A formal introduction

Re: I was Alexander the Great's chief eunuch

Originally posted by TheEarl a lot of people end up dropping the The. Can't think why.
Dear Earl,
You really can't?
FF here, waking up from his rude, untimely nap in the writing closet, and trying to get the right people back together, but anyway here goes,

<clears throat - tries not to choke>

Well OnD (I like that - in a freakish sort of way), let me introduce you to the gang:

Chicklet (who is about to depart to Rio and the languid beaches just so she show-up all the naked teenagers),

Purrdy Perdita (who will sing the language beautifully, or politely and abruptly rip you a new one - she protects the young - but not the meek),

Deliciously Naughty (who is definitely both and whose students have my utmost jealousy),

Angeline (who looks like the angel she is, forever caught at that moment of contemplative loveliness),

The Fool (who is anything but),

Lime (who is also new, and I don't know him that well yet, but something about drinking a coconut keeps coming to mind),

Guachecritic (who is really out there in left field, but often it seems to be where some of the smartest posts are apparently available for the picking),

Svenskaflicka (who is fun and engaging, but don't call her a boy, she's a Viking Queen and will hack your head off without worrying about how low the blade falls),

IcingSugar (who is an old man in a young body and quite the wit),

Tatelou (who is one of the nicest people I know and always willing to give as good as she gets),

King Ogg (also known as Oggbashan - the royal representative of former ages and widely read in classical literature - owns and departs with used books - which is a policy I agree with, if you have a book, use it. )

Cookiejar (who has wonderful attitude and a keen mind),

Destinie21 (also known now as Mrs. D. - she has a sense of fashion that is 2nd to none - and hopelessly, wonderfully in love. so there is no telling what she'll put up with right now, but make sure you don't dis her or any other woman in her presence - there's something about using stiletto heels that comes to mind),

Lovepotion69 (whom I also wish I knew better - the third part of our Swedish triangle - where you can get just as lost as in Bermuda - our exotic exhibitionist - and she has pictures too),

There's MathGirl (who uses an random number generator to change moods - she can be a hoot, or a doll - both of which make for fine watching),

And then there's The Earl (don't know if he's officially sworn fealty to King Ogg - but he takes his office seriously).

As for me, well I tend to get a little long winded (studying King Ogg), off subject, off kilter, off my rocker (one way to wake me up), and often in the bleachers watching Gauche haul in the long fly balls (you should see those things - there's no doubt which ones are males as they fly through the air - probably hurts like hell when Gauche grabs them). If you smile at anything I say, I'll think I've done my job.

We have more wonderful people here who hang out in the hangout. Maybe they'll come in. In any case you won't find a better group of writers to associate with, unless you could go back in time to the Algonquin Round Table. Our table may be ethereal, but we're definitely well rounded. (At least MathGirl is).

-FF (chagrined but not churlish - more of a muchacho man - leading the parenthetical life).

(Hey, where's boomerangue, and quasi, and the rhino, and wicked? This party needs a kick start - especially after having to listen to me)
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Not on the A-List ...

... but fuck it! I'll crash this party anyway.

I'm Carrie.

I try to elevate smut to erotica and not fail miserably at it. I love this form of intellectual exhibitionism called writing. It really does rock my world, to think that someone, I've never met, may be in some state of arousal, because of the words I see fit to "scribble" down, in some semblance of a plot.
Sorry, Carrie - the old foggy brain bogged down too early.

You'll always be on the 'A' list.

-FF (admiring the artwork)
Of gin joints and foggy freaks...

ffreak said:
Sorry, Carrie - the old foggy brain bogged down too early.

You'll always be on the 'A' list.

-FF (admiring the artwork)

Ty FF,

Hey Look! I'm on an FFin' List :rolleyes:
Yeah, and if you ain't on the effin' list, you ain't gettin' in.


I didn't make the A list either... its ok I rarely do...

