A Most Terrifying Engagement (closed)

Vanta flexed his “muscles” and gave a warm smile at the compliment, “Thank you, Andrea, I always want to look my best for you.” He winked and began to work on the wall.

Manual labor was a new experience for Vanta. Normally he had spent his days stalking or thinking up horrors. More recently it was thinking up ways to be intimate with Andrea or ways to please her: but actually doing physical labor was different. However, he quickly adapted to the task, his tentacles easily stretching out to reach and wash even the furthest corner. He even found he could wet the sponge without needing to dip it in the bucket by merely doing the same hose trick with his tentacles as before, he’d soon be done with his first wall.

Vanta had stayed silent at first, wanting to focus on doing the task appropriately, but as he continued to work, he wanted to fill the silence and talk with Andrea, even if the concept of small talk was just as alien as manual labor. He wanted to show he could handle topics other than his ever growing lust and love for the young woman.

“So Andrea,” he asked hesitantly, “Once the house is sold, what are you going to do next? Are you going to travel or go back to school?” He of course didn’t want her to leave but he was genuinely curious. Her parents sometimes talked about what they wished she would do but he never really knew what Andrea got up to after she left or what her goals were.
“Hmm…” she hummed thoughtfully at his question, washing at the one-third mark of her own wall. “I would love to travel, but I think I want to maybe go back to college. To be honest though, I don’t really know what I want to do with my life. I’m considering becoming a therapist, but I’m still undecided.”

Andrea shrugged, “I guess I’m just waiting for inspiration.”
Vanta finished his first wall and moved onto the second one. He didn’t know exactly what a therapist did but he did know that they helped people when they felt bad.

“I think you’d be great as a therapist, Andrea,” he said, “but there’s also nothing wrong with taking some time to figure out what you want to do…and honestly I bet once you find what you want to do, you’ll be great at it.”

He took a moment to ponder on his second question, “what do you like to do for fun? I know you mentioned you played board games but is there anything you like to do in your free time?”
Where did he get such confidence in her? It definitely earned him some points, as he seemed to truly believe that she would be successful regardless of what she chose.

“I like watching movies, listening to music, dancing…” Andrea started, thinking about it more as she continued washing her own wall. “I also play video games, I love going to the beach and swimming, and baking, of course.”

She paused and asked curiously, “are there things you’re interested in doing now that you’ve changed?”
Vanta smiled as he listened to Andrea’s hobbies, mentally noting them down to see if he could engage in them with her…the beach might be a more long term goal of course.

Then she asked her question. Of course the more playful side of him was tempted to say: “well I hoped I’d be doing you.” But the more contemplative side of him paused at the question.

“It’s difficult to say. You’re right: I have changed. But when I was fueled only by baser hungers, I didn’t think much past what I could do to take care of my needs.” He slowly rubbed his sponge against the wall, still lost in thought, “I suppose the big thing I would like to do is to travel. The time I remember being alive I only traveled to stay with a family or item I was haunting and it led me many interesting places but I never tried to appreciate them. I think I would like to travel but this time I would actually enjoy and appreciate the sights I saw. And maybe travel with someone I care about during that time so I can share in those new experiences.”

Of course he meant Andrea, even now he was thinking about traveling with her to exotic locals, basking in the new experiences and then curling around her as he shared his joy with her…but even if she didn’t want to be with him he felt he would travel and take joy in exploring for the sake of exploring.

“Do you have any suggestions on where I should go first?” He said with a smile, resuming his prior pace on the walls
"Hmmm..." she thought about it for a moment. "I think you'd like going up north to see the northern lights since you're into looking at the stars and such. It's a beautiful sight and a lot of people get a sense of wonderment from it. Plus, if you find a place away from the cities and the light pollution, the stars are more visible in the sky. I hear there's a famous ice hotel in Sweden you can stay that has all of that, so maybe that could be your first stop."

