A Cock Speaks


These mighty balls, they
roam the halls
knocking lockers from hinge
sending books skiddling
down streaked tile floors
while Mary Lou Becker
shrieks, covering her head
as if the book of seals
has been opened.
Ha! Ha!
Mag'num o'pus
these hard black walnuts
titanium sheathed
boulders in bloom
swinging from trees
This is not elephantiasis
nor is the chafe, from
a nasty case of psoriasis
but rather the sculpting
of the gods
through my hands.
Sir Hillary would never dare
a flag upon such magnitude
these king kongs
of my new empire
gathering Fays.
So look i say
and behold
you children of the corn
from these grandest
of testicular glands
today, a man
has been born.
The Mighty Lingam
Magnificent , glorious ,erect !
Do not waste thy energy , thy Testosterone
By shootin' mindlessly into Yonic cone .
To the Cartesian-Newtonian way of thinkin'
Mindless Fuckin' may be
The Ultimate Destiny
But the Vedantik
Shankaracharya- Ramakrishna
School of Thought recommends
Self-willed Chastity
Not the Cuckoldresses ' 2000-CB !?
Breath- controlled Pranayama
Muscle controlled Svadisthana
Mool bandh yogasanic
Root Lock
@ base
Of Cock
Which is akso called
In Modern Medicin
Dr Kegel's Muscle Band
Mystic Chant
Jai Sri Lingam
Jai Ma Yoni
Victory Mother Vagina
Victory Sir Penis
Inhale -hold breath
Exhale - Mantra chant
Breath normally awhile
Then return to Cycle
The Penile Tip
Just gently kisseth
The Labia Lip
No wanton Thrust
No Semen Burst
Sears its way
Up the super- phenomenal spinal stairway
The Shushumna nerve / nadi
Upto the Brain
In the Center of the
The 1000-petalled
Sahashra Chakra
Blooms forth
In Glorious Nirvanic Climax !!!
I fucked Mother Theresa
even though she's dead
after all it's only
in my head~~`~~
to make my Chakra's explode!!!!!
into another poetry load????

Boom shaka-laka-laka Boom Boom
Hate : the beloved Enemy

I fucked Mother Theresa
even though she's dead
after all it's only
in my head~~`~~
to make my Chakra's explode!!!!!
into another poetry load????

Boom shaka-laka-laka Boom Boom

Sometimes 12-oh-1, i think you understand me better than even my closest friends