A Leter From DreamTo the BDSM Forum:Goodbye

MsTerious said:
Like I care what you say about me.
You say that this situation has more then one side to it.
Well so does my situation.
And how silly of me, Cirrus, that must be why you're such a bitch!
Keep my opinions to myself? What fun would that be? And isn't this website for voicing opinions? Yes, I think it says something about free speech.
You all go about your lives, please do read my posts, won't bother me in the slightest. Even though you won't even see the other side while you're reading it.
And no, I don't exploit anyone. However, by telling Dream off like that, and putting in your 2 cents about the hospital, you're exploiting her. Hmm you probably won't even realize that, will u?
Oh well, have fun!! You deserve each other!!

N N N? i thought you were leaving lit? how long did it last? a couple of hours?
skye in silk said:
N N N? i thought you were leaving lit? how long did it last? a couple of hours?

Hi SIS....if you're looking for MsTerious, I think she was holed up for a day or so here but hasn't been around lately.

Try Role Playing....I don't think she's been run out of there yet.


MsTerious said:
Well I don't give a crap what the lit fools think of me anymore. So, Lance and Cirrus, you are 2 very ignorant fools who need to learn some tact, empathy, and consideration. Noone made you read Dream's posts, hell you could have put her on ignore. However, you chose to read it, and you chose to prove what inconsiderate little boys you are. My recommendation would be for you both to get a life, find something better to do then shoot your mouths off at someone who is pouring her heart out. I pity your r/l partners.

Dream honey, you have to ignore them. You also have to stop blaming yourself so much. You know he's not going to publicly take any responsibility, but I think he tried to in the pm. Of course, he didn't do a good job of it, but hey, he's a guy. It's NOT all your fault, and the sooner you accept that, the sooner you'll heal. Considering this is YOUR thread, yes, you most certainly are the center of the universe. I'm grateful that I met you when I did. I'm hoping that we can help each other with healing and understanding. I'll always be here for you sweetie. And as far as the fools who choose to prove their idiocy, just ignore them. You are far better then them, and you don't need to stoop to their level. Their just the vultures who thrive on other's pains and problems.
:rose: :kiss: :heart:

You've gotta be the biggest dipshit this board has ever seen.
Lancecastor said:
Hi SIS....if you're looking for MsTerious, I think she was holed up for a day or so here but hasn't been around lately.

Try Role Playing....I don't think she's been run out of there yet.



Lance. i guess i am a little naive. does anyone leave lit when they post their whiney little "im leaving and i can't take it anymore" posts? or is it just a cry for all of their friends to beg them to stay. i must say i am getting a little tired of these posts/threads, especially when you see them one, maybe two days later posting like a fiend again. Nothing against Dream, i don't know her or her situation, i just don't understand the need to make a big drama out of it. Please can't we just act like adults and if you need a break, take some time off. lord knows nothing changes around here. It will be exactly the same when you come back.


skye in silk said:
Lance. i guess i am a little naive.....



Originally posted by skye in silk on the Playground's Bitch Thread

Nopers Manhunter you aren't wrong lol. she was run out of the BDSM forum the other day. tooo funny. i think the only forum she hasn't been kicked out of is Role Playing.

ok. now that's just mean. no wonder im 72% bitch.


As I said, MsTerious isn't here. Thanks for dropping by.
Lancecastor said:
As I said, MsTerious isn't here. Thanks for dropping by.

is there a point to this? so i used your humor, didn't know you had copyrighted it, meant no offense. and nice to see that my reasons for not posting in the bdsm forum still exist.

Thanks to You Lance


ahhh i get it. upon reading other posts, it seems i fall under the *troll* definition.

slinking back to my cave.

Re: Lightbulb

skye in silk said:
ahhh i get it. upon reading other posts, it seems i fall under the *troll* definition.

slinking back to my cave.


It you want to discuss BDSM, feel free to stay and post, but if you are here to discuss mental health and Dream, then you are in fact a troll sent by the Troll Queen herself.

Re: Re: Lightbulb

Ebonyfire said:
It you want to discuss BDSM, feel free to stay and post, but if you are here to discuss mental health and Dream, then you are in fact a troll sent by the Troll Queen herself.


Ebony. nice to meet you as well. truth be is that i never met Dream, haven't even talked to her in any way. i have been lurking on the boards and found the drama interesting (kind of like a carwreck, you are horrified and still watch). what i did that was wrong was jump into my discussion and brought another drama into the thread. one that happened in the playground. i meant no disrespect. but will gracefully bow out of the discussion, was just amazed that someone responded to my posts.

btw. i always enjoy reading your posts. i have learned a lot and wish to say Thank You.

Skye aka Todays Troll
Re: Re: Re: Lightbulb

skye in silk said:
Ebony. nice to meet you as well. truth be is that i never met Dream, haven't even talked to her in any way. i have been lurking on the boards and found the drama interesting (kind of like a carwreck, you are horrified and still watch). what i did that was wrong was jump into my discussion and brought another drama into the thread. one that happened in the playground. i meant no disrespect. but will gracefully bow out of the discussion, was just amazed that someone responded to my posts.

btw. i always enjoy reading your posts. i have learned a lot and wish to say Thank You.

Skye aka Todays Troll

Welcome to thr BDSM forum skye in silk! It is always nice to see someone "de-lurk" and start posting. If people seem a little sensitive here, we have had a rash of people who have come here from other forums to try and defend their friend Dream. It looks like you got caught in the crossfire.

As you know from reading our threads, we do try and keep the focus on BDSM. We welcome you and I for one, am looking forward to hearing what you have to say!
Re: Re: Re: Lightbulb

skye in silk said:
Ebony. nice to meet you as well. truth be is that i never met Dream, haven't even talked to her in any way. i have been lurking on the boards and found the drama interesting (kind of like a carwreck, you are horrified and still watch). what i did that was wrong was jump into my discussion and brought another drama into the thread. one that happened in the playground. i meant no disrespect. but will gracefully bow out of the discussion, was just amazed that someone responded to my posts.

btw. i always enjoy reading your posts. i have learned a lot and wish to say Thank You.

Skye aka Todays Troll

You are not a troll. You have identified yourself, and you have expressed an interest in staying and participating. What more can we ask for? Stay and participate.

Read the stickies (if you haven't already done so), cause they honestly do help.

Hey Zip...miss fancipants there is one of MsTerious's enemies...more playground shit. Just have a look at her recent posts....Cute AV though.
"Like sands through the hour glass..."

So goes the shit and the lies. (I think melodrama fits in the shit category.)
Hi Blondgirl!

Yep, this saga has gone on long enough.

There can be no soap operas without audiences as there can be no "drama queens" without posters.

Dream doesn't make the drama continue, she posts. It is how people respond to those posts or don't respond that makes the drama.

It takes an amazing amount of self control not to click submit in response to something you dont' like. Then, when you do, it continues to stay on page 1.

Just my thoughts....

let it drop.

It will fade into the sunset soon enough.

Can we talk about kink now?

edited in respect for the call for closure by others on the thread. have a great day everyone.
Last edited:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Lightbulb

zipman7 said:
Welcome to thr BDSM forum skye in silk! It is always nice to see someone "de-lurk" and start posting. If people seem a little sensitive here, we have had a rash of people who have come here from other forums to try and defend their friend Dream. It looks like you got caught in the crossfire.

As you know from reading our threads, we do try and keep the focus on BDSM. We welcome you and I for one, am looking forward to hearing what you have to say!

thanks zipman7, yes it seems like i walked into the quagmire yet again. i don't know if i have a lot to say at this point mostly curiousity and learning. Thanks for your kind words.

Best of luck to you. Skye
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lightbulb

skye in silk said:
i don't know if i have a lot to say at this point

Trolling for MsTerious/NNN, as reported.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lightbulb

Lancecastor said:
Trolling for MsTerious/NNN, as reported.

nope wrong again Lance. i actually have been trolling the bdsm threads for your posts these last couple of months. for some reason i find you amusing.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lightbulb

skye in silk said:
nope wrong again Lance. i actually have been trolling the bdsm threads for your posts these last couple of months. for some reason i find you amusing.

Nice try. I'm on to you, Satan.

Demon spirits.....begone!

Demon panties.....begone from this child!

Demon thighs.....spread wiiiiide for the Holy Bananas of Lance!

:nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana:
Re: Re: Lightbulb

Ebonyfire said:
It you want to discuss BDSM, feel free to stay and post, but if you are here to discuss mental health and Dream, then you are in fact a troll sent by the Troll Queen herself.


Hey, I didn't send anyone anywhere. Any trolling going on is from a ronin.
Re: Re: Re: Lightbulb

KillerMuffin said:
Hey, I didn't send anyone anywhere. Any trolling going on is from a ronin.

hey KM, do not blame me, I didn't say you did.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lightbulb

Lancecastor said:
Nice try. I'm on to you, Satan.

Demon spirits.....begone!

Demon panties.....begone from this child!

Demon thighs.....spread wiiiiide for the Holy Bananas of Lance!

:nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana:

halleluejah, brother Lance. i have seen my wicked ways and have renounced Satan. for this mornings prayer service i offer the following passages. Discuss and enjoy.

She exposed herself publicly and let everyone know she was a whore. I was as disgusted with her as I had been with her sister." Ezekiel 23:18

"Do not disgrace your father by having intercourse with any of his other wives." Leviticus 18:8

"If two men are having a fight and the wife of one tries to help her husband by grabbing hold of the other man's genitals, show her no mercy; cut off her hand." Deuteronomy 25:11-12

"I would like for all of you to speak in strange tongues." I Corinthians 14:5

"Human desires are like the world of the dead-there is always room for one more." Proverbs 27:20

"No matter how long you live, remember that you will be dead much longer. There is nothing to look forward to." Ecclesiastes 11:8

"You are a special kind of prostitute. No one forced you to become one. You didn't get paid; you paid them! Yes, you are different." Ezekiel 16:34