I'm Just_john1 typically referred to as JJ or JJ1. I'm typically a shadow walker around here, hiding in the fringe. I'm an executive and this is my dirty little secret. I love to write but don't get the chance very often. I am a binge writer and will give up sleep, food and whatever get's in my way to write. I just don't do it as often as I'd like. I'm a hopeless romantic and write mostly in a mood of melancholy (sp?). My stories are extensions of fantasies and I absolutely crave feedback good or bad.

I love the banter around here and enjoy the company but never seem to quite connect with anyone in particular. I try but R/L will take over and I disappear from time to time, I lurk during those periods but don't have enough time to try to put something together Gauche like for responses. I have a tendency to kill threads, don't know why but I do.

I am constantly impressed with the wit and intelligence shown around here. I learn new words daily and I have learned that comas are important damnit.

Well, back to the shadows for me... welcome.

Well, sorry, JJ1, I'm falling down on the job. Course, if they didn't keep handing those drinks out, I'd probably be able to keep my feet on the floor, at least I would if it would stop moving around and around.

Hey, do you know champagne? She's really into car maintenance - likes to change the oil, ya know? Oh, and she's got two. Wish I had one. Well, I don't know if I do. Probably wouldn't look right on me.

("I love to be around young, healthy women. I don't remember why, but I love to be around them" -George Burns 1982)
ffreak said:
"I love to be around young, healthy women. I don't remember why, but I love to be around them" -George Burns 1982
Gee, Eff. I'm healthy and nearly 57 (and the AV pic is only weeks old).

You and George (if he were still around) lose out.

ta, Perdita
I’m not on the “A” list. I’m on the “Eh!” list.

Quasimodem here.

I live a rich varied social life.

When not sorting adjectives to apply to programs guaranteed to lower your IQ to the same digit as your shoe size, consulting my Ouija Board to see what new trend management will decide to follow, or running upstairs to shoot the breeze with the robotic disc jockey, I peek in at what goes on at Literotica.

I do write the occasional story - some even published in e-Zines - but they are usually not fit for Literotica.

My specialties are Puns, Science Fiction, Puns, Singing Cowboys (and their Singing Horses), Puns, and Turd Brown Visa Salvers. (Did I mention Puns?)

Oh. I should confess: Quasimodem is not really my name.

I use the real name of the robotic disc jockey upstairs, so I do not get in trouble with the management of the fine old firm that owns my particular salt mine. :rolleyes:
perdita said:
Yes, and be careful what you say next.

'dita (which I like)
Wasn't going to say anything next


Glad you like the " 'dita " btw.
I'm Jenny. I do humor, sci-fi and smut, sometimes all at the same time. I've been called a "Pretentious Bitch". That person was probably right.

I am the personification if evil and I live in the back of your closet and under your bed. I also lie a lot. :D
re. Jenny S:

and she's got brains to match the arse in her AV. (Be good to her.)

Perdita :heart:
Hi, I'm Belegon. That is my real name in a way. I took the anglo-saxon translation of my real name and then translated that into a language my fav author created for his world.

I've carried that moniker on my creativity for about 22 years now but I had not written anything under it for about 10 until July. Then I put my first story up on Lit.

In RL I've been married 6 1/2 years and have two ragamuffins who have made me a better person, although their mom definitely started the process. I'm an unrepentent sports nut and former jock who would love to have his old body but doesn't want his old workout schedule or diet.

I'm still addicted to new people but being married I only indulge in their brains and personalities now.

I think there are some damn good minds out here so I'll be dropping in a couple times a week at least.
Jenny _S said:
I'm Jenny. I do humor, sci-fi and smut, sometimes all at the same time. I've been called a "Pretentious Bitch". That person was probably right.

I am the personification if evil and I live in the back of your closet and under your bed. I also lie a lot. :D

hey can you arrange my shoes while you're in my closet.
BTW you're not at all pretentious in the least:)

Ps let me know when you come out of the closet:D
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Hi. I'm The_old_man. At 76 I don't think I have any questions on the title.

I do a lot of lurking but occasionally decide to post to some thread, usually killing it.

Have written, and posted, several well received jerk-off stories.

Still married to The-oldmans-wife after 54 years. She also, has posted a couple stories.
ffreak: Thanks. I don't think I've ever been describe in a compact sentence like that before. Interresting, and not far from how I precieve myself... interresting.