Andrea leaned slightly to the side, stretching her body to get the upper corner of the wall, having not wanted to move her stepping stool yet. She shuffled her feet slightly to try to get more reach and ended up finding herself slipping and falling to the side. A shot of adrenaline went through her as she found her body on a crash-course back to the floor, however when she landed, she found that she was unhurt and that there was something soft underneath her.
Vanta thought of the idea of an ice hotel where he could see the stars far away from light pollution. But when he thought of the sight, he couldn't help but think of how he would want to share it with Andrea. He pictured her in a long dress, his forms surrounding her as they both stared up at the night sky. He was so lost in that thought that he almost didn't hear Andrea slip. yet the moment he felt something was wrong, he looked behind him and vaulted over to launch himself under Andrea. The overalls, a temporary creation, vanished and Vanta became a large rectangular mass of writhing tentacles, that curled themselves, so Andrea crashed against a flat surface that slowly bent as she descended, turning a painful crash into a soft descent to vanta's core and the larger tendrils wrapped around her to further comfort her. By the time she pressed against the lowest part of Vanta, she had fully come to a stop without anhy painful impact and the "surface" of Vanta moved under her like a water bed, while the tendrils that were not wrapped around her stood tall like praire grass around her.

"Are you okay, Andrea?" He asked, loosening the tentacles around her while still holding onto her, and making sure she had a clear view of the ceiling and walls so she didn't feel claustrophobic, he rocked her in his tendril arms and warm, liquid soft core, "Why don't you take a break for a bit?" He suggested, Letting his outward tentacles take their dropped sponges and continued to wash the walls for both of them as he held Andrea.

It hadn't even been a couple of hours yet Vanta felt like it had been ages sinece he had gotten to touch Andrea. Now that he knew she was safe, the rush of adrenaline and blood turned from cautionary arousal to a more general one. He was now aware of her firm butt against him and her own adrenaline fueled pulse. Perhaps it was the caffeine or his fantasy of Andrea and him in an ice palace, but he soon felt some of his tentacles stiffen and secrete a mixture that was not dissimilar to precum. Vanta tried to blend those tentacles in with the more basic tendrils but he the contact was making more of them transform.

"I-I think your ice palace idea is a really good one Andrea...maybe we could look at some pictures of it on your phone later?" He said, trying to hide the growing number of aroused tentacles.
Andrea couldn't believe how quickly he had moved to prevent her from being injured; he had literally been across the room in an instant as though he had all but teleported. If he hadn't been able to move like that, she could have broken something or worse. The panic she had felt at having been mid-fall was replaced with gratitude and relief, though she knew it would take a minute for her heart to stop beating so quickly.

"I'm okay, thanks to you Vanta. Thank you," she had replied with a nervous chuckle, laying her head back against him and closing her eyes. The woman took a deep breath and nodded, "I think a break would be a good idea too."

What made her open her eyes was both the slightly anxious tone Vanta's voice had taken, and the fact that she had felt one of his tentacles against her leg stiffen. She looked around to find his face, but in doing so she noticed that some of his tentacles were wavy and fluid like seaweed in the ocean, while others were more rigid and seemed to be... wet? It wasn't clear why that might be, so she distractedly answered, "yeah... we should definitely look at some pictures..."

"Wait, are you able to safely look at my phone at this point if it's on low light?" she realized his head was behind her own so she rolled over onto her stomach so she could see him, her breasts pressing into his pliable form as she propped her chin up on her folded arms. She noticed one of his tentacles changing to a more rigid form and she gave him a confused look, "and are you okay?"
If Vanta hadn't had a hard enough time with Andrea lying with her back on him, he felt a majority of the tentacles begin to swell and pulse as she turned around and rested her soft breasts against his sensitive skin as her lips were mere inches away from his.

"I should be okay with your cellphone's light, I think," he tried to break his gaze from Andrea's face, worried that in his current state, he might ravish her if he locked lips with her for even a second, "I think as long as it's not direct sunlight, I should be okay." He realized he was trying to avoid her question. On the one hand, he didn't want to lie to her, but on the other, he didn't want to scare her or to make her uncomfortable. While he would have preferred it not come from a fall, he had wanted to hold Andrea and feel her warmth against him...but if he tried to keep it a secret and his aroused tentacles spilled their pre-cum on her, or worse, began disrobing her, consent or no, he risked something far worse by losing her trust.

