midwestyankee said:
These goals are admirable (no comment needed on the third item). When I decided to take writing seriously a year or so ago, I enrolled in a writer's workshop at my community college. This put a little bit of pressure on me to produce something readable and it gave me the opportunity to see the work of others who were also just starting out. Since then, while I haven't made much time for writing I have joined a local writer's group. We meet once each month for a few beers and some critique time on one or more stories from our members. The critiques that I received have been fair and rather well considered so it has been very helpful.
I wish our local college (my semi-former employer) had resources for writers who weren't in remedial/developmental/bonehead classes.

Perhaps I should talk to a couple of my RL reading group friends. They've done some writing--maybe they'd be interested in getting together for something informal. Hell, we have dinner together once a week, anyway.

Posting on Lit has been the extent of my writing in the past year.

One of the very best resources for me has been Cool Running.
Funny you should mention that. I'd come across that site recently and bookmarked it so I could look over it later. Thanks. :)
Eilan said:
I wish our local college (my semi-former employer) had resources for writers who weren't in remedial/developmental/bonehead classes.

Perhaps I should talk to a couple of my RL reading group friends. They've done some writing--maybe they'd be interested in getting together for something informal. Hell, we have dinner together once a week, anyway.

Posting on Lit has been the extent of my writing in the past year.

Funny you should mention that. I'd come across that site recently and bookmarked it so I could look over it later. Thanks. :)

Eilan, I'd recommend checking out the Author's Hangout. There are some fantastic, professional quality writers who hang out there, and every so often, you learn something in the writing threads. It's also a great place to ask questions about your own writing and bounce ideas off people. People are very supportive of each other, though it can be a dysfunctional 'family' as well. It's a virtual writers group, although there's a lot of chat about things other than writing.

(Plus, they're a great bunch of people and we rarely have any cock size threads).
LadyJeanne said:
Eilan, I'd recommend checking out the Author's Hangout. There are some fantastic, professional quality writers who hang out there, and every so often, you learn something in the writing threads. It's also a great place to ask questions about your own writing and bounce ideas off people. People are very supportive of each other, though it can be a dysfunctional 'family' as well. It's a virtual writers group, although there's a lot of chat about things other than writing.

(Plus, they're a great bunch of people and we rarely have any cock size threads).

please don't even think of stealin' eilan. :(

*on knees*
[snaps a picture of EJ on his knees and begging]

[passes it to quoll to do his usual photoshop magic]


EJFan said:
please don't even think of stealin' eilan. :(

*on knees*

Ha! No reason you can't stalk her in the AH too!
LadyJeanne said:
Hmm, goals...

- move back to Chicago in the spring/early summer: five years on the West Coast has been lovely, but the midwest is home. It's time to go back. I've been hoping they'd outlaw ice and snow while I've been away, but no.


I found an apartment Craigslist which sounds perfect for me, and from the pics posted online, it looks super nice enough to rent. It's in my preferred neighborhood, they're ok with kitty cat, AND it comes with two (count 'em TWO) parking spaces. And it has a deck so I can put potted flowers out there!

I'm going out there this weekend to search for places, but one of my Chicago friends will be checking this place out tonight. If it passes the 'nothing freaky or scary' about it test, he's going to put a deposit down for me to hold it until I can sign the lease on Fri or Sat.


Cross your fingers for me...
LadyJeanne said:
Cross your fingers for me...
good luck!

if litizens keep moving at this rate we're all gonna booked with wall to wall housewarming parties!
EJFan said:
good luck!

if litizens keep moving at this rate we're all gonna booked with wall to wall housewarming parties!

Scalywag said:
I hope things work out and you find a great place to live. And I hope this move brings you closer to your SO.

Lots for luck to you! :rose:

Thanks guys! Everything worked out nicely last night, and if all goes according to plan, I will have a signed lease in hand on Saturday.

:nana: :nana: :nana:

Wow. I didn't think I'd be this excited to get back to the humidity and the cold and snow, but I guess that's a good sign. :)

EJ, the housewarming party will coincide with 4th of July, so pencil it in.

Scaly, yes, my SO...it will be so incredibly, wonderfully wonderful to see each other without involving airplanes. 30 miles is a lot closer than 1846 air miles. 'Course, with our schedules, it's not entirely clear that we'll see each other more often... :rolleyes:
Scalywag said:
Inspired by LadyJeanne, I decided to check what I wrote and see how I am doing.

1. Construction wasn't done by the end of January but did get done (with the exception of trim around one door and window) and I'm comfortably moved in. Maybe I'll post a picture.....that is once I comply with #4.

2. Yes, we met for a 2-hour lunch on a Friday in March. Ya know, even though we've both gone our own way, with some people, the bond you once had will never change. :)

3. Been to busy to read much more than the sports section of the newspaper, therefore I have not really increased the amount I read. OK, OK, this is a poor excuse, I know I'll never find the time, I have to make the time.

4. Been a little improvement in the clutter tolerance but mostly relates to the recycleables. I'm a little more organized with this shit now. But I don't think I'll ever get to the point when there will be no clutter in my office.....I guess my work habits will be diffucult to modify (so a picture will have to wait)

5. I have tried a couple new dishes with pretty good success. With warmer weather it will be time for some new ideas.

Sounds like you've done pretty damned well with most of your goals!

Happy nana dance for you:

:nana: :nana: :nana:
Scalywag said:
I'll bring the keg.

Lets see, 30 miles away means a 15 mile drive each if even for only a little while (you know...for some car sex)

Car sex? Did someone say car sex?

You mean like THIS ?
