and species,
which I never quite manage to maintain and
as they mature, intra and interspecific aggression
becomes a factor and every so often, I’ll find
a beat-up loser floating at the top of the tank.
But other times they breed successfully and
if I separate the mouthbrooding female early
enough, I can raise another generation of fry

You've mastered mixed messages
and study as I might
to improve my fluency
I don't feel much closer
to getting my degree

His lips pressed
against mine
and I still felt it
after waking

Online, mid-nineties
he helped open my world
changed my trajectory

He loved me
and I him
but it didn't conquer

We met once
time made us friends
and kept in touch
but time had other plans

Gone too young
too long
I miss him still

His visits have always faded
dissipating into the light of dawn
but this one I'll remember

With a kiss I've waited for
for twenty-five years

Unabashedly sentimental as fuck
1 of 7x7

Driver’s License

This learner’s permit does not permit much
although my instructor is kind of cute
but it’s hands-on wheel, eyes on road, no touch
still beats Mom’s nagging with radio mute
or Dad yelling if I take the wrong route.
Yet once I finally the test do pass
I’ve got hook up plans with a willing lass

Two hearts breaking
alone and confused
clumsy words and hurt
with so much to lose
no way to move forward
no good choice to choose
nothing feels right
no clue what to do
maybe just get pissed
and dance to the blues
2 of 7x7


Neath Armstrong’s moon
I’m riding shotgun in her car
Neil Armstrong’s moon
radio plays Animals’ tune
but San Francisco is so far
away from Oklahoma bar
Neath Armstrong’s moon
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3 of 7x7

McKenzie King Island

This far North it never grew dark
in May, just a couple hours dusk.
On trackless land we made our mark
flag paths for seismic to follow
to map the earth below for oil.
A promise I hope rang hollow
and never crude this land will soil.
4 of 7X7


If the pain is physical could I stay strong?
If strike psychological, can I stay sane?
If offered pork and clams, would I choose wrong?
If all my friends desert me, what shall remain?
If all lies in ruins, what use is my claim?
If I take Pascal's bet, just how should I pray?
If I swipe right, will she blow me away??
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5 of 7X7

Time stretches ahead of me offering naught
but a succession of empty days to fill
my vain ambition to parse passion distraught
into septet form, if possible, with rhyme
as graceful as that ode to meadowlark’s trill
through melliferous verse to call back lost time
and formless notions of present time distill.