A convocation of wizards (closed for Gabe619)

Curious about the bodyguard, Varis told Grimslock to keep his eyes open. The half orc might not have seemed the likely choice as a spy, but because most people considered orcs, and even half orcs, as stupid or dumb they tended to say things around them they may have kept to themselves otherwise. However Grimslocks looks were in his favour, he might look like a brute with no more sense than a concussed lemming but in actual fact the man was sharp as a tack and missed nothing.

As the party went back to camp, Varis considered the first lesson with Marco. The boy had done well, he had tightened his control of his power, the leakage had dropped off, now all he needed to do was focus the energy he had into the spell at the same time. But Kellan knew it would come in time with more tuition from him. He went to his tent that had been set up and relaxed inside as darkness fell around them. The temperature started to fall slightly making the night a pleasant time to be out, but Varis wanted to think on the cousins. He had tested Marco, now he would have to test Giovanni. He needed to have a benchmark to work with for both boys. The younger man would be easier to teach he knew. Whereas Marco was brash and a little egotistical, although it seemed not quite as bad as Varis had first feared, Giovanni seemed more insular, keeping his thoughts to himself unless he felt they were worthy of speech. Yes, young Giovanni should make the perfect student. Varis stretched out on the camp bed, hands on his chest as he closed his eyes and let his senses reach out into the camp and the night.
A Varis extended his senses he caught the feel of an enchantment laid about the camp. It was subtle, and as he studied its contours he found that the strength of it was just barely adequate to the task, but it had a complexity that more than made up for the lack of power behind it. The lattices of power were carefully constructed to amplify the energy being used. As he examined it, he found it was a simple alarm spell, and it was needlessly complex unless the person casting it was weak, or overly obsessed with using as little energy as possible. He could feel the connection to Giovanni, left in palce as the alarm wasn't intended to be audible to everyone but would alert the boy if someone came into the camp.
The skill of it was impressive, though it would have taken longer to cast. The question was, was the boy as skilled because he had to be? If so... it would be a shame. Without Marco's level of power he'd always be a passable wizard with his skill but never a great one. Putting that much care and study into spells generally was the result of a diminished capacity. If, on the other hand, it was just that he was a prodigy who enjoyed finding the most efficient way of doing a thing... he had the potential to be one of the greatest of the age. There was also the question of who taught him. Radulf certainly hadn't. He'd never mastered sorcery to this extent. Questions, perhaps, for the morning.
As the party left camp the next day a light rain began to fall, nothing horrendous, but the grey sky and moisture made for a more sombre journey than the day before. Riding beside Giovanni this day Varis began to chat to the lad. Finally he brought the conversation around to what he had been thinking the night before.

"The alarm spell you placed on the camp last night was elegant, young Giovanni, but may I ask why? Such a basic spell need not have taken you such effort to put together, no matter how beautiful it was." The Master glanced ahead where Marco was talking to Mara, no doubt trying to seduce the female guard. "I know Marco is raw power who needs to learn finesse .... but are you perhaps the opposite, finesse with no power?"

His tone made it obvious this wasn't meant as an insult to Giovanni, simply a question from his teacher, but still Varis made sure to watch the youngsters expressions and body language. Magic had, and would always be, as much about the physical and emotional makeup of the mage than their mere connection to the power.
The expression on the boy's face was guarded. He considered a moment "Not every mage is as gifted naturally as my cousin Marco, in their well of power, Maestro." He shifted a little, running his fingers along his staff. The implement held no power, and seemed more a walking stick and a physical weapon than anything else. The answer was a non-answer. It implied without stating. "Early on, I realized that through the application of finesse and mental effort, I could spare the pool of my power and prolong the works of my mind and hand. "

Whoever had taught the boy had taught him to be jealous of his secrets. Good advice for the community past the bounds of the university. An enemy who did not know your limits could not exploit them. A rival who did not know the functioning of your magic could not undermine it. Mystery was safety, and the man had been a boy in a new court of a City of intrigue in a country of intrigue.

The face relaxed a bit "I am not as gifted as Marco."
Varis shrugged. "Maybe not in sheer power, but in the artistry and finesse of fabricating spells and casting them you surpass him ... by miles." He smiled. "Most people believe that sheer magical power, the well a magic user dips into when casting a spell, is all that matters. That force can overcome anything. This need not be so however. You told me that when you and Marco practice he always beats you, but there are ways to deflect, absorb and even use another's magic users power against them. If a wizard or sorcerer is egotistical or over confident then they open themselves to attack they might not be prepared for. Consider castles and keeps, designed to keep out an attacking army, and at that they perform their duties admirably for the most part. However their weakness shows when one man, or small group infiltrate those walls and kill from within." He shrugged again, changing his gaze back to the front. "The same is true of a magic user."

He patted the young mans leg as they rode. "I think, as I told Marco, with training you could be a great mage. I don't think you will ever achieve the same levels of sheer power as Marco, however as I just explained a magic user can look powerful without actually needing to be. Slight of hand, trickery, fooling an assailant into believing he will lose before a spell is even cast, those things will make you seem indomitable to those around you."

Changing the subject he lowered his voice a little. "So, tell me young mage, do you and Marco have girlfriends ... or boyfriends back home? I know at your ages, especially with noblemen, sex is as fun a past time as hunting."
"Sometimes, Maestro, it is more advisable to lose than to win." The boy smiled softly "Particularly when the only person you have to compare yourself too is the much beloved son of a noble Duke and his lovely second wife and your only access to the halls of power is through that wife, your aunt. My parents are not noblemen though I will admit my father's business benefits as well from the association with the crown." He shrugged and looked over towards where Marco was "Sometimes it is more expedient to let the world see the peacock standing before it and blend into the background. That's also true of conquests. The women see Marco. Beautiful. Rich. Personable. He's an avid duelist, a passable poet. He knows how to talk to women and there's a score of conquests across our home city. Women just love him. I ... will always be in his shadow until I am free to go elsewhere and make my own name. I am fine with that."
"Well, tell him to be careful with Mara." Varis offered the young Mage. "She is a beauty for sure, but she is no brainless court follower who wants to get ahead by opening her legs for a young handsome nobleman. One wrong step with her and Marco might find his chances of siring a child a lot more difficult." He chuckled as he recalled the last man to force his attentions on the sexy guard. He believed the man did eventually walk straight again after a few months of healing.

"I understand your point of view, young Giovanni, and yes, it is sometimes more beneficial to stay in the background. Many have ruled a kingdom by staying in the shadows behind the throne. Is Marco so vain though that he would take you beating him so badly as to influence you and your families wealth?" If so that worried Varis. Many a mage had turned dark due to believing themselves the better than their fellows. A man, any man, should know that there was always someone, somewhere who was faster, stronger or more powerful than they were. It was the way of the world.

"Your time with me may give you that chance to step out of Marco's shadow though and although you may be fine with staying in his shadow for now do not let that make you feel less than you really are. It can also breed contempt, be aware of that and do not let it fester if it starts to appear. I think Marco cares for you in his own way, but he is obviously focused on his own rise to power." Varis looked Giovanni in the face and smiled. "That also means you shouldn't let him dictate your own matters of the heart. You are a handsome young man, I am sure many would find spending time with you pleasurable." He allowed his eyes to remain on the boys just a second longer than perhaps they should, letting Giovanni know one of those people would be his Master, Varis.
Giovanni colored at the implication "uh. Well. Err." He changed the subject back to Varus earlier remarks "I would like to think not, but Marco is used to being the prettiest thing in any room. Denying him the spotlight might not have any negative repercussions... but maybe it would. and maybe not from him but from his father. Much of what I know I taught myself from the books in the Ducal library. I had a tutor, but the real theory..." he rattled off a few very advanced tomes "That was all in the Duke's library. To not have access to it? My parents couldn't afford the University. I couldn't risk it. Also... Marco does have feelings of insecurity. He is his father's darling but despite that he's not the heir. The daughter of the Duke's first wife is the heir. Marco's father loves him best... but he trusts her most. She's vicious cunning and brutal. She's ruthless and efficient. She's the Duke in distaff. He doesn't much care for her or her company, but he's handing the Duchy off to her. A man can choose to leave his titles to his daughter but its not the default. He actively elected, around the time Marco was 10 or so, to publicly declare her the heir. Marco's been compensating for that his whole life. Also... I mean with girls well." he looked over at him "they all prefer the peacock. At least so far. He's got charm and swagger. he's got a full purse. He knows interesting people. He's at least going to inherit some kind of estate somewhere..."
Varis nodded and smiled understandingly at Giovanni's words. "You seem to have a grasp on things, and understand Marco better than me. I do, however, begin to understand him more now myself. To be put aside by your own father, no matter his love for you, is a huge thing for a young man." Ahead of them he saw Marco lean into Mara and say something to which she smiled and laughed making Varis reconsider his early words. "Well now, perhaps he has a chance with Mara afterall." He chuckled.

As the day moved on they followed the main road and finally came to a small village. From the wide open fields surrounding it it's purpose was obvious, a farming settlement. However it did boast an inn which everyone seemed happy about. The common room on the pub was almost empty at this early hour, night still an hour away, as they opened the door and entered. The landlord looked up as the party appeared, his eyes glancing over the people before him before he smiled.

"Welcome to the 'Bent Plow' lady and gentlemen. How may I be of service." The man was in his late 40's it seemed, a shock of black hair on top of his head, receding at the hairline, his eyes were wide and friendly, his hands rough from working hard. He wore a slightly stained white apron over brown threadbare pants and a blue shirt.

"Grimslock, would you take a couple of the bodyguards and tend to the horses." Varis said to the guard before walking up to the bar and smiling back at the inn keeper. "We require rooms for the night, dinner, ale and breakfast."

The inn keeper looked at the party again and scratched his chin thoughtfully. "Well, we aren't a big place as you can see, but I have three private rooms and there's a common sleeping room at the far end of the building that houses six single beds. It'll be a silver a night for the private rooms and a copper for a bed in the common room, a copper each for your horses if you stable them out back."

Varis nodded and reached into his robe to bring out a money pouch and counted out the required number of coins on the bar. "There you go my good man."

"Excellent, your Lordship. My name is Randall and if you need anything please don't hesitate to ask me on one of my serving lasses."
The guards stabled the horses and tended to the luggage, swiftly ensconcing themselves in the common room. Marco and Giovanni took one of the private rooms, and Mara and Grimslock the other. That left Varis at the end of the hall.

THere was a basin of cold water in each room, easily heated by Varis for washing up. After getting the dust from the road, he was able to wander down into the main area for a bit of dinner. Generous trenchers of bread filled with a thick stew laden with beef and vegetables were served with flagons of lager or water. There was the smell of some sort of tart in the air as well, and with food in their bellies as well as a few drinks, the party's mood lightened and the dust of the road was forgotten. The serving wench, by the look of it related in some fashion to the inkeep, was perpetually refilling Marco's glass or asking if "his lordship required anything" until she was run off by the innkeeper. After the crew ate, the general crowd in from the farms descended, and there was a motley assortment of musicians playing folk music, which turned to raucous dancing once the ale began to have its effect.
Varis sat alone quietly watching the others. Marco seemed at ease, flirting with the serving girl until her father intervened. Giovanni sitting with his cousin keeping mostly to himself. Their bodyguards seemed to be trying to enjoy themselves while at the same time keeping an eye on their charges. As for Mara and Grimslock they were standing at the bar watching the crowded room. The half orc had a huge tankard of ale which he downed as if it were water while Mara satisfied herself with a glass of wine. The locals who descended on the inn seemed a little unsure how to act around these new arrivals. Some stayed silent in corners watching while other ignored them, but as the drink flowed and the night got darker one decided he wasn't happy especially with Marco's obvious interest in the innkeepers daughter.

"You fucking Noble's think you own everything." A young man, not much older than Marco finally cursed slamming his drink down on the table he sat at. "Why don't you keep your hands off her and go back to your castle and leave us alone!"

There were a few mutterings of support, but nothing definite, probably because Grimslock chose this moment to stretch his long muscled arms and bare his teeth as if stretching. The drunk farmer seemed not to notice he was a mob of one person though. He stood and walked over to stand over Marco and Giovanni.

"Wouldn't want you to get beer all over that expensive shirt your wearing would we." The farmer smirked upending his beer on Marco.
Marco sat for a moment "Too late for that, but point well taken." He stood and peeled the expensive shirt off, then held it out and spoke a word. It was a minor spell, one taught to hedge wizards. It would clean most things. The shirt, now clean and dry he tossed aside "But I smell like beer" Picking up a flagon of water he poured it over himself, letting the water course down over his lean hairless body. He had a fencer's body. All lean muscle, with the suggestion of abs. His dark hair, shining with droplets of water, hung down to frame his beautiful face. Long lashes adorning big brown eyes only added to his beauty, though that beauty was subtly marred by the arrogant smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. "what do you think? Has your beer improved my looks?" He stepped back, as if offering the man a better look. "I like to think it has."

At the man's gaping expression, Marco grabbed his hands "Play 'Winnie the Farmer's Daughter" he cried to the musicians, then swept the gawking farmer into the center of the crowd as if to dance with him. "A gold sovereign to each player!" The assembled crowd began to laugh as Marco spun the stunned farmer about in a circle, and they began to clap their hands to the incredibly lewd tune about a promiscuous farmer's daughter who is sad she can only fuck three men at once.
Varis smiled at Marco's antics. The boy could of handled that many ways, a lot of them badly, but had instead turned the tables on the farmer in such a way as to make himself look better to the others gathered in the Inn. He also saw that not a few of the women present appreciated seeing Marco with his shirt off, and even a couple of the younger farmers were checking the lad out. Finally the music ended and the embarrassed farmer, a lot more sober now, vanished into a group of his fellows as they laughed and slapped him on the back.

"He did that well." Varis said to Giovanni who still sat beside him. "I was worried I might have to intervene. It seems young Marco knows a little about diplomacy after all."

A strange prickling sensation suddenly tickled the back of Varis's neck, a cold shiver going through him. His eyes slowly scanned the room trying to figure out why his senses had been alerted. As the men moved around the inn, chatting, laughing, getting more ale, the sorcerer noticed a dark patch of shadow in the far corner of the room where the candle light didn't quite reach. A figure sat there, a dark silhouette against the window behind them. Varis continued to watch carefully, there was something about that figure that made him concerned but he couldn't say why. As the barkeeper moved past them with a lantern the corner was suddenly illuminated to reveal a cloaked woman. In the flash of light Varis could just make out pretty features, sparking blue eyes that met his, and a smile on the lips before the shadows moved in again hiding her from view.
"It is how he skates through life" The young man shook his head. "Everyone wants to be his friend or fuck him by the end of the night." He shook his head "I'd kill to have half that natural charm." His tone wasn't bitter, more resigned to living perpetually in his wealthy and handsome cousin's shadow. Giovanni sipped his ale "But it has spared us a duel or two, or a frantic flight from a house where a husband came home early." He chuckled and shook his head.

As Varis scanned the crowd he noted that the bodyguards had been drinking, not enough to be useless but enough to take the edge off. The one, however, the lazy one who shirked duty in the camp and had been in the treeline seemed to be sipping from a perpetually full tankard, and his gaze had been drawn to the strange woman in the corner of the room for a moment as well, before he seemed to take no further note.
It was obvious to Varis this woman, whoever she may be, was watching his group. Now whether that was simply down to them being the centre of attention tonight, or the fact she had an ulterior motive, he didn't know. But he could feel something about her didn't seem right. He looked back at Giovanni as the youth spoke and he nodded, looking back to Marco who still hadn't put his shirt back on seemingly enjoying the attention his fine physique was getting.

"Everyone has their own charm, Giovanni. We are all unique, no two of us alike. You have a quiet charm, but it is there and don't fool yourself thinking women will not admire or want you because your more restrained than your cousin, that simply isn't so. Have you never found love?"

His gaze flicked back to the corner but it was now empty. Varis looked quickly around the room, but packed as it was it would have been easy enough for the woman to leave without him seeing.
The younger man shrugged "I mean, there's usually a less attractive cousin or friend about who is supposed to safeguard the virtue of whoever it is Marco is pursuing at the moment, so it depends I suppose on whether you mean sex or love. I've had my share of the first and I can't say I'm ungrateful for Marco's leavings. Still it is hard, sometimes, not to be resentful of the fact that he's able to command so much attention." The younger man shrugged, then turned to his ale, watching his cousin prance about the Inn, making a likeable ass of himself to the amusement of the crowd. It helped that he tipped so much, of course. Soon enough, Marco had made friends with the crowd and by that point the inn was full of music and laughter. "He just makes life seem so fucking easy, you know? It isn't. It isn't that easy for the rest of us. Some of us have to work at it."
As Giovanni spoke Varis was watching Marco too, but with his third eye as some called it. He could see the power emanating from the boy as he played around and goofed off. As he had told the two cousins before magic was a complex mixture of the physical, emotional and spiritual held together by intelligence and learned routine and tradition. Giovanni complaining how Marco had a hectic love life solidified an idea that had been floating around Varis's head since they first met.

"Marco is a very powerful person, Giovanni ... but if he has as many sexual liaisons as you say I think I have an answer to why." He turned to look at the younger cousin as he spoke. "It isn't wildly known outside of the higher circles of magic because if it was then we would be flooded with powerful mages without the sense to control what they had. Sexual energy is a highly powerful lifeforce. Magic gets its power from many places but none so powerful as the living, be it nature or a living person, no matter the race. Marco likes sex and every time he has it a little more power seeps into his lifeforce making it more and more powerful. I wondered why someone so young had become so powerful, I had assumed he was simply one of the few unique individuals who tapped the power around them easier than the majority of us, and that is true. He taps sexual energy like a druid taps the energy from the trees and nature." He sat back thoughtfully, tapping a finger to his lips. "With you intelligence and natural ability to weave powerful spells all you need is power to make you a sorcerer beyond anything even Marco could become. I'm not suggesting you go out and fuck everyone you see .... but I am curious if it would do for you what it does for Marco. A bloodline, no matter how distant, can sometimes run true. It is not impossible that you mat have the same ability to draw from sexual energy as he does."
Giocanni laughed "I'll just run right out and get laid then" He gave Varis a kind smile "I suppose anything is worth a shot."

He took a long pull at his ale "So. What was that woman doing in the corner?" He gestured "there's traces of her power where she cast the glamour to cover her exit. Faint but you can see them if you're looking." He turned "and something else. A gate or a portal or something, but I can't make it out. Too fleeting."

When Varis looked, there were indeed the last vestiges of a spell. The boy had to be sensitive to have picked up on it. "At any rate, a mystery we shan't solve sitting around." He stood, somewhat unsteady, then leaned against his staff. "I should go lie down in the mercenary quarters, as it is my assumption" He spotted Marco flirting with the flute player in the band "that unless she's a house of her own and no husband abed, that he will need use of the room and I am disinclined to watch him." He inhaled "well. perhaps a little fresh air first. Clear the head. Maybe I'll sleep in the stables."

He weaved through the crowd to the door, and one of the mercenaries stood, but looked first at Varis to see if he was following the young man out first.
Varis nodded for the man to follow Giovanni. The lad was very good to have picked up on the glamour charm and portal in his current condition, but the womans magic exit had worried Varis even more. Why use magic to leave, why not just walk out of the inn? So that Varis didn't see her go? Perhaps, but then why, what did she have to hide and why was she so focused on his party? After too many years of fighting he trusted his senses and they were telling him something wasn't right. Marco at least was safe for now as he mingled with his new friends and seduced the flute player while watched by his bodyguards, Mara and Grimslock. Varis glanced at the door Giovanni had left by, the same one the mercenary had followed him through. He nibbled his lower lip thoughtfully. Should he follow? What if Giovanni was in danger? If it was magical danger the guard wouldn't be able to fight it and the lad was half drunk and that would slow his reflexes and reaction time.

Making a decision, Varis waved to Grimslock to follow him. He stood and left the Inn, the half orc following curiously. Varis had picked Grimslock for one reason, orcs, even half orcs, had some magical immunity, one reason they made such good guards around a mage school. The night air was cool on his face, the dark shadows only made more black by the few lit torches set along the main street. He gazed around, everything seemed quiet and all he could hear was the wind in the trees. He glanced up at the big man beside him.

"Something isn't right, Grimslock. Young Giovanni may be in danger, we need to tread carefully."

The half orc grunted his acknowledgment and loosened his axe in its sheath on his back, he flexed his muscles to to drive away any aches or tiredness from the days travel and the beer he had been guzzling down.
The followed Giovanni out into the night, where he relieved himself. He sighed and stretched, then made his way into the barn. Varis could hear him uttering a delousing spell, and then fluffing some hay in the darkness. Grimslock shrugged to Varis "I can see him well enough. You want me to keep an eye on him? I don't mind losing a soft bed. I've slept in one long enough. We're on the road now." The big warrior looked Varis over, then looked back around "or I could look to see if anyone is around the perimeter." He chuckled "Or I could take you up to your room. If this was some sort of ruse to get me alone." Grimslock was more on the bicurious side of things than bisexual, and he had an on again off again thing with Mara which seemed to be off right now. Perhaps Haakon was pushing them to either couple up or decide it wasn't for them sending them off together. The elf had a long view of things. It was strange, he seemed to have been at the university as a fixture when Varis was there as a student, but in that way of elves never seemed a day older. It was easy to forget he had a few centuries of handling the people around him, and his machinations often came to fruition.

