2009 Survivor Bonus Round Challenge #2: Masquerade.

I cannot believe how much time I have spent on the Cento.
A puzzle I could not stop.

Naked Masquerade Guest List

::Bachelor tree house::

A handful of visitors,
clear acrylic dome.
Just add starlight
cloud covers, cold nights
(nothing to do with weather.)
Give me naked ladies,
statuesque low keyed sluts,
men surrounded by seduction.
Single jazz thing, middle C,
right there on your electric radio.

::Barometer sparks::
:: take a number ::

Mona Spice, it's about her heavy lips,
gentle breath, even trade.
(One of her tricks: between two pricks
feeling another tongue.)

One hand free, Raul stumbles
walking pretty in ankle weeds.

::I think your shoes are stupid::

We lean over Strawberry Kim,
woman from infinity,
unfolding crystal lipped swirl
curling photography in the mirror.

One missing guest
found laying on doorstep
drilling a 1/4” hole
looking about, stunned.

One growing pain closest to groin,
lowering Laila, favorite whore of my penis!
How to be spending time near her face!
(Lips, arms, hair, skin.)
First kiss, second kiss
"Ready?" whispered.

::Need of pause::
::no cigarette::
::just smoke::

We lean over triangular bed for sleep,
softly, three women lullaby the 3 beautiful boys.
One for all, merrily pressing random words
too quiet this night,
mulling small tokens strung together.

::Wish and vision before sleep::

I believe a dream of never leaving.
Almost understanding fragments, glue and togetherness,
oh me end of the world, again!
Written through two internet disconnections and a power cut .......... the air this end is a delicate shade of blue!

vampire masquerade

I heard the whispers in the night
blue eyes haemorrhaged red,
in a world of mimes at the end of all time,
resting in the shadows
Death creeps close again
leaving behind the living dead
when darkness comes to eat you alive.
This night exposed what they wanted fed,
how does it feel to not find breath,
to gasp for life?
The blue aura of my saliva, drop by drop,
like toxic waste of lust
has dropped you to your knees dead though alive.
Prey rarely sees the hunter come
talons of strength and might, stained by age,
a kite of stealth on a death ride.
sorry about your power
Do you have the sources of your lines?

Curious minds want to know..... :cattail:

Written through two internet disconnections and a power cut .......... the air this end is a delicate shade of blue!

vampire masquerade

I heard the whispers in the night
blue eyes haemorrhaged red,
in a world of mimes at the end of all time,
resting in the shadows
Death creeps close again
leaving behind the living dead
when darkness comes to eat you alive.
This night exposed what they wanted fed,
how does it feel to not find breath,
to gasp for life?
The blue aura of my saliva, drop by drop,
like toxic waste of lust
has dropped you to your knees dead though alive.
Prey rarely sees the hunter come
talons of strength and might, stained by age,
a kite of stealth on a death ride.
sorry about your power
Do you have the sources of your lines?

Curious minds want to know..... :cattail:

yuck that's the hard slog bit that I'm not looking forward to thought i could wait till I submitted after I had checked if it was ok !

had several more powercuts and am feeling murderous lol
okay here you go the poems and authors

Masks melt away ~ Whispermuse
Ghost of Marriage past ~ Wanton Vixxxen
Simply Roses ~ Ancient117331
Winter soul ~ TMV
04' Dying Light ~ midnightj
11/07 Beyond Coping ~ Wildsweetone
03' From the distant shadow ~ midnightj
03' Silent Fear ~ midnightj
13 Crows ~ My Erotic Tale
8 Years, Final Goodbye ~ deezire1900
curling photography ~ smithpeter
Cut ~ lil_fire
Cyanide smile ~ Wanton Vixxxen
zmp Night Wisdom ~ My Erotic Tale
okay here you go the poems and authors

Masks melt away ~ Whispermuse
Ghost of Marriage past ~ Wanton Vixxxen
Simply Roses ~ Ancient117331
Winter soul ~ TMV
04' Dying Light ~ midnightj
11/07 Beyond Coping ~ Wildsweetone
03' From the distant shadow ~ midnightj
03' Silent Fear ~ midnightj
13 Crows ~ My Erotic Tale
8 Years, Final Goodbye ~ deezire1900
curling photography ~ smithpeter
Cut ~ lil_fire
Cyanide smile ~ Wanton Vixxxen
zmp Night Wisdom ~ My Erotic Tale
OK, I'll be the bad guy. Let me quote from the original challenge:
Write a cento, entirely made-up of titles of poems posted at Literotica.com by poets other than yourself.
Not a bad cento, but you're not using the titles of poems. You're using lines from the poems.

Frankly, that's hard enough to do as is. (I know. I've recently been doing just that.) But it isn't what the challenge asks you to do.

I don't care, myself. It's hard enough to write a cento anyway, so if no one objects, I'm fine with this.

Sorry. Somehow I now feel mean.
Ah! I was thinking that she knew the man, in the biblical sense. I missed the point.
Which means, of course, I did not explain that well.

I said centos are hard, right? I mean not hard right like Rush Limbaugh or something, but hard to write. :rolleyes:
Yes, it is just an exercise. You can just wing it and still get the points without getting it "really" right. But you do not seem like the kind of writer who does it for the points, votes, credit.
My problem is that I lose interest in writing something with so many restrictions. It has to be a cento. Only with lines from titles at Literotica. It has to be from a sexual viewpoint that is not mine, both gender-wise and attractiveness. It has to use the word "masquerade" in the title.

After a while, it becomes something that I might want to play around a bit with and then ditch. If I want to continue in the contest (which is always open to question), then I want to do the bonus round. But, frankly, I'm not sure how much effort I want to put into a poem I am not all that into. ;)

I mean, it's basically a contest, right? You fill in the blanks. Some might be interesting, others not.

Many have a "work just so hard and then give up" kind of feel to them.

I sense disapproval in your "you do not seem like the kind of writer who does it for the points."

I kind of am, actually. Play a bit with a form and post it. Some forms I like (I'm in love with the Onegin Stanza, for example), some not so much.

I know. I'm might be making the whole thing a bummer for other people, but geez--I'm being honest about how I feel about it.

Interested enough to keep doing it, however crankily, or sloppily.

Thanks for your encouragement, but I am by no means looking to "win" anything. I am hoping to finish. I have not written much of anything in the past year and a half, two years, so getting this far makes me happy already.
The win comment merely meant I thought you'd written a pretty good cento. That's all.
Aside: I was not threatening to spank you because I thought you would enjoy it. That would defeat the purpose of the punishment for your self-deprecation. I was thinking of discouraging the behavior, not reinforcing it. At any rate, punishment never really works anyway in changing behavior.
I see we have both taken Operant Conditioning 101.

Punishment does work. It just has side consequences.
Only with lines from titles at Literotica. It has to be from a sexual viewpoint that is not mine, both gender-wise and attractiveness.
check the guidelines, it can be other alternative viewpoints beyond sexual

After a while, it becomes something that I might want to play around a bit with and then ditch. If I want to continue in the contest (which is always open to question), then I want to do the bonus round. But, frankly, I'm not sure how much effort I want to put into a poem I am not all that into. ;)

I mean, it's basically a contest, right? You fill in the blanks. Some might be interesting, others not.

Yes. Absolutely. I did not spend much time on the limerick -- I was not interested in it, I just finished it to get it done. I think everyone will have a few of those, I guess if the overall attitude is to do the best that one can do, a few will certainly slide through.

I sense disapproval in your "you do not seem like the kind of writer who does it for the points."

I kind of am, actually. Play a bit with a form and post it. Some forms I like (I'm in love with the Onegin Stanza, for example), some not so much.

Not disapproval, just a misjudgment. I thought you had complained earlier that the contest seemed to be about quanity and not quality and I extrapolated too far. Everyone has their reasons, and everyone in one way or another is doing it for the points, or else we would not record them.

I know. I'm might be making the whole thing a bummer for other people, but geez--I'm being honest about how I feel about it.

Interested enough to keep doing it, however crankily, or sloppily.

You are not making it a bummer for anyone that I have noticed. I think your honesty is appreciated.

The win comment merely meant I thought you'd written a pretty good cento. That's all.

I hope you don't think I took your comment wrong-- but I really have no expectation of winning-- I am too competitive to think about winning, I have to resign to loss from the beginning of I would drive myself (and everyone) crazy.

But hey thank you for the nice compliment! Can I get a cookie or something? How about a pretty star? I am serious. I am totally conditioned for positive reinforcement. Very juvenile. So juvenile I do not even try to hide it like many adults.

I see we have both taken Operant Conditioning 101.

Punishment does work. It just has side consequences.

Well it might work but only conditionally as generally the punisher has to be present in order for the behavioral change to be maintained and generalized.

