A 12-Step Program for Recovering Liberals

One could surmise that on the previous entitlements, the people actually ended up believing in what they were voting for. This legislation was passed with out ANYBODY who voted for it even know what was in it. I would think even the staunchest of liberal progressives assholes would pucker at the Leader of the House stating " We have to pass this bill to see what is in it". That should scare the crap out of anybody, not just republicans.

Still clinging to that tired talking point?

The legislation has been passed, and many scholars smarter than you and I have dissected the legislation looking for something...ANYTHING....nefarious to convince the public to repeal it.

They found nothing.

We've had one presidential election since then, which afforded America a clear opportunity to vote on the repeal of Obamacare. President Obama prevailed.

At some point, you're going to have to accept the reality that the majority of Americans WANT Obamacare.

Today, obviously, is not that day... :D
Still clinging to that tired talking point?

The legislation has been passed, and many scholars smarter than you and I have dissected the legislation looking for something...ANYTHING....nefarious to convince the public to repeal it.

They found nothing.

We've had one presidential election since then, which afforded America a clear opportunity to vote on the repeal of Obamacare. President Obama prevailed.

At some point, you're going to have to accept the reality that the majority of Americans WANT Obamacare.

Today, obviously, is not that day... :D

I don't lets see if the majority of Americans still want it when it hits full force.
I don't lets see if the majority of Americans still want it when it hits full force.

I do, and when it hits full force I'm willing to bet that America falls in love with it just like they have every entitlement that came before. See it turns out that once Americans get a taste of something they realize they are in fact entitled.
I do, and when it hits full force I'm willing to bet that America falls in love with it just like they have every entitlement that came before. See it turns out that once Americans get a taste of something they realize they are in fact entitled.

Hopefully you are right
Hopefully you are right

It's never happened any other way. How long it takes us to get to UHC is anybody's guess though. The upside to ACA was that we weren't likely to get another chance for a decade or more, the downside is that it means people are less hungry than they would have been and when that next chance rolls around it won't be quite as "easy" as Obamacare was.
The voters will let us know in November how enthralled they are with Obamacare.

Just like they did in November 2012? Oh yeah, right, that's "ancient history".

Just remember, you're going to need 67 votes in the Senate to override a presidential veto.

If you don't get 67 votes, you have failed, and America supports Obamacare. :D
Just like they did in November 2012? Oh yeah, right, that's "ancient history".

Just remember, you're going to need 67 votes in the Senate to override a presidential veto.

If you don't get 67 votes, you have failed, and America supports Obamacare. :D

do you practice being stupid? or is it just natural
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