13 Facts About America Conservatives Would Like You to Forget

The 14th Amendment give Congress the power to set or alter immigration and citizenship standards. Residency isn't the only requirement of a "natural born citizen.

So? What is your point? Name a requirement that applies. You can't do it.
A belief in which, in the absence of a real birth certificate, is simply an article of faith.

Arizona law enforcement proved his draft card to be a forgery as well.

Someone born in 1961 was issued a draft card?
I don't have to gather anything, it's already been done, by experts. The SCOTUS has not commented, ruled, or reviewed the facts of Arizona investigation, you stupid truckload of liberal shit.

Lol...yeah right. I'm sure the court didn't give a shit if it was done legally or not.


Left and right factual bitch slaps on Vette's denial-soaked pate continue to rain down like a monsoon.


It might be time for an intervention. He's falling apart faster than a Rolex knockoff on Canal Street. :D
I already have, the only article of proof he's presented to the public, has been found to contain probable cause of forgery. The fact that his draft card was a forgery, and his Social Security number is encoded for a location he has never been, doesn't go very far to support the veracity of his claim to "natural born citizenship."

Now that my "facts" have collided with your religious faith and are at the predictable impasse, care to address the other refutations I presented concerning the lies in your OP?

Are you an alt of forest gump or is he an alt of yours?

You're a beboppin mofo of the highest order dude..
The industry technical experts he called into examine the files. Those well known and respected experts in the field of electronic imagery. I've already posted the evidence, the video of the Sheriff's presentation and the video of the expert who took Obama's BC apart like a clock. So don't ask me to do it again. Others have posted it as well. So do your homework, get up to speed with the facts, instead of blind faith.

Next up: Vettebirther explains how Bill Clinton was president on 9/11/01. Later in the show, Vettebirther explains how Mitt Romney actually won in 2012. :rolleyes:
I've been here for ten years. I am well known among those who have been here a while. I have never been anyone except myself. I have never used an alt, as I consider it cowardly. I have posted my picture many times and have used it as an AV. I have never been afraid to be me. Gump has had his own identities but he's never been me, or me him.

Ok... I'll give you that... but it's obvious you two went here together..

Listen you stupid fuck, he was already President when he saw fit to post his forged BC, and he was already President when this investigation was conducted...are you getting a minute clue now, Big Dummy?

oh, the endless stupidity from that CowPooSlinger
Listen you stupid fuck, he was already President when he saw fit to post his forged BC, and he was already President when this investigation was conducted...are you getting a minute clue now, Big Dummy?

You really struggle with the fact that you don't have any idea what the fuck you're talking about. I've never seen anyone struggle with REALITY here like you....cept for jerryinflorida.

You really are spectacularly delusional. You need to get on some meds or sumthin.
It's more than obvious your ovaries are in an uproar.:rolleyes:

Jesus, CowPooPatty is on a liberal board and he things he's in touch with reality.....fucking genius

obama numbers keep going down yet his kind still loves the obama and thinks 'We' are the issue....sorry CowPooPatty - your kind is the fucking problem
It's more than obvious your ovaries are in an uproar.:rolleyes:

ugh, just don't have tolerance for idiots that that nut. he should be shipped off to a 'camp' after all, not like anyone's going to miss his fucked up ass
Yeah sure stupid. Show us that you know what you're talking about, and proceed to refute the Sheriff's investigation. I dare you to try, you fucking yellow belly.:rolleyes:

I don't have to disprove anything. The supreme court said it was enough, along with all the other examples shown here yet you STILL ain't buying it.

I don't have to prove your stupidity, you do that all on your own.

You're another pussy like miles enjoying your anonymity.