a Master's Ring (V.4)

IC: Edward Wellington

It was early morning and it was over. The war between his sibling and her master had come to a climatic end. They had screamed ..... fucked ...... fought ..... fucked ...... cursed ...... and fucked again until they were both sated and exhausted. He didn't know how many orgasms he made her endure and he filled her with his seed so many times, he lost count. Their battle had begun hours ago but it seemed a hell of a lot longer. As Claire rested her head on his chest, he looked around Claire's room. It looked as if two wild cats had been let loose, completely destroying some furniture. He could only chuckle at the destruction they made. But in the end, she was his sibling and he her master.

As they lay together, he remembered the instant everything changed. After fucking so many times, there was one instant when she screamed his name and as their eyes locked on each other, he saw through her and she saw through him. It was a moment when he saw past the facade she had built to protect herself. A facade that if known to the other siblings would expose her weaknesses and as the Whip, she couldn't show weakness.

And he knew she saw within him the fortitude and determination to be their master, no matter the cost to him personally. He was not about to give up even when he made a mistake by letting his guard down and reeling with pain when she hit him in the groin. He was sure that now, she understood Professor Bryant's choice of him as master. He himself had doubted his own role as master but the cagy old professor knew what he was doing.

It felt good the fight with Claire was over and now he was enjoying the feel of her naked body lying on top of him. He winced a little when she slid a finger over a nasty bruise on his side. The pain brought back a vivid memory of how she kicked and screamed as he dragged her across the floor and again he was careless, looking away when her foot landed on his side. At the same time she grabbed a dresser drawer, pulling the dresser over. He remembered yelping but he didn't let go of her leg until he pulled her legs apart and slid between them, his cock finding and plunging into her.

He was listening to her soft even breathing when she lifted her head and stared deep into his eyes, her face betraying a seriousness and a voice that was shaky. "Master, Do you think Elizabeth will ever forgive me?"

Edward didn't say anything for a moment. Instead he wrapped his arms around her, holding her against him as she sobbed. She knew she had overreacted this morning and she was wondering if they could patch things up between them. He let her weep, letting her try to rid herself of all the guilt she had built up inside her. He stroked her long red hair and let her cry it out and when he heard sniffles, it was only then that he talked.

He lifted her chin and wiped away some of the tears that adorned her cheeks. He saw expectation in her emerald eyes as to what he was about to tell her. "Yes my dear sibling. I believe Elizabeth will forgive you. She has a big heart and only wants what is for the good of the society and the siblings. She has a lot of respect for you and realizes you, as the Whip, have an important role and some very serious responsibilities to keep order in the society."

He saw some relief in her facial expression but he knew the only way they would patch up the differences between them would be to meet face to face. "My theory is to tackle issues head on and that is what you and Elizabeth need to do. I will talk to her today and I want you and her to meet tonight in my office downstairs at seven o'clock."
He smiled when she nodded and whispered, "I will be there."

But he needed to tell her more. "Sibling Claire I need you to be my Whip, to watch over the other siblings and keep them in line. You are very important to me and the society." He hesitated for a moment. "What happened between us tonight doesn't need to be broadcast to the other siblings. Elizabeth, and only Elizabeth, need to know that you and I are on the same page. No other sibling need know the details of the battle we fought tonight. They will know, without knowing the details, that we have reached a common agreement."

And then unexpectedly, he saw her smile and she planted a deep kiss on his lips. After all they had been through, this kiss was something different than the wildness of last night. It took on a more passionate need within her to please her master.

"Master, I want to fuck you ...... that is if it pleases you master ..... I want to feel your cock so far up into my pussy ...... "

Edward was not about to deny her the pleasure, watching her sit up and grab his cock, fitting it at the her entrance and then plunging down on it until it filled her. He grabbed her hips, steadying her as she began to ride him like a stallion, her hands on his chest touched plenty of scratch marks that were still present. She rode him until he flipped her onto her back and fucked her hard before she flipped him back onto his back and finished riding him cowgirl.

Afterwards he helped her straighten her room, each of them smiling and laughing at the tattered garments they tore from each of their bodies. When they finished, he told her he was taking the day off from classes to rest up and he would see her at seven. His body needed the rest, plus he to tend to the many scratches etched on his body. There was only one on his cheek and the rest of the scratches were on his arms and chest that could easily be covered.

He didn't bother to dress when he left. There was no reason, his clothes were a tattered mess that he would throw in the trash. He didn't realize how sore he was until he stood under the spray of a hot shower. The water cascading over the scratches burned but he knew none of them were serious. He was standing with his hands on the wall, letting the hot water run over him when he heard the shower door open. Through the mist, he saw Elizabeth joining him, her eyes looking over his battle scars, concern on her face.

Facing each other, she ran her fingers over the many scratches and he saw anger flare up in her eyes. He quickly told her to hold her temper until he had time to explain everything to her. They didn't have sex in the shower that had become their customary start to the day. Instead she gently washed his body, and he tried to keep from grimacing too much when the soap penetrated each scratch.

In bed afterwards, she tended to his wounds as much as she could and decided she would also take the day off from classes. Edward explained as much as he could about his and Claire's night together. She seemed relieved to know Claire now accepted Edward as her master. Later, after much needed sleep, she had him lie on the bed while they enjoyed bouts of sexual gratification.

At 7 pm, he and Elizabeth were in his office when there was a knock on the door. He told Claire to come in and could see this was a matter between his First Sibling and his Sibling Whip. He first took Elizabeth in his arms, kissing her on the cheek and then did the same with Claire. "I'll be in the library while you two talk. Come get me when you are done talking." Edward left the office knowing that they had much to talk about and felt reasonably sure they would work out their differences.
IC: Claire McHale

----------Tuesday Morning-------------

"Master, do you think Elizabeth will ever forgive me?"

The tears began to flow, and she buried her face against the solid warmth of her master's chest. She wept, the venom of her guilt and self-loathing seeping out from the wound of her heart. Edward did not say a word. Instead, he wrapped his strong arms around her, holding her in the comfort of his embrace as she wept. Hands, so very gentle now, smoothed over her hair and back. Then cupped her chin and lifted her to match eyes with him.

He wiped the tears from her cheeks telling her,
"Yes my dear sibling. I believe Elizabeth will forgive you."

"But after what I almost did to her..." She said voicing her fear, "How could she not hate me forever for that?"

"She has a big heart and only wants what is for the good of the society and the siblings." He reassured her tenderly. "She has a lot of respect for you and realizes you, as the Whip, have an important role and some very serious responsibilities to keep order in the society."

His words began to soothe the dread in her heart over her and Elizabeth. He seemed to take this as a good sign and then stated. "My theory is to tackle issues head on and that is what you and Elizabeth need to do. I will talk to her today and I want you and her to meet tonight in my office downstairs at seven o'clock."

Taking his words to heart she gave him a grin and nodded, "I will be there."

"Sibling Claire I need you to be my Whip, to watch over the other siblings and keep them in line. You are very important to me and the society." He commanded then paused to consider his next words, "What happened between us tonight doesn't need to be broadcast to the other siblings. Elizabeth, and only Elizabeth, need to know that you and I are on the same page. No other sibling need know the details of the battle we fought tonight. They will know, without knowing the details, that we have reached a common agreement."

She smiled at that, and she realized that this way of thinking in him was why Professor Bryant had chosen Edward to inherit his ring. She leaned in and gave him a kiss. It grew more needy and passionate before she broke it off asking him, "Master, I want to fuck you ...... that is if it pleases you master ..... I want to feel your cock so far up into my pussy ...... "

They made love then. This time it wasn't a war between them. She rode him as he lay on his back to give him pleasure and then he rolled them over to lean over her to do the same. When they came it was not an act of submission. it was an act of mutual love and kinship.
This boy...this man...he was her master...and she...Claire Mchale was his devoted sibling. The stormclouds of conflict hanging over them had lifted, were gone, and all that was left was the mutual passion between a master and sibling.

As it should be.
IC: Elizabeth Sommerset


Elizabeth had slept in the sorority house at the bottom of the hill from their master's mansion. By sleeping she meant pacing back and forth nervously hoping things went well for Edward into making Claire come to see him as a legitimate master, her master. Eventually morning did come and she anxiously climbed up the hill and entered Edward's house. She dreaded running into Claire even if Edward had been successful. Not after what she had done.

Cautiously she climbed the stairs to Edward's bedroom. Thankfully, she never ran into Claire. Breathing a sigh of relief over that Elizabeth pressed on to greet her master. The shower was running, and she rushed to strip naked. to continue the tradition of her sharing his morning shower.

His back to her and hands up against the wall and head down as the warm water streamed down his broad muscular back and cute little but. Hearing her step inside his head lifted. She looked him up and down, he was bruised and scratched but the look in his eyes told her everything.

"You did it," She said softly hand reaching out to stroke her master's cheek. He turned around to face and she gasped. He was covered in scratches and bitemarks and some bruises. She was shocked by this, to think that any sibling would actually seek to harm their master, especially the whip, was abhorrent to her. It angered her deeply.

Oh, her poor poor master.

They didn't have sex as was customary when they were taking their morning shower. It was clear that Edward was too exhausted and beat up to play. So, instead she focused all her efforts on washing his body and then tending his injuries.

They decided to blow off classes that day and just stay in bed. Edward did explain exactly what happened between him and Claire. He believed, Claire had a change of heart now, and Elizabeth was forced to believe hm. Although she didn't necessarily feel any better about being under a whip that would reach to use the seven inner doors so quickly, She was concerned for all her fellow siblings as well as herself. And for Claire too. The news of what she had done was spreading throughout all of Edward's siblings, and soon beyond to all siblings everywhere. Edward may trust her, but Claire would have to earn back the trust of every other sibling now.

Oh god, what would her famous mother think when she heard what her daughter did?

They slept together throughout the morning. Edward hadn't gotten any sleep last night and neither had she. So they both drifted off quickly in his bed wrapped in the security of each other's arms.

That night Edward led them to his office and left her and Claire to talk it out and leave as fellow siblings again.
IC: Elizabeth Sommerset


Wednesday morning came around and they awoke refreshed and willing to head back out into the world for classes that day. In the morning shower she found herself pressed against the wall as his fingers between her spread thighs made her fly apart in an explosive orgasm.

Classes flew by that day. Professor Merchant continued singling out Edward in a very unfair and critical way. After class he confronted her about it. Even ordering her as her master to lay off him. She just smiled to him and shook her head. Repeating what she'd told him after class on Monday.

"When you are ready to be my master return my ring to me."

When he tried to hand her back the sibling ring she gave him Monday. She merely shook her head, "That's not my ring. When you are ready to be my master return my ring back to me."

They left and sat in the commons then as Edward was trying to figure out the puzzle that was his Sibling, Professor Felicia Merchant. She kept quiet as he was lost in thought thinking about what she had told him.

The twins joined them, and Elizabeth marveled at how quick Edward was to play their game. Even though they wore identical outfits he knew which was Cindy and which one was Mindy right off and didn't fall for their efforts to sew doubt that he'd gotten which of them was which wrong. Soon, he was playing them like a master. Lavishing attention and praise on one, forcing the other to up the ante for it and on and on.

When they left for Biology class Mindy gave her a smile that said how much fun she was having with Edward and her sister. Edward seemed to have fun with them too, and Elizabeth considered how she'd introduce them to Edward's bed and make it something special for all three of them. As his first sibling such was her duty, and Elizabeth felt it her mission to make each time with their master a rich and rewarding experience for the siblings as well as Edward himself.

After classes they went to the school gym to meet Madison for a work out session full of some rather thick sexual innuendo between them. Elizabeth tried to keep up with them, but at the level they were working out at...she sat her lazy ass down and watched the two maniacs go at it for about another hour-sharply reminding them that they were still in public whenever hands or words got a little too racy between them. The other students pretended not to be paying attention, but she knew all the guys in the gym were envious of their master being with the gym's number one gymrat hottie, and the school's volleyball superstar, Madison Kerry. And all the girl's were wishing they were in Madison's shoes receiving all the attention from the suddenly superhot Edward Wellington.

That evening they attended Professor Merchant's poetry recital. She read several poems from her latest collection, but then told them she'd like to end with a recital of a new poem she'd written after her class that morning. She began reading it and Elizabeth choked on a gasp. It was veiled beneath rather thick metaphorical imagery, but anyone who knew the situation between her and Edward would understand what all the metaphorical language was communicating.

She was telling him detail by detail exactly what she expected her master to do to her when he was ready to be her master and returned that ring to her. How he'd punish her, and how he would take her. The entire time her eyes never left his as she recited each verse of her new poem. When the poem ended many people had to adjust or squirm in their seats to hide how aroused they were. Even if they were confused on the meaning precisely, they understood the metaphors were highly erotic.

When they got home that night, she followed him down to the dungeon and spent several hours under his aroused dominance.
IC: Edward Wellington

Edward woke refreshed after spending most of Tuesday in bed with Elizabeth. He still had some bruising and scratches but his attitude was much improved. Sibling Claire and him had come to an agreement after a war in her room. And Elizabeth and Claire had worked out their differences last night as he waited in the library. He smiled, remembering how they came to him with smiles and holding hands.

Claire had pushed his chair back, straddling his lap while resting her arms on his broad shoulders. She thanked him and then gave him a very passionate kiss. When it broke, she stood and looked at Elizabeth, displaying a wide grin. "I hope you'll share him again sometime. I think we have more things to talk about and iron out." It was meant as a joke and Elizabeth laughed. "I think I can arrange something sometime."

When Claire left, Elizabeth sat on his lap and kissed him just as passionately as Claire had done. When she pulled back, she asked, "do you think you can handle her again?" Edward smiled, remembering the fight and looked into Elizabeth's blue eyes. "Yes I think I can handle her again but we might need you as a referee."

The early class were relatively easy but he dreaded going to Professor Felicia Merchant's class. True to form, she found may ways to criticize him in front of the class. The other classmates found it amusing and each time she corrected him, even if he answered her question correctly, they laughed at his expense. After class, he confronted her, informing her and demanding as her master to give him a break. She simply smiled, shaking her head and when he tried again to give her the sibling ring to her, she "That's not my ring. When you are ready to be my master return my ring back to me."

In the commons, Edward was in a funk, trying to figure out how to handle Sibling Professor Felicia Merchant. It seemed she was being stubborn and he remembered one thing Elizabeth told him, she may need to be punished. But wasn't that the duty of Sibling Claire McHale. She was the Whip and given the responsibility to keep all the Siblings in line. He thought of contacting her when the twins showed up and his attention was drawn to them.

He enjoyed their game but thanks to Elizabeth's guidance, he knew Mindy from Cindy and made it known that they couldn't fool him. It didn't matter to them as they continued to lavish attention on him, giving him hints as to what they would do with him when they had the chance. Their innuendos were salacious dripping with sensual meanings and letting his imagination run wild. At one point, Mindy asked Elizabeth when they were going to be given the opportunity to spend more time with Edward outside of biology class. She chuckled and told the twins that when the time was right it would be extra special and rewarding for all three of them. And while they pouted, they knew Elizabeth would be true to her word. He saw Elizabeth smile as the twins, one on each arm, walked away to Biology class while she headed to her Algebra class.

When classes were done for the day, he and Elizabeth headed to the gymnasium to meet Madison and work out with her. At first it was pretty simple stretching but then Madison decided they needed to get the heart pumping with aerobics. When Elizabeth begged off and took a seat, she asked if he was ready to quit too. Being stubborn he told her he could keep up with anything she wanted to do.

While they did sit-ups her hands slid along his thighs, giving everyone watching something to imagine. She coaxed him to do the same and the look on her face said it all. She wanted Elizabeth to let her have him. When they lifted weights, she made sure to press her body against his as she told him the proper technique. He knew what to do but didn't stop her from giving everyone in the gym an eyeful. Edward saw the envious looks from the men and women, wishing they could trade places.

By the time they finished, he was thinking of only one thing, sex and wondered when Elizabeth was going to turn the other siblings loose on him. He really loved having sex with Elizabeth but the other siblings were seemingly busting at the gills to have him, especially Madison. He knew Elizabeth had told her she would be the first but maybe Elizabeth had a game plan. After all, he had to make things right with Claire. Was she thinking he had to do the same with Professor Felicia Merchant. Whatever Elizabeth's game plan was, he was grateful for her guidance and hell she was wildcat in bed too. When they left the gym, he could see Madison was turned on and imagined she was headed back to her room to relieved some built up frustration. As for him, he and Elizabeth had a date to listen to Professor Merchant's required poetry recital.

Edward was not looking forward to seeing the professor. She had belittled him in class and he thought she would do the same at the recital. As he and Elizabeth walked into the room, he saw her eyes narrow when she looked at him. A dreaded feeling filled him as he took a chair in the front row. He, at least, had Elizabeth's comforting hand squeezing his as they waited for the recital to begin.

She read several poems from her latest collection and Edward was beginning to think she was not going to pick on him tonight. She was telling the group she wanted to end with a recital of a new poem she'd written after her class that morning. Edward saw Professor Merchant smile at him as she told the group, the title of the poem was "The Lion."

When she started to read, he felt Elizabeth's hand squeeze his hand hard and a small gasp escaped her lips. His attention was riveted to her words and he noticed she stared directly at him and no one else as she spoke.

I heard what the lion did
and I too want to feel
the pleasure and pain
that comes from within

My hands are fixed
but my body free
I sense the lion
approaching me

The lion's scent is strong
My senses keen
Knowing he is near and
I have no fear

The lion's breath and touch
on my body is clear
I have no where to run but to
endure his caresses on my skin

Please lion take my body to tame
along with my soul to claim
make me whole
and deliver me to thine passion.

Lion, teach me the forbidden things
I’ll be your student
You’ll be the teacher
Do what you want with me

Caress me in places
that will make me moan
put me on pins and needles
pleading for more

Lion, take my body
as your masterpiece
paint it with the toys of joy
show me I'm truly yours in every way

Explore my body and take what's yours
use all the toys and your sword
and when my body craves no more
make me beg for more

Pierce my soul with your sword
make me cry with tears for more
Don't stop piercing me
until you fill my soul and are done

Dear lion when you're done
place your mark on my soul
in a location for all to see
but not on the hand shall the ring show

For my dear lion my ring will be
a symbol for all to see
that you're my master near and far
and what you mean to me

When you place the ring around my neck
I will bow to your dominance
So take me to the place I know
That will forever change my soul.

When Professor Merchant finished, all eyes in the room were on her, some wondering what and who she meant by the lion. But Edward and Elizabeth knew that when she heard about Sibling Claire and Edward, it triggered something and they knew what she meant and Edward knew what he needed to do. He and Elizabeth sat watching the other students begin to file out and patiently waited for some students to stop and offer congratulations. Edward wondered how many of those stopping to speak to her, really were trying to insure a better grade.

Edward saw the professor's eyes continuing to glance at him and when they were the only students left, Edward saw something different in the professor's eyes. The poem was meant for only him and her words left no doubt that what happened between him and Claire somehow encouraged her to write the poem. She needed to be his sibling.

He and Elizabeth stood facing the professor. He took her hand and spoke. "We are leaving for the mansion. You are to follow and meet me in the library. I'll be waiting for you."

"Yes I'll be there directly," she answered in a weak submissive tone.
IC: Edward Wellington

Wednesday night in the Dungeon

Edward told Elizabeth on the walk to the mansion that she was to wait for him in his bed chambers and be prepared to assist Professor Merchant. Elizabeth didn't have to ask or say a word, she knew what was about to happen between her master and the stubborn Sibling Felicia Merchant. Arriving at the mansion, Edward went to the Armoire, selecting a gold collar. Kissing Elizabeth, he left and proceeded to the library.

He didn't have to wait long, smiling when Professor Merchant walked into the library. "You're right on time professor." He saw some fear but also a glint in her eyes as she looked at the table, seeing the gold collar. He was pretty sure she knew what was about to happen. Picking up the collar, he placed it around her neck. "This is the collar you spoke of tonight." Pulling out the sibling ring, he showed her and said, "When we are finished in the dungeon, this ring as a symbol of you being my sibling, will be attached to the collar."

Then picking up a leash, he connected it to the collar. "Come with me Professor." He was pleased when she didn't utter a word, but obediently walked behind him down to the dungeon.

Entering the dungeon, he spied all the pieces of equipment, seeing the pillory he and Elizabeth used recently. But that piece would have to wait. Placing leather cuffs on her wrists, he hooked the chain between them to a hook suspended on a rope dangling from the wooden ceiling beam. He saw her eyes grow wide as he pulled on another rope, pulling her arms above her head.

Picking up a pair of scissors, he began cutting her clothes. "You won't be needing your clothes." snipping and pulling each article of clothing off her until she was nude. "Very nice. If you speak, you'll call me master. If you can't take any more, your safe word is "red." Is that understood?" he mused seeing her eyes staring at him.

"Yes Edw..... I mean Master."

Edward took his time, caressing her body, running his fingertips very lightly over her skin, feeling tiny goosebumps forming on her body. He took particular time, teasing her breasts, seeing her nipples stiffen and hearing her soft moan when he twisted and pulled on them. This was just the introduction and when he was done he stood in front of her and removed his clothes, smiling when her eyes grew bigger when she cast them on his semi-flaccid cock.

"Professor, you know you must be punished for making me look foolish in front of the class."

"yes master."

"Very good then." Picking up a set of nipple clamps, he rubbed her nipples until they were rock hard and pointing at him. Applying the clamps, he heard her sharp intake of air when they made contact with the extended nipple.

Edward began with a leather flogger, hitting her lightly and then with more force carefully monitoring her reactions. He liked the way her body danced on the rope as he moved around her body, twirling the leather straps, hitting her and seeing signs of red streaks appearing on her skin. He saw her grimace when he twirled the leather straps nipping at the nipple clamps, knowing that pain was radiating through her.

He moved the flogger southward, hitting her naked pussy, seeing her body jerk with each hit. But she remained silent and let out a soft moan when he touched her pussy with his fingers, smiling when he felt her wetness. Licking the liquid, he spread some of it on her lips and then grabbed her hair, pulling her head backward as he kissed her.

Following the flogger, he used a cane to strike her body and was impressed by her silence. Red welts formed on her legs, ass cheeks, and back but she took what he dished out with only loud grunts. He was surprised that she could take so much punishment.

Picking up a vibrator, he turned it on low, barely touching her pussy but enjoyed watching her body jerk each time he touched the sensitive area. "I think you're rather enjoying this professor." He smiled when she answered she was enjoying it. Turning up to a higher speed, he kept it firmly placed against her pussy, seeing her body begin to jerk wildly. "Do you want to cum for your master?"

"Yes please master."

Edward pulled it away, grabbing her legs, spreading them as he easily lifted her. "You said you wanted the sword and now you're going to get it," he called out thrusting his hips, feeling his cock slice between her lips and deep inside her. The sound of her loud groan escaped her lips as Edward's thrusts became more dominant. Edward watched her face for signs that she was about to orgasm and after a few minutes of constantly stuffing her, he saw the telltale signs. As her muscles clenched around his cock, he saw her back arch and she cried out as her first orgasm consumed her.

He was almost there too and as he held her squirming body as she rode the orgasm, feeling the aftershocks in her, he felt his own orgasm overtake him, his cock spurting thick white cream deep into her. He held his cock deep inside her until her body began to quiet down before he pulled out. lowering her legs to the floor. When he released her, he held her as she began to wobble on weak legs, leading her to the pillory and situating her in the stockade.

Picking up a paddle, he rubbed it over her ass. "Count to 15 and if you miss saying it, we'll start all over again." He smiled when she told him she would follow his instructions. A loud smack filled the dungeon and she called out one. Each hit was met with her calling out the number and by the time he reached 10, he could tell she was struggling. Her ass cheeks were bright red as he lined up the paddle for another strike. When he struck her, he heard her scream 11 and saw tears falling on her cheeks.

"Do you want me to stop sibling?"

"No master .... please finish my lesson."

He chuckled at her comment and took a moment to rub her ass with his hand, feeling the intense heat emanating from her skin. He thought of taking it easy on her for the last four strikes but decided not to go easy on her. Her screams were louder with each hit and if anyone were standing outside the dungeon they would think she was dying. After 15, he dropped the paddle and sidled up behind her. His cock was rock hard again and he lined it up and then thrust hard into her, hearing another scream as he filled her. The red welts on her back were still very visible from the cane and flogger. She was going to be sore in the morning.

Edward found himself excited and pulled out, walking in front of her so she could see his hardness. "Time to fuck," is all he said, rubbing the tip of his cock over her lips and then pushing it deep into her mouth. She was making gurgling sounds as his cock slid back and forth, touching the back of her throat. He could feel his own orgasm looming as he pushed his cock into her throat. Pulling out, he grabbed his cock and began to stroke it telling the professor to open her mouth wide just as he sprayed her throat with another huge load of his seed.

Releasing her from the pillory, he saw she could hardly stand and saw her body covered with red welts and her ass bright red from the paddling. He knew she was done when she looked at him with half-lidded eyes red from crying. "Enough sibling?" It was a simple question.

"Yes master ..... you are my master and I'm your sibling," she whispered.

Edward took the sibling ring and attached it to a ring on the gold collar. "Let's get you to bed," he said picking her up and cradling her in his arms.

Elizabeth was waiting for them and had a look of concern on her face when she saw the welts all over the professor's body. They laid her on Edward's bed and Elizabeth attended to her, rubbing a soothing aloe lotion. Before Professor Merchant fell asleep, she whispered a thank you to Edward. As her eyes closed, Edward and Elizabeth talked for awhile before slipping on either side of the professor, both of them satisfied that the professor and Claire were now on board with Edward as their master.
IC: Elizabeth Sommerset


She awoke and eyes opening to look into the sleeping face of Professor Merchant, but on the other side of her their master was gone. She shot up looking around for Edward in a panic. Still sleeping Prof. Merchant just rolled over pulling the sheets tighter. There was no sign of her master. She looked into the bathroom to see if he was in there. The mirror was fogged up and some of the towels damp. She left his room and began padding her way down stairs. She could smell the aroma of a delicious breakfast. She then knew where Edward was.

She entered the kitchen to find Edward sitting in a chair with Bonnie in his lap feeding him the frittata she had made for him. She was mothering him, with praise and affection. she sat down and joined them allowing Bonnie the chance to continue serving their master in her own way.

Then she showered with Prof. Merchant as Edward watched on the other side of the glass. They made quite the saphic show for him before they stepped out to face their day at school. Edward took the collar off and gave Felicia back her sibling ring. She left them telling him, "There will be times when I will feel the need for the discipline you provided me again...I'll let you know when, Master."

They went to their classes then. Edward had a math class, history, and a creative writing one that afternoon-which was the only one he shared with her or any of the sorority girls that day. Still it would give him a good perspective to be among the normal everyday people for a couple of hours. When she and Madison met up with him it was during lunch in the University's cafeteria. Marc and Shaylee were already sitting with him at his table. And from the sound of it the two boys were in a very in depth and geeky discussion about the possibilities of how a human colony of mars could be set up given the current level of technology. While Edward and Marc seemed to be enjoying the conversation, poor Shaylee looked bored to tears.

She and Madison rescued her as their arrival ended the science fiction debate. The conversation soon became the coming wedding of Prof. Bryant and Isabella. They all sighed a breath of relief at the point when Edward confirmed he had no intention of cutting off the money his predecessor would be drawing upon to live and travel around the world with his dying son. Then they all played frisbee in the commons grounds outside until it was time to head for their final class of the day.

They went back to the mansion and snuggled up together watching cooking contest shows on the food channel. They never found out who won because she was riding him cowgirl at the time and neither of them were paying attention anymore. Then they went to bed early curled up in each other's arms.


Friday morning they showered together again, she pressed against the glass with him on his knees doing magical things to her before she came all over his face. They ate another delicious breakfast from Bonnie and then headed back down the hill for classes.

Professor Merchant was indeed much nicer to Edward in class that day, and left with the ring on her finger afterward. They snuck off to one of the restrooms for a quickie but had to stop when someone came in to use it. They stayed still and quiet as the stranger did his business and left. Then they were back at it.

He left with the twins for his biology class, and she her algebra one. They met back up in the cafeteria. There the whole gang was there. Apparently having lunch there with their master was becoming something of a new tradition. After lunch they watched Madison practice again then it was off to class once more before they headed back home.

Being Friday they dressed up and went out in one of the classic sportscars from his new garage out into the city for some club hopping and tearing it up on the dance floor just the two of them. In the last one it was dark with strobing lights and loud music pumping out. Elizabeth danced right up against him provactively. Her hand stroking his cock through his nice pants. In response his hand snaked between them and under her cute little skirt. As everyone else danced around them unaware. She buried her head against his shoulder to muffle her cries as she came around his fingers.
(Continued for length)

IC: Elizabeth Sommerset

-------------------Saturday Morning-----------------

Elizabeth awoke late saturday morning, having slept in, like college students did the world over. She got up pulling on one of his t-shirts and began looking for Edward. She found him making her breakfast in bed. They ate on the balcony overlooking the entire college campus. She turned to him asking, "Edward, we have Prof. Bryant's wedding tomorrow, but nothing to do today. So what do you want to do? Do you want to go out somewhere, or do you want to stay in with me?"
IC: Edward Wellington

Saturday Morning:

Edward woke early, admiring how Elizabeth slept, breathing softly and seemingly at peace with the world. He decided to make her breakfast in bed and when he arrived at the kitchen, he was surprised and a little disappointed not to find Bonnie making breakfast. While cooking eggs and sausage along with assembling a various assortment of fruit, he thought of Bonnie. For the last few days, she was in the kitchen when he came down for breakfast.

He smiled thinking of how she was introduced as the mother of the house and one of her jobs was to take care of his wellbeing. Her husband Tyrone was not around but even if he was, Edward was sure he was ok with Bonnie's behavior toward him. As he made scrambled eggs, he thought of how Bonnie fussed over him on Thursday and Friday mornings.

She made a frittata on both mornings, but rather than letting him feed himself, she took it upon herself to straddle his lap and feed him small bits of the tasty Italian dish. Each bite was measured and as he chewed and swallowed, she would talk to him about how she wanted to take care of all his wellbeing.

He shivered and felt his cock thicken at the things she told him. She would be whatever fantasy he had between a young man and a middle aged woman, asking him if he had any particular fantasies. He gave her a few fantasies about her being his stepmother; seducing him while he studied; catching her in the shower, watching her soap up and then being invited to join her; sneaking into his bed, discovering his morning hardon and offering to make him feel better; and one where she caught him fucking his girlfriend and she joined him. Each fantasy was met with her putting her hands on his shoulders and rocking her hips knowing she was getting his cock nice and hard.

She offered suggestions too as she slowly rocked on his lap, whispering naughty and wild fantasies she wanted him to do and would do to him and his body. She whispered in a very erotic tone some of her fantasies: coming into her bedroom, finding her sleeping and touching her, being a genie and letting him have three erotic wishes, or finding her alone, playing with her toys.

On Thursday, Elizabeth came in near the end of breakfast. On Friday, Bonnie was not ashamed to feed in the same manner with Elizabeth looking on from the beginning. Each fantasy gave him very vivid images of her and each day at the end of breakfast was the same, his cock was hard, pressing against his jeans. They both knew that Elizabeth controlled Edward's schedule but Bonnie hoped that soon she would get to really know him better.

Watching the eggs begin to cook he smiled thinking of the show Elizabeth and Professor Merchant gave him on Thursday morning. He stood on the other side of the shower glass watching as they soaped each other. They began kissing, rubbing their soapy bodies and at one point Elizabeth pinned Felicia against the glass, her breasts smashed together while she stared into his eyes while his hands rubbed the glass. He could only watch the show but afterwards he knew things with the professor were cool when he removed the collar and placed the ring on her finger with no objection. They hugged and she whispered, "There will be times when I will feel the need for the discipline you provided me again...I'll let you know when, Master." He told her he looked forward to discipling her.

Flipping the eggs, he smiled remembering how Professor Merchant was nicer to him in class on Friday. She wore the sibling ring and some of the class members must have wondered why the sudden change. But they didn't need to know anything as he exchanged knowing looks and soft smiles during class.

He also thought of the nice conversation he had with Marc while Shaylee looked completely bored until Elizabeth and Madison arrived. Elizabeth asked about the professor's stipend and they all seemed to be relieved when he told them he would get everything coming to him, wondering about Professor Bryant's wedding coming up on Sunday.

It seemed his relationship with the siblings was becoming much better the more time they spent together. The twins were always jousting to be next to him and Madison liked to strut her hard body. One thing they all had in common, they continued to throw out erotic innuendos whenever they had the chance. He thought of Shaylee the silent sibling. While the others made an effort to be close to him, she seemed to be confident being silent, observing everyone. He had a feeling she was something special and made a mental note that he needed to get to know her better. But right now it was difficult with the other siblings vying for his attention.

Edward arrived at the bedroom to find Elizabeth still sleeping. He sat near the bed, watching and thinking of the previous night at the club. The night evolved into growing sexual need between them. Near the end of the night, she began bumping and grinding her ass more aggressively against him. When they embraced, he felt her hand rubbing his hardening cock while his hand went under her skirt to pull her silk panties to the side. The bumping and grinding stopped and they tightly held each other while he brought her to an amazing orgasm. In the car afterwards, she got her reward, pulling his cock out and sucking him until he exploded in her mouth. It was a wonder he didn't crash the car.

Edward watched Elizabeth begin to stir, stretching while her eyes blinked open a few times before she saw him. He loved seeing the bright smile on her face. And when she saw he made her breakfast in bed, he received a big kiss. During breakfast, she asked, "Edward, we have Prof. Bryant's wedding tomorrow, but nothing to do today. So what do you want to do? Do you want to go out somewhere, or do you want to stay in with me?"

"It's a beautiful morning so after our shower we should take a walk along the river. Madison said she had a volleyball scrimmage with another college at noon so I thought we could watch her. Afterwards we can take a drive up into the hills to an private overlook area I know about and watch the eclipse of the sun this afternoon and then come back for a nice dinner. How's that sound."

He smiled when she rose from her seat, kissed him and told him it sounded perfect. Finishing breakfast, they took their traditional morning shower, enjoying the sensual thrill of each other. After pushing her against the steamy glass wall and taking her from behind until she moaned out her orgasm, he grinned when Elizabeth slipped to her knees with a wide smile. He enjoyed watching her sucking his cock and this morning she seemed extra excited, pleasuring him until he filled her with her morning dessert.
Cont' for length

IC: Edward Wellington

********* Saturday late morning and afternoon ********************

Later they walked along the river, holding hands, enjoying the views. They talked about Clair and Professor Merchant now being more cognizant of Edward as their master and they his siblings. But she cautioned him that siblings could be a bit temperamental reinforcing the idea that Claire and Bonnie would help keep the siblings in line as siblings sometimes tested the limits. He told he would keep that in mind. One thing they didn't talk about was the seven doors of the mind and what Elizabeth experienced. Edward thought it better to leave that subject alone for now. But as master he thought he should know everything about his siblings including punishments.

Their walk ended at the gymnasium to watch Madison play volleyball against a local college. Waiting for the match to begin, he chuckled seeing Mindy and Cindy climbing the stairs toward them. When they got closer, he could hear them arguing about who would sit next to him. But as they walked down the isle, he heard Elizabeth tell them she would move over on the bleacher seat. Their eyes lit up and as soon as they sat, they leaned their young supple bodies against him and their hand rested on his thigh.

Madison was a force to be reckoned with as an outside hitter. When the setter set her, she pounded the ball into the opposing court and most times it didn't get returned. Edward was amazed at her skill level, playing all five positions. When it was her turn to serve, the ball traveled like it was shot out of cannon.

And all through the first set, the twin's hands moved higher on his thigh until they were pressing against his crotch. They each whispered erotic words in his ears, telling him what they were going to do with him when Elizabeth gave them the green light. He saw every so often Elizabeth looked over and only shook her head, knowing the twins were not going to get any action from Edward, at least not today.

By the time Madison's team destroyed the other team in two sets, the twins had accomplished making his cock hard. They waited for Madison's coach to finish talking to them after the match and met her near the court. The twins released Edward's arms and watched as Madison hugged him. They all talked about how great she played and then he told them he and Elizabeth had some other things to take care of.

Edward gathered some food from the refrigerator Bonnie made for them. He and Elizabeth headed for the garage and soon they were heading into the hills surrounding the city and university. He told her about the full eclipse about to happen in a couple of hours. Finding his spot hidden away from any prying eyes, he laid out the blanket and opened a bottle of wine.

It was nice laying in the sun chatting while they waited for darkness to arrive when the moon passed in front of the sun. Edward had a couple of glasses to view the event and every so often they glanced up at the sun, seeing the moon beginning to cover it. They continued to chat but soon the chatting turned into passionate kissing followed by clothes being removed. By the time the sun was completely blocked out, they were fucking hard like animals in the wild, calling out to nature as their pleasure eventually overtook them.

The afterglow was followed by more lovemaking until it was time to leave for dinner. Edward picked out a nice restaurant on the river and they each enjoyed each other's company. By the time the meal was over, the sun was setting in the west, casting a reddish glow over the city.

***************************** Saturday evening **************************

Later that evening, they retired to his bedroom to get ready for the big day on Sunday, Professor Bryant and Isabella's wedding. But sleep was not in the cards at least not yet. Edward saw Elizabeth on the balcony looking out over the university. Moving behind her, he embraced her and before long they were naked, his hands wrapped around her, caressing her breasts while his cock was deeply embedded inside her from behind.

Afterwards they lay in bed snuggling until sleep overtook them. It had been a long day and they needed their rest and energy for a very special Sunday at the professor's marriage.
IC: Elizabeth Sommerset


Morning came, and Elizabeth awoke before Edward. She lay in Edward's big bed and stared at her master's sleeping face. She had bittersweet feelings about today. She loved her master, loved Edward entirely without hesitation, but he wasn't her master alone. She had a whole gaggle of fellow siblings who had waited patiently for her to make certain Edward was ready to be their master, and he was. There was no longer any doubt in Elizabeth's mind now. His reactions and how he dealt with both Claire and Professor Merchant had convinced her of that.

Elizabeth lay there watching him sleep. She had loved her time with Edward all to herself, but she would never ever be able to live with herself if she denied such joy from her fellow siblings as well. It was time. She knew it, felt down in her bones.

She smiled leaning in to whisper into his ear as he slept. She whispered softly under her breath, "I love you so much, Master, and I know all your siblings will love you just as much as I do. I will always be there for you. I will always believe in you. You will always be my master."

When he awoke he opened his eyes to see her there, her face the first thing he saw in the light of morning. "It's time Edward. We'll need to wash up and get dressed. The Wedding's at noon today."

They showered together as was their custom. Elizabeth and Edward both cleaning each other off, while titillating the other with coy caresses. They made love one last time in each other's arms under the warm spray of the shower head. After ward they dried off and dressed in a nice black suit and a sleek emerald, green bridesmaid's gown for her.

They met Claire and Bonnie down stairs in the kitchen for a quick breakfast before heading out together into town for the wedding at the rooftop event. In the elevator with the four of them they waited for it to reach the top. Elizabeth held Edward's hand giving it a loving squeeze the whole way up. They stepped out onto the rooftop event area of the building, decorated in greens and a wealth of flowers lining the railings and rows of chairs. Overlooking quite the beautiful vista of the city skyline and the river beyond was a dais and flowered arch where the minister was reviewing his speech.

There Prof. Bryant was pacing rather nervously his young ailing son, Timothy, in a wheelchair watching him as he did so. Seeing them approach he stopped and gave them a warm smile. "Glad to see you made it." Taking his successor's hand to give a shake, "Edward, I do hope you've been enjoying yourself this past week." He gave Elizabeth a sly wink, and she smiled back.

"It's good to see you Professor," She winked back to him, "Feeling the jitters?"

"He's worried Isabella might get cold feet now that he's here." Timothy told her pointing at Edward.

"Timothy," Professor Bryant protested.

"What," The boy said, "Isabella is still a sibling and he has your ring now, Dad, doesn't he?"

"I'm sure Edward won't try to pull Isabella away from you, Professor." Elizabeth said reassuringly. She pulled Edward away towards the entrance. "You won't, right Master?"

After his reply, "Go downstairs to the room Isabella is getting ready in. It's tradition when a sibling marries that her master walks her down the aisle for the ceremony. You should at least meet her first. I need to get with the other bridesmaids to see what I should be doing now."

When he walked away to the stairs she watched him leave before setting off on her own duties.

IC: Isabella Bryant

------------------Sunday Morning---------------

Isabella stood in her wedding dress staring at herself in the mirror. She was not regretting her decision to marry Robert Bryant, her former Master....at least she was telling herself she had no regrets. She did feel affection for the man she had dedicated her life to serving, but...but...she hadn't been prepared for the reality of how her fiance not owning the Master's ring anymore would have affected her. Not like this.

My god, she sounded so shallow, and so petty to her own mind's ear admitting that to herself.

Robert was a very kind man, a dedicated father to a poor young boy she regarded as her own...he was a fine man for her to be married to. She should be so full of love for him right now. She should be certain of her future with Robert....and yet here she was taken aback by how much she was lusting over another man she had barely even known for more than five minutes, and it was all because of that damned ring.

She was shallow. She was petty. She was a silly girl who couldn't go through with marrying a man that she still loved, being a mother to a young boy she loved as her own son. She couldn't do it when he no longer made her wet just thinking about him. Instead her traitorous mind pictured a younger face, recalled a different voice.

Jesus, she had to stop, or she'd begin to gush and ruin her wedding dress.

Her eyes closed unable to look at herself staring back at her. How was she ever going to face Robert or poor little Timothy again? She felt like such a traitor to them, a villain, a weak and shallow, shallow, vain little girl. She would drive a knife straight into the heart of the man she loved, the poor child she loved...and for what, because another man was making her feel lust for him.

Tears began to well up.

Don't cry! Her makeup would be ruined!

There came a knock on the door.

"Who is it," She asked.

The voice surprised her. It was Master Edward's voice and it was already doing things to her traitorous body just hearing him speak through a door and her shallow, traitorous, betrayer of a pussy was positively dripping with the knowledge he was just a doorway away from her.

"Master...I..." She sobbed pullng a tissue to desperately salvage some of her makeup, "I...don't know...if I am strong enough...I don't know if I can do this..."
IC: Edward Wellington
IC: Isabella Abruzzi

Sunday Morning
Edward stirred from a deep sleep, hearing soft pleasant words in his dream-like state. " ...... love .... so much, Master ...... know all your siblings ....... just as much ..... will always be there ..... always believe ..... always be my master."

When his eyes opened, seeing Elizabeth's smiling face hovering just inches above his face, he stretched, hearing her saying, "It's time Edward. We'll need to wash up and get dressed. The Wedding's at noon today." He loved Elizabeth. This past week with her as his first sibling meant so much to him learning the ropes of a master. He reached up to pull her to him for a morning kiss that she returned with earnest.

She told him, that as Isabella's master, he would walk her down the aisle and give her to Professor Bryant. It was something unexpected and he thought about the dark haired Italian woman he met at his ring ceremony. He didn't really know her.

He and Isabella met only briefly at the ceremony but the look in her eyes was similar to the other new siblings upon meeting their new master. And when Elizabeth told him later the other siblings were probably masturbating at the thought of being with him, he wondered about her since she was set to marry Professor Bryant. Was she as enthralled with him like the other siblings?
After their usual morning shower and lovemaking, they dressed and Edward's wolf whistle when seeing Elizabeth's emerald bridesmaid's gown pleased her. "I don't know if I will be able to keep my hands off you," he said holding her from behind as they stared at their reflections in the full height mirror. Wearing a black suit, he found out, was a tradition for masters who gave their siblings in marriage. But was she really his sibling? He hadn't had any interaction with her since his ring ceremony where she stayed at Professor Bryant's side. Glancing again in the mirror, he thought he looked like he was going to a funeral but he didn't argue, knowing there were traditions within the society that were not to be broken.

Afterwards they went to the dining room to have breakfast with Claire and Bonnie. Both women gave him a warm embrace, whispering in his ear something very erotic which made him smile at each woman, telling them he was looking forward to being with them. They went into town, arriving at the event center a few hours before the other guests arrived. In the elevator, he sensed Bonnie and Claire's eyes on him but it was Elizabeth's hand he held, feeling her loving squeezes. He couldn't be happier than now with Elizabeth.

Edward felt the warm breeze and the warm sun as they exited the elevator, impressed with the roof top decorations. It looked to him as if everything was ready for the marriage ceremony. He saw Professor Bryant pacing, looking rather nervous. He approached the professor, smiling and figuring he was nervous about the upcoming ceremony. It not something one does everyday. Shaking the professor's hand, Edward chuckled when he was asked, "Glad to see you made it. Edward, I do hope you've been enjoying yourself this past week."

"Yes very much so professor. Elizabeth has been very instrumental in helping me get adjusted." Instantly seeing images of Elizabeth, Claire, Madison, and the other siblings. He saw the wink between Elizabeth and the professor and then smiled hearing Elizabeth ask the professor, "Feeling the jitters?"

But instead of the professor speaking, he looked at Timothy, hearing his haunting words as he pointed at him,
"He's worried Isabella might get cold feet now that he's here." Edward listened to the father and son's exchange about Isabella still being a sibling and got the impression Timothy was not too happy about him having the master ring.

Edward was taken by surprise at the boy's response but Elizabeth cleared up the meaning when she quickly interjected, "I'm sure Edward won't try to pull Isabella away from you, Professor." Then feeling Elizabeth pull him away, he heard her plea, "You won't, right Master?"

"Professor and Timothy," he paused. "I have no intention of trying to take Isabella away from you." He didn't have any idea why he would want to try and take Isabella away from the professor. As she pulled him to the exit, he heard her say, "Go downstairs to the room Isabella is getting ready in. It's tradition when a sibling marries that her master walks her down the aisle for the ceremony. You should at least meet her first. I need to get with the other bridesmaids to see what I should be doing now."

"I'll what I can do," he told her, not sure what he could do as he entered the elevator and pressing the button for the lower floor. He barely knew Isabella and at his ring ceremony they exchanged pleasantries with Professor Bryant at her side. At the time, he could tell she was enamored with the professor and knew she was hands off even if she was now his sibling. The one thing Edward didn't want to do was upset the professor because it was he who gave him this wonderful opportunity that opened a lot of doors for him. He was a bit hesitant when he arrived at the bridal room door, wondering what she might say and wondering if there was really was a problem.

Knocking lightly on the door, he heard a soft voice, "Who is it."

"It's Edward. I want to talk with you and see if you're ok."
IC: Edward Wellington
IC: Isabella Abruzzi
The Bridal Room

The door opened and he saw her wearing a terry cloth robe that was slightly open revealing a lace bodysuit that showed off her womanly features. She had a tissue in her hand, dabbing at her eyes. "Master...I.... I...don't know...if I am strong enough...I don't know if I can do this..."

It was still a few hours before the wedding and as he stood in the doorway, he saw her eyes concentrate on his body and he had a feeling she was undressing him. Entering the room, he approached her, asking in a very heartfelt tone, "Isabella .... what's wrong .... you're soon to be Professor Bryant's bride and Timothy's stepmother. I thought you'd be bubbling over with joy."

She was near him and her body was shaking and her hands trembled, wondering if she would be able to control herself. She hesitated, contemplating her next words. "Master ..... I ... ahhh .... I don't think I can make the professor happy .... the way I used to."

What in the world would make her think that, he thought as he said, "Why do you say that Isabella? The professor chose you out of all the siblings to ask to spend the rest of your lives together. Surely you must have a special relationship, a special bond, with him and with Timothy."

There was a significant strain on her face that she was sure Edward could see as she tried to explain. "Master .... we had a very special bond but ..... but I think it's gone now."

He took her hands into his, seeing her robe open a little wider giving him a better view of her lace bodysuit, asking, "How can your special bond be gone ..... I thought you two were very happy when I met you at the ring ceremony. I don't understand." Edward saw her facial expression change seeing her frown and then look down at the floor as if struggling to think of something to say.

Isabella was scared to think what her master might think of her. How could she possibly tell him that she wanted him so bad that her stomach was tightening and she was getting wetter just being this close to him. Her eyes were red from crying and she knew he could see them. "The reason our bond is gone is . (gulping) .... ohhh how do I say this ..... (hesitating) ..... the reason our bond is gone ..... is ..... is because of you."

Edward's head and shoulders popped backward, his eyes opened wide. "How can I be the one that has caused your bond with the professor to be broken. What did I do? I only met you at my ceremony last week. I barely know you Isabella!"

Her hands were trembling, her lips quivering as she struggled to tell him. She felt like she was betraying the professor but she needed to tell her master. Tell him about her lustful feelings for him. "When the professor wore the ring, we were as one, making love every day, everywhere, whenever we were alone." She hesitated. This was hard to say. "When the ring was put on your finger, I felt something inside me change. I thought it was nothing but I began to feel sexual excitement for you master. I knew I was wrong to think that but I couldn't help it and tried to ignore my feelings for you." She took a deep breath, adding, "My body craves you Master and I'm afraid I no longer crave the professor the way I did before you were given his ring."

Edward looked at the ancient black onyx ring on his finger. Ever since he put the ring on his finger, women sexually craved his attention. Did the ring have magical powers? He didn't know but it seemed to affect Isabella's feelings to the professor. Now she was questioning if she could go through with the wedding because she had strong sexual feelings for him. Somehow he had to change her mind about the professor, but how?

He looked at his watch. There was a about an hour and a half before the ceremony. Elizabeth wanted to arrive early and make sure everything was running smoothly so they had time. He knew he needed more time with Isabella to hopefully work things out and change her mind.

Pulling his phone from his pocket, he texted Elizabeth .... "Everything is going fine but I need more time.... maybe about an hour talking things over with Isabella. Tell the professor and Timothy not to worry, Isabella will be ready." Almost immediately he received a response. "Will do and let me know if you need my help."

He squeezed her hands. "We have some time before we have to go up to the roof." Her robe opened further and he glanced at her sexy bodysuit and then into her deep dark eyes and could see why the professor fell for her ..... she was absolutely beautiful. "I don't know you very well Isabella but I do know the professor has special feelings for you. Elizabeth has told me some things about the other siblings but not you. She did tell me that when Professor Bryant threw out his back after eight hours with Madison, he made sure to have you, Elizabeth, or Marc to tag team her. So you know he had relations with the other siblings. Did that bother you?"

She thought of those times the professor was off with other siblings. "No because it's what we siblings are taught. To be kind and mindful of our master whether we are with them or not. And now you're my master."

He continued, "And you know the professor took great pride in playing matchmaker; introducing his siblings to the right man. But when it came to you he knew no one but himself was good enough for you. He thought you two made the perfect couple. Do you love him?"

Isabella looked at Edward's hands holding hers and then back to his eyes. "Yes ..... I ah .... I do love him ..... but .... all I can think about is you Master. You make me so wet (blushing) thinking about you. Even now my body wants to have you." Her head bowed not knowing how he was going to respond as she added in a soft tone, "How can I be with the professor if I'm thinking what it would be like to be with you .... my master." Her voice fell off, her yearning for Edward was strong but she knew in her heart she loved the professor and his son.

Edward knew he had to take care of this issue and now. "It's unfortunate we couldn't spend more together before your marriage. You will still be a sibling even after you become Mrs. Isabella Bryant. And that means, as I'm sure the professor is well aware that on certain occasions you will pay me a visit without him." He put his arms on her shoulders and pulled her close to him.

"As you know Bonnie is a sibling and is married but that doesn't stop her from telling me things that spur my erotic imagination. I'm told by Elizabeth that other siblings will visit me from time to time and spend an evening or weekend with me enjoying different things of a sexual nature. I would suspect you can do that once you return from your travels abroad.
IC: Edward Wellington
IC: Isabella Abruzzi
The Bridal Room (continued for length)

Isabella smiled for the first time, realizing Edward is correct. The professor has had many sessions with his siblings of which she had been part of some of them. "What are you suggesting Master," she said in a soft seductive tone.

"My suggestion is that before you and the professor tie the knot, we satisfy the gnawing sexual yearning building inside you."

He cupped the back of her head, pulling her head toward him, kissing her for the first time and not feeling any resistance. The kiss was soft and tender but soon took a turn to being more passionate .... more needy. Their tongues slipped back and forth searching, exploring, building the sexual tensions in their bodies.

When the kiss broke, she was breathing a bit harder. "Master are you sure this is the right thing to do. I'm engaged to the professor to be married today."

"Isabella .... right now in this moment, you are Isabella Abruzzi and not Isabella Bryant. In about two hours, you'll be his bride but right now you are with your master." Pulling her closer, his lips found hers again for another deep kiss. Afterwards he opened her robe, slipping it off her shoulders. He help her pull off the lacy bodysuit, commenting, "We don't want to ruin your sexy night clothes for tonight." His eyes took in her nakedness as he took off his coat and started to unbutton his shirt.

Isabella watched him undress feeling herself getting wetter. Her body was high alert getting more excited as she saw her master's body being revealed to her. She had been having dreams about this moment ever since she saw the ring slip on his finger. How she wanted him ..... wanted to feel his hardness in her hands, her mouth, her pussy. She couldn't wait any longer. When he stepped out of his trousers and boxers, she eyed his cock and fell to her knees. "Finally," she moaned taking his cock into her hands, caressing it like one would a piece of fine China.

Edward was giving her what she needed to move forward with her marriage to the professor. Her yearning and desire for his cock would be satisfied at least for today. He was sure they would be together again in the future with the professor's blessing as his hands held the side of her head not wanting to mess up her hairdo. He moaned, watching her caress his cock with her fingers, lips, tongue, and then her mouth. They didn't have all day but he was confident that with the time they had, their sexual appetites would be satisfied.

Isabella felt beyond happy now that she had her master's cock. She was hungry and wasted no time taking him deep into her mouth until he was in her throat. She held it there for as long as she could before pulling back, gasping and breathing hard, salvia dripping from her lips. After a few more deep throats, she felt his hands under her arms pulling her up, wrapping her arms around his neck, feeling her hard nipples scrapping his chest.

Edward sat her down on the sofa and knelt between her thighs seeing the juices glistening on her pussy. He moved in quickly, licking up the juices leaking from her pussy. He felt her fingers in his hair, pulling his head hard against her sex, as if wanting to bury his head deep inside her. Her sex button was ripe and ready for him and when his tongue lashed it, he felt her body quivering and shaking.

