3.14 by tigerjen


Well I guess I am going to have to consider myself to be simple also. I feel comfortable enough in the math world to see the humor in TigerJen's poem 3.14 or pi. I am not really a strong follower of poetry. However,there are some artists that I enjoy thier style. TigerJen is one:D

Actually sex in fact can easily be reduced to a mathematical equation: The angle of the dangle is equal to the heat of the meat only if the mass of the ass is constant:)

Dam, I didn't create a list did I? :( We still all love you TigerJen. Besides everything in your poem I love eating:D



Ladys if you truely believe the way to a man's heart is threw his stomach? You're aiming to high!
Actually sex in fact can easily be reduced to a mathematical equation: The angle of the dangle is equal to the heat of the meat only if the mass of the ass is constant

Funny! lol :D
Well, Wicked Eye....................

Laugh if you'd like! But, I'm being serious. As a matter of fact I would gladly show you my piont:D



If it can't be done naked it can't be much fun!
re: "Angle of the dangle.......

Jaded1 wrote:
<<Actually sex in fact can easily be reduced to a
mathematical equation: The angle of the dangle is
equal to the heat of the meat only if the mass of the
ass is constant >>

heeheehehheheee Jaded!!!! :)
now if they had sexual mathematics.....that is a perfect
example above that can be used in one of those
damned geometry proofs ;)

Yes, ladys I am available to teach sexual mathematics. Weekend classes began in November. Students must be mentally and physical fit. This is an accelerated course requiring lots of serious cramming :D Email me for course start date. Limited enrollment to two, three, or foresomes;) lol



All day. All night, Mary Ann. Who do you think I am Superman.....;)
Jaded1's "class"

Jaded1 wrote:
<<Yes, ladys I am available to teach sexual mathematics.
Weekend classes began in November. Students must be
mentally and physical fit. This is an accelerated course
requiring lots of serious cramming Email me for course
start date. Limited enrollment to two, three, or foresomes
lol >>


You are TOO much! ;)


WickedEve said:
tigerjen, we can only hope he's TOO
much. :D


All I have to say is...

Heheheheheheheheeeeeee! :p

TJ :)

I personally purrfer, tee hee hee hee or *giggle* but I think your Heheheheheheheheeeeeee! gets the message across! Obviously, you're easily excitable, tigerjen! Same here! lol
Jaded1 you have two potential students ready for you to cram.
You know, I've forgotten what this thread was originally about! :eek:
Ummm, that's what I love two beautiful. senual, exotic animals of the female species fighting over little ol'e me:D Ladies I promise there is enough for two (or more)! Oh, God think of the endless possibilities:D :D :D

Love you both.


Heading off for a shower. Anyone feel playful? If not I think it will have to be a cold shower:(
Sexual geometry lesson

No, no, no, Jaded1, you've got it all wrong. I remember clearly from the graffiti on the wall of the mensroom (boysroom?) in my high school. The correct statement of the theorem is: "The angle of the dangle is inversely proportional to the heat of the meat." The proof should be self-evident-- I leave it as an exercise for the reader. The mass of the ass is actually irrelevant to this equation. I hope this helps you with your sexual geometry, Jaded1.

And as for that class you were talkin' about-- is there a section for gay males, too?
The thing I love about sexual geometry is putting the theory into practice. That practice usually ends in a very exciting climax. Actual I first studied this theory on the walls of the ladie's room (girl's room in Jr. High School). I personal found the ladie's room more exciting. If memory serves me right I was there practicing this theory with a gal named "Trish". We labored long and hard over it. She would work on it and then I would work on it. We we work on it hard together. It became more exciting the deeper we got into it. I remeber it clearly now. It was an explosive ending for the both of us. Sweaty and wet we were very proud of are selfs at the time. I still wonder what ever happened to "Trish"? Trish if you reading this contact me I have a new theory I'm working on and could use you help:D :D :D

Oh Jaded.......

Jaded1 said:
Ummm, that's what I love two beautiful. sensual,
exotic animals of the female species fighting over
little ol'e me:D Ladies I promise there is enough for
two (or more)! Oh, God think of the endless
possibilities:D :D :D

Hey Jaded.......
Let's draw straws or flip a coin to see who gets
to have you first ;) heehee

Oh yeah...we better get back to the original
subject of this thread.........3.14.....wanna sample
my "3.14', aka "pi".........*devil grin*!

Huuuu, what thread:confused: I forgot what this was all about! Somebody did something when they should have been doing the other thing with a beat. The other person promised to beat something. The made the first person smile. Like this:D and they all lived happily ever after:D :D :D See and you thought I didn't know what I was talking about!!!!!

Ahhh, I'm confused..................



Can't we just love one another????????
how can you forget?

Jaded1 said:
Huuuu, what thread:confused: I forgot what this was all about! Somebody did something when they should have been doing the other thing with a beat. The other person promised to beat something. The made the first person smile. Like this:D and they all lived happily ever after:D :D :D See and you thought I didn't know what I was talking about!!!!!
Ahhh, I'm confused..................

How can you forget what this thread is about? :p
Don't be confused, sweetie.......

Hey, I'll be headed out in a little bit (7:05pm now)
so I look forward to another reply from ya soon! ;)

Please pardon the intrusion; not adding anything ...

but please, just let me say, I think you people are terrific! I'm not a student of these things, but a casual admirer, and I've probably learned more about poetry scanning this thread than in university. Thanks, PeterBilt
Re: Please pardon the intrusion; not adding anything ...

PeterBilt said:
but please, just let me say, I think you people
are terrific! I'm not a student of these things, but
a casual admirer, and I've probably learned more
about poetry scanning this thread than in university.
Thanks, PeterBilt

I think you should reply/post up here more often! :D
Sometimes the best things we learn are from real
life and experiences than from a classroom..... ;)



what do you mean "never mind?"
i'd love to hear what's on your mind ;) :D

Of course it's poetry. The "list song" is a well known form of poetry also, i.e. My Favourite Things by Rodgers & Hammerstein or "A Little Priest" by Sondheim.
My one quibble is that "hairpie" is the only one in the list to use the word "pie" in its name. And you left out "cum cream" as a type of pie; unless hairpie is a different way of saying cream pie?. But the Poem's Title is clever.
ericlove.....re"my favorite things"

ericlove said:
Of course it's poetry. The "list song" is a well known
form of poetry also, i.e. My Favourite Things by Rodgers &
Hammerstein or "A Little Priest" by Sondheim.
My one quibble is that "hairpie" is the only one
in the list to use the word "pie" in its name.
And you left out "cum cream" as a type of pie;
unless hairpie is a different way of saying cream pie?.
But the Poem's Title is clever.

Hey, I didn't think about "My Favorite Things"....I love that
song from "The Sound of Music"......thank you pointing the
concept fo the "list song" out to those who just didn't
get it :D
Hairpie is another term for pussy...cunt..... ;) I guess "cum
cream" got squeezed out in the shuffle :D !

Is there such a thing as "hairlesspie" for those of us with shaved pussies? <giggle>