Varis could hear the boy settling in for the night, and Grimslock peeked in "He's stripping down so if you're gonna take him back inside... best be about it before I have to carry a naked lordling through the inn."
"Yeah, we wouldn't want his bare ass hanging out for all the world to see." Varis chuckled, then he looked the big muscular half orc over, his eyes hovering at the mans crotch as his imagination went into overdrive. So, Grimslock and Mara were an item, maybe, and the half orc wasn't against playing with men too it seemed. "Wouldn't Mara frown on us heading to my room alone?" He chuckled in a whispering voice so that Giovanni didn't hear them. "Not tonight ... but lets try that another time, hm?" He suggested as he let his hand brush over Grimslocks crotch and winked. "Give the area a once over, just to be safe, keep an eye out for a hooded woman too. I think I saw one in the tavern who was paying way to much attention to Marco and the rest of us."

He waited as the half orc vanished into the night then steathily moved into the stable. His eyes weren't as good as Grimslock's, but after a while of adjusting he could see Giovanni's pale smooth skin in the hay of a stable. Slowly, keeping his eyes on the unmoving boy, Varis disrobed and naked padded into the stable to lay down beside the young mage.
The boy was in his smallclothes, and with the horses and the summer air it was too warm for him to be laying with a blanket on. Instead, his robe was beneath him to keep the straw from his skin. He stirred lightly at the feel of Varis moving in behind him. "hmm?" he stirred a little more, feeling someone behind him he froze, and Varis could see him slowly reaching for his staff and could feel the prickling of the boy's power as he reached out with his senses. he relaxed "Master Varis. I nearly fried you." He shifted again, then rolled onto his back "surely your rooms are more comfortable than the stables."
"True, but the stables hold there own allure." The Master stated with a smile and a soft voice.

His hand reached out gently to caress Giovanni's arm and shoulder as he snuggled close to the boy so he could feel his Master was naked. Seeing the boy so unclothed had Varis lustful for his touch and to touch back, to make love to this virgin, at least a virgin he assumed where sex with another male was a fact. He could smell the boys scent and leaning up on one elbow smiled down at the young man as he moved in and kissed his forehead, then his cheek. He let their magical senses entwine together softly, intimately as only two magical lover could, possibly something else the boy had never felt before.

"I hope I'm not intruding." He asked quietly brushing a lank of Giovanni's hair from his face.
Giovanni stirred, turning towards the naked older man "I...well." the boy was clearly tipsy, but not to the point of inebriation "I'm not sure the stables are really uh. clean enough" but the boy had done his work well, and the delousing spell left nothing but sweet clean hay between the pair and the ground. Varis found it easy to slip past the boy's magical mental defenses, though they were excellent he was tipsy... and young and inexperienced. He could feel the boy tense, feel that hesitation, he could see ambivalence in the boy's face. This was more likely than not not the boy's primary inclination. Still, the young man was ambitious and Varis had much to offer. Experience and power, prestige and position. These were their own aphrodesiacs for some, separate from the question of whether a man wanted another man, sometimes he wanted the things that being with that man could bring. He could step out, for instance, of the shadow of his more likeable prettier cousin. All of this and more flickered through Giovanni's thoughts, and while he wasn't exactly pulling the older mage in, he did shift to make room for him to be more comfortable.
"You have great potential, Giovanni, I can teach you much." The older man stated as he watched the boy stir nervously, thoughts flickering through his mind. Varis smiled gently, he could almost read the young mans mind. Even if he did not want this type of relationship with the old mage he knew that Varis could grease the wheels for him back at the Tower, make his life much easier and teach him lessons both magical and political. Varis knew the boy was weighing all of this in his head. He chuckled as he saw the deep thought in the mans beautiful eyes. "However, this isn't a negotiation or bargaining. I have three reasons being with you tonight. One, I am curious if you have the same ability to turn sexual energy into magical power as Marco does. Secondly, I want to be your tutor, not just in the ways of sorcery that you would have been getting at the Tower anyway, but in the deeper arts. I can help you manoeuvre through the politics of this land, I have learnt them all in my long years. So not only a tutor, but, perhaps, a mentor. And thirdly .... I find you attractive, Giovanni and I would like to spend time with you."

As he spoke the last his fingertips caressed the mans bare chest, teasing the nipples, sending little flickers of raw power into them to pleasure them as he himself slowly hardened being so near this almost naked young man.

"But, if you wish, I will leave you be and let you enjoy your stable alone and we can return to simply being teacher and student. I have no wish to force you into anything." He knew he could, if he desired. Giovanni was talented, but he stood no chance if Varis wanted him. The older Master could confuse and subjugate the young mans mind, make him believe he DID want this relationship. He could make the boy sleep and take him as he slept, he could simply overpower him by force and take him that way. But none of those had the allure that Giovanni giving himself up willingly would have.