A convocation of wizards (closed for Gabe619)

Varis gave that some thought. It was a good question and after so very long he wondered if anyone could really answer Giovanni's questions.

"There is no concrete information about him, all we have now are vague myths and legends. Horror stories of vague horrendous actions and his long rule over these lands. Could it simply be the victors painting their enemy as a savage demon to make their own actions seem pure? Yes, it could be that, but something is wrong, I can feel it in the air, in the earth. The prophecy I read states that his return would be signalled by a blazing falling star, it didn't even really say it would be red. This could all be a goose chase, but ..."

But, and that was the problem here. It could be nothing, Varis could have misread it. It may have just been a falling star with nothing attached to it, but what if it wasn't.

"Giovanni, I can only offer you this. Something inside me is saying this is his return. That Scaroth is back. I couldn't explain how I know, whether its something I feel in the magical energy of our world or something else. All I know is that I am certain .... very certain, the demon lord has returned. And if he has he may even now be gathering an army to him and sending out his agents."

Varis pulled his clothes to him and stood, brushing off hay as he stood naked before his student and then dressed.

"I will see you in the morning, student. Sleep well."

With a smile the Master turned and left the stable feeling the chill of the night air on his face as he gazed up at the stars above. He honestly hoped he was wrong, he really did, but despite even his own admission to Giovanni of doubt he just could not shake the feeling they were heading into danger.

As he headed back to the inn where even at this late hour he could hear revelry he failed to see the dark eyes watching him from a shadowed alleyway. The woman stepped out into the starlight as the sorcerer disappeared inside, her gaze on the inn before flicking to the stable, her lips curling into a smile of disdain. She pushed back the hood of her robe to reveal a beautiful face, young with long red hair and green eyes. Her skin was pale and smooth, the brown leather tunic she wore tight to her slender body showing her curves, the long dark green skirt down to her ankles and hiding the soft black leather riding boots she wore under it. Her Master had been right after all. He had feared his return might spur some action, but he had feared a combined effort among his enemies. Instead it seemed one sorcerer and a couple of young inexperienced students would be the total resistance sent to thwart his return. His long absence from this world had made his foes weak and forgetful. Well, soon now they would all remember Scaroth again. Oh, yes, they would remember.
The sun was brighter as the group headed south. Where the beginnings of Autumn at the lake had meant chill nights and colored leaves, here everything remained verdant. While not exactly warm, things had given way to a gentle temperance. Wheat still sat golden and unharvested, fruit trees held onto the last of their produce. The days were slightly longer and the mood somewhat cheerier in general. While their mission was indeed important, the trek south had taken on the air of a bit of a lark. Here in civilization, there were small towns at every major crossroads, and barges to ferry the group downriver at a better pace. Wine was readily available and Marco's credit along with the University's seemed to be keeping the company in good stead and good spirits. If Varis' bodyguards disappeared now and again along the trail to "Scout ahead" none seemed to comment on their absence, or the flush of exertion in their cheeks when they returned.

Still, the mercenaries having been recently soldiers still kept camp properly in those nights where there was no inn. One quietly confided within earshot of Varis that he felt like they were being watched. Marco dismissed the man's concerns with a laugh and a casual order to do more work to take his mind off of things. Varis, however, could feel something... but what it was who could say. Lingering paranoia? genuine observation? Where did caution end and madness begin?

Varis unease was soon justified when Marco pointed out carrion birds on the horizon. As the group neared a crossroads, they could smell death from slaughtered horses and men. The men bore the signs of the local lord, and one the sigil of a band of legendary monster hunters. Buzzards took flight at the approach of the armed party, and the mercenary guards joined Varis' own in readying crossbows and searching the surrounding area with their eyes.
The crossroads was in a quiet, middle of nowhere section of the main road south, trees and a slight incline off to the right with a smaller road heading away into the forest while to the left the incline sloped downwards to the small river winding its way along the valley floor. It was just past midday when the group came upon the ambush site and to Varis and most of the guards it was a familiar sight they had seen to often. Death had many guises and this was but one, but in the warmth of the day the dead bodies had already begun to smell. However as Varis inspected the bodies he noticed the carrion birds hadn't had time to do much damage. Either this had happened only recently or something was keeping the vultures away. How the men here had died was somewhat obvious, arrows stuck from the majority of dead soldiers and horses, a few showed signs of hacking cuts from swords, but interesting that wasn't all they had died of. Kneeling beside the body of a young captain, Varis slowly and carefully inspected the body. Not a sign of injury could be seen upon him, but his handsome young face was twisted in an expression of extreme horror and his eyes had whited out. Rubbing his chin thoughtfully the Mage stood and continued his exploration of the ambush site finding two more men who had died in a similar fashion. So, this wasn't just the act of some bad of robbers. Besides robbers preferred less dangerous targets than an armed group of men who worked for the local lord. So why then had these people been attacked? Had they been heading somewhere that someone or something didn't want them to arrive at? Had they knowledge that someone didn't want them to pass on?

