A 12-Step Program for Recovering Liberals

What is it with you and your obsession with ass juice?

I have often wondered if Rob leaks some when he ::nods:: incoherently.

On the other hand, I sometimes wonder if Jen is actually Rob, cross-dressed.
We hope our Lit libs will avail themselves of the program, make public application for our forgiveness, and thereby reclaim the title "American." :cool::D

You should be publicly shot in the junk repeatedly and left to bleed out for even saying American much less disgracing the USMC to such a horrendous extent. I can only take comfort in knowing you will die screaming about the liberal scourge that has ruined the country while we all laugh at you.
You should be publicly shot in the junk repeatedly and left to bleed out for even saying American much less disgracing the USMC to such a horrendous extent. I can only take comfort in knowing you will die screaming about the liberal scourge that has ruined the country while we all laugh at you.

I thought you were army? Isn't it like in your contract to talk shit about us? I know it was in mine but I got out so I only make fun of the Navy and Airforce.
Yep. Anyone who says he and his administration are doing the right things are either liars or flat out insane.

I thought you were army? Isn't it like in your contract to talk shit about us? I know it was in mine but I got out so I only make fun of the Navy and Airforce.


Despite the default bias and rivalry I have never been anything but smiles to hear some Jarheads show up when it really counted, and I know when they bit off more than they could chew they were more than smiles to have a few companies of paratroopers show up lookin' to party.
If socialism were utopia North Korea would have illegal immigration crises like us.
They attack us daily. I believe they do so for reminding them how undeserving they are of the right to vote. They hate to be reminded that Obama and all of his fuck ups are really their fuck ups, that his war on the civil society is really their war. They hate to be reminded they are culpable in all that he visits on America and the world.:D


One day their children and grandchildren will ask them why in the hell anyone voted for The Fraud - twice.

One day their children and grandchildren will ask them why in the hell anyone voted for The Fraud - twice.

And we'll tell them how bad health insurance was under the failed Bush regime, and how Dubya took orders from Israel's goosestepping Likkud party with regard to Mideast foreign policy.

One day their children and grandchildren will ask them why in the hell anyone voted for The Fraud - twice.

Mostly because he'll be revealed as a Centrist who did little to accelerate bringing America into the modern era.
And we'll tell them how bad health insurance was under the failed Bush regime, and how Dubya took orders from Israel's goosestepping Likkud party with regard to Mideast foreign policy.

Not much different that Obama now taking orders for the ayatollah's in Iran.

And BTW I have had great health insurance thank you, id doesnt seem to matter if a R or a D is in office. But i am sure that is going to change in the next couple of years.
Not much different that Obama now taking orders for the ayatollah's in Iran.
Aw c'mon man, leave the strained balance fallacies to query.

And BTW I have had great health insurance thank you, id doesnt seem to matter if a R or a D is in office. But i am sure that is going to change in the next couple of years.

Yup, that's pretty much par for the course with the "I got mine, fuck them" mindset of your demographic.

Most of the animosity towards Obamacare that I've seen is the deep resentment that the bitter-clinger demographic has towards those "unworthy" folks (blacks, non-english speakers and single women aka "sluts") who now have the same sort of access to quality health care that they've taken for granted for years.
Aw c'mon man, leave the strained balance fallacies to query.

Yup, that's pretty much par for the course with the "I got mine, fuck them" mindset of your demographic.

Most of the animosity towards Obamacare that I've seen is the deep resentment that the bitter-clinger demographic has towards those "unworthy" folks (blacks, non-english speakers and single women aka "sluts") who now have the same sort of access to quality health care that they've taken for granted for years.

I beg to differ that point of view. I still believe it would have been cheaper for the taxpayer to provide insurance for the folks who didnt have it and who wanted it rather than throw a good system down the toilet. The lies that the Obama admin spread about his plan are not imagined. We will not know the true effect of Obamacare for a few years to come. If his ideas are so wonderful, why are most of the milestones being delayed so much,, oh yeah elections. You libs dream of a single payer system such as canada and the UK. I am sure you will get it.
I beg to differ that point of view. I still believe it would have been cheaper for the taxpayer to provide insurance for the folks who didnt have it and who wanted it rather than throw a good system down the toilet.
I absolutely agree. With the benefit of 20/20 hindsight, it would have been much easier to allow a public buy-in to Medicare. Sadly, Senator Joe Lieberman led a rearguard action to sabotage that option from even being debated. There is a special place in hell for Lieberman.

The lies that the Obama admin spread about his plan are not imagined.
What "lies" lie in the legislation? Please don't insult us with the usual splutter about "He swore we could keep our doctor"....the vast majority of Americans have seen no change whatsoever.

We will not know the true effect of Obamacare for a few years to come. If his ideas are so wonderful, why are most of the milestones being delayed so much,, oh yeah elections. You libs dream of a single payer system such as canada and the UK. I am sure you will get it.
The delays were the result of overly optimistic implementation deadlines.

Also, consider this: After every piece of major entitlement passage in the past 100 years, the opposition party united with the victorious party to implement the program (Medicare, Social Security, WIC, etc).

Not so this time: conservatives have continued to wage guerrilla war on the legislation, hoping to sabotage it by any and all means available. Conservatives have no honor.
I absolutely agree. With the benefit of 20/20 hindsight, it would have been much easier to allow a public buy-in to Medicare. Sadly, Senator Joe Lieberman led a rearguard action to sabotage that option from even being debated. There is a special place in hell for Lieberman.

What "lies" lie in the legislation? Please don't insult us with the usual splutter about "He swore we could keep our doctor"....the vast majority of Americans have seen no change whatsoever.

The delays were the result of overly optimistic implementation deadlines.

Also, consider this: After every piece of major entitlement passage in the past 100 years, the opposition party united with the victorious party to implement the program (Medicare, Social Security, WIC, etc).

Not so this time: conservatives have continued to wage guerrilla war on the legislation, hoping to sabotage it by any and all means available. Conservatives have no honor.

One could surmise that on the previous entitlements, the people actually ended up believing in what they were voting for. This legislation was passed with out ANYBODY who voted for it even know what was in it. I would think even the staunchest of liberal progressives assholes would pucker at the Leader of the House stating " We have to pass this bill to see what is in it". That should scare the crap out of anybody, not just republicans.
One could surmise that on the previous entitlements, the people actually ended up believing in what they were voting for. This legislation was passed with out ANYBODY who voted for it even know what was in it. I would think even the staunchest of liberal progressives assholes would pucker at the Leader of the House stating " We have to pass this bill to see what is in it". That should scare the crap out of anybody, not just republicans.

Of course they knew what was in it. It's terrifying that Washington really should treat Americans like they are children instead of adults.