A Gallimaufry For The Lackadaisical Logophile

Get figgy with it.



1- enjoyment, delight, satisfaction.
2- produce, product, fruit.
3- fruit; the sweet and fleshy product of a tree or other plant that contains seed and can be eaten as food.
4- profit, yield, output, income (by extension).
effect, result, return, reward, success.


1- a person whose life is devoted to the pursuit and enjoyment of luxury and sensual pleasure.
2- of, pertaining to, or characterised by preoccupation with luxury and sensual pleasure.


1-pertaining to, inclined to, or preoccupied with the gratification of the senses or appetites; carnal; fleshly.
2- lacking in moral restraints; lewd or unchaste.
3- arousing or exciting the senses or appetites.
4- worldly; materialistic; irreligious.
5- of or pertaining to the senses or physical sensation; sensory.


eating or drinking while lying down
So in the GB, we have lots of yarddogs that blow their wigs, but you keep being a dicty hep cat to distract us - you dig?


Oh, I don’t know about that. There are plenty of hep cats and hip chicks around. Just got to see past the squares and ickys.



1- a compulsion to keep looking at oneself in a mirror.
2- an abnormal and persistent desire by people to see themselves in mirrors.
3- a love of mirrors or of seeing oneself in a mirror.


face-lift; plastic surgery on the face for elevating sagging tissues and eliminating wrinkles and other signs of age.


Informal: the self delusion that one is ugly.


1- face paint.
2- facial cosmetics.
3- to apply face paint or cosmetics to the face.


1- sweetly or smoothly flowing; sweet-sounding.
2- flowing with honey; sweetened with or as if with honey.
3- pleasant sounding words or music.


[adjective & adverb]
Musical direction: a superlative of dolce – an indication to play in an especially sweet, delicate manner.


1- an aesthetic chill, and physiological change - heart rate, breathing, temperature, and skin conductance - experienced during a peak emotional response to music.
2- goosebumps when listening to pleasurable music


the bumps on a person’s skin at the base of body hairs which may involuntarily develop when a person is cold or experiences strong emotions such as fear, nostalgia, pleasure, euphoria, awe, admiration and sexual arousal; also known as goose bumps, goose pimples or goose flesh.
Phytophotodermatitis (PPD)

A cutaneous phototoxic inflammatory eruption resulting from contact with light-sensitizing botanical substances and long-wave ultraviolet A (UV-A, 320-380 nm) radiation. Certain types of chemical compounds called furocoumarins, which are present in some plants, parsley, celery, carrots, and limes, react using their parent compound, psoralen, with the UV radiation, which forms the eruptions on the skin.


1- to damage; ruin.
2- broken beyond all repair; impaired.


to restore to life; give new life to; revive; reanimate.


easily breakable.


to damage; to cause injury or harm to.

Ecclesiastical (ehk-leasee-ass-tickle)

1. Of or relating to a church especially as an established institution.
2. Suitable for use in a church.
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One of those words for a thing you didn't know there was a word for.

What a wor(l)d!

A Gentleman's Guide to the Language of Rogues, in Georgian London

Corinthian ~ frequenter of brothels

Dark Cully ~ A married man who keeps a mistress and creeps to her in the night for fear of discovery

Colt’s Tooth ~ An old fellow, who marries or keeps a young girl, is said to have a “colt’s tooth” in his head.

Mutton Monger ~ Man addicted to wenching; also a sheep stealer.

Buttocking Shop; Cavaulting School; Civil Reception House; Corinth; Nanny House; Nugging House; Punch House; Pushing School; School of Venus; Seraglio; Smuggling Ken; Snoozing Ken; Bawdyhouse ~ A brothel

Molly House ~ “brothel” where men could have sex with each other, was more of a club than a bawdyhouse.

Fight in Armour ~ Use a Condom.

Basket Making; Blanket Hornpipe; Buttock Ball; Dance the Goat’s Jig; Dock; Hump; Jock; Lib; Moll Peatly’s Gig; Occupy; Playing the Rantum-Scantum; Prig; Relish; Rut; Screw; Strap; Stroke; Shag; Strum; Swive; Tiff; Touch up; Tup; Two handed put; Vault; Wap ~ Copulate

Back Door Usher; Back Gammon Player; Indorser; Madge Cull; Molly; Navigator of the Southward Passage ~ Those who indulge in sodomy.

Buttered Bun ~ Lying with a woman who has just lain with another man

Made a Duchess ~ Said of a woman having sex where one or both parties are wearing boots or shoes.

Riding the Dragon; Riding Rantipole; The Dragon Upon St. George ~ Sex with a woman on top

Keeping Cully ~ One that maintains a mistress.



1- a spider mother.
2- the mother of spiders.


of, like or pertaining to spiders.


like a cobweb; resembling the web of a spider in gauziness or flimsiness.


1- a fine, filmy cobweb seen on grass or bushes or floating in the air in calm weather; a piece of a spider’s web.
2- a thread or a web of this substance.
3- an extremely delicate variety of gauze, used especially for veils.
4- any thin, light fabric.
5- something extremely light, flimsy, or delicate.
6- sheer, light, delicate, or tenuous; of or like gossamer; thin and light.
< pic snip >

A Gentleman's Guide to the Language of Rogues, in Georgian London

Corinthian ~ frequenter of brothels

Dark Cully ~ A married man who keeps a mistress and creeps to her in the night for fear of discovery

Colt’s Tooth ~ An old fellow, who marries or keeps a young girl, is said to have a “colt’s tooth” in his head.

Mutton Monger ~ Man addicted to wenching; also a sheep stealer.

Buttocking Shop; Cavaulting School; Civil Reception House; Corinth; Nanny House; Nugging House; Punch House; Pushing School; School of Venus; Seraglio; Smuggling Ken; Snoozing Ken; Bawdyhouse ~ A brothel

Molly House ~ “brothel” where men could have sex with each other, was more of a club than a bawdyhouse.

Fight in Armour ~ Use a Condom.

Basket Making; Blanket Hornpipe; Buttock Ball; Dance the Goat’s Jig; Dock; Hump; Jock; Lib; Moll Peatly’s Gig; Occupy; Playing the Rantum-Scantum; Prig; Relish; Rut; Screw; Strap; Stroke; Shag; Strum; Swive; Tiff; Touch up; Tup; Two handed put; Vault; Wap ~ Copulate

Back Door Usher; Back Gammon Player; Indorser; Madge Cull; Molly; Navigator of the Southward Passage ~ Those who indulge in sodomy.

Buttered Bun ~ Lying with a woman who has just lain with another man

Made a Duchess ~ Said of a woman having sex where one or both parties are wearing boots or shoes.

Riding the Dragon; Riding Rantipole; The Dragon Upon St. George ~ Sex with a woman on top

Keeping Cully ~ One that maintains a mistress.


I...am so stealing this! I have no idea how I'm going to use it, but surely a couple of these can be worked into regular conversation.

At least I'm going to try. :cool:
I...am so stealing this! I have no idea how I'm going to use it, but surely a couple of these can be worked into regular conversation.

At least I'm going to try. :cool:

If you manage to interpolate 'Blanket Hornpipe' or 'Navigator of the Southward Passage' into regular conversation, it'd be swell of you to share how that went, here. :D


1- having a pleasing taste or flavour; palatable.
2- of agreeably distinctive character.
3- agreeable, as to the mind; to one’s liking.


to taste or savour carefully or appreciatively.


of or pertaining to desire; appetitive.


1- edible; eatable.
2- articles of food; edibles.

An extensive list of phobias:

air travel aerophobia
American people and things Americophobia
animals zoophobia
bacteria bacteriophobia
beards pogonophobia
beating mastigophobia
bed clinophobia
bees apiphobia
birds ornithophobia
blood haemophobia
blushing erythrophobia
body odour bromidrosiphobia
bridges gephyrophobia
bullets ballistophobia
burial alive taphephobia
cancer carcinophobia
cats ailurophobia
childbirth tocophobia
children paedophobia
Chinese people and things Sinophobia
church ecclesiophobia
clouds nephophobia
coitus coitophobia
cold cheimaphobia
colour chromophobia
comets cometophobia
computers cyberphobia
constipation coprostasophobia
corpses necrophobia
correspondence epistolophobia
crowds demophobia/ochlophobia
dampness hygrophobia
darkness scotophobia
dawn eosophobia
death thanatophobia
depth bathophobia
dirt mysophobia
disease pathophobia/nosophobia
dogs cynophobia
dreams oneirophobia
drink potophobia
drugs pharmacophobia
dust koniophobia
electricity electrophobia
enclosed places claustrophobia
English people and things Anglophobia
everything panophobia/pantophobia
eyes ommetaphobia
faeces coprophobia
failure kakorrhaphiaphobia
fatigue kopophobia
fear phobophobia
feathers pteronophobia
fever febriphobia
fire pyrophobia
fish ichthyophobia
flesh selaphobia
floods antlophobia
flowers anthophobia
fog homichlophobia
food cibophobia/sitophobia
foreigners xenophobia
freedom eleutherophobia
French people and things Francophobia/Gallophobia
fur doraphobia
German people and things Germanophobia/Teutophobia
germs bacteriophobia
ghosts phasmophobia
glass nelophobia
God theophobia
gold chrysophobia/aurophobia
hair trichophobia
heart disease cardiophobia
heat thermophobia
heaven uranophobia
hell hadephobia/stygiophobia
heredity patroiophobia
high buildings batophobia
high places acrophobia/hypsophobia
home oikophobia
homosexuals homophobia
horses hippophobia
ice cryophobia
ideas ideophobia
idleness thassophobia
illness nosophobia
imperfection atelophobia
infinity apeirophobia
injury traumatophobia
inoculation trypanophobia/vaccinophobia
insanity lyssophobia/maniphobia
insects entomophobia
insect stings cnidophobia
Italian people and things Italophobia
itching acarophobia
jealousy zelotypophobia
justice dikephobia
lakes limnophobia
leprosy leprophobia
lice pediculophobia
light photophobia
lightning astrapophobia
lists pinaciphobia/katastichophobia
loneliness autophobia/ermitophobia
machinery mechanophobia
magic rhabdophobia
marriage gamophobia
men androphobia
metal metallophobia
mice musophobia
microbes bacillophobia/microbiophobia
mirrors eisoptrophobia
mites acarophobia
mobs ochlophobia
money chrematophobia
monsters, giving birth to teratophobia
motion kinetophobia
music musicophobia
names onomatophobia
narrowness anginophobia
needles belonephobia
new things neophobia
night nyctophobia
nudity gymnophobia
open places agoraphobia
pain algophobia
parasites parasitophobia
people anthropophobia
philosophy philosophobia
pins enetophobia
places topophobia
pleasure hedonophobia
poison toxiphobia
politics politicophobia
Pope papaphobia
poverty peniaphobia
precipices cremnophobia
priests hierophobia
punishment poinephobia
rabies hydrophobophobia
rail travel siderodromophobia
religious works of art iconophobia
reptiles batrachophobia
responsibility hypegiaphobia
ridicule katagelophobia
rivers potamophobia
robbers harpaxophobia
ruin atephobia
Russian people and things Russophobia
saints hagiophobia
Satan Satanophobia
scabies scabiophobia
Scottish people and things Scotophobia
sea thalassophobia
sex erotophobia
shadows sciophobia
sharpness acrophobia
shock hormephobia
sin hamartophobia
skin disease dermatosiophobia/dermatopathophobia
sleep hypnophobia
slime blennophobia
small things microphobia
smell olfactophobia/osmophobia
smothering pnigerophobia
snakes ophidiophobia
snow chionophobia
solitude eremophobia
sound acousticophobia
sourness acerophobia
speech lalophobia/laliophobia/glossophobia/phonophobia
speed tachophobia
spiders arachnophobia
standing stasophobia
stars siderophobia
stealing kleptophobia
string linonophobia
stuttering lalophobia/laliophobia
sun heliophobia
swallowing phagophobia
symmetry symmetrophobia
taste geumatophobia
technology technophobia
teeth odontophobia
telephone telephonophobia
thinking phronemophobia
thirteen triskaidekaphobia
thunder brontophobia/tonitrophobia/keraunophobia
time chronophobia
touch haptophobia
travel hodophobia
tuberculosis phthisiophobia
tyrants tyrannophobia
vehicles ochophobia
venereal disease syphilophobia
voids kenophobia
vomiting emetophobia
water hydrophobia
waves cyrnophobia
weakness asthenophobia
wind anemophobia
women gynophobia
words logophobia
work ergophobia
worms helminthophobia
writing graphophobia

ht tp://blog.oxforddictionaries.com/2011/08/a-list-of-phobias-from-atelophobia-to-zelotypophobia/


Digging Up Some Old Bones


Clunky, obsolete words from not so long ago...


unspeakable or too odious to be expressed or mentioned


a person whose hair has never been cut.


1- a person who criticizes, judges, or gives advice outside the area of his or her expertise
2- JBJ


having a strong urge to write, desire for authorship


feeble or insipid in quality or character; lacking strength or boldness


1- to change repeatedly one’s attitude or opinions with respect to a cause, subject, etc.; equivocate.
2- to turn renegade.


1- to waver in mind or opinion; be indecisive or irresolute.
2- to sway unsteadily; waver; totter; stagger.
3- to oscillate or fluctuate.


hypocritically and unctuously affecting benevolence or high moral principles; pretending to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that one does not actually possess.


divination by means of a book, especially one considered to have sacred or magical text. Typically the method is to open a book at a random page to some verse or passage, which is then interpreted.


1- a favourite book carried everywhere.
2- a referential book such as a handbook or manual.
3- a useful object, constantly carried on one’s person.


Informal: happiness from reading; enjoyment of books.


1- make up, compose, write, as in a poem.
2- to give literary or formal expression to.
3- to put down in writing (indite a message).
4- Obsolete: to dictate, to prescribe.


1- thunderstorm.
2- storm, upset (literary).
3- turmoil, tumult.
4- a device on an organ, which produces a “thunder” effect, usually by playing a large cluster chord on the pedalboard.


a storm; tempest; a disturbance of the normal condition of the atmosphere, manifesting itself by winds of unusual force or direction, often accompanied by rain, snow, hail, thunder, and lightning, or flying sand or dust.


1- the low rumble of distant thunder.
2- a low muffled sound like distant thunder heard in certain seismic regions especially along seacoasts and over lakes and thought to be caused by feeble earth tremors.


of, or concerning thunder and lightning.
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There's something happening somewhere


More of the worldly and wonderfully untranslatable.

German - [noun] a face badly in need of a fist.

French – The feeling that comes from not being in one’s home country.

Arabic – Both morbid and beautiful at once, this incantatory word means “You bury me,” a declaration of one’s hope that they’ll die before another person because of how difficult it would be to live without them.

Polish – [pronounced: dosch-VOCH] Many cultures share this concept, but Polish sums it up in a single word. “Parental contract with children guaranteeing lifelong support”


1- to trick or deceive; to mislead by means of a petty trick or fraud; deceive.
2- to obtain by deception or persuasion; to persuade or induce to do something by coaxing, cajoling or wheedling.
3- to act deceitfully.


1- a person who is easy to trick or cheat; one who is easily duped; gullible.
2- bait or enticement.
3- a) a small Eurasian freshwater fish (Gobio gobio) related to the carp and used for bait. b) any of various similar or related fishes.
4- to trick or cheat; to fool.


1. skillful use of one’s hands when performing tricks; sleight of hand.
2. deception; trickery. Any artful trick.


1- to trick, swindle, or cheat (a person) (often followed by out of).
2- to get or achieve (something) by guile, trickery, or manipulation.
3- to practice deception or fraud; scheme.
It's a small world



being in tune with the world.


the inhabitants of the polar circles: so called because in summer their shadows revolve around them


people who live on the same meridian but on opposite sides of the equator, so that their shadows at noon fall in opposite directions


people who live at the same latitude but on opposite meridians, so that noon for one is midnight for the other


1- having one’s identity concealed, as under an assumed name, especially to avoid notice or formal attentions; disguised, undisclosed, unidentified.
2- with the real identity concealed.
3- a person who is incognito.
4- the state of being incognito.
5- the disguise or character assumed by an incognito.
6- an assumed or false identity.


a person who often wears a mask; a person who ‘hides’ behind a mask.


1- a calculated misrepresentation through concealment of the facts.
2- an inference drawn from such a misrepresentation; false deduction.
3- any deceitful misrepresentation or concealment of facts.


the act of dissimulating; to disguise or conceal under a false appearance; to conceal one’s true motives, thoughts, etc., by some pretense; speak or act hypocritically; dissemble; feigning.


pertaining to pot-herbs or kitchen garden.


1- fit for a garden.
2- of, like, or pertaining to gardens - a plot of ground, usually near a house and used for recreational purposes, where flowers, shrubs, vegetables, fruits, or herbs are cultivated.


1- Botany: the slender stalk by which a leaf is attached to the stem; leafstalk.
2- Zoology: a stalk or peduncle, as that connecting the abdomen and thorax in wasps


Latin for “pleasant place”; locus amoenus is a literary term which generally refers to an idealized place of safety or comfort. A locus amoenus is usually a beautiful, shady lawn or open woodland, sometimes with connotations of Eden or Elysium; it will have three basic elements: trees, grass, and water. Often, the garden will be in a remote place and function as a landscape of the mind.