a little sex trick...


Really Experienced
Jul 25, 2000
Some time ago a friend told me something about his "secret" with women...
He told me that when he makes love with a girl, he spreads just a bit of toothpaste over his cockhead and inside her cunt, so when he fucks her they get a "strange sensation", strange but pleasureable. But he told me that the best part is when he comes. In his words: "Once you come inside her, she's yours forever!". He even recommended me one: "McCleans"

Has anyone tried this? Please, told us about it...
ok just a thought

sorry but if any guy goes near my pussy with toothpaste theres gonna be an asswhooping going on..and i dont mean sexually..
I died laughing.....when I read this! I would respectfully suggest that you not use foreign substances on your dick.....wihtout a heart-to-heart with your partner FIRST!
Hate to be a party pooper....but you sould never put anything with sugar inside a woman's body. That can casue a SERIOUS bacterial infection, and to be honest...it just isn't worth it. There are so many great sensations you can make without doing something silly like that! ;)
wow....now i've heard it all! i mean i've heard a few toothpaste stories before....ya got gingivitis(?), toothpaste prevents it...you got a jellyfish sting..toothpaste soothes it....now toothpaste makes great sex greater? where's my toothbrush when i need it? lol but seriously, i agree that it's probably not a good idea putting any foreign substance into a woman's vagina...from what i understand, bacterial infections can come from it Just my 2cents
skitch said:
now toothpaste makes great sex greater? where's my toothbrush when i need it?

It is probably the Oil of Wintergreen, or Spearmint Flavoring that causes an increase in sensitivity.

Oil of Wintergreen is the active ingredient in Ben Gay Linament, and in that concentration can cause second degree burns to mucus membranes. The lower concentration in toothpaste is probably low enough to cause some warming of the mucus membranes without being painful.

There is that problem of the sugar in toothpaste, and the risk of yeast infections or bacterial infections. A good douche afterwards would probably rinse away most of the risk of infection. It's not the sugar itself that causes the infection, it's the added food for a yeast or bacterial infection.

I imagine a spritz of Binaca would provide about the same amount of mint oils without the added abrasives and detergents found in toothpaste.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Could you floss instead?

Hmmmm... I wouldn't suggest it. Perhaps floss in addition to.

This toothpaste idea could really be a great idea for all you ladies out there. Imagine the time you'll save; fellatio and oral hygiene all at once!

And if I had my way, I'd personally make it my mission as a physician to promote the dental health of all my female patients. The least I can do for womens' health...

~O. Clozoff, gynecological periodontist~
Um, Weird Harold...toothpaste doesn't have sugar...kind of pointless if it did...
I just wanna know, what happens if you miss the back corners, does the gyno make you get an extra cleaning???
This thread is pretty funny. What gets me is that somewhere in this world a guy once thought to himself: "Hey, I wonder how it would be if I smeared this Colgate on the head of my dick and then fucked my girlfriend?" I mean, you gotta wonder about some people and the directions their minds run when the blood rushes out of their brains and into their genitalia...
Shintani said:
Um, Weird Harold...toothpaste doesn't have sugar...kind of pointless if it did...

Unfortunately, I can't find a brand of toothpaste that lists the inactive ingredients.

However, Toothpaste is sweet, and I have seen ads for a shortlived brand of toothpaste that advertised as being "sugar free".

I can't swear that all toothpastes have sugar in them, but if you've ever tasted oil of peppermint, you'd know that it's got some kind of sweetener in it.
I could be wrong...but that doesn't happen all that often. :) Besides, I'm fairly certain of this.

That's NOT the cavity toothpaste was intended for.
note the big pearly white teeth in the above smile...

Who would be the one to say well "hey I wonder what would happen if............." I know I have had some pretty random thoughts but to be the one to sit and say I am going to try this.... And depending on the brand of toothpaste it could be a lot harsher of results... Mentadent is mighty powerful mint. Shoppers beware. I can't imagine having it used in this manner.
I think I would be showing that man where he can find the door. That is not something that I would want sprung (or should I say stung) in me. Leave the toothpaste for the teeth please.


[Edited by Mia Love on 08-06-2000 at 01:06 AM]
Have to agree with ss don't ever put sugary substances inside I don't know where you got your information but I wouldn't recommend you doing so.
Hey Skitten , you mean you don't want to gleam?........
Listen YOU WIZARD MAN! you aren't funny at all no I don't want gleam or anything else there. That is not something that any sane woman would want.
HHHmmm must not want to be Gleam and proud today......Be gleam proud...<scratching that one off list to try>
HA HA yea scratch that off the list. And I will give you a couple more to scratch off too. You are just SO funny.
I kill myself sometimes...........:p

[Edited by Wizard on 08-06-2000 at 07:46 PM]
Re: ok just a thought

Naked Hunny said:
sorry but if any guy goes near my pussy with toothpaste theres gonna be an asswhooping going on..and i dont mean sexually..

LOL I couldn't agree more with you.

How long should I wait to eat pussy after brushing my teeth? Does it matter if I use a pre-brushing rinse? How about mouthwash? Or would you like to kiss me ala natural (halotosis and all) before I go down? Or would you want to wait untill I gargle on your juices? Inquiring minds and hard tongues want to know!
Unusual props are a many splendor thing...

For a bunch of sexual animals, you guys sure aren't very adventuresome! I've had some heavenly oral sex preformed on me by a guy with a mentholated cough drop in his mouth...when he blew very softly on my clit, I thought I was going to come(cum) out of my skin.
Hey Cheri, I have a brand new pakage of cough drops, want to show me how to use them? Can we try different flavours? Would pucker up for lemon? Are you wild about cherry, Cheri? This could get to be real fun!