300 word or less stories

please excuse me interrupting the flow KM, but as this thread is showing 676 views on my pc, how can you say no one is reading them?
i know i've only looked about 100 times...
That's true, assumptions are the fastest way to stick one's foot in one's mouth.

I will endeavour to see. I'm going to write a 750 word story, no more than 775 and submit it under an assumed name and see what the readers think of it. I will also request feedback in the Story Feedback board under that assumed name. 750 is the minimum amount of words allowed by lit.

Actually, I have a 1200 word scene I can whack down already written.

Anyone else interested and seeing what the general population thinks of the shortest allowable story?
come on KM, try the 300 or less thread instead. loads of authors have already done the 750... please have a go. i know someone of your experience can do it. hell if my paltry attempts and learning got me this far, then surely you'll have a go. you write way better than me.

if you choose not to try the 300, i'll understand. and yes, i'm interested in the feedback you receive from your 750min effort. :)
Maybe later. I'm in the middle of killing this problem that cropped up between a couple of characters that just won't go away. My exerpt help has taken a sabbatical. Hmm, I know who to ask instead. . .

KM read your advice to me and take it hon... Get over it. In three hundred words you can get a beginning and movement to the end and an end... That, as far as I am concerned, is a short story. No you cant wack off to it. No, I dont use a dictionary when I write. I fucking write when I write.

I am a professional photographer and have been for 30 years. There have been lots of rules over the time I have been in business. The best definition of a great picture came from a old black photographer I met when I first started. He had the worst piece of crap camera I ever saw.

He said to me. "A great photograph ain't just what them people in new yauk thing it is. It is just what the last bride thought it was." Experts don't make rules for every occassion dear. They just make rules to teach kids how to do what old farts have done all along. Rules are for teaching not for using as a bible.

As for grammar, I write the way it reads best to me. If my readers can suffer with it fine. If not, I will refund their money. Spelling, I spell check my stories even though for what I use them for I don't have to. All my stories are produced on audio tape. This is just a lark. Of course so are the tapes. Rofl.

And I do things my way and that is what make a rebel dear. I also told you up front, I am the most arrogant person here. Then you said except for you and I now agree with that. rofl...
KillerMuffin said:
That's true, assumptions are the fastest way to stick one's foot in one's mouth.

I will endeavour to see. I'm going to write a 750 word story, no more than 775 and submit it under an assumed name and see what the readers think of it. I will also request feedback in the Story Feedback board under that assumed name. 750 is the minimum amount of words allowed by lit.
Actually, 750 words isn't a fixed limit on Literotica.
It is mentioned in the rejection letter, which I got for a
"story" of 97 sentences of two words apiece.
But, before then, they accepted two stories of mine of
under 750 words apiece. I guess Laurel didn't think they
missed being stories just because the were short.
"Conjugation," the 97 sentence story, on the other hand,
was fairly well an outline. (You either think it is funny
or you don't.)
Some of the stories entered in this thread are sexy as
almost anything I've seen on Literotica.
I am Gawd. All short stories have words in them. That will be all.

“You be an unlikely hero, if ever I see one.”

“I am no hero. Hell, I am not even a good person.”

“You be a lousy person, that is why you are such an unlikely hero.”

“What the fuck makes you think I am a hero anyway.”

“Why hon, you be trying to free the others.”

“The others hell, they don’t need freeing. Even if they do, they don’t know they need it.”

“That don’t make what you doing any less heroic.”

“Maybe not, but it sure as hell makes it stupid.”

“Yes it does. But then all them other guys with beards was pretty stupid if you asks me.”

“What other guys with beards?”

“You know Che and the rest of them revolutionaries.”

“God, I don’t want to be like them. I do have a beard but I am no communist.”

“Well, I seen your bank account, you sure ain’t much of a capitalist either.”

“See, you have the wrong guy.”

“You go on out there honey and you fight the system. When they bloody your nose, come back and I will hold a towel for you. Go, and when they try to make you feel small and stupid, you come back here and I will rub your back and tell you what a giant you are.”

“I would rather just give in like everyone else.”

“No, you don’t.”

“Why not?”

“You do it for the same reasons all heros do it. You do a thing, because it needs to be done.”

“But this fight is not worth the effort.”

“People always say that till just one person says the emperor has no clothes.”

“Alright I will go. Hand me my pen.”

“Say please, you arrogant prick.” She was smiling.
The Beatles sang, “Gonna be a revolution.”
Hey, uther, rule #3 of the submission guidelines. "Literotica does not accept submissions below 750 words at this time." It's the posted minimum. Actual mileage may vary.
Rule books turn me on. Is it the books or the gun that gets you all in love, wildsweetone?
KillerMuffin said:
Hey, uther, rule #3 of the submission guidelines. "Literotica does not accept submissions below 750 words at this time." It's the posted minimum. Actual mileage may vary.

I thought I read those guidelines.
can we all play?

now there's a thought...

rule books turn you on KM? each to his or her own i say :) enjoy them.

personally i like working in and around with or without em. and we're lucky, because in our medium we get to basically stretch the boundaries of the imagination as well as the boundaries holding us back - rules included.

no, i'm not suggesting a free-for-all, but a little understanding that we are all different and unique would go a long long way to getting along with our fellow man.

it's a bit of a shame really that this 300 word or less thread is turning into a free for all instead of a challenge. maybe it really is too difficult for some people to try writing within these boundaries.

happy easter everyone.

