A Journey into Submission

sub princess said:
[...] Let's show him/her/it that just because some of us like to play in cages, we are not animals. my advice, treat this person like you would a nasty, puss filled boil-- don't pick at it, pretend it's not there, and maybe it will go away.... Otherwise have it lanced!

Hey, I remember Lance too!

But what if I wanna be an animal? grrrrr
Eating_Crimson said:


(falls out of seat screaming with laughter, and rubs head from banging it on the desk on the way down.)
Professionally speaking, though I do not usually choose to make quick assessments, I would suspect E_C needs our compassion and empathy as they present as a person who is deeply frustrated by their own inability to face their fears and alleged demons and step out of the square they are firmly locked in (oh yum), thus feel a deep dislike of their own hypocritical and repressed personality. How painful it must be to wake up each day knowing you are lying not only to everyone else, but worst of all yourself.

E_C may, and most likely will, protest this assessment, but in my professional experience it is one of the most common reasons people feel compelled to judge others, and repeatedly return to read and view things they profess to find 'sick'. It proves to be more revealing than if they hide from their own perversions, resulting in statements which often reveal their inner consciousness. So E_C's reference to kitchen implements and child pornography suggest to me they need to look deeply within their own psyche to see why they immediately jump to such conclusions. Could their attack on people sharing a common interest without imposing their beliefs on anyone else be a tragic and desperate cry for release and understanding, not to mention acceptance for all those secrets they try to suppress?:heart:
Eating_Crimson said:

yup thats the answer, we're snobs because we didn't fall into line saying "yes E_C you are correct we ARE sickos that desreve to be shot, and we agree that the next stop on the sicko trail is kiddie porn"

you figured us out we're SNOBS :rolleyes:
Eating_Crimson said:
Uhh.. no offense, but do you people have something seriously wrong with your head? Why does one partner need to be submissive, or dominant? Why do you need to be 'taught'? It's sick, how you people are. In a healthy relationship there should be two 'equals'.

I bet some of you get off on using kitchen utensils as sexual accessories.


I think I'm very much equal to my Sir

And have you ever heard of....if you have nothing nice to say...don't say it.

It's whatever floats one's boat. If it doesn't appeal to you, doesn't mean it doesn't appeal to others.


~His Flower~
FungiUg said:
Dominants and submissives are equals... I don't see your point there. It's a sexual role.

As for teaching... you mean you never have things to learn? I'm learning things about sex all the time! That's why it's so much fun!

And hey, leave off the kitchen implements... I enjoy my kitchen implements! Here, let me show you my whizzer... :p

"Sicko", and pround of it! Nothing like a little healthy perversion.

You just have to love FungiUg.

Eating_Crimson said:
YES! For fucks sake, you're all turning sex into a JOKE. Role playing, submission, domination, kitchen utensils... sex isn't about that. WHY do you feel that you need all this shit to enjoy sex?

Can't you get yourself off on your partner alone? Why can't you BOTH be dominant in bed, at different times? Why do you have to fucking masturbate online? (*re*: some other thread). What kind of sick shit IS this?!

And for the love of God, why do you all feel the need to declare every facet of your sexual preferences for any and all to see? Who's fucking business is it, you miserable bunch of attention seeking twits?


Really. Why do you have the urge to "share" something so private? What can you possibly get out of it?

Miss T....where are you? I don't like this person....he is getting on my last nerve......I'm going to run over to Sir so he can make me feel all better.

:rose:~His Flower~:rose:
it seems so may out there and have no idea what being Dom/me or submissive means. ive posted a number of links on my website for some of the better D/s sites online for those who are really interested or curious about the lifestyle.

i also have to say D/s more then just a sexual role and has nothing to do with equality. its about who O/one is and how that P/person wants to give her/himself (submissive) totally and completely beyond the bounds of a "traditional" relationship.

heres the link to my site:


(hope ya learn something Fung)

Re: Kichen Utensils!

FungiUg said:
I thought I was unique in this perversion? Apparently not!

Nope, wooden spoons, spatulas. I'm not into the whisking thing though.

Um, does eating ice cream off a bare subbie body count as a utensil perversion?
Eating_Crimson said:
Uhh.. no offense, but do you people have something seriously wrong with your head? Why does one partner need to be submissive, or dominant? Why do you need to be 'taught'? It's sick, how you people are. In a healthy relationship there should be two 'equals'.

I bet some of you get off on using kitchen utensils as sexual accessories.


See yourself in the mirror? See something you do not like? If you could read, you would not have posted this message. Try reading about the subject before you throw out insults.

Then you will not look so ignorant.

You may start with the sticky at the top of the Forum. Good manners never go out of style you know.

Have a nice day.
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His_Flower's thread

I think this was a very nice thread, and I hope it will now get back on track now that we have all vented at the "troll".

I guess it must have missed his/her radar that this is a site with heavy sexual content, and that talking about sexual peccadilloes is the order of the day.

This particular forum deals with D/s and BDSM.

If it is a subject you know nothing about, you have two options.

1) You can read about the subject, so that you do not prove you are a total ass.

2) You can stay the fuck away, so that you do not prove yourself a total ass.

Either way, it is suggested that you keep your "total ass" hood to yourself.

Now, His_Flower, back to where we were before the interruption.
Re: His_Flower's thread

Ebonyfire said:

Either way, it is suggested that you keep your "total ass" hood to yourself.

Now, His_Flower, back to where we were before the interruption.

Awww...thank you very much. I'm a happy flower today, Sir is coming over to see me today. Rather happy since I had to deal with a rather violent and mean raged ex-boyfriend of mine yesterday. :eek: scary.

<---- and look, I finally got my avatar; Sir picked it out, like?

:rose:~His Flower~:rose:
Re: Re: His_Flower's thread

His Flower said:
Awww...thank you very much. I'm a happy flower today, Sir is coming over to see me today. Rather happy since I had to deal with a rather violent and mean raged ex-boyfriend of mine yesterday. :eek: scary.

<---- and look, I finally got my avatar; Sir picked it out, like?

:rose:~His Flower~:rose:

Very nice indeed. And I hope you and Sir have a wonderful time.
Re: Re: Re: His_Flower's thread

Ebonyfire said:
Very nice indeed. And I hope you and Sir have a wonderful time.

Thank you very much EB, which does remind me, did you have an enjoyable birthday Eb?

:rose:~His Flower~:rose:
Re: Re: Re: Re: His_Flower's thread

His Flower said:
Thank you very much EB, which does remind me, did you have an enjoyable birthday Eb?

:rose:~His Flower~:rose:

It was quite pleasant. Quiet. I have a belated celebration to do also.
This discussion began well and may find those who wish to continue the topic in question as it is a reality moment for many on their journey.

Catalina :rose: