A Cock Speaks

ok, ok..(hands Ange his pea shooter and rubber bands)
Apologies to the op for snideness upon thy thread.
Fuck that dick head. And I mean that in an entirely non sexual way. Opie gets advice, opie responds how?
OP has one clear way, pretend an interest in other's material. And then when he grows a bigger (Poetic) dick, then he can snidely sling it around like you, pp.
Ok, now i'm torn. Ange's over there looking at me with downcast eyes.
12's over there, telling me to keep my balls.
Trixie is God knows where kicking Ash's ass.
You post shit here, you open the doors of scrutiny.
I'm still smarting over 12 mocking me for making Wally's tavern lights the same colour of traffic lights.
Whoever the mighty quinn is, he shows up once a month with a shit self aggrandizing "poem" for us all to enjoy, then leaves.
Personally, i think and always have, that it's kin. An alt fucking with us.
So i squeeze my balls and withdraw my apologies.
(but i don't want my pea shooter back~it all aint no beans off my soup)
Ok, now i'm torn. Ange's over there looking at me with downcast eyes.
12's over there, telling me to keep my balls.
Trixie is God knows where kicking Ash's ass.
You post shit here, you open the doors of scrutiny.
I'm still smarting over 12 mocking me for making Wally's tavern lights the same colour of traffic lights.
Whoever the mighty quinn is, he shows up once a month with a shit self aggrandizing "poem" for us all to enjoy, then leaves.
Personally, i think and always have, that it's kin. An alt fucking with us.
So i squeeze my balls and withdraw my apologies.
(but i don't want my pea shooter back~it all aint no beans off my soup)
I need you, I now know who (what) the
mighty quinn is, which I never understood before, Dylan being such a BS artist.
As far as the mighty quim goes... I'm a quiverin' since Trix's got a set of snippers that just won't quit.
...of course, I may be reading way too much into it...
But since Trix started all this male-female shit, I think women have the edge when it comes to writing poetry because of estrogen wiring of the neurons in the brain, they are better at relationships, and relationships between words are the heart of poetry.
So call me Mistersogyny, if you will. I got the balls to wear that title.
The brutality of this repose is truly an amazing thing. I hesitate to use the word "cutting"; it may imply too much. So let's merely focus on "smoke screen", did I ever get a response to where is the sex in regards to "gates of hell" that prompted that bullshit Aids response?
While I thoroughly enjoy the snippets performed, the boy may merely suffer from impulse control and a cognitive disorder. Not to mention hyperbowels.

Ok, I'm truly curious, what did you find brutal?

The only thing that I feel that may be brutish is the "man up" line. My smart ass tendencies peeking through in relation to the subject. Is that what you were referring to or is there something more?

And "cutting" is an implication that I feel is unwarranted. Had I wanted to be cutting in any way it would have been clear and most certainly brutal.

Though I know I come across as angry in places where there is no actual anger. Salem Blues for instance, which was a playful melding of a nursery rhyme and a scorned witch. More than one person commented on my 'anger'. Ash also commented on my 'anger' in Misogyny's Morning Wood, seeing it as personal anger directed towards a singular person rather than towards the societal norm. So, I was sincerely curious, still am, to know why he viewed the two pieces differently. Where he's picking up anger in my piece. If he doesn't wish to share, that's fine, however, the way in which he responded appeared to me to be a withdraw/deflection and I don't see how pointing that out is brutal.

Thus my question to you now.
Ok, I'm truly curious, what did you find brutal?

The only thing that I feel that may be brutish is the "man up" line. My smart ass tendencies peeking through in relation to the subject. Is that what you were referring to or is there something more?

And "cutting" is an implication that I feel is unwarranted. Had I wanted to be cutting in any way it would have been clear and most certainly brutal.

Though I know I come across as angry in places where there is no actual anger. Salem Blues for instance, which was a playful melding of a nursery rhyme and a scorned witch. More than one person commented on my 'anger'. Ash also commented on my 'anger' in Misogyny's Morning Wood, seeing it as personal anger directed towards a singular person rather than towards the societal norm. So, I was sincerely curious, still am, to know why he viewed the two pieces differently. Where he's picking up anger in my piece. If he doesn't wish to share, that's fine, however, the way in which he responded appeared to me to be a withdraw/deflection and I don't see how pointing that out is brutal.

Thus my question to you now.
...of course, I may be reading way too much into it...
yeh. "man up" started it...
Trying to deflect attention from your original statement does not work and in fact makes it appear as if YOU feel there was something wrong with it. Something that you are trying to deflect attention from.
...and I just flipped Freud.
because I can
Greek Pan

I tour the land by walk
I never talk.

My fierce and massive manhood is my mark
I breed only with the best stock.

I populate the world
with my fierce, good looking and athletic progeny.

It is like any other job
it is 7/24
I can not call for a sick leave for example
I must fuck all the time like a champion
I don't complain too much
I like my job.

It is a silent pact with me and mankind
they serve me and pamper me like a king.

I make love, sleep, eat and make love again
there is nothing else between.

As I drift on the roads
I sleep in the woods
I bath in the brooks
I hunt and eat goose.

I blow my pipe with merry tunes.

I don't have a home
Nature is my home.

When I enter a town
women have a sweep of breeze among their legs
they go crazy and act like devil possessed them.

But it is nothing to do with devil
they want to touch and suck my gorgeous cock
like a candy bar

that's all.

I am a sweet dream for them
a nightmare for their husbands.

Their husbands beat them with sticks
they shutt them into their rooms.

But I sneak behind every door
I fuck them until they run out.

I never run out
I am the best fucker in the world.

My energy condensed cock
cure sick people,
warm homeless guys,
bring peace to world and the universe
with its vibrations.

My couplings can be animalistic too
they can be ceremonial like a fertility rite.

I fuck like hell for hours and groan like animals
while an hypnotized, cheering audience
watching me and chanting charms
accompanying with the primitive sound of drums.

I'm not sure how this became male/female shit. The poem wasn't worthy of an examination that thorough.
And no matter what the history channel tells you, not every house is haunted.
It was a pointless poem (pun intended) simple, clich'ed, and as deep as a puddle of cricket piss.
So, as it robbed me of 11.4 seconds of my life, i attacked it accordingly to exact my revenge.
~not against the poet, but merely the poem (or so i tell myself)
I'm not sure how this became male/female shit. The poem wasn't worthy of an examination that thorough.
And no matter what the history channel tells you, not every house is haunted.
It was a pointless poem (pun intended) simple, clich'ed, and as deep as a puddle of cricket piss.
So, as it robbed me of 11.4 seconds of my life, i attacked it accordingly to exact my revenge.
~not against the poet, but merely the poem (or so i tell myself)
TQ (poems) is/are a comedic foil?
I'm not sure how this became male/female shit. The poem wasn't worthy of an examination that thorough.
And no matter what the history channel tells you, not every house is haunted.
It was a pointless poem (pun intended) simple, clich'ed, and as deep as a puddle of cricket piss.
So, as it robbed me of 11.4 seconds of my life, i attacked it accordingly to exact my revenge.
~not against the poet, but merely the poem (or so i tell myself)

Male/Female shit? Well a cock spoke and a cunt replied. Doesn't get more male/female than that. Pointless point and pointless counterpoint.

Gotta have a bit of fun ya know.

The only thing on this thread that I took seriously is my questions to Ash and 1201, I'm always curious to know the hows/whys of other people's views, especially when they're different from mine.
I get the repost, if cock speaks was merely an extension of the pan piece.
Though i don't recall pan being all that picky or selective, i can see him speaking as "cock speaks"
Perhaps the confusion again lies in inferred 1st person/writer intrusion.
Of that, i am guilty as charged.
The title was cock speaks
Not toq speaks
If pan had been alluded to, it would have made a difference to me.
Male/Female shit? Well a cock spoke and a cunt replied. Doesn't get more male/female than that. Pointless point and pointless counterpoint.

Gotta have a bit of fun ya know.

The only thing on this thread that I took seriously is my questions to Ash and 1201, I'm always curious to know the hows/whys of other people's views, especially when they're different from mine.
I did answer, didn't I? I forget.
I get the repost, if cock speaks was merely an extension of the pan piece.
Though i don't recall pan being all that picky or selective, i can see him speaking as "cock speaks"
Perhaps the confusion again lies in inferred 1st person/writer intrusion.
Of that, i am guilty as charged.
The title was cock speaks
Not toq speaks
If pan had been alluded to, it would have made a difference to me.

I wasn't replying to the writer, just the write. point/counterpoint
The rest was joking around with you.

I did answer, didn't I? I forget.

Ya did. Told me my smart ass ways is what did it. Accepted.
Yes 12, i think everything public is potential fodder for comedic foil.
As for it being tasteful or appropriate, that's for each individual to decide.
Poetry is not some untouchable sacred ground as some might suppose. Unless it's locked in your diary, key up your arse.
You write
I think that i shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree
And you fukken A, pal! I'll comedic foil that bitch into the grave it deserves.
I re-post my poems because I change them a lot....both of my poems are male fantasies
I re-post my poems because I change them a lot....both of my poems are male fantasies
ooookay, and we are to do what with them. seems i suggested a few things and what was your response?

Loud and clear, and not directed at you specifically.
What is the purpose of the posts?
What if any will be the response to any critical comments?
Do you realize that (my guess) there may be 100 years (cumulative) of writing experience that you may have been able to tap into?
And if you do, what are you going to do in return?
I re-post my poems because I change them a lot....both of my poems are male fantasies

I'm curious, you say you re-post, but do you re-submit the edits?
Or are you trying to keep an online record of the various versions?
This is a feedback and discussion forum, are you looking for feedback or to spark discussion?
If not, you may want to create a thread that is a record keeper, as many others have, so people are less inclined to comment.
I re-post for feedback, that's why I change a lot. I read comments to make changes.If poems spark a discussion, that is + and feeds me...
My Cock

I treat my cock like an individual
he is my best asset.

It is a moderate, medium size cock
with a good resume.

I watch of his reflections
on the mirror with proud.

I send his nice pictures
to my close female friends
they send their admiration back.

I pamper him with every possible way
I provide fresh and tight cunts for him.

When I see tight butts
he responds quickly
he makes his claim from behind
like a dark stallion.

Chastity Yoga

The Mighty Lingam
Magnificent , glorious ,erect !
Do not waste thy energy , thy Testosterone
By shootin' mindlessly into Yonic cone .
To the Cartesian-Newtonian way of thinkin'
Mindless Fuckin' may be
The Ultimate Destiny
But the Vedantik
Shankaracharya- Ramakrishna
School of Thought recommends
Self-willed Chastity
Not the Cuckoldresses ' 2000-CB !?
Breath- controlled Pranayama
Muscle controlled Svadisthana
Mool bandh yogasanic
Root Lock
@ base
Of Cock
Which is akso called
In Modern Medicin
Dr Kegel's Muscle Band
Mystic Chant
Jai Sri Lingam
Jai Ma Yoni
Victory Mother Vagina
Victory Sir Penis
Inhale -hold breath
Exhale - Mantra chant
Breath normally awhile
Then return to Cycle
The Penile Tip
Just gently kisseth
The Labia Lip
No wanton Thrust
No Semen Burst
Sears its way
Up the super- phenomenal spinal stairway
The Shushumna nerve / nadi
Upto the Brain
In the Center of the
The 1000-petalled
Sahashra Chakra
Blooms forth
In Glorious Nirvanic Climax !!!