"Grimslock." He called getting the half orcs attention. "Take some men and search the perimeter, see if you can figure out where they were hiding and where they went to after this ... attack." Varis turned to Marco and Giovanni. "Do you boys sense anything unnatural?"
Upon closer inspection, Varis would note that the arrows fletching resembled the fletching of those unshot and still in the quiver. Here and there too were signs that the party had fallen upon itself. Some madness had gripped them, some force had set them upon each other. There were a few things in this world with that power. Sorcery, for one, but for a group so large it would require a group of sorcerers or one of Varis' stature. There were a few spirits and demons with that power as well. If a demon... perhaps related to the red star and scaroth. Perhaps not. Fools enough summoned demons from directions found in musty old tomes, only to find that they were inadequate to the task of binding them. It could be that...

After a few minutes Grimslock returned "I have tracks, Master Varis. A woman's feet, bare. Leading from a nearby copse of trees to the road, and then back." He gestured "I felt it prudent to gather the group rather than charge half-cocked at the trees. What do you think it is? Sorcery? There are no tracks of nearby bandits or horses... so these men were not set upon by foot." He scanned the sky "though perhaps by air."
Varis rubbed his chin again at Grimslock's words and the evidence of his own eyes. A group of the local Lords men and a famous monster hunter, all dead in what seemed to be a case of mass suicide or mass anger and rage. What would cause them to fight amongst themselves? Grimslock's mention of a woman's bare footprints coming from and going back to the woods offered some explanation maybe. A witch? Possible, but then the monster hunter would know how to handle such a person unless he was taken out first somehow. Varis moved to the centre of the attack site and closed his eyes, slowly letting his senses reach out .... there .... yes, something. His head cocked to one side as he focused, his brow furrowing. Then suddenly waves of anger hit him and he almost convulsed, gritting his teeth as he let the emotion wash over and through him, not touching him. But it was hard, the spell used was powerful, very powerful, emanating from the dead monster hunters body, but touching all the others.

He opened his eyes and again walked the battle site. Now fresh evidence came into view. He could read what had happened here. The monster hunter HAD been attacked first, taken by surprise by the spell before he could offer any resistance. He had been the first to raise a weapon and attack, he had taken down two men before the spell had enveloped the rest of the group. But again, why? Had they been hunting this possible witch? Had it been something else that attacked these men and the woman, whomever she was, had simply come upon the battle site later? Either way he felt sure she had some answers to offer, whether she was the enemy or a witness. Varis gathered Mara and Grimslock to him.

"Gather the bodyguards and break into two groups. Grimslock you command one, Mara the other. You are both skilled trackers and warriors so lead your teams to the left and right of the woods and envelope them. I will lead Marco and Giovanni up the path the woman used and into the forest. I am counting on her feeling our magical presence and focusing on us giving you both time you surround her before we move in." He saw the two guards glance at each other, it was not guaranteed that Varis could distract the enemy at all, he was guessing and they both knew it. And yet what else was to be done? If they entered the forest all together all they offered was a big target for whomever had killed the group at the crossroads. At least in three separate teams they could distract the enemy. "I am not yet convince the woman who left those footprints is our enemy, you may be right Grimslock, it could have been an attack by air by a monster but whatever it was it used powerful magic. You both have magical defences so use them if you must." He lowered his voice. "The other men are vulnerable, but best not to mention this to them. We need them right now."
Grimslock and Mara nodded, splitting up and heading towards the copse of trees. Varis could feel a presence there now that he knew to look. Something human and yet more than human. Perhaps a human with some sort of magical heritage. A well of deep old power. Sometimes a wizard or witch would trade their freedom or mobility, tying themselves to a place of deep magic. It could be that. A natural wellspring or ancient site that held power beyond the ordinary. Whatever it was in there was strong.

As the two groups of warriors moved towards the trees, they froze. Varis could feel the power emanating. He could see the flows of time and knew that this was some sort of other spell. Time was moving properly, energy was flowing as it should. A mental spell perhaps, which would explain the earlier group setting upon itself and killing itself from the inside out. Appearing at the edge of the trees was a woman. Her hair was green, but flecked with orange and gold like the foliage of the nearby trees. Her cloak was earthen in its color and perhaps its make. There was a calm about her, but she had the strength to hold their party and horses through sheer will alone. Still, the feat had to be taxing. Even as powerful as she was she couldn't hold them all at bay. She stared at him, curious and defiant but made no move in his direction.
A Nymph, a Witch or a Druid, Varis wondered as he watched her with the same curiosity as she did him and his group. Not immediately dangerous the sorcerer could still feel the power she generated. He glanced to either side seeing Marco watching her as if he had fallen into a dream, mouth gaping, eyes wide and a noticeable bulge in his leather pants. Giovanni had a more focused expression, as if he was trying to discern her abilities and what he might need to do to defend his friends. The two other groups of warriors were a mixed bag. Some, as with Marco, were entranced by her earthly beauty while others seemed to be straining against their unseen bonds. Varis closed his eyes for a moment as he allowed his own power to flow through him and when he again opened them he could move. He saw her eyes widen a little at that, but not so much from fear as amusement.

