100 word story. Exactly. No More. No less.

No Illusions

I know it’s not an interview for a modeling job. I know they’re going to post the video online.

But still, he’s kind of cute, and the fact there’s a woman behind the camera is reassuring.

They comment on my work clothes, that I’m wearing my wedding ring.

After the perfunctory interview, I strip completely naked and show off for the camera, touching my tits, spreading my legs.

He tells me I have a pretty pussy, and that he can definitely get me work in porn.

Mortified, I make eye contact with the camerawoman while he’s fucking me.
No Illusions

I know it’s not an interview for a modeling job. I know they’re going to post the video online.

But still, he’s kind of cute, and the fact there’s a woman behind the camera is reassuring.

They comment on my work clothes, that I’m wearing my wedding ring.

After the perfunctory interview, I strip completely naked and show off for the camera, touching my tits, spreading my legs.

He tells me I have a pretty pussy, and that he can definitely get me work in porn.

Mortified, I make eye contact with the camerawoman while he’s fucking me.
Very evocative, and kind of bittersweet.
Thank you. I don't really enjoy porn because I always put myself in the woman's place and imagine what sort of day she must have been having the day of the shoot.
Perhaps ironically, I often enjoy the 'behind the scenes' of making porn videos more than the actual porn, precisely because it shows the kind of day everyone is having. Although I'm sure the people interviewed are putting up at least a bit of a façade, of course, since it's still on camera and whatnot. And the type of casting couch video you described is definitely a completely different color of horse from the kind of productions that bother with documentary footage.

Their three identical cocks have three identical upward curves, bobbing slightly as they watch me undress,

One at a time I kiss them on the lips, lightly stroking each erection in turn.

“Are we gonna do this?” I ask innocently

Three eager nods.

I ride the first one cowgirl style.

His brother pushes me forward with a firm hand between my shoulder blades.

As he slowly works his cock into my ass, my mouth makes a lttle “o” of surprise.

“Suck it ,” the third brother says.

Three identical cocks in three of my holes, filling me completely.


I never thought it would go this far. He’s my patient for Christ’s sake. We’re in my office.

He backs me against my desk, kisses me, runs his hands over my body.

My clothes seem to be melting away. My Armani suit, my La Perla panties, scattered on the floor.

Now his hand is between my legs, cupping me, opening me up.

My pussy is so wet.

“What do you think, doctor, am I making satisfactory progress?”

Fighting to maintain my composure, I adjust my glasses, give him a slight nod.

“You’re an exemplary patient, Mr Vaughn … Oh!”
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Life Drawing

Smiling modestly , I spread my legs and rest my heels on the edge of the chair, exposing my wet pussy to you.

Leaning in close, you raise your art pad and lightly touch the tip of your sharpened pencil to the rough paper.

Fifteen minutes later you show me your sketch—the baroque folds of my labia, the messy tangle of my bush.

Then we swap places and repeat the process.

Another fifteen minutes, and I show you my drawing—your thick, heavy erection, the tip dewy with arousal, your tight balls serene in your shaved sack.
After the Power Walk

“You can shower here if you want.”

It’s weird being naked at Laura’s house.

Even weirder is her being naked with me.

We’ve been friends for years. I always assumed she was straight.

“Our husbands don’t have to know,” she giggles.

But oh god, the sight of her sweaty body. The smell of her, so musky and ripe.

Our nipples brush as we kiss.

Her hand is between my legs, stroking, teasing.

Tentatively I try touching her. Her clit is so hard.

“Am I doing this right?” I ask.

“I guess? It’s my first time too!”
Please Notice Me.

Notice my Mind.
I like esoteric and mysterious things.
I hope this fascinates you.
Remember that memo? On dress code?
I rewrote it four times.
I knew you’d see it and know I wrote it.
Was it clever enough?

Notice my body.
My skirts are getting shorter.
Décolletage logarithmically proportional to the attention it attracts from you.

My brain?

My body?

Do I even care?

You’re walking this way!

Notice my gracefulness.
I nonchalantly take a sip of coffee and…
spill it down my new blouse.

Moments later, in the ladies' room, helping me clean my blouse, our lips meet.
Please Notice Me.

Notice my Mind.
I like esoteric and mysterious things.
I hope this fascinates you.
Remember that memo? On dress code?
I rewrote it four times.
I knew you’d see it and know I wrote it.
Was it clever enough?

Notice my body.
My skirts are getting shorter.
Décolletage logarithmically proportional to the attention it attracts from you.

My brain?

My body?

Do I even care?

You’re walking this way!

Notice my gracefulness.
I nonchalantly take a sip of coffee and…
spill it down my new blouse.

Moments later, in the ladies' room, helping me clean my blouse, our lips meet.
Can confirm: clumsy ladies are irresistible.

The nice young couple next door are really going at it. We barely know each other. We’ve only chatted a few times.

Now she’s flat on her back with him on top of her, railing her. I never knew he had such a nice cock. Her tits are so pretty.

If they didn’t want an audience, they wouldn’t have left their blinds open.

So I leave mine open too.

I’m stark naked, sopping wet.

The guy notices me, picks up his pace.

Suddenly, the girl looks up wide-eyed.

I can read her lips.

“Oh my God!”

We cum together.
Quick and Dirty
A new girl started today -
young, blonde, cute as a button.
She's a bit taller than me,
but not as busty.

Her eyes are blue as the vault of Heaven.

There's already a bitter office feud over who gets first dibs.

At lunchtime she asks me to show her where the best local places are.

She has the most incredible smile.

She snares my arm and
we take the
stairs and
in the
hidden corner
takes my hand
and spins

I moan as she enters me with her eager fingers.

Which then begs the question - who's showing whom?
Mute Witness
I started singing
because you love music.
I pierced my ears
just like yours.
I changed my lipstick,
my blush, my hair colour
to something bright.
I hung around near you and your friends
between meetings
hoping you'd notice me.

I took up hockey so I'd lose weight,
Then lost more because food lost its savour.
And drank too much at the end-of-year do.

You found me
and held me
and kept me warm and safe
and kissed away my tears

Why didn't you tell me, you sobbed.
But I did as best I could -
Words are hard for me.
I hate that noise you make when you chew
I hate the dramatic way you sneeze
I hate the way you wait until I'm busy
before asking for something
I hate the way you've not cleaned up
I hate the way you snore
I hate the way your aftershave smells
I hate your mother and your sister
I hate the movies you love
I hate your jokes
I hate the shirt you're wearing
I hate your forearms
I hate your stubble
and your smile
but most of all I hate
how much
I need your cock
in me right now
Author's note: no turtles were harmed in the writing of this hundo.

Turtle Cream

“Whatcha makin’?”

“Turtle cream.”

“Mmmm. I love your turtle cream. Will there be enough?”

“If there isn’t, there’s plenty more where that came from,” April winked. Her hands were busy. It was delicious, but a lot of work.

“Can I help?” Donny asked.

“If you like.” She handed him the shell. “Hold this. It’ll take another minute or two.”

Her hands were turning green. “Damn. Well, can’t be helped.”

“Get ready, Donatello, it’s coming.”

She aimed the spurting cream into the shell.

“Good boy Leonardo,” she said, pouring it back into his mouth.

“Can I lick the bowl?” asked Donatello.
what the fuck. :eek::ROFLMAO:
It was on the 5 bombing thread. (I had to look through my old posts to find it.)
Read down the page for the short digression. @Bamagan joked that I should develop it. [Edit: And no, I am not going to write a bisexual turtle orgy]
You were the one who asked what turtle cream was. I thought you were looking for a recipe... :rolleyes:
The Trade

When the trading party arrived, I was called out to meet them.

There was trade.
For Jade.
For Calcite.
They had a rarity:
a large meteorite fragment.

There were speeches.
“She’s an artist-poet-magic-medicine-woman. She is worthy of a great chief.”
My father. Chieftain. Proud.

“A child means peace for another generation.”
Mother, always practical.

There was sadness.
“You are our most prized possession,” Father whispered, his tears burning my ears.
“I’ll miss you,” I sobbed into his shoulder.

There was Peace.
She met us.
Was this ‘Earth Goddess?’

“I’m Helva, Welcome.”

And then…
Saturday Chores

He entered the bathroom, shirt off, smelling sweaty. The light scent of detergent made it masculine, virile.

“I cleaned the gutters…” His voice trailed off as he saw me hand-washing my delicates.

Blotting my red silk blouse on the white cotton towel, I knew he was picturing me in it. Braless.

“Why am I the only one here topless?”

Peeling off my oversized hockey jersey, no bra to conceal my nipples, He caressed my pink beads of passion.

I leaned back into his embrace.

“I’m not done.”

“I’ll help. What’s next?”

“My silk panties...”

They were still undone on Sunday.

[Slight edit. I changed the order of two sentences.]

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