11 %

Thank you all very much. This is awkward of me, because I have a superstitious dread of tempting fate and self-promotion, so I’ll wait until I actually see thebook up, but I’ve got the contract and the form for requesting cover art right here, and it’s kind of hard not to be excited about it.

To tell you the truth, I’ve always been terrified of submitting anything to a publisher, but they contacted me, which proves that they really do read our stuff here, and that there’s a tremendous market for it. And at the risk of sounding like an Oscar winner, I do owe a great deal of thanks to everyone at Lit for providing a place to publish and discuss, and for encouragement and feedback. Is this a great site or what?

Congratulations, Dr. M! Getting published is tough, and I've heard good things about Ellora's Cave.

And don't feel awkward, feel proud!

Hey Doc, as an old ballplayer I understand the fear of jinxing. Still, once things are good to go please do let us know. I would love to have an autographed copy so I could say, "I cyber-knew him when..."
Congrats Doc. The first one is the worst. After awhile, you'll just be skimming those contracts and looking for the bottom line. 11% is a fair figure for hard copies, 40% for e-books is right in the middle range of most publishers. It's a trade off, but print publication is always better.

You'll write much better stuff in the future, and sell it for more, so look at it that way -- don't worry about attorneys or getting screwed out of something by obscure contract language or any of that crap. People who've never been published are always long on advice and short on experience, is one thing I've found. Nothing beats seeing your name in print, I will tell you that much.

I second Seattle Zack. Seeing your name on a book is a thrill you never quite get over. Sometimes I just sit and stare at mine.... :)

You are going to keep us up to date on your book, right Doc?
dr_mabeuse said:
Thank you all very much. This is awkward of me, because I have a superstitious dread of tempting fate and self-promotion, so I’ll wait until I actually see thebook up, but I’ve got the contract and the form for requesting cover art right here, and it’s kind of hard not to be excited about it.

To tell you the truth, I’ve always been terrified of submitting anything to a publisher, but they contacted me, which proves that they really do read our stuff here, and that there’s a tremendous market for it. And at the risk of sounding like an Oscar winner, I do owe a great deal of thanks to everyone at Lit for providing a place to publish and discuss, and for encouragement and feedback. Is this a great site or what?


It is indeed, Dr. M. Especially for those of us who used to pay to download dirty stories at Ellora's Cave!

Don't stop writing for Lit, okay? Test the good stuff here, and let them come and ask you for it again.