Oh, and raphy's got the coolest AV ever.

Dang, keeping up with these lists in such a small mind, is like organizing lollipops. Don't know whose lips I'm supposed to lick and which I'm supposed to kiss. Oh, sorry, here it is.

Jenny, Jenny, Jenny. How could I ever be so distracted by such a lovely looking woman. What was I supposed to be doing? Watching that fine...
Oh, yeah. Everyone, this is Jenny (she orbits in the same part of our universe with Chicklet, and Capt. Shika, and some pretty slick Doc's who can help any woman quit smoking, or is that smirking?)

And Raphy, good to meet you, you're providing us with a lot of fun.

Belegon, well met, I like your style (still wondering where in the SF I heard that name before)

TOM, You're an inspiration and a role model - see, Mom always said the oldest one was an example for everyone else.

Now, just to make my self clear, Perdita, you're only 56 and that's young in my book. If you're as young as you think, I'm perfectly happy to watch your thoughts. Since I plan to keep going at least as long as TOM (or Mansfield - remember him?) there's always hope ringing in my ears. :rose:

-FF (lasciviously looking through glasses at all the beautiful roses in our garden of earthly delights)
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...and with a shattering of glass and a confused grin,

SlaveMasterUK gatecrashes the party.

My real name is not SlaveMasterUK. Neither is it Ax, but it's as close as anyone's likely to get, and it's what all my e-friends call me. I prefer it to me real name, which is not easily pronounced after a few beers or a motorcycle ride in the cold evening air.

I spend most of my spare time dragging up dark, moody science fiction stories from the depths of my mind, twisting them into an abstract of their initial conception, and posting them here. My latest project is all but finished, but I doubt anyone will bother to read it since it's so damned long. Categorically I tend to stick to lesbians and female masturbation, but from a deeper POV I like to question sexuality and our control over it as human beings, or perhaps more importantly its control over us. I read bits of studies on sexuality (I won't read the whole, I'm a slow reader) and add stuff that sounds right, to create the reality I want for my stories to work properly. I hope it works.

When I'm not writing stories I'm writing music (mostly techno, drum'n'bass, some ballads and metal/crossover), although I've had some kind of musician's block for about 3 months now... Still - there is a hip-hop track on the way soon - you have been warned...

Apart from the above, I'm moody, depressive, arrogant and miserable, and I insist on advertising my stories in pretty much every reply I make.

If I wave then I cannot be lurking...

<peeks out of the lurking corner>

Hi there my favorite people in the universe. You being the cutting edge of a breaK out genre that will sweep into the main stream printed world and influence masses of needy nimble minds. Eventually! I know it will happen. The flux is upon us.

Well really it is a little beginning flux. Now you might say that she, me 47 yr old female writer of erotic, speaks blasphemy. Cuz LoOk at all the written erotic on line. The titillating hordes of it. But,I speak of grander Flux-ual movements. And, you creative, witty, working on all types and styles of improving your well written Pornerotica are the beginning.

I say we will show them one day or we are the stepping stones. <wipes boot mud off my face> Damn people watch where you are stepping!

Ahem> I have been writing for 10 years, and erotica for 5. I got a crazy idea 3 years ago to try and, well my wits ARE in question, but to try and actually sell some. Hence, nearly the only realistic way in this genre to date. Self publishing! But that, I see, is ever so slowly changing too. I started a home based smaller~~er, tiny publishing company, gave it a name sure to win appeal. Yeah right. And, through smoke and mirrors maneuvering I publish erotic novellas that appear NOT to be self published!

Now the BIG question. Yes it barely pays the bills. *bows* Actually, I should slump, because the economy of late is ringing some death knolls. But, no one writes anything without a HUGE imagination.

Now one point of hopeful inspiration here. English grammar was my worse subject in school. Still is. I cannot spell worth s**t, never could, still cannot. I am living proof that a person can do darn near anything they set their minds to. These boards are one of my major learning places. I cannot thank all enough, who post in the writing related forums here, for all that I have learned.

<sneaks back to lurking>

Omni :rose: