Re: Re: Re: Re: The same question I asked Art & Sam...

Persephone36 said:
Can I take a raw stab in the dark here (and please NO one take offense to this) but I wonder whether there isn't some exhibitionist pleasure being felt in sharing all the private details of the relationship amongst the community.

I think that's very likely, Persy.

Although it took me a month or two to be as comfy here as I seemed to be, I never had a problem discussing my r/l situations in detail. For one thing, I saw this place as a chance to learn and grow, and I thought it would only be fair giving the background on why I wanted this advice. But there was an element of pride when I talked about Hunny, because he really is a good man and I'm proud for having been with him the past two and a half years. I guess the aura of "come and share your life with us!" struck something in me and so I responded. Just my personality.

With T, I'm equally proud and I also have this annoying edge of giddiness because it's so new and powerful and neat. It would be hard for me NOT to talk about him when I refer to BDSM now, because the two are rather strongly intertwined in my mind. But I do enjoy casually dropping his name in every vaguely-relevant thread I can. (Good thing I'm with MzChrista and don't buy into that "meek shall inherit" stuff!)

I dunno. When I have moments of profound need or joy, I always want to share them with those I feel will respect them. Cheers to the BDSM forum.
SierraMoon said:
i hope those days go by very quickly for you Dusty, and for Jen too of course... you'll have to report back to us how everything goes.. you know we all love a good story, and lately, this place has been lacking good news....

Thank you Sierra the days seem to fly by these days since I am back to the running helter skelter with kids in school and practices.
Re: Re: 7

artful said:

Dusty,...I am SOOOOOOO happy for you and Jen. Having recently experienced my REAL TIME with Dream,...I can only wish you the same success with yours. U rock girl,...Art and Dream are both with you in spirit. :rose: :rose: <---one for each of you. :D

Thank you Art this is so very exciting and a bit scary to thing that in seven little days I will have her in my arms and over my lap and yes she will be over my lap probably that first night.
WillowPuss said:
Dusty ... it was very odd seing your thread pop up on the front page ... I had just said to Robuck ... they only have a week to wait now - and there was the thread. :rose:

Thank you Willow. :)
Shadowsdream said:

Perhaps the washing? Without sitting on the washing machine!

Dusty...congratulations to you and Jen...I have been watching and admiring your journey

Thank you so much ShadowsDream hm that was an amazing piece of writing I might have to use some of your idea's. I have plenty of my own but some of yours are just too good to resist not using.
Merelan said:
Good Heavens Shadow, I mean Ma'm. Whew. Ummm... perhaps I shouldn't have come in here to wish you two luck.

But darn.......

A week. A short time, yet eternity isn't it?

Sorry for the abruptness, but I lost all my words after reading her description.

Thank you all the same Merelan and I know what you mean I'm fumbling over my own words after reading that.
foxinsox said:
Dusty, I hope the time goes quickly for you, and I wish great things for you and Jen :rose:

I know that for me, the only time the world seems to make sense is when I'm with Him :)

Shadowsdream, you do have a way of popping up and writing the most delicious things :D

Thank you Foxinsox
cellis said:
Oh Dusty I just dropped by to wish you and Jen luck... but I am still trying to get my breath!

I do know that this time with Jen will be everything the two of you want.

Thank you Cellis and hopefully we get to meet when I visit.
CarolineOh said:
Dusty, I am so thrilled for you both. I hope your wildest dreams are just pale anticipations of the joy you will find.

Thank you Caroline it is so exciting to be going finally.
dixicritter said:
Oh Dusty, waiting is such sweet torture, don't you agree? I too am happy for you and Jen. Best of luck to you both, and much happiness too.


Thank you dixicritter waiting is sweet torture I supose but thankfully the days seem to be flying bye.