2023 "Tales of Leinyere" Story Event: Official Support Thread

Just a question, which is repeated on the Geek Pride thread. My story is about testing a VR game. Would anyone object if I based it on the "Tales of Leinyere" world?

@Nouh_Bdee, particularly since it's your idea.

FYI a new part to my story just dropped https://literotica.com/s/kyra-and-the-swordstress-pt-06

I added some more detail about the city Talishpur. Once a powerful naval empire that grew powerful through banking, its a city that's enjoying a peaceful twilight by the time my story takes part, which I guess is later. I've modeled it after Renaissance cities like Florence and Venice and all the intrigue, culture, and architectural beauty implied. It enjoys a warm Mediterranean climate, and is renown around Leinyere for its many festivals, particularly the once a decade festival dedicated to its patron the God of Pleasure, Aersus.
I've also added some more gods/ancients to the pantheon related to Aersus. Calantha, his wife, the Goddess of Pain. Lydora the Goddess of the feminine, his daughter, Arion, the God of the masculine, his son. Zaria the androgynous progeny of Lydora and Arion, the god/goddess of beauty. Erydor, the God of spring and youthfulness and Faela the nymph lover to Aersus and Calantha, the goddess of the senses.

Sorry if this conflicts with anyone else's idea but I'm having a ton of fun adding a bit to the world. I think I missed my calling by never playing D&D hehe 😇
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Hellooo... I'm trying to get out in front of this event with a story of my own this time around. Yes, I write slowly. Any word on a 2024 edition?
Hi everyone…. I swear there was a section on Leinyere religion but now I can’t find it here. Help a brother out?

I’m looking for an ‘evil’ religion, the kind that would have dark rites including human sacrifice. If there already is one I’d rather utilize it than make one up unnecessarily.
This is what I have in my notes!
Apologies for the formatting.

Notable Individuals
Kelthala Protector of Innocence and Virtue
Nephys AKA Ca’chew AKA Princess of Flies

Goddess of Disease
Kitara AKA Kwicka AKA She Behind the Blade

Goddess of Vengeance
Tomuun AKA Ul’dirah AKA the Weeping Mother
Goddess of the Sea

God of Trade and Profit

Shall’a, AKA Cloudbringer, AKA The Whore

Goddess of War
Krall’a, AKA He Who Cleanses, AKA The Cuck
God of Peace
...these two don’t get along, but stay together for the sake of the children.

Aersus, AKA The Trickster
God of Wine and Pleasure

Systava, AKA Zhyve AKA The Bride
Goddess of Joy and Celebration
Formerly Ouksenn, AKA Duzhde AKA Divine Sentinel
Goddess of Loneliness and Fortification
Created the Greywood as a place to be alone

Deity of Sex
Changes Race and Gender and Body Type at will
Enjoys Pleasure and Romance and Sensations
Surprisingly Chill, for a Deity

Goddess of Knowledge
Often misgendered as Litheo, the God of Knowledge

Abasis, the Cat:
She who Dwells Below, Keeper of the Tombs, Queen of the Great Earth, Seer of Secrets, Lamenter, Mother of Many, Bringer of Gifts, Queen of All Riches, Receiver of the Dead, Receiver of Seed, She in the Tree, She of the Winnowing Fan, etc, etc. The Cat Abasis inhabits the transitional spaces between the world of the Living, and the world of the Dead. Cats are sacred to her; they watch, and they tell her what they see, and the bones of any bird or mouse a cat brings to you can be used to divine the future. She carries the souls of the dead to the underworld, and she brings new infant souls up into Life. She receives seed (heh heh) and returns new life to the soil.

The Dwarven Pantheon
Mother Earth - goddess of creation, stability, order, and justice
Father Fire - god of labor, knowledge, food, and war
Brother Air - god of chaos, trickery, love, and health
Sister Sea - goddess of death, destruction, loss, and magic
That's about right. I don't recall any truly dark deities, but I haven't read everything.

I would assume @AllenWoody, that you could create a cult quite nicely and not stray from the rough line. Maybe throw in some disparaging remarks about the mainstream Gods.
Oh.. btw I took the liberty to add minor deities to the Pantheon of Aersus in Kyra and the Swordstress

Lydora, daughter of Aersus, the Goddess of Femininity and Love.

Arion, Aersus's son, the God of Masculinity and Passion.

Zaria, the androgynous progeny of Lydora and Arion, the God/Goddess of beauty.

Calantha, the Goddess of Pain. Aersus's wife.

Erydor, the God of spring and youthful innocence

Faela the nymph, Goddess of the senses, lover to Aersus and Calantha both.

I also wrote a sort of bookend epigraph to tell an account of how Aersus was once the steward of the "golden groves", and was condemned to forever wander the forlorn ravine after he was caught teaching the mortals music, poetry, bodily pleasures, and winemaking, and how it was Calantha that fell in love with him and rescued him.

Hope that's fine! Not sure where I can add them for posterity.
That's about right. I don't recall any truly dark deities, but I haven't read everything.

I would assume @AllenWoody, that you could create a cult quite nicely and not stray from the rough line. Maybe throw in some disparaging remarks about the mainstream Gods.
And thus, the Cult of the Scorpion was born!