He turned his eyes back to meet hers and sighed, "I'm okay. My blood just got pumping from the excitement of seeing you fall and catching you and then, when I knew you were okay and I felt you against me, that heightened pulse turned to arousal." He took one of his non-aroused tentacles and ran it up her arm gently and tried to focus on the sponges as he tried to ignore how warm and soft Andrea felt against him, "I guess I got a bit attached to having a penis and my new form doesn't quite distinguish between a functional tentacle and a sexual organ... so quite a few of my tentacles are now very aroused tentacles."

He looked downcast, annoyed that his bodily reaction was ruining what he otherwise felt had been a good start to the day, "I'm sorry, Andrea. I can leave and...take care of things if you'd like."
So his tentacles were getting... hard? Andrea glanced at one of them nearby and noticed how it wasn't just wet, it was leaking from the tip. It made her hyper-aware of the contact between them, and it occurred to her that she was essentially lying against Vanta's naked body.

She was a college-aged woman- of course she had seen some porn here and there, and some of that porn included the use of tentacles. Andrea had found it arousing, but had always thought to herself that a situation like that in real life would be more terrifying than sexy. With Vanta though... He wasn't scary anymore, he was an entity that she considered a friend at the very least. If the tentacles were attached to him, then she could see it being quite the erotic experience.

What would happen if she consented to him touching her? Would his tentacles rub against her body, each one shooting its cum on her until she was a cum-soaked mess? Would she be nestled in a sac of pulsing, rubbing tendrils?

Andrea found her cheeks becoming red once more, and she had to admit to herself that she was aroused at the prospect of letting her have his way. That being said, she wasn't sure whether it would be a good idea to let him. For all intents and purposes, she was supposed to be taking things slow with him. Despite this, it was as though he had some sort of influence on her that made her forget herself and give in to her impulses.

Now seemed to be one of those times.

Shyly, she shook her head and said, "no, that's okay. It's not your fault for getting aroused and I like that you were honest with me." The woman wet her lips before meeting his eyes, her heart rate starting to pick up rather than slow down. "I um. You know, I never got my third kiss last night, Vanta." Though she wasn't able to say it in words yet, she imagined he could feel the pertness of her nipples through her clothes, or her quickening pulse.
Vanta at first looked surprised by Andrea's response but then smiled and raised his head up so his lips were only an inch away from hers. His sensitive body picked up her quickened pulse and let it flow through him and join his own heartbeat in a rapid percussion. His aroused tentacles froze, still eager to rub up against Andrea and explore her picturesque form but simultaneously too stunned by her beauty to make a move. This allowed Vanta to regain enough control that he was able to weave some of his task-oriented tentacles to weave together into a pair of arms, one that he laid down by his side, while the other reached up to brush her cheek and stroke her hair back and then traveled down to rub her back.

Vanta felt her hardened nipples press against him and looked deeply into Andrea's face. Days ago she was terrified of him and any pleasure she got from him was involuntary, but now they had been intimate with both of their consents given and while Vanta wasn't sure to what extent yet, Andrea was getting aroused by him. His perfect Andrea, so caring and affectionate. He couldn't dream of ever hurting her again. He thought of his aroused tendrils and mentally took a deep breath. He would not betray her trust and he would only go so far as she allowed, his instincts be damned.

Vanta finally spoke: "You're absolutely right, Andrea. I got a bit greedy last night and took one too many kisses. So it's only fair that you take what you want from me." He hoped the implication was clear: he would let her take charge.
She too lifted her head and her folded arms unfolded so she could extend her hands to his face, her soft palms cupping his cheeks. There was a look of lust, hesitance, and curiosity in her eyes, as though her body, mind, and heart all had different opinions about what course of action to take.

In some ways she found it rather ironic that each time they had actually been intimate, she had been the one to get things rolling. She had offered to stroke him, asked for his help in quieting her body's desires after her nightmare, and now she was demanding a kiss that would likely be far greater than a simple kiss. Perhaps she was just as susceptible to Vanta's charms as he was to hers. It made sense though; she imagined Vanta might carry a lot of guilt for having touched her without her consent prior to his rebirth. He was probably reluctant to put any pressure on her as far as intimacy went,

"Take what you want from me?" Andrea gave him a raised eyebrow and a playful curl of the lips. "You talk as though I'm some sort of pirate, coming to pin you down and plunder those soft lips of yours."

Because he had already given his verbal consent to her, there was no need for her to pause her journey to his mouth. The short distance between them was swiftly crossed and she captured his lips for her own. Perhaps she would play the part after all, she thought to herself as she deepened the kiss. Her mouth demanded his compliance, as her tongue had her way with his.

Obviously, the strength difference between the two of them was like that of a lion and a mouse, but that didn't mean Andrea didn't have any power. One of her hands brushed off the "hand" on her back before traveling up its length and guiding it down near his head. The same thing was done with his other arm until she had each of his arms pinned at the "wrists." She didn't squeeze him painfully, but her grip was firm enough to relay that he would want to ask her permission before getting out of her hold, as she was the one running the show at the moment.
"Well you've already stolen my heart, perhaps you are a pirate." He joked, though he didn't even have time to chuckle at his joke as Andrea closed the gap between their lips. He surrendered to her lips and let her tongue take the lead over their intimate dance of tongues and lips. He moaned and his whole body shuddered, causing all of his tentacles, both aroused and functional to shudder.

Vanta offered no resistance as Andrea pinned his arms back. Again he found himself enamored with yet another new facet of his beloved. Seeing and feeling her take charge made his heart beat even faster and he kissed back as passionately as Andrea would allow without trying to overcome her. He Felt hot all over and his thick aroused tentacles squirmed and whipped around yet still kept their distance from touching Andrea, awaiting to see what they would be allowed to do as Vanta's moan became another full body shudder that pulsed through the entirety of his form.
When she pulled her lips from his, a strand of saliva stretched and broke between them. Andrea grinned wolfishly, licking her lips and looking into his eyes with amusement. "I have you right where I want you. Now…what should I do with you?” She mused, not unlike a cat considering how it was going to play with a spider before she ate it.

“I could whisper naughty things in your ear until you end up looking like a fountain show..." As she spoke her hands had slowly migrated back towards his body, her hands sliding teasingly against his skin before pushing back into place with her hands around his wrists.

"Or maybe I should touch myself while forbidding you to do the same while you watch. Though... perhaps I should plunder your lips in a different way?" The woman leaned down so that her lips were centimeters from his ear as she whispered, "what do you think, Vanta?" His name was carried with extra emphasis on her hot breath. While normally she preferred being the one who was seduced, a desire had been stirred within her to tease him. Sometimes she wasn't aware of how much like her mom she really was.
If Vanta had been excited before, he was borderline vibrating under Andrea's dominant gaze. Every new facet of Andrea was an intoxicating surprise and seeing her take charge with delight was making him drunk with pleasure. He thought of the Andrea who he had to protect only a couple of nights ago and the Andrea that he had terrified, now seeing her smiling and taking charge not only filled him with erotic pleasure but also happiness and satisfaction that she could feel comfortable enough with him to take charge.

Each offer Andrea made flooded Vanta with erotic visions that made his hundreds of aroused tentacles squirm and coat themselves with slick precum. They danced all around Andrea, desperate for release yet bowing their tips in deference to her. Vanta thought each of those offers over. Everything Andrea did could conceivably pleasure him enough to make him explode, yet he personally couldn't be satisfied with just her words...or at least that was what he thought until he felt her warm breath snaked its way into his ear and curled inside his canal as it carried his name now charged with a stimulating energy that made it explode in his head like a supernova. For a moment he wanted to tell Andrea to do whatever she wanted to him, to use him how she wanted...but Vanta wanted to have some fun.

"Ha!" He said in mock defiance as tried to pretend he wasn't considering complete surrender a second ago, "You can try to plunder my lips but it won't be enough to turn me into your private fountain Andrea." He said with a playful roguish look, "I won't surrender that easily."
She tilted her head slightly in amusement at his banter. "Is that so?"

Little did Vanta know that there was a small hole in her leggings near her crotch; one little tear was all she needed. Just like a kiss, something small could turn into something much, much more. Andrea's hands withdrew from his arms and she knelt, raising herself up onto her knees in a wide stance. The light skin of her hands contrasted with the blue denim as she rubbed her thighs, looking for that particular spot. All the while, she maintained eye-contact and didn't speak a word of what she might do next. When she found it, she slipped a finger inside and hooked it.

Rip! Rip! Riiiip!
Her jeggings didn't stand a chance, and soon there was a jagged tear from her thigh to the crotch that left a wide opening. One could now see that she was wearing a pair of red, silky underwear, though perhaps his eyes would be distracted by the fact that she was now crawling back up to his face like a tiger stalking its prey. Andrea perched herself above him, her thighs on either side of his cheeks as she looked down imperiously.

"That mouth of yours seems to be lying whether you know it or not," she said with a twinkle of mirth in her eyes. "Such dishonest tongues need to be punished." Andrea hoped he realized that she was playing with him and not truly calling him a liar. She didn't want to upset him or make him think this was truly a punishment, so she hoped he would continue to catch on to the little act they were playing out.
Vanta watched mystified as Andrea took on an increasingly hungry look and tore open her own jeggings, revealing her panty-clad crotch, which, before he could even respond, soon found itself positioned right above his mouth.

"Mm mhat thoo" (is that so)." He tried to speak against her panties, only managing to mumble against her. Vanta was enjoying this play. He was tempted to play the resistant prisoner but his desire be intimate with Andrea, especially when she was so eager, easily outweighed that urge. He decided to fully enjoy this "punishment."

He mumbled against her panties some more, making more fake protestations while he breathed in her scent. His tentacles seemed to briefly stiffen as he let the intoxicating scent waft through his nostrils. Then Vanta put his tongue to use. He let his tongue lengthen and snake under her panties, parting them to the side as before letting his now snake-like protrusion lick her slit dutifully, savoring Andrea's nectar while a second, smaller tongue, similar to what he had done a few nights prior when he was in a feminine form, the second tongue encircled and ensnared Andrea's clit, licking it rapidly as his larger tongue searched and licked up and down and inside her labia and even into her vagina.

Vanta was in utter bliss at that moment, Andrea atop him, her soft thighs squishing his face, her nectar dribbling onto his tongue, that he didn't notice that two of the first tentacles to become aroused, which were mere feet away from Andrea were stiffening and beginning to throb as a desperate need to release overtook them.
She had expected for him to perhaps lick her pussy through her panties to start out, but it seemed he was intent on getting straight to business, and his business was pleasure. The first pass of his tongue on her clit made her simultaneously twitch and gasp, but then she settled back into place. How was he so good at this? He had been intuitive enough before his rebirth to eat her out better than a lot of people, but now it seemed like he was even more skilled, if possible.

Now that she wasn’t afraid of him and struggling to get away from those talented twin tongues, she found herself immensely turned on by them. Each time his long tongue would snake into her vagina she would moan, her breath coming heavy in order to keep her head throughout the onslaught of salacious sensation.

It didn't escape her notice that two of his tentacles seemed particularly close to the edge. Should she help him out, she mused to herself. There was no reason she shouldn't. After all, while they were engaged in this sort of role-play, it wasn't as though she couldn't decide that he was being good enough to merit a reward.

Each of them was on either side of her, so she figured she'd give him a hand in a most literally sense. Two hands, really.

Andrea leaned over and took one in hand and then the other. They almost slipped out of her grasp with how slick they were, but she managed to keep them in-hand. With that, she started to stroke them simultaneously, her hands massaging the two tentacle-cocks toward herself. If he shot out his load, they were aimed to spurt onto her chest and face. She didn't mind though- in fact, she thought it might be kind of hot to have him paint her with the evidence of his pleasure. They were supposed to be painting the walls, but her skin was as good a canvas as any.

What was it about the situation that made her so exhilarated? Perhaps it was that she was allowed to be playful with him. In high school, she was too awkward to be super playful like this, and Josh liked when she was playful and submissive, but he didn’t like her taking control at all. Andrea now found that while she liked relinquishing control and being seduced, she found it equally as pleasing to take the reins and exert her own will on her partner (consensually, of course).

To make Vanta shudder, to see the void lighten on his cheeks… it thrilled her and gave her a sense of power and pride.

"What was that you were saying about-ah!-not being my private fountain?" she asked cheekily, though a bit out of breath. "If I had to guess… you're mm… fit to burst any second now. All over me, in fact. Come on... You know you can't hold back for much longer."