Isabella closed her eyes. She was in heaven, feeling her master's tongue, mouth, and fingers working over her needy pussy. She had thought so much about this moment that her body was reacting in overdrive. "Lick me master ..... that's it master ..... make your sibling cum," she moaned as he took her over the edge and she couldn't stop her body from undulating out of control on the sofa, quivering in ecstasy. When he tired to pull away, she held his head against her pussy wanting to remember the feel of his lips and tongue on her clit.

Finally Edward was able to pull away and push her onto her back on the sofa, his cock aimed at her pussy. With one thrust he was inside her, feeling her fingernails digging into his back. His hips moved like a piston, pushing his cock deep into her and then pulling back. They fucked like that for a few minutes before she pushed him away telling him she wanted to ride him.

Isabella straddled him, grabbing his cock, shoving it into her pussy as she rode him. "Master ....." she moaned breathlessly ..... "Thank you master ..... your cock feels so good." She leaned down, kissing him wildly as her hips moved, feeling his thick member stretching her open. When she pulled back, she moaned when his fingers found her ripe nipples, twisting them and feeling exquisite painful pleasure. As her hips rose and fell, her her fingernails dug into his chest. She was getting close to another orgasm and then it hit her, another explosive orgasm that coated his cock with her juices.

Edward was mindful of the time, pushing her off his cock and onto her knees. "Make your master cum Isabella. Taste the creamy seed I have stored for you." He moaned as she devoured his cock again, pumping it with her hands while her lips and mouth sucked voraciously on the thick meat. When he could no longer hold out, he felt her mouth take every inch into her mouth and then he erupted in her throat, his hips jerking with each forceful explosion.

Afterwards, they both were panting hard but with smiles on their faces. He looked at his watch, seeing they had to get dressed. He helped her put on the V-neck Sleeveless Sweep Train wedding dress. He took a moment to admire her, stating, "My God Isabella .... you look beautiful in that dress."

When they were presentable, he texted Elizabeth. "I think we are fine now. Please come and help Isabella with redoing her makeup." in awe of Isabella's

When Elizabeth arrived, Edward saw the look on her face but didn't say a word about what happened. He would tell her everything later. He told her to help Isabella with her makeup and he would tell the professor and his son that everything was ok and the wedding would proceed.

Edward could see the relief on Professor Bryant and timothy's faces when he told them. His son was pleased to hear everything was fine. He retuned to the elevator just as the doors opened, Elizabeth and Isabella had big smiles on their faces. Isabella hooked her arm with his and whispered, "Thank you master."

He had a feeling Elizabeth knew what occurred in the bridal room. She then cued the music and the bridesmaid procession began.
IC: Madison Kerry

---------------Sunday Afternoon-----------

The wedding ceremony had just started. Poor little Timothy and Professor Bryant stood at the front of the aisle waiting. The seats were filled with Edward's siblings and their varied families. Madison stood next to Elizabeth feeling completely out of place. She was wearing an atrocious green bridesmaids' dress. It was not her style at all. She was comfortable in hot gymgirl, or slutty tomboy, or even trailer park chic clothing. Not this emerald abomination cut so low she was afraid if she took too deep a breath her boobs would pop out, and the flowing length of the dress made her worry she was going to trip over it and make a fool of herself. She was out of place, and out of her comfort zone. This was all in all a terrible uncomfortable experience for Madison.

Then it all changed. when the music began playing and she saw Master Edward leading Isabella down the aisle to stand beside her as the bride and groom took their place before the minister for the marriage ceremony to begin. She was abruptly and suddenly reminded of just how hot her master was once again. Just watching him walk arm in arm with another sibling was driving her wild. She was breathing in deep breaths, her nipples poking out through her bra and the emerald abomination she was wearing like pencil erasers, and Madison's panties were getting soaked through. She wanted him. She wanted him right now. It did not matter that she was standing right next to Elizabeth, and it was really her turn at him yet. All she could think about was kicking off these ridiculous heels and tear off this absurd dress and crawling over to him to lower that zipper and give it the worship she craved to give it.

She didn't though, it took all her soul to stay where she stood next to Elizabeth for the rest of the ceremony. She did bite her lip as she noticed she was not the only sibling to be watching Edward more than anyone else or squirming in their seats.

Afterwards during the wedding reception one of the siblings, named Janet, was a professional photographer and was working at the wedding taking pictures of first the bride and groom, and then the bride and groom and Timothy. Then she took pics of some of the other siblings. Then at Elizabeth's and hers and Janet's insistence with the backing of every sibling there Edward was dragged over for picture after picture posing after posing at Janet's direction for a picture. Of course, every sibling wanted their picture taken with their new master. So, Edward had to endure there with sibling after sibling coming up pressing her body against him. Some tried to remember that children were present and pose respectably alongside their master others-perhaps they forgot or perhaps they didn't care but many hands pinched his butt, or cupped over his crotch, or whispered something provocative into his ear, or directed his hand to caress a breast or cup an ass or two.

Madison sidled up beside him up close, arm wrapped around him for Janet. He smelled so good, so manly, and sexy, and she wanted him right fucking now! Elizabeth watching this smiled and nodded to her, "Tonight."

An electric shock went through her. "Tonight!"

She turned to face him as Janet snapped away. Arms pulling him close into a very intimate hug laying her head on his shoulder.

"I'm gonna fuck your brains out, master," She whispered to him, "Then I'll get a spoon from the kitchen to scoop them back into your skull so I can fuck them out again."

Her fingers squeezed his buttock as the juices of her own simmering passion for Edward began to drip down her thigh just anticipating tonight.

Her time was over and she wobbled away unsteadily on the never-to-be-suficiently-damned high heels rather than the sneakers or at least flats she usually wore. It was time to eat and dance...something she would be too scared of doing in these shoes, and there was a long long line of siblings eager to dance, particularly Veronica who was a trained ballerina, Veronica who was a competitve ballroom dancer, and Madeira who was well practiced in the erotic art of bellydancing. No, Madison could only sit and watch and wish she could be part of the fun, and simmer in anticipation for tonight as she rubbed her aching feet.

She was surprised when Elizabeth led Edward through the crowd of siblings and brought him over to sit at her table. "El, you don't have to do this for me...I can..." She swallowed trying to be believable in telling this lie, "...I can be patient for my time with Edward."

She scoffed at that rolling her eyes, "You...patient...please." She then padded off to congratulate the bride and groom.

She was left alone with Edward then. She realized other than blatant sexual innuendos she hadn't really talked to him. She searched for something to say. "I can't think of anything for us to talk about considering all I want is to rip off your suit and throw you over this table so I could ride you like a cowgirl breaking in a bronco."
IC: Edward Wellington
Wedding Reception

Edward walked Isabella slowly down the aisle to the strains of the "Bridal March," the traditional song played for centuries for new brides. He glanced left and right seeing his siblings and other siblings he didn't know, assuming they belonged to other masters attending the wedding. At the end of the long aisle, stood Professor Bryant, his son Timothy, the minister, Elizabeth, and Madison, with wide smiles on their faces. Madison looked radiant, her long hair, tied up into a bun and her eyes focused on him. She shifted from foot to foot, as if the shoes hurt her feet. He imagined she was used to more athletic shoes than high heels.

When they reached the half way point, He smiled hearing Isabella whisper, "Thank you again master for your kindness in the bridal room. Now that I have your seed embedded deep inside me, I can now focus on the professor and hope we will again enjoy sweet pleasures when I return." He smiled and then almost stopped, stunned, when she added with a giggle, "and tonight your seed will mix with the professor's seed." He continued walking, seeing the knowing smile on the professor's face. Did he know?

When the minister asked, "who gives this woman for marriage?" Edward felt strange saying, "I do. Her master."

He was her master for a week and felt the professor was truly her real master. Taking his place next to Timothy, he glanced at Isabella who winked and then at Elizabeth and Madison. Elizabeth smiled but Madison's eyes were like twin lasers, focused in on him and him alone. He noticed, when looking out at the crowd, a number of siblings were just staring at him like he was the center of attention. Was it possible he was having the same effect on them similar to his ring ceremony? They made it through the wedding vows and afterwards, he was introduced to a sibling, Janet who was a professional photographer.

She had a very friendly smile, leaning in close to him, saying, "When you have some free time Master Edward I would like to take some photos of you in a more private setting." He gave her a knowing look and she quickly added, "If you would like to do it at the mansion with some of the siblings, that would be great too. I have a private collection of the masters and their siblings."

"I'll have Elizabeth check my schedule." He was really dependent on Elizabeth showing him the way through the maze of what is required of him.

He stood off to the side, watching Janet take the necessary photos of the wedding party. When it came time for Elizabeth and Madison's photos, they insisted Edward be included. He heard a roar from the other siblings and knew there was no way out as Cindy and Mindy, the twins, each grabbed an arm propelling him toward the photo set.

Elizabeth and Madison waited to be the last of the siblings for photos. Eager siblings, some he knew and others he didn't, filed one by one to pose with him, the master. No pose was too objectionable for Janet and he got the impression, the photos would be plastered around their room like prize possessions. More than a few wanted a photo with them sharing a very salacious kiss.

Claire and Professor Merchant posed together, one on either side, the bulge in his trousers was evident. Claire, the Whip, kissed his cheek, glancing at the professor. "What do you say sometime we meet our master in the dungeon we'll give him a nice show that will keep him and us entertained for hours." He knew as the Whip, she would use her expertise to discipline the professor.

The twins, Mindy and Cindy were next, telling him how they would give him double his pleasure and then Bonnie and her family posed and then whispered, "I'm looking forward to being your MILF whenever you desire and his semi-hard cock was pressing against his trousers when there were only two left, Elizabeth and Madison.

Elizabeth told Janet what photos she wanted and stepped aside letting Madison be the last sibling to pose with Edward. He smiled when Madison sidled up beside him, seeing that dreamy look in her eyes that he saw earlier in the ceremony. And when Elizabeth told her a very simple word, "Tonight." it seemed to him her whole demeanor changed from friendly to tigress.

He remembered Elizabeth's tales about Madison's insatiable sexual prowess and felt a sudden chill run up his spine when she whispered, "I'm gonna fuck your brains out, master ...... Then I'll get a spoon from the kitchen to scoop them back into your skull so I can fuck them out again." He could only imagine what the night held for him as she cupped his ass and laid her head on his shoulder for some intimate photos.

He felt a bit exhausted after the photo shoot and looked for Madison. He wanted to spend some time with her but he was pulled away by other siblings, wanting to talk before the meal. He saw her sitting at the table, looking uncomfortable, rubbing her feet. During the meal, he sat next to Madison, unable to take up a conversation but that didn't stop her free hand from straying under the table. The way she massaged his bulge excited him, wondering more about after the party.
IC: Edward Wellington
Reception continued for length

After the meal, he was pulled away from Madison by a long long line of siblings eager to dance, particularly Crystal who was a trained ballerina, Veronica who was a competitive ballroom dancer, and Madeira who was well practiced in the erotic art of belly dancing. They held his attention and every time he looked at Madison she had a dour look on her face. But each time he tried to leave the group of siblings, they grabbed him, pulling him back into their circle.

He was in the middle of the circle being cheered on as Madeira belly danced around him, shaking her pelvis and breasts in a way only she could. As soon as the song ended, he felt Elizabeth's firm grip pulling him in the direction of Madison. No words were spoken and all the siblings knew their time with the master was over for the evening.

Edward took a chair next to Madison, listening to her tell Elizabeth she didn't have to do this, saying as Elizabeth turned to leave, "...I can be patient for my time with Edward." They all three laughed when Elizabeth responded, "You...patient...please." She left and Edward was glad they were together, looking forward to being with her ever since Elizabeth announced to Madison that this was her night.

They were alone in the sense that they were sitting next to each other while the wedding reception was going full steam. Edward looked at the crowd of siblings dancing, knowing they got the message, he and Madison were off limits and were to be left alone. Turning back to look at Madison, he noticed she seemed at a loss for words before she spoke, "I can't think of anything for us to talk about considering all I want is to rip off your suit and throw you over this table so I could ride you like a cowgirl breaking in a bronco."

Edward chuckled, taking her small hands into his. "There is nothing I would like better than to be your bucking bronco as you get the ride of your life. But I think such a public display would only get the other siblings riled up and they would probably gang tackle you and want to take your place." He saw a wide smile and said, "We have plenty to talk about ..... school ..... volleyball ..... the other siblings ..... and yes sex, the most important subject." When she laughed he told her, "It's good to see you laugh .... you are a very beautiful woman and I'm sure our time together will bring us a lot closer."

They talked about a variety of different things at school and about some of the other siblings along with their best wishes for Isabella and Professor Bryant. He could tell she wanted to know about his time in the bridal room and knew Elizabeth would tell her eventually so he recounted, not in total detail how he convinced Isabella to marry the professor. He smiled, seeing her look out in the crowd, seeing the married couple enjoying the festivities.

Edward squeezed her hands, mentioning how good she was as an outside hitter plus all around volleyball player. He saw a bit of surprise on her face, realizing he knew a lot more about volleyball and it's strategies than most men. "And in addition to being such a good player, you're the sexiest one on the court. Just watching you made me think some pretty erotic thoughts about what I want to do with you."

There was a distinct change in the music from hard thumping rap to something more soft and soothing. Standing, he pulled to her feet, "You don't need to wear any shoes to dance," he laughed pulling her out onto the dance floor. Taking her hard athletic body into his arms, he whispered, "You feel so good. I'm glad Elizabeth chose tonight." He didn't have to say another word, they both knew what was about to happen.

Their lips met and his hands moved down her sides, feeling her hips press harder against his. Cupping her tight athletic buns, he squeezed them. "Feel my hot desire for you. I would love to throw you on the floor and give all the siblings a show," he whispered feeling his cock rubbing against her tight dress. "They would be so jealous."

When her head turned upward, he didn't wait for her to answer, his lips met hers in a very hot passionate kiss. Their lips stayed glued together throughout the song and when the music ended, they found themselves in the middle of a circle ringed with siblings. The siblings were staring at them as if they were waiting their turn.

Elizabeth stepped forward, hugging them, saying, "There is a limousine waiting outside. I asked the driver to return after dropping off the professor, and his new bride." Edward watched as Madison broke their embrace and hugged Elizabeth as she told them to gather their things. Madison picked up her shoes and handbag and gave Elizabeth another hug.

Leaving the reception, he felt they were royalty with the siblings lining up, saying things to them. The driver was waiting and when he followed Madison into the spacious limousine, he saw she had pulled the hairpin holding up her bun, letting her long beautiful brown hair fall over her shoulders. He saw the lust in her eyes, just as he had lust in his eyes for her. He had a feeling a wild tigress was about to be unleashed as he sat on the plush leather seat, seeing nothing but lust and desire in her eyes.
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IC: Madison Kerry

Grateful to have the damned high heels off her poor feet she climbed into the back of the stretch limo that would take them back to her master's mansion on the hill above campus. Her hand already pulling the hairpins to let her chestnut tresses fall freely the way nature intended down her back. She ran fingers through it hoping that before long it was going to have the just had sex look to it. She looked back at Edward as he climbed inside after her.

He sat in the seat like the emperor of the world, and to Madison he might as well be. As a girl from outside the sibling order, from the mundane and cruel world ignorant of masters and siblings, she considered her master as the emperor of the world she chose. The one she had clawed and begged and had to prove herself to over and over just to become a part of. There were only one hundred masters but siblings were numbered in the thousands of them born into the order across the world. She had to overcome so much institutional inertia just to be accepted for programming.

She pressed the intercom key to communicate with the driver. "Drive around town for a bit and wait for word from us to head for the mansion."

That said she turned to regard, Edward, her new master, "You don't know just how much I masturbated fantasizing about this night." She announced crawling on her hands and knees back to him. When she reached him she reached out and parted his knees wider so she could be face to face with the crotch of his suit pants and look up his body into his darkly erotic eyes.

She raised her hand turning it so he could get a good look at her sibling's ring. "You know I didn't get this by being born into it like Elizabeth or Claire did. I had to earn this ring, and my place here between your thighs like this."

She used that hand to take hold of his tie and pull him down bending over as she lifted up on her knees to meet in an explosive kiss, that conveyed the pent up desire for him she'd been barely corralling in. "Tonight, I'm gonna prove I belong to you too, master."

She shoved him back in the limousine's comfy leather seat. "We're gonna fuck and fuck and fuck, and I'm gonna give you my absolute best. So you give me your best too, okay. It's no fun if one of us phones it in."

She took hold of his nice white dress shirt and pulled. It came apart with buttons flying. Now his stomach and chest were exposed to her eyes. "I've wanted to do this since I saw you naked in the ceremony." She leaned in her tongue out just above his belt buckle and licked up over the exposed skin, swirling around his belly-button and over each contour of his abdominals. She pushed the tie to the side as she licked up over her master's pectorals. Then up to take another dynamite kiss from him.

As the kiss went on her hand claimed the back of his head so he couldn't pull away for anything as meaningless as air without her assent. Her other hand found the tent in his pants, rubbing, teasing, fucking with until she broke to give him a simple demand.

"Now tear off this fucking dress and fuck me like I fantasized waiting for tonight, my master."
IC: Edward Wellington
In the limousine

He smiled and then chuckled, seeing the fire in Madison's eyes when she told the driver to drive around town until he heard from them to head for the mansion. He knew she was aching to get her claws into him ever since his induction ceremony and now that Elizabeth turned her loose, he waited anxiously to find out how this tigress was going to stalk him .... her prey.

There was a very sensual neediness in her eyes as he watched her crawl toward him, saying, "You don't know just how much I masturbated fantasizing about this night." It still surprised him to know that many of the siblings masturbated at the thought of having him. He offered her no resistance when she spread his thighs wider with her hands, seeing her staring at the crotch in his pants like a hungry animal. Her tongue licked at her delicate lips before glancing up to stare into his eyes and raising her hand so he could see her sibling's ring. "You know I didn't get this by being born into it like Elizabeth or Claire did. I had to earn this ring, and my place here between your thighs like this."

The news she wasn't born into the society was news to him. He couldn't remember if Elizabeth had mentioned that point or not. The picture of Claire admonishing him for taking the ring since he was not a real born master, floated in his head. He felt a real connection to Madison, hearing she was not a born siblings and her admission that she had to claw her way to her position as Elizabeth's best friend. He was sure she knew from things that happened and from her best friend, Elizabeth, all about what he endured the past week to prove his worthiness to Claire and Professor Merchant.

When her hand rose to grab his tie, pulling his head to her while her lips zeroed in on his, he knew she was going to get what she had been anxiously waiting for ..... Edward all to herself without any of the other siblings interrupting her. The kiss was wild and passionate, filled with a salacious arousal that needed to be satisfied and ended with her whisper of pent up desire, "Tonight, I'm gonna prove I belong to you too, master."

She didn't have to really prove she belonged to him? She already was his sibling but was she trying to prove that she was the best of the best.? He had a feeling her athletic prowess was kicking in ..... Madison did not like to finish second in anything she did and that included having sex with her master. And her next words seemed to bear that out as she shoved him back in the limousine's comfy leather seat. "We're gonna fuck and fuck and fuck, and I'm gonna give you my absolute best. So you give me your best too, okay. It's no fun if one of us phones it in."

Looking square into her eyes, he told her, "Trust me Madison. I've been looking forward to this moment since I saw your desire at the ring ceremony. Seeing you everyday this past week only enhanced my lust for you. And now that your best friend turned you loose, I'm looking forward to doing my best to show you that I am your one and only master."

His words must have pushed the right button as she tore at his shirt, buttons flying and then hearing her moan, "I've wanted to do this since I saw you naked in the ceremony." His hands tangled and clutched clumps of her chestnut hair as her tongue sliced over his exposed flesh, leaving a trail of wet saliva from his belly button to his well developed pecs and then upward to his lips for another animalistic hungry kiss.

Edward's fingers tightened in her reddish color hair, while her hand clamped on the back of his head, both lovers holding ..... pressing their lips together while their tongues explored ... pushing forward ..... retreating .... and then attacking again. As the kissed deepened and lingered, he let out a moan into her mouth when he felt her free hand finding and caressing the big tent in his trousers. The other siblings at the wedding reception made sure to induce their touches causing his cock to remain semi-hard all night. But now with Madison, she was not interested in teasing him. She wanted to fuck him and fuck him good.

When she pulled her lips from his, their breathing was rough and he saw pure lust in her eyes when she demanded, "Now tear off this fucking dress and fuck me like I fantasized waiting for tonight, my master."

Elizabeth had told him during one of the dances that she hated wearing the emerald green bridesmaids' dress that she called atrocious. Edward thought of times he had seen her during the week and she never wore anything frilly. Her clothing was more for comfort and not for show. But Edward had to admit, the way the dress was cut so low, half her breasts were ready to pop out. He reached behind her for the zipper and upon pulling it down her breasts spilled out for his viewing pleasure.

"Mmmmm very nice," he swooned seeing them bounce nicely when he pulled the thin strap off her shoulders. There was no good way to remove the dress so he grabbed her, pushing her onto her back on the wide leather seat. sliding to the floor, he grabbed the hem of the emerald dress and pulled, smiling as her nakedness was revealed to him. He chuckled, seeing the emerald color silk thong covering her sex. "You're not going to need these," he said pulling them off her.

Her naked body lay on the leather limousine seat in all its glory. "My god you're beautiful," he whispered reaching for his belt buckle. He laughed when she sat up to help him unbuckle, unzip, and slither out of his pants and boxers. They were like two teenagers who wanted to do only one thing ..... fuck.

Edward saw her eyes widen and a big smile crease her face when she got her first real up close glimpse at his cock. Pulling off his tattered white shirt, he pushed her back onto the seat and spread her thighs. The nectar leaking from her glistened and if the circumstances were different he would love to take his time to tasting her and bring her to an amazing climax. But he knew what she had been wanting all week and he was not about to deprive her. There would be plenty of time later to explore and give each other more pleasure.
Holding his cock, he moved closer to her, seeing her hips already undulating slightly in anticipation of what was about to happen. "This is what you wanted all week isn't, it, Madison?" He moved closer, holding his stiff rod and then rubbing the tip against her pussy lips. "I bet you masturbated every night imagining having my cock touching you and then buried deep in your cunt." He pushed the head against the soft outer lips, feeling her tight vaginal muscles squeeze the head and making him groan, feeling the as the intense heat when it popped inside.

There was no fanfare, no let's take it easy. Her arms moved forward, her hands grabbing his shoulders, fingernails sinking into his skin as his hips thrust hard, delivering his cock deep into her for the first time. The combined cries of lust and passion from each of them filled the back of the limousine and they didn't care if the limousine driver heard their cries of lustful passion. There was only one thing on their minds, satisfy their lascivious need for each other.

Edward felt the urgency from Madison as she pulled him on top of her. Their bodies melded together, their lips seeking and finding each other as they fell into a scorching kiss. His hips thrust against hers, his cock being swallowed by her pussy as their bodies began to dance wildly against one another. Each thrust of his was met by her deliberate answer ...... her hips thrusting upward to meet his and take all his length deep into her.

The kiss finally broke, their eyes staring at each other while their breathing was hitched and raspy. He felt her pushing him and he chuckled when she became the aggressor, pushing him backward until he was sitting on the leather seat. He watched her hair fly wildly in all directions as she clambered on top of him. As he stared at her lust filled face, he felt her hands grabbing his cock, rubbing it on her lips, and then pushing her hips downward devouring it. The sound of their combined sexual groan again filled the limousine.

He grabbed her ass cheeks, squeezing them as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her breasts into his face. He immediately found an aroused nipple, flicking his tongue over and around it before sucking it into his mouth, feeling her finger tighten in his hair.

After enjoying the taste of each nipple, his head was yanked backward and she was looking down into his eyes. Her hips were undulating faster and even as they they approached their first orgasm, he knew there would be more pleasure throughout the night and into the next day.
IC: Madison Kerry

-----------Sunday afternoon: Limousine---------

"Now tear off this fucking dress and "me like I fantasized waiting for tonight, my master."

Hearing that his hands reached around behind her and her zipper was deftly pulled down. His strong hands took hold of the dress pulling down and immediately her breasts burst free of the atrocious green prison. They were still enclosed within her little satin bra, but it too had been very minimal to look good in this monstrosity of a dress. She watched his eyes widen in rapt attention as if it was Christmas morning and he was unwrapping her like his best present as he pulled the straps over her shoulders letting the green fabric slide down to pool around her waist. Next came her bra. That proved little problem for Edward, and soon was cast to the floor of the limo. Madison's breasts were now freed to his hungry gaze.

"Mmmmm," She heard him murmur his hands rising to give them the squeeze of a growing connoisseur, "Very nice."

"I know they're enticing, master," She groaned at the feelings as he rolled his thumbs over her nipples in very erotic ways, "But I'm really feeling too impatient right now for much in the way of foreplay."

Taking the cue Edward pushed her onto her back and grabbed a firm hold of the gown and pulled it off of her. At last she was free of the abysmal thing. It was thrown aside to join her bra and heels on the limousine's floor. She lay on the seat legs curled and open, inviting for her master to lay his claim upon her.

"You're not going to need these." He chuckled to her grabbing the green silk panties that was the last article of clothing she had on her body, and it soon joined the dress, bra, and heels on the car's floor. She lay there eyeing him eagerly as he reached down to undo the belt and fly of suit pants. She watched with a rapt intensity as they and his boxers were pushed down and the hard, erect, throbbing, beautiful cock she had masturbated imagining a hundred times this past week was unleashed to her gaze.

She smiled with a big stupid giddiness as he moved between her spread thighs. He stripped off his suit jacket and white linen dress shirt and they quickly joined her dress and underwear. He sidled forward and she watched between them. He held it at her needful pussy, holding it back, and making her wait even longer for what she so desired.

"This is what you wanted all week, isn't it Madison," He asked cockteasing her as the tip butterfly kissed her hungry dripping lips.
"Mmmmm," She pleaded with him, "Give it to me, Master, please."

"I bet you masturbated every night imagining having my cock touching you and then buried deep in your cunt." He pressed in just enough to part her lips.

"Mmmmm, you have no idea," She moaned trying to move to get more of him than just the tip, "Every night I lay in bed fantasizing about being like this with you. I wore out the batteries in my vibrator twice."

Hearing that he groaned pushing in deeper arms spreading her well-exercised kegel muscles squeezing around and welcoming inside of her pussy more and more pleasurably until he was finally fully seated within her pussy.

"Yesss," She moaned out as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders pulling him in close, "At last."

Then he began to fuck her properly. He was not soft or gentle but he was not rough and rowdy either. a good adjective for this kind of fucking was either intent or energetic. She moaned out into his face as her master drove his cock all the way and out and back into her core. He thrust to meet hers back up to accept his. It was powerful. It was magnificent. It was beautiful.

At last! This was what Madison wanted. This was what she fantasized for the long two weeks ever since she had first seen Edward. He was her master. She was his sibling, and she was serving his desires and needs as only a good sibling could. She was a good sibling, a damn good sibling. She deserved to be here, doing this, being her master's pleasure. She had to prove herself, always, her place at her master's feet. All siblings talked, doubted, whispered. Every chance she had Madison had to prove to them she belonged. To push the gossip at bay to the back of their minds.

She reached up and locked lips with him as he fucked her, and what a fucking it was, but Madison needed more. She needed to prove herself to him. She couldn't just sit back and take it, like some lazier siblings could. So she managed to push him to sitting on the seat with her sitting in his lap, her muscled athletic legs curled up on either side of him.

She leaned forward against his muscular chest, her breasts bobbing in his face as she rode him like that cowgirl busting his bucking bronco. It was so good. It was everything she had masturbated hoping it would be. His hands were on her ass it moved and flexed lifting her up and dropping her back down around that amazing cock, her master's cock. She'd prove she belonged here to him. He captured one of her nipples in his mouth sucking on it, and she moaned out feeling it all the way down to where it made her strong muscles around him flex and flutter most pleasurably based on the groan he made at it.

She pulled his head up to look into her face looking down into his as she continued to ride from base to tip. He was almost there. Now was Madison's chance to prove to him she belonged to be his sibling. To him she panted. "How about we stop messing around, and start fucking seriously, Master?"

He may have noticed her face was the one of concentration and focus she often wore during volleyball matches now as Madison leaned back until she was nearly horizontal supported from falling off of him by his hands on her ass and hers reaching behind him to his knees to prop herself up. Her legs raised until her feet were planted flat on the seat on either side of him giving her the leverage she needed to really bust his bucking bronco. Her fit athletic body flexed and moved as she sheathed him with much more powerful intensity. Her kegels squeezed around him as she did giving him the sensation of fucking a tight pussy or getting a rather stellar handjob as began to fuck her master's cock with her very best technique. Her breasts wobbled on her chest from her motions. Her little sixpack heaving as her hips pistoned,

"C'mon...Fuck..." She gritted through a focused gameface at him, "...gonna fuck you so good...oh god...Master..." She threw her head back staring through the moonroof of the Limo to the sunday afternoon sky as she realized she was getting close too. "...C'mon...c'mon...There's less than a hundred masters in the world....fuuuck..." She moaned out body quivering as she kept herself right on the edge as she continued fucking her Master's cock with her supertight pussy like his own flesh and blood fleshlight. "...Not yet...damn it...You have a dozen of us on campus...and over a hundred around town...oh god...and there's a thousand more siblings around the world that would drop their panties soaked through before jumping into...oh fuuuck...into your bed..."

She paused shaking and quivering on his lap as she forced herself from cumming just yet. "...there's only one of me though...oh fuck..." She leaned back completely showing a flexibility that would make most sibling green with envy.. Madison was bent back so her head was lower than the seat and her chestnut colored hair pooled between his feet. She was trusting Edward to keep her from falling onto the floor of the limo. Her full weight was now entirely held up by his hands as she used this even greater leverage to fuck his cock with the heavenly tight sheath of her pussy. "...gonna...prove myself...I can fuck you better than anyone...Oh fuuuuck."

Then it happened. He came. She had made Edward, her master, come inside of her. The sensation of his orgasm set her off and both of them were transported into a ethereal world of sensation and sheer utter bliss.

But it was not over. She still had to prove herself to him. She sat up in his lap to look into Edward's eyes. "Don't tell me that's all you got in you, master. I can do this all day."
IC: Edward Wellington
******* In the Limousine *******

Edward watched Madison settle onto his lap, seeing the determination in her eyes. It was an intense stare of a person who felt they have something to prove. She wasted no time settling down on his cock while she plastered her chest in his face. He welcomed her breasts bobbing sideways against his face, feeling like he was a wild bronco and she needed to tame him. God, her pussy felt so tight and wonderful sliding up and down the length of his cock while his hands, on her ass, helped her. Even though his strong hands squeezed her buttocks, he felt she didn't need any help as her athleticism kicked in and took control of her body.

While her hips grinded against his hips, she offered him a ripe nipple and he immediately flicked his tongue around the aroused pebble before sucking it into his mouth. Her needy lustful and pleasurable moan filled the back of the limousine as his teeth nipped at the hard pebble hearing more moans escape her lips. She pulled the nipple from his mouth, offering him the other nipple which he gladly accepted, sucking and nibbling on it.

Edward continued to tease and suck each ripe nipple until she pulled his head away, staring intently into his eyes and panting in a most seductive voice, "How about we stop messing around, and start fucking seriously, Master?"

Her face took on another more determined look, seeing her lean back until she could place her feet on the soft leather seat and her hands on his knees. From this position, he could look down and see her slide her pussy up and down the length of his cock. He felt a sudden sensation course through him and his cock throbbed with excitement.

He felt like an untamed bronco, bucking against her as her athletic body ground against him. He could feel the sheer intensity of her Kegel muscles squeezing his thick pole of meat inside her, trying to draw out his seed. As she rode her bronco, he watched her breasts swaying back and forth, as if teasingly conveying to him that they were there for the taking. But with his hands still supporting her ass cheeks, all he could do was lick his lips and watch them hypnotize him.

Edward listened to her needy words of lust, telling him there were less than one hundred masters in the world. He could see the sheer passion on her face, feel her quivering body, hear her labored breathing and knowing she was moving closer to an orgasm.

He thought she was about to fall over the cliff and take him with her when she called out in a haughty tone, "...Not yet...damn it...You have a dozen of us on campus...and over a hundred around town...oh god...and there's a thousand more siblings around the world that would drop their panties soaked through before jumping into...oh fuuuck...into your bed..."

He could feel his own orgasm fast approaching and if she kept fucking his cock the way she was, he wouldn't be able to hold back. But it seemed she had other ideas as she paused calling out, "...there's only one of me though...oh fuck..." and then did something most women would never attempt. Falling further backward, all he could do was hold onto her ass cheeks with every ounce of muscle. She was showing him her true athletic ability and he felt a new sensation in is cock, one he never felt before. It seemed her pussy tightened like a vice around his cock and he let out a loud groan ...... "Oohhh fuckkkkk."

Sweat beads formed on his forehead as he mumbled, "OoooH fuckkkk, I can't hold back much longer." His biceps were burning from holding her, hearing her shout, "...gonna...prove myself...I can fuck you better than anyone...Oh fuuuuck."

Edward saw her eyes roll back in her head, her body quivering and shaking uncontrollably, as his cock erupted deep inside her. His orgasm was like lighting a fuse, seeing her in the throes of a magnificent climax rippling through her and it was all he could do to prevent her from falling to the floor of the limousine. A kaleidoscope of colors blinded his mind as his cock spurted large ribbons of his seed over and over deep into her until there was nothing left to give. After the initial shock of pleasure, he looked at Madison, seeing her breathing was hard and rough, matching his labored breathing.

He was amazed at how easily she pulled herself up with an athletic move to sit on his lap, staring deep into his eyes. "Don't tell me that's all you got in you, master. I can do this all day."

The gauntlet had been thrown down and all Edward could think of was Elizabeth's story about Madison and Professor Bryant's sexual encounter where he threw his back out. He also remembered Elizabeth telling him how she and Marc had to help the poor professor satisfy Madison's wild sexual energy. He stared into Madison's eyes filled with sexual longing. Her words about proving herself worthy to him rang in his head as he said, "We're not done by a long shot Madison."

As her master he also had something to prove. In the past week he had to prove to two siblings that he truly was their master and now with Madison, he felt he had to prove to her that he had just as much stamina for sex as she did.

Twisting her off his lap until she lay on the soft leather seat, he smiled. "There are so many ways to give and receive pleasure, unlike you I need to recuperate before my cock is ready for your hot pussy again, But there are other ways to give you pleasure until I'm ready," he growled, pushing her thighs wide open, staring at her pussy, wet from the mixing of their juices.

Kneeling on the limo floor, he kissed the inside of her left thigh, working his way to the top and then switching to her right leg, kissing the soft muscular skin upward toward the ultimate goal. When he reached the joint of her leg, his tongue slithered toward her wet pussy lips, seeing her hips rise slightly off the seat waiting to be caressed and hearing her moan of approval.

As his tongue slipped up and down the outer lips, he glanced up at her needy eyes. "I've thought about this moment when I would be able to taste your delicious pussy and now I'm going to find out just how tasty it is."

His tongue snaked out, flicking at the wet lips, tasting the richness of her nectar as it leaked from her. He felt her hands settle in his hair as he teased her sex on the outside but not venturing inside, at least not yet. The fingers, coiled in his hair, gripped harder, trying to pull his head forward to meet her grinding hips. But he resisted. "All in good time my sweet Madison ..... all in good time."

He chuckled when her hips pushed upward wanting him to delve his tongue into her waiting sex. He gave her a small taste of what he was about to do to her, sliding his tongue between the soft folds, feeling the slickness of her velvety skin. A few swipes upward and he found her clit, hard and sensitive. A simple touch seemed to ignite her desire for more but Edward backed off, sliding his tongue down the channel until he felt the opening of her sex.

The fingers in his hair were becoming more insistent, pulling his head to the treasure between her thighs while her hips got into the action. He didn't know how long he could tease her like this. Every indication from her body language told him she was ready to play hard.

Letting her pull his head against her pussy, he used two fingers to open up her flower, exposing the pinkness of her skin with the love button fully exposed. When his tongue met the sensitive jewel this time he licked around it and then pressed his flattened tongue directly on it, feeling her hips jerk violently. He smiled, knowing he hit the jack pot and he was not about to stop until he had her whole-body quivering and shaking on the limousine seat.

As he began to suck voraciously on her love button, Edward introduced one finger and then another one into her pussy, sliding them deep into her hot channel feeling her Kegel muscle tightening around them. As he continued to assault her pussy, he heard her soft murmurs of lust grow louder. At the same time her hips rose off the leather seat, grinding hard against his face.

The hard breathing echoing in the back of the limousine gave testament to what he was doing to her, taking her that much closer to another amazing orgasm. Her fingers felt like they were pulling every strand of hair from his head while her hips were grinding faster against his face. At one point he thought he was going to suffocate but she released his head just long enough for him to gulp in some precious air.

Edward knew he had her on the threshold of another orgasm and knew just what would propel her over the edge. Pulling his wet fingers from her hot pussy, they slid downward until his middle finger was teasing the anal opening. Pushing aggressively against the tight muscle, he felt his fingers slide past it. Pushing it further inside her backdoor, he inserted his thumb into her pussy while he kept up the onslaught of her clit.

This was something he had not tried with Elizabeth and looked forward to trying it with her but in this moment, he had Madison on the verge of a massive orgasm. Lifting his head slightly, he called out to her, "Come for your master ...... that's it cum for me ..... let me taste all your tasty juices." He was breathing hard himself and added, "And then you can enjoy making your master hard again for your fucking enjoyment."

His cock was regaining its impressive size and he looked forward to watching Madison, his sibling, bring it back to life. He had a feeling she would be bringing it back to life a number of times before this sexual adventure was over.
IC: Madison Kerry

----------------Sunday Afternoon and evening: The Limousine and Mansion--------------

But it was not over. She still had to prove herself to him. She sat up in his lap to look into Edward's eyes. "Don't tell me that's all you got in you, master. I can do this all day."

Edward, her Master, in response looked into her eyes for a brief but pregnant moment. He must have recognized the challenge Madison was throwing at him, the line in the sand of the arena she had drawn between them. She knew she had hurt Professor Bryant that last time he and she had fucked one on one, and every time after that he had brought in Isabella or Elizabeth or Marc to gang up on her to give him, an older man, a break between fucking her. It had been understandable, but disappointing. Madison was just too much for one person, even if they were her master.

But she dreamed, she hoped, Edward would be different. He would be a master that could hang with her. Capable of keeping up her pace, even surpassing her. Wouldn't that be amazing? If she was the one too exhausted to continue. If she was the one that was completely, finally satisfied by being with her master. That he would be her master. The man truly capable of mastering her.

She saw the shift in his eyes as his answer gave voice to her master's resolve. "We're not done by a long shot, Madison."

She gave him an aroused smirk. "Bring it on, Master."

He rolled her off of him and maneuvered her around to lay down on the limo's cushy leather seats.
"There are so many ways to give and receive pleasure." He knelt before the seat facing her. "Unlike you I need to recuperate before my cock is ready for your hot pussy again." He growled forcing her legs open giving him undeterred access to her still greedy slit. "But there are other ways to give you pleasure before I am ready."

He took his time like he owned her body, and the truth was he did. He didn't own her with money though he had plenty of that. All Edward needed to lay claim upon her body was that ring and a hunger to ravish it. Madison let him do what he willed with her. She moaned as he teased things it out laying slow sensual kisses up the inside of her leg and then just as she thought he'd finally eat her out he shifted to the other leg and started the slow arduous journey up all over again. An interminable time later he had returned to her sex and she found her hips lifting to raise it for him to feast upon, but he delayed.

"I've thought about this moment when I would be able to taste your delicious pussy and now," He lapped over the shaved lips of her pussy and making her sound a needy moan, "I'm going to find out just how tasty it is."

"Ohhh yess." Madison moaned out as he lapped up the juices of her passion leaking out of her pussy. Her hands reached down to sift fingers into his hair and take hold pressing his head against her pussy in encouragement to feast upon her bounty to their heart's content. She moaned out again as his tongue did magical things to her. She tried to force him tighter to her sex, to hurry him along, but her master resisted and instead denied her saying, "All in good time my sweet Madison...all in good time."

Then he continued taking his time devouring her, feasting upon every tensing of her body every moan and panted breath he forced her to make. All his attention and focus was upon her alone now. He was so intent on driving her wild with pleasure. It was tormenting, and it was the sweetest thing Madison had ever experienced. She couldn't wait for it to be over, and yet she never wanted it to end. She was a moaning and gasping mess in his hands. He used fingers pumping inside of her hot channel as he plied his sorcery upon her little sensitive clitoris.
He kept it up for a long time. Their driver must be getting annoyed just driving around town like this aimlessly. Did they even have enough gas in the tank for this?

Soon Edward upped the ante aggressively playing her like a maestro of an orchestra that was her body, He made a masterpiece of a concerto of her pleasure driving her to a dramatic crescendo. He had his thumb in her pussy and fingers pumping into her ass as he suckled on her clitoris. She moaned and cried out as he drove her to the cliff like a runaway freight train.

She heard his voice ordering her.
"Come for your master ...... that's it cum for me ..... let me taste all your tasty juices. And then you can enjoy making your master hard again for your fucking enjoyment."

She was his sibling and was his pleasure as much as she was hers. She obeyed her master's orders. The train careened off the cliff face and off into the precipice beyond. She came...hard...and long....And for a while she checked out laying on the seat a stupid grin plastered over her face and muscles quivered in aftershocks. When she came to she found herself curled up held in Edward's arms as the limousine was pulling into the driveway of the mansion. He must've told the driver to head home while she was out. When the limo came to a stop she laughed and gave Edward a sweet kiss. Then quickly pulled his dress shirt on and gave him a sultry look. "Catch me if you can, Master."

She opened the door and ran barefoot in only his shirt to the front door with Edward close on her heels. The moment the door closed shut she was thrown against it. Edward had caught her. She wrapped her legs around his naked back reaching between them she brought his tip to her opening and moaned out with him as he pushed inside. The limousine left the driveway as they made the front door shake and thunder. Or was that the storm that had rolled in as the sun was giving way to evening. She came to the patter of the rain and flash and rumble of the fury of the storm.

They continued upstairs she chasing after him this time. She caught him on the second story's flight of stairs. She threw him to lean precariously over the banister of the stairs as she dropped to her knees to rouse him to hardness once more with her mouth. She wasn't anywhere as good as Elizabeth of course and admitting that to him was a hard thing for her, but she knew enough to let Edward leaning against the railing and guiding her head to take him as deep as she could down her throat.

He had to pull her off of him when she gagged from the deep throating. She spent a precious moment of time wasted coughing and collecting herself. Madison looked up to him fearfully promising him frantically, "I'm sorry Master. I'm still working on that...Let me try again...I'll prove to you I can do it."
IC: Edward Wellington

In Limousine and Mansion

Edward was prepared for her orgasm but totally surprised at the intensity of it. Once her body reached the pinnacle of resisting, it was as if an earthquake hit her. Her body quivered, hips rising and falling trying to get away from his mouth and fingers. But each rise was followed by an urgent press and grinding of her hips against his mouth and fingers. It was all he could do to hold on to her naked shuddering body.

He tried to keep up with her sweet honey that flowed from her pussy like a fountain until her shuddering slowed down and the aftershocks took over. Each touch of his lips or tongue on her highly sensitive clit seemed to send her body into wild gyrations, her hands trying to push his head away. But each push was followed by her fingers digging into his hair, pulling it back for more attention until the aftershocks gave way to pure pleasure. He smiled, wiping her juices from his face with the back of his hand, watching her eyes close with a satisfied smile on her face.

Moving to sit beside her, her pulled her against him, feeling her curl into his arms like a new born kitten. As she slept, he pressed the intercom button, telling the driver to head for the mansion. During the ride back to the mansion, he felt contentment, thinking of Madison and Elizabeth and how lucky his fortune was to have been hand picked by Professor Bryant to be a master of such fine siblings. He thought briefly of Professor Felica Merchant and Claire McHale and how he had to prove his worth to them. He wondered who else he would have to convince that he truly was their master.

As the limousine pulled into the mansion drive, he felt Madison stirring, waking from her post orgasmic slumber. He wondered what was next with this wildcat. He saw the mischievous smile on her face when she realized where she was and then leaned into him to give him a kiss. The kiss was short and sweet, seeing her quickly grab his shirt from the floor of the limousine, pulling it on and then laughing as she reached for the door handle, "Catch me if you can, Master."

Edward started to reach for Madison's dress and his clothes when he heard the voice of the driver. "Miss Elizabeth said she would collect any loose clothing left in the back seat." Edward laughed, realizing Elizabeth knew he and Madison would not wait to get back to the mansion before having sex. She knew Madison so well. He followed the half naked Madison, thankful no one saw him, totally naked chasing her, his semi-hard cock swinging in the breeze.

He saw turn as soon as the door opened to see where he was and he was right on her heels. He wasn't about to wait to get to his room, as he pushed her against the door, her legs wrapping around his waist and his cock centered at her shaved opening. The sex that followed was pure animalistic behavior , their hips banging against each other as thunder rolled lightning lit up the foyer around them. Their orgasms were accompanied by heavy breathing and when he pulled his cock from her, he laughed. "Now it's your turn to catch me if you can," he chuckled turning and bounding up the stairs hearing her laughter as she chased him.

He let her catch him on the second story's flight of stairs, pushing him against the railing and seeing her drop to her knees. Smiling down at her he was amazed at her sexual appetite as she took his semi-flaccid muscle in hand and then began to lick and suck it, trying to will it back to life. His hands rested in her long beautiful hair, guiding her head as his cock grew harder in her mouth. It was such a wonderful feeling to have his soft cock grow until it was fully erect.

Once it was fully recharged, he saw her eyes staring up at him with nothing but lust illuminating them. Then he felt the head of his cock pushing against her throat opening. He let out a deep moan, feeling the large head slip into her throat and for a moment it felt absolutely wonderful until he heard a gagging sound. Pulling back at the same time her head jerked backward, he saw her gagging and then coughing. She coughed for a few moments, trying to catch her breath and then looked up at him with what could only be described as fear. "I'm sorry Master. I'm still working on that...Let me try again...I'll prove to you I can do it."

Her admission that she was still working on deep throating took him totally by surprise. Elizabeth had a little trouble at first taking him into her throat and quickly adjusted to having his cock in her throat. But with Madison and her highly charged sex attitude, he assumed she was a natural at deep throating. What about Professor Bryant and who knows with who else she had sex? Did she have trouble deep throating them too? The fearful look in her eyes seemed to convey that she was waiting for her master to scold her. But she quickly added that she was anxious to show him she could do it. And above all else she was begging to let her try it again to prove to him and herself she could do it.
Cupping her chin, gazing into her amazing eyes, he smiled. "I'm sure you can do it Madison. But not here." He reached for her hands pulling her to her feet and then the laughed as he quickly bent over, grabbing her legs, hoisting her over his shoulder. "There's a better place to learn," he howled, slapping her naked butt cheek, hearing her squeal of laughter as he carried her to his room. He kept his hand on her ass, squeezing the athletic cheeks on the way to his room.

In his room he headed directly to the large bed that he shared with Elizabeth on so many nights and days. Throwing Madison onto the soft mattress, he chuckled seeing her athletic body bounce and then he quickly pulled her to the edge of the bed. "Let's get you into the proper position to learn," he laughed pulling her toward him until her head was hanging off the side of the bed, hard cock waving over her face.

He was still a bit surprised Madison had said she was still learning the technique as he grabbed his cock, rubbing it on her lips. "The first thing you need to learn it to relax your throat muscles when you feel a cock entering. Once you learn the technique Now open those luscious lips and let's get started."

Smiling when she obeyed and opened her lips, he pushed his cock between them feeling the warmth permeate his cock. He let out his own pleasurable moan as his shaft slipped deeper into her mouth. "Mmmm that's ..... take it nice and slow," he whispered, pushing his cock deeper until it was at her throat opening. "Now just learn to relax your throat muscles and breathe through your nose for the moment." He pushed his cock into her throat, feeling her start to gag and pulled back.

"This is just like learning a new athletic move Madison and once you've mastered it, you can do it from just about any position. Out in the hall, you had my cock more upright and needed to reposition your mouth and throat to accept my cock. Now .... let's try this again." He pushed the bulbous head past the opening feeling it slip a little deeper and this time it slipped deeper, keeping it a little longer before pulling it out hearing her breathing hard but not gagging.

"I think you're a quick learner Madison," he said swiping his cock over her lips. Her naked body lay on the bed and he couldn't help but admire her taut athletic body. "It never hurts to practice," he smirked feeling her hands grip his cock and take the initiative.

This time, when he pushed his cock between her willing lips, his hands reached out to caress her body, rubbing his hands over her breasts, and then over her very tight abdomen. He felt his cock slipping deep into her mouth as his fingers found her mound and began to rub it before pressing his fingers inside to feel her aroused clit.

Her hips danced on the bed as he took his time, pressing his fingers against and then around the love button, and feeling her take his cock into her throat without his help. His hips began a slow sensuous piston-like motion, fucking her mouth and then her throat. He didn't force the issue, letting her take him as deep as she could and then withdrawing. She was really getting the hang of it when he pulled his cock from her mouth.
"I told you this can be done in almost any position. I want you to try it again just like in the hall." When she slipped off the bed and knelt before him, he smiled down at her. "The thing to remember is not to take my cock head-on but lower your head and then look up pulling my cock down and into your mouth so your throat is in a straight line with my cock.

Edward let out a soft moan, his hands in her hair, not directing her, letting her get used to the position. His cock was on her lips, feeling her soft kisses and her tongue slathering it with her spit. "Whenever you're ready," he whispered knowing she was about give him a deep throat fuck and he was going to fill her with his seed.
IC: Madison Kerry

-----------------Sunday night----------------

He had to pull her off of him when she gagged from the deep throating. She spent a precious moment of time wasted coughing and collecting herself. Madison looked up to him fearfully promising him frantically, "I'm sorry Master. I'm still working on that...Let me try again...I'll prove to you I can do it."

He looked to her as if found her admission surprising and Madison feared he'd be disappointed in her as his sibling. She desired his approval above all like her lungs needed air to breathe.

He reached down with his hand to cup her face by the chin so she could not look away from him as he gave her a reassuring smile, "I'm sure you can do it, Madison, but not here."

He took her hands and lifted her up to her feet saying, "There's a better place to learn." Then he bent down arms reaching around her and lifting her up over his shoulder like a caveman. She gave a concerned whimper which was instantly replied by a quick smack on the rump of her ass wrenching out an outraged and amused squeal from her. She cooed as he left his hand there squeezing and exploring the contours of the firm athletic buttock, she worked so hard to maintain every day.

He carried her up the stairs to the third floor of the mansion and down the hall to his expansive bedroom. Then she yelped as he threw her off her shoulder making her land on his big mattress. Then she giggled and looked up at Edward, her master, staring down at her fir and lithe naked body hungrily.

"Let's get you into the proper position to learn." Edward chuckled taking hold of her and pulling her towards him until she lay face up with her head hanging off the side of the bed.

Madison smiled at this. She didn't normally get too much into roleplaying, but playing student to Edward's demanding coach was stirring things up and she was warming up to the whole concept.

"The first thing you need to learn it to relax your throat muscles when you feel a cock entering." He took hold of his big beautiful cock and teased her by rubbing the tip over her lips pulling away when she parted them for tongue to reach out and lick it, "Once you learn the technique Now open those luscious lips and let's get started."

With a playful smile on his face he pushed the head past her lips and into her mouth. Madison took it swirling her tongue over it eagerly staring up his sexy body to Edward's face as he leaned over her moaning out his pleasure, "Mmmm...that's it...take it nice and slow."
Madison's lips curled into a smile as her tongue played over the slit collecting the yummy precome seeping out of the slit sucking it down as his cock pushed in a little further inside and then back out to her lips to push back in, but he managed to do this in a much slower more leisurely pace. "Now just learn to relax your throat muscles and breath through your nose for the moment."

He pushed in slow and easy but farther inside than before, He went past her tongue to the back of her mouth. Madison tried to focus on relaxing her throat muscles and breathe through her nose as Coach Edward had suggested as his cockhead moved further in down into her throat. It hit the area that always triggered her gag reflex but the angle of her head and the fact that Edward had retreated the moment he sensed her tensing up kept her from gagging more than a cough.

Relax. She had to relax, damn it. She couldn't disappoint her master now. She had to prove herself to him. She had to prove herself to the other siblings in his household just waiting to dismiss a girl from outside the order. She had to do this. She just had to apply her best effort. She could do this!

"This is just like learning a new athletic move Madison and once you've mastered it, you can do it from just about any position." Slowly he pushed back in forward to that place in her throat and then a little bit more. "Out in the hall you had my cock upright and needed to reposition your mouth to accept my cock. Now...Let's try this again."

Madison was determined now. She had to do this. She had to prove she belonged to him, the other siblings, and herself. She could do this. Just relax and accept his cock, damn it!

She felt it go past the gagging point and push further down her throat, and she remained calm, she did not gag. She took it. and the look pleasure-soaked concentration on Edward's face.

He pulled back out leaving long strings of saliva stretching out between his length and her open mouth. He gave her time to catch her breath but she smiled up at him in triumph. He smiled back down saying,
"I think you're a quick learner, Madison." He teased her again wiping the spit-covered cock head over her mouth and face making her chase after it to take it within her mouth again. She made yearning sounds striving to capture it again.

"Give it." She eventually lifted her hands to catch it and bring it back to where it now belonged. "Mine now."

He smirked down at her as he pushed back inside her mouth once again,
"It never hurts to practice."
He leaned over her more and reached out his hand as she took his cock once more into her mouth and down her throat. She felt his hand alight in the valley between her breasts and trace its way over the slopes and contours of her taut athletic body. Her breasts, and over the little sexy six-pack of abs she sported on his way down between her legs towards the poor neglected pussy begging for its master's attention.
His length was fully seated in her throat. His balls pressed against the bridge of her nose as his fingers reached her sex. His fingers thrummed over her clit sending shockwaves of pleasure rocketing out throughout her body. She lifted and wriggled it to get more pressure against her clit as he pulled back his cock so she could catch a breath through her nose and then pushed back in to as far as he could reach inside her throat.

She was doing it! Master was throatfucking her and having so much pleasure doing it and...he was driving her crazy with those magical fingers...oh my god!

He pulled all the way out leaving her straining to keep him in her mouth.
"I told you this can be done in almost any position. I want you to try it again just like in the hall."

"Just like in the hall," She blinked, "But what if I can't do it again?"