Pretty much the same with any kind of external reinforcement I suppose.

Where is my damn cento cookie?:kiss:
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OK, I'll be the bad guy. Let me quote from the original challenge:Not a bad cento, but you're not using the titles of poems. You're using lines from the poems.

Frankly, that's hard enough to do as is. (I know. I've recently been doing just that.) But it isn't what the challenge asks you to do.

I don't care, myself. It's hard enough to write a cento anyway, so if no one objects, I'm fine with this.

Sorry. Somehow I now feel mean.

You are not mean, no one would think that. I think we have all misread the conditions to at least one of the challenges. It was nice of you to point it out. I thought another poet had done the same thing, and I was about to point it out when I realized they had used titles, just listed them in their source section in a different order. (which is fine, even I figured it out eventually!)

UYS- did you already do your other Cento for Survivor? If not, you can use this for that!

check the guidelines, it can be other alternative viewpoints beyond sexual

Yes. Absolutely. I did not spend much time on the limerick -- I was not interested in it, I just finished it to get it done. I think everyone will have a few of those, I guess if the overall attitude is to do the best that one can do, a few will certainly slide through.

Not disapproval, just a misjudgment. I thought you had complained earlier that the contest seemed to be about quanity and not quality and I extrapolated too far. Everyone has their reasons, and everyone in one way or another is doing it for the points, or else we would not record them.

You are not making it a bummer for anyone that I have noticed. I think your honesty is appreciated.

I hope you don't think I took your comment wrong-- but I really have no expectation of winning-- I am too competitive to think about winning, I have to resign to loss from the beginning of I would drive myself (and everyone) crazy.

But hey thank you for the nice compliment! Can I get a cookie or something? How about a pretty star? I am serious. I am totally conditioned for positive reinforcement. Very juvenile. So juvenile I do not even try to hide it like many adults.

Well it might work but only conditionally as generally the punisher has to be present in order for the behavioral change to be maintained and generalized.

Pretty much the same with any kind of external reinforcement I suppose.

Where is my damn cento cookie?:kiss:
I've noticed everything you write is blue.

That's me, isn't it? My depressive poems and attitude have brought you down. :(

I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry.

I'm so sorry I may have to write a sorry poem:
Oh! Anna's poems are blue.
My fault. I'd wish her hue
Some brilliant color pink.
Much more like flesh, I think.​
I hope that helps. :rolleyes:
I've noticed everything you write is blue.

That's me, isn't it? My depressive poems and attitude have brought you down. :(

I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry.

I'm so sorry I may have to write a sorry poem:
Oh! Anna's poems are blue.
My fault. I'd wish her hue
Some brilliant color pink.
Much more like flesh, I think.​
I hope that helps. :rolleyes:

That is quite a cookie!

You have changed me pink from blue
Because I see, your aim is true
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I cannot believe how much time I have spent on the Cento.
A puzzle I could not stop.

Naked Masquerade Guest List

::Bachelor tree house::

A handful of visitors,
clear acrylic dome.
Just add starlight
cloud covers, cold nights
(nothing to do with weather.)
Give me naked ladies,
statuesque low keyed sluts,
men surrounded by seduction.
Single jazz thing, middle C,
right there on your electric radio.

::Barometer sparks::
:: take a number ::

Mona Spice, it's about her heavy lips,
gentle breath, even trade.
(One of her tricks: between two pricks
feeling another tongue.)

One hand free, Raul stumbles
walking pretty in ankle weeds.

::I think your shoes are stupid::

We lean over Strawberry Kim,
woman from infinity,
unfolding crystal lipped swirl
curling photography in the mirror.

One missing guest
found laying on doorstep
drilling a 1/4” hole
looking about, stunned.

One growing pain closest to groin,
lowering Laila, favorite whore of my penis!
How to be spending time near her face!
(Lips, arms, hair, skin.)
First kiss, second kiss
"Ready?" whispered.

::Need of pause::
::no cigarette::
::just smoke::

We lean over triangular bed for sleep,
softly, three women lullaby the 3 beautiful boys.
One for all, merrily pressing random words
too quiet this night,
mulling small tokens strung together.

::Wish and vision before sleep::

I believe a dream of never leaving.
Almost understanding fragments, glue and togetherness,
oh me end of the world, again!

I think this is a delight to read, for me all the more so because of the lines I recognize. Spending Time Near Her Face is my favorite sp poem ever. But there are many, many that I really love. I still think he was a genius and wrote like nobody else. :)

You tied the titles together so well and infused it with meaning and metaphor. And what else should a poem do, really?
Masquerade Amoureux

My god what a night,
my bed still smells of you
and the feeling is still with me.

a carnival of fun,
fantasy, masks, mystique and intrigue
A beautiful night, full, spring moon,
late night encounter.

It starts with a look,
a room,
a night of sensual desire.

Long limbed woman dance with me.
Slow movements,
the dance an adagio.
Hair brushing her nipples,
falling like water,
skin almost touching,
smooth like honey.

Come here girl, come to my bed.
Molded bodies,
hands seeking secret places.
Sexually ravenous, sex with a twist,
limitless, wild, wicked.

Time to go.
A moment? A second?
Parting kisses that graze my heart,
sadness and spring rain.

My god what a night by MorbidAngel Ren
the bed still smells of you by RossDaniels
and the feeling is still with me – Lady Christabel
Venice by Clay4872
A Carnival of Fun by Petals on fire
Fantasy by FieryRedhead
masks by Gabrielle
mystique and intrigue by Xesevoli
a beautiful night by Angel Fyre
Full, Spring Moon by Miltone
It starts with a look by SexyChele
a smile by Fantazies
late night encounter - ninjababy
a room = wickedeve
Long-limbed Woman by Cal Y. Pygia
come dance with me by Jewelz CherylAnne
Slow Movements, the Dance by Razz-rajen
adagio – Nirvanadragones
Hair Brushing by Smithpeter
Nipples by WriterDom
Falling Like Water by Temperenceless
skin almost touching skin – luvs2cuddle
Smooth like honey by UnderYourSpell
Come to my bed by HomerPinder
Come here girl by Mrs_Smith
molded bodies by DaLovePoet
hands by tigerjen
Seeking by linger
secret places by UnderYourSpell
sexually ravenous by Brandi2449
limitless, wild, wicked – laizydaizy
dawn –Happily Tied Up
time to go - MissBonnieJo
a little more time – uncle pervey
a moment? - moondoggie
a second? – Luna_lit
parting by quietpoly
kisses that graze by romanticwench
my heart by steve porter
sadness and spring rain by Odeee

Any comments welcome. Honesty appreciated. :)
Honestly, this is beautiful. It did not seem at all like anything beyond a regularly written poem. I like how you took the title and made the poem spin from there. Title is perfect, by the way.

:clapping wildly:

My god what a night,
my bed still smells of you
and the feeling is still with me.

a carnival of fun,
fantasy, masks, mystique and intrigue
A beautiful night, full, spring moon,
late night encounter.

It starts with a look,
a room,
a night of sensual desire.

Long limbed woman dance with me.
Slow movements,
the dance an adagio.
Hair brushing her nipples,
falling like water,
skin almost touching,
smooth like honey.

Come here girl, come to my bed.
Molded bodies,
hands seeking secret places.
Sexually ravenous, sex with a twist,
limitless, wild, wicked.

Time to go.
A moment? A second?
Parting kisses that graze my heart,
sadness and spring rain.

My god what a night by MorbidAngel Ren
the bed still smells of you by RossDaniels
and the feeling is still with me – Lady Christabel
Venice by Clay4872
A Carnival of Fun by Petals on fire
Fantasy by FieryRedhead
masks by Gabrielle
mystique and intrigue by Xesevoli
a beautiful night by Angel Fyre
Full, Spring Moon by Miltone
It starts with a look by SexyChele
a smile by Fantazies
late night encounter - ninjababy
a room = wickedeve
Long-limbed Woman by Cal Y. Pygia
come dance with me by Jewelz CherylAnne
Slow Movements, the Dance by Razz-rajen
adagio – Nirvanadragones
Hair Brushing by Smithpeter
Nipples by WriterDom
Falling Like Water by Temperenceless
skin almost touching skin – luvs2cuddle
Smooth like honey by UnderYourSpell
Come to my bed by HomerPinder
Come here girl by Mrs_Smith
molded bodies by DaLovePoet
hands by tigerjen
Seeking by linger
secret places by UnderYourSpell
sexually ravenous by Brandi2449
limitless, wild, wicked – laizydaizy
dawn –Happily Tied Up
time to go - MissBonnieJo
a little more time – uncle pervey
a moment? - moondoggie
a second? – Luna_lit
parting by quietpoly
kisses that graze by romanticwench
my heart by steve porter
sadness and spring rain by Odeee

Any comments welcome. Honesty appreciated. :)
I think this is a delight to read, for me all the more so because of the lines I recognize. Spending Time Near Her Face is my favorite sp poem ever. But there are many, many that I really love. I still think he was a genius and wrote like nobody else. :)

You tied the titles together so well and infused it with meaning and metaphor. And what else should a poem do, really?

Maybe save the world :)?

Thanks Ange, it was challenging but fun to write, much easier than trying to read through and pick lines from a poem, having a more random list to move around like magnets on my fridge.

I think you are right: about the genius thing and writing like nobody else. Sad thing is I don't even think I have read all of these poems. I came in during the final act and while I have gone back to read much of his work, it is difficult. Something missing. I did read a bunch of his old stuff while he was alive, but that is kind of like twittering during a congressional address-- I wanted to pay attention to the time.

At any rate.

almost 5 years.

Actually I like doing Centos (I won't put writing because I don't count it as such) but sorting through the poems of others and pouncing on just the right phrase with glee is great fun. Also I enjoyed a lot of poems I had never read before. I've not done titles before so I don't know if it will be the same but I will give it a go. I've done the other Cento Anna it was one of the first I did I think but I like this one so I will keep it and maybe submit it anyway as a non Survivor peice.
masquerade of war

O knave, where is thy poesy?
can't you see before you that old time lie,
brought out by denial?
Brooms are for cobwebs
not another fairytale, sending
young men like him
to hell and back of Flanders field.
O flower, flower in the ground
the graveyard, insanity your name.
There should be more than this,
they were killing a forever that
couldn't exist.
Memories remembered,
my sons when does the dying stop?
Life without you is it really over?
A farewell to my soldier, your picture
falling in this trembling twilight.
A man who dreams awhile
remembering you.

Autumn mourning
through my light I hear the rain.

O Knave, Where Is Thy Poesy? ........ ShyErraticTable
Can't - *Snatch
You See Before You ........ sex_fiend666
That Old Time Lie .... Solar Dragon
Brought Out - ......... thedogman77004
By Denial ..........PipeDreams
Brooms are for Cobwebs - tungtied2u
Not another fairy tale - angel4u2
Sending...... - fabmax
Young - ramonathompson
Men Like Him - (no name on this one!)
To Hell and Back - aschen_engel
Of Flanders Field - jthserra
oh flower, flower in the ground - purpleshy
The Graveyard - RhymeFairy
Insanity - principessa07
Your name - polykarp66
There should be more than this - RazzRajen
They were killing - jayce1066
A forever that couldn't exist - CornishBabe
memories remembered - Mordici
My Sons - joeys-game
When does the dying stop - pagan rain
Life With Out You - wildtiger
Is It Really Over - wildtige
A farewell to my soldier - Annora
Your Picture - LadyG
Falling... - EmeliaBell
In This Trembling Twilight - abaddonbubbles
A man who dreams a while - Toa_lin
Remembering - Remec
You - champagne1982
Autumn Mourning - nakedangelina
through my light I hear the rain - Senna Jawa
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Wow UYS, this is really a powerful piece. Well done!

You can use the other one for round #2 :)
Thankyou kind lady I've slaved over that for 5 hours lol Next round ?! :eek: haven't I got to wade through all the triggers first?
Honestly, this is beautiful. It did not seem at all like anything beyond a regularly written poem. I like how you took the title and made the poem spin from there. Title is perfect, by the way.

:clapping wildly:

That's all I needed to know, thank you anna. :kiss:
small huge diff

O knave, where is thy poesy?
Autumn mourning
through the light I hear the rain.

O Knave, Where Is Thy Poesy? ........ ShyErraticTable
Autumn Mourning - nakedangelina
through my light I hear the rain - Senna Jawa

Hey, UYS, good job!

One can see on this occasion what a huge difference a small change, like "my" versus "the", makes to the image, scene, and mood, in my poem, how important is precision. Outside poetry such precision is rare, in poetry (at least in mine) it is a must.


Senna Jawa​
Enspelled Masquerade

Just a girl
lost inside
your heart,

china doll,
changeling child desperate
for sleep,
dreams of happier times
quest for orgasm
new realms of delight

(Am I wicked?)

The first time shaving
private places smooth
as honey,


self inflicted injury,
torn petals,
tattered leaves,

a flower still

WIP...all poem titles come from UnderYourSpell's submissions page