(fyi only KM, i tried to delete the posting when i realised it was unregistered, but my pc - or the system with it's rules - didn't allow me to. my apologies if you took what i said offensively. it just amused me to see rules and a half naked picture with a watergun beside them. my warped sense of humour i know.)

---yes i edited---
300 even

Snow bound with two women sounded like fun. It might have been but one was my wife and the other her sister. The sister had been divorced three times. Her morals were in question.

We drove up to the lodge to ski, instead a blizzard raged. Sitting by the fireplace was our only option. The electricity went before we arrived. It looked as though we would all be sitting by the fire all evening. The bedrooms were useless, if the fire in the fireplace went out we were likely to freeze.

We sat drinking and talking for a while. Then the two of them began whispering and giggling. I had a feeling I was in some kind of trouble. With just the three of us the giggles and whispers had to mean something. Whatever plan they hatched took an hour to ferment.

“Deke, how about I just rape your ass?” It was the sister.

“Sweetie, you can’t rape the willing.” I replied drunkenly.

“Oh you are willing?” My wife asked.

“With your permission of course.”

“Well this is kind of an emergency,” she admitted.

My wife and I watched as Lisa began to remove her clothes. It took a while. She wore several layers. I looked back and forth between them. My wife simply smiled.

Making love to Lisa while my wife was both a turn on, and just plain strange. Lisa had an oral fixation. One I was glad to accommodate. My wife seemed to be taking notes.

Lisa fell asleep after. Joyce and I talked ab out it.

“So Deke, how was the little slut?” She asked laughing.

“She is not you. That’s for sure.” I smiled at her.

“I am going to assume that is a compliment, so that I don’t have to kill you.” She smiled.
The Bear

The bear danced. Maria’s laughter chimed as she danced beside him. Porcelain hands belying her age were cast golden in the firelight as she held the crimson skirt higher. Slender legs sheathed in lilac moved with precision.
The crowd – crescent-shaped around them – watched in awe. Coins of approval glittered as they fell at the bear’s feet.
The old man sat on the wooden steps of the garishly painted wagon. His pipe emitted aromatic smoke as he squinted in the evening light at his beautiful Maria and her lover. A man of few words, he just smiled. His daughter before her had danced in the moonlight with her lover for the civilized to see. He knew they could not understand but could feel the magic. That was all they needed.
The bear had no name. Maria whispered to him as he wrapped his arms around her. He fell to four legs and she hugged his neck, kissing his nose. His growl was a purr. The crowd gasped.
Maria became a shadow, moving into the misty woods. The bear by her side a father, brother, best friend, lover.
The din of the dissipating crowd grew faint as it moved by moonlight back to the town below.
The Elder moved to retrieve the scatter of coins from the dusty ground. Crouched by the firelight he counted the collection in his leathery hands.
Maria was his favourite of his daughter’s whores. She danced the most beautiful of dances – making love with her lover by moonlit fires for the coins of the civilized that paid to watch.
The old man knew that Maria was the best. And his son a worthy lover for his daughter’s best whore. It was their way, and had been their way, for centuries.
The pink vibrator was 30 dollars plus tax. She had 20. She looked around to make sure no one was looking, then slipped it in her purse. Smiling, she slipped through the door. Triumph.

34 words
She'd left and the tequila was churning in his stomach. He rolled himself over and vomited all over the floor. He put his head back on the pillow. Suddenly, he felt better.

32 words
The band of the garterbelt was caught in his belt. His wife was right outside the door. He jerked his trousers up, hoping he didn't tear anything. She walked in and he smiled.

33 words
"Shit!" The ben-wa balls were stuck in her ass.


He jerked, pulling them out. She shrieked.

"They're out."

"Thank God."

21 words
"I'm cumming!"

"No! Not yet!"

"Too late."

"Shit. Couldn't you have taken your pants off first?"

16 words.
Thanks Muffie

The first thing I would like to do is thank Muffin for proving a point. Each of the bits definitely fulfill the last man on earth requirements. More than that if you take them seriously you are forced to fill in the blanks from your own mind. For instance, and forgive me Muffin for presuming that I can improve on your bit. I can imagine this if you had used the 300 words one of your bits might have gone.

Andrea stood over the open grave of her husband Mike. All the friends and family had gone leaving her to stand alone in the rain. She had come back to the cemetery to say a final goodbye. It should have been a sad moment but she began remembering Mike as her husband and lover of 30 years. They had shared so much over the years.

She remembered Mike’s wicked sense of humor. How he would laugh at the most inappropriate things. She remembered how they had experimented with all kind of sexual toys. Most in their youth, but some only a few months before the heart attack that took him. She could remember an incident shortly before his death.

"Shit!" The ben-wa balls were stuck in her ass.


He jerked, pulling them out. She shrieked.

"They're out."

"Thank God."

They had both laughed until they cried. She felt the moisture on her cheeks as she remember. She knew she would miss that about him.

Not up to your standards I know muffie. It is one of the senarios I imaged. Would you like to see the ones for your other bits. They are all under 300 words...
plagerism and the ben wa

interesting point. I like I say these are stories. Am I in jeopardy of being called a plagerist if I use the sentence she had ben wa balls stuck up her ass.

just curious..