"So, what do you wish here, Sorcerer?" She asked. Her voice was as soft and sweet as a babbling brook, the tone flowing smoothly with each word seemingly touching his soul.

"You killed those people?" Varis asked gesturing behind him to the crossroads. Her eyes followed his and as they did he took a step closer.

"They are dead because of me, yes .... but I did not kill them out of desire or malevolence. That man ..." her hand raised to point to the dead monster hunter, "was sent by his employer to capture me. To return me to his estate. I did not wish to go."

Varis had trouble defining her honesty as her words seemed to coax him to believe her through magic rather than veracity. He blinked, his gaze taking in her slender appearance, her otherworldly beauty, his eyes trailed down her body as he realised rather than focusing on the danger he was instead trying to decide if she wore clothing or not, the mottled shade of her cloak flowing around her hid somethings while teasing others.
As he approached he could see the natural grace that the being exuded. A dryad for sure. Tied to the power of the grove and the spring. it was an old place and an ancient power and she was fairly brimming with it. Her power was a cool deep well in the way Marco's was a blazing fire. It felt limitless and alien. Still, though, she had a beauty. An allure that went beyond the physical. It was easy to tell what the lord of the castle wanted. What all men wanted when confronted with such exquisite grace. The hints of her flesh were tantalizing, in the way that nymphs and dryads were always tantalizing. Most, however, did not possess this level of control. She was either old herself or had some human stock in her. Those hybrids often surpassed both parents in their talent. Her eyes searched his, gray as storm clouds. "The question is, will you make me set your men upon each other to take me to the lord? There's a reward certainly. Or will you strike me down, offended at what's been done here?"

She gestured "or will you come with me and while an hour away in my leafy bower in exchange for leaving me be. You can receive the bliss of our union as your men search these corpses for their valuables and bury them in the dirt to feed the wheat next spring." She stepped back, biting a full lip "am I not comely?" She shifted again, letting her robe open to expose an ivory expanse of skin. "would you not satisfy your curiosity as to what it would be to lay with a woman of my kind? To feel the earth literally move under you in response to your prowess?"

Marco cleared his throat "Maestro, it does seem rude to refuse."
Varis took his time answering. Her options were really the only ones available, but she had murdered those men, that shouldn't be forgotten. A dryad of such power could have used many means to hide herself, or avoid the monster hunter but instead she had decided to kill them all. He agreed with her that their purpose was evil, to take her unwilling to their Master so he could use her for his own amusement, not caring that the land about would suffer from her absence. There were weights and balances for both side. However his position as a Master Sorcerer also made him contemplate if he was a match for her power. He was skilled and he was powerful, but could he overcome her possibly unlimited energy drawn from the ground itself and used with a finesse only centuries of skill can teach. He decided that yes, he could of held her at bay, but he also considered that it wouldn't be for long and that her angry response would quite possibly cost them all their lives.

"Release my people and we will ... accompany you to your home. Myself, Marco and Giovanni. Would that be acceptable to you?" He offered a polite bow of respect as he looked around at Grimslock and Mara and the mercenaries held in place at her mercy.

He also glanced at Marco, the young mage had been to eager to sample her sexual offerings. His desire for pleasure may one day be his undoing, jumping in before considering the outcome. The young mans crotch bulged with his obvious attraction to the dryad and he smiled at her in a friendly, but also lustful way. Giovanni on the other hand seemed to be watching Varis, looking for his Master's lead before responding, though Varis had no doubt the dryad's appearance was having an effect on him too.
The dryad waved a hand and released the others. He could feel her relief from the strain. "which of you is the smallest?" she gestured at their cocks as she shed her robe. She brushed a hand through her hair, and the sound of rustling leaves filled the air. The trees around seemed to rustle the same. She laid her robe out and stared Varis in the eye. Through the contact he felt the brush of her mind. In addition to her natural powers she had training as well. She slipped easily through his defenses now that she wasn't holding so many at bay. "you should know that one of your companions was not held, but understood the charm and locked himself in place."

While she spoke through Varis mind she gestured for Marco to lie down. Straddling him she drew his fat cock out of his pants and rubbed herself along it, dragging her slick sex along the length of the shaft. She moaned and cupped her olive toned breasts, tugging at dark nipples. She licked her lips and gestures for Varis to come closer "why don't you stand here..." she purred, running one hand along Marco's chest. She sat up, then sank onto Marco, moaning as his fat young shaft filled her pussy. She rocked her hips slowly, licking her full lips and staring Varis in the eye, waiting for him to respond, or come stand close enough for her to take him in her mouth. "Come to me, Master Varis." She purred, keeping her eyes on his though he felt her withdraw from his mind, she left her own open to him.
The way she slipped into his mind scared him at first. After years in the Tower training his mind to be impenetrable she had appeared in his thoughts easily. But the he rationalised that she was hundreds, possibly thousands of years old and in her place of power. He watched as young Marco quickly submitted to her whim, laying on her clock, pushing his leather pants down as she lipped his young cock free, the look of absolute ecstasy on his face made Varis smile to himself. The young man may indeed be a ladies man, but he probably had never tasted the pleasures a Dryad could bestow if she so wished. Her fingers stroking Marco's bare chest left light pink trails as her fingernails, white as a water lily, scratched the human beneath her. Marco reacted by gasping and arching his back as she scratched down his firm flat stomach, his cock now buried inside her pussy.

At her request Varis disrobed and naked stepped into position straddling Marco's head, his engorged cock at full attention in front of the beautiful Dryad. She smiled up at him, her fingers lightly caressing him as her hips pumped slowly and smoothly. He trembled at her touch and he too gasped as young Marco had. He lightest touch sent pleasure coursing through his body, his legs shook slightly as her tongue flicked out and curled around his cock head, soft, warm, wet pulling it into her lips as he opened his eyes and looked down at her seeing the glint of mischief in her eyes. He smiled back, understanding it. She knew her power over men, she knew that she had them in her power, but she was simply have fun with no malicious intention.

Young Giovanni, left out it seemed, had slipped his cock free and was slowly stroking it as he watched his Master and cousin enjoying this magical creature, but then he saw her hand rise and gesture for him to come closer. He did so and her fingers wrapped around him as they had done Marco and Varis before and as those men had done he groaned from deep in his throat, eyes closing, legs spreading a little to give her more access.
The woman's mouth wrapped around his cock, and it was less like being in the mouth of a mortal woman than being in a gently swirling vortex. Like she'd channeled the power of nature to flow water gently around his cock, spinning and tugging in a way that no natural mouth could move. Unlike a cool spring though it had all the feel of the warmth and softness of a human woman. She reached and stroked Giovanni, her hips rolling a little faster.

"By the gods" Marco groaned "I've never been ridden like this" Clearly some tricks were being used below. Perhaps the same. She rolled her hips, lush body taking Marco deep with every rocking motion. She managed to keep her mouth steady, sliding softly along Varis, the pillowy soft lips tugging at his shaft as the swirling tugging warm waters of her mouth swirled around the head. She looked up at him with those strange eyes, begging him silently for the gift of his seed. She was in no rush though, pausing there and there, breaking contact with his cock to suck on Giovanni's, her hand sliding along Varis' shaft to keep him hard "Such powerful mages, here in my home. I'm honored" She purred, sucking on Varis' balls a moment, letting her actual tongue slither along the skin of his scrotum before her warm mouth wrapped around one ball.
"Mmmmmmm, it is .... it us who are honored." Varis groaned.

He had heard tales of the sexuality of Dryads, of men and women who had gone in search of that and never been seen again, or the few that did return seemingly changed somehow. Now as she sucked on his balls and jerked his engorged cock he didn't care what happened. He smiled to himself, was amazing sex all it took to distract him from his quest? No, of course not, but god was she making him feel incredible. But he wanted to taste her too. With a display of will power he broke contact with the sylvan creature, pulling his cock free of her hand, stumbling a little, before smiling down at her surprised face and then moving behind her. He watched as she leaned forward sucking on Giovanni again, the lads look of extreme pleasure as his eyes rolled back into his head. As she sucked and rolled her hips, Marco's hands on her slim hips, Varis knelt behind her, his hands on her smooth ass cheeks, fondling them. It felt like ... he didn't know how to describe it. The softness of moss on a tree trunk, the smoothness of still water, the warmth of a summers sun on your face.

Getting control of himself he leaned lower seeing Marco's cock sliding effortlessly in and out of her, glistening with her juices. Master Varis pushed her head lower making her ass rise just a little, but enough. His lips kissed Marco's cock, then her ass and pussy, then his tongue came into play, flicking around her pussy lips and Marco's cock, tasting them both now, her juice and Marco's pre-cum flowing